Read Brechalon Page 14

  Modest Scriptures, The

  The life and teachings of Kafira Kristos make up the second half of the Kafirite scriptures, known as The Modest Scriptures (the first half is known as The Grand Scriptures). The Modest Scriptures contain 32 books, which are as follows: The Fall of King Magnus, The Gospel According to Admeta, The Gospel According to Bikendi, The Gospel According to Dante, The Prayers of Dante, The Gospel According to Ulixes, The Gospel According to Wiolet, The Epistles of Fantin the Elder, The Parable of Blood, The Epistles of Fantin the Younger, The Epistles of Julien, The Parable of Wind, The Epistles of March, The Parable of Magic, The Epistles of Raina, The Gospel of Egeria, Egeria's Epistles tot eh Dallarians, Egeria's Epistles to the Zaeri, Egeria's Epistle to the Rundarians, Egeria's Epistle to the Xygians, Egeria's Epistle to the Argrathians, Egeria's Epistle to the Pavir, Egeria's Epistle to the Ixec, Egeria's Epistle to the Zurians, Egeria's Epistle to Borazon, The Vision of Lamar, Egeria's Epistle to Lamar, Egeria's Epistle to Ulixes, The Lives of the Apostles, The Epistles of Ulixes, Ulixes's Torments, Ulixes's Revelations.

  Mont Dechantagne

  A large estate near Shopton, Brechalon, Mont Dechantagne is the traditional home of the Dechantagne family dating from their arrival in Greater Brechalon in the early 1200s.

  More Brech Stories

  A popular collection of short stories by Baumgarten Glines, and a quasi-sequel to Brech Stories.

  Morizu, King

  King Morizu was a Zur ruler and grandfather of Magnus the Great. He began the expansion of the Zur Empire that would eventually result in the conquest of the known world.

  Mormont, Colonel

  Colonel Mormont was the first Brech explorer of Mallon. His journals provide detailed accounts of the flora, fauna, and aboriginies of the region.

  Mrs. Fox

  A novel by Anapurna Sevo.

  Mrs. McKeeb's Big Book of Childhood Admonitions

  One of the most popular books in Brechalon for more than 100 years, Mrs. McKeebs is a compendium of short tales in which children defy authority in various ways, usually resulting in their horrible death, dismemberment, or at least disfigurement. Brech parents generally consider this required reading for all their children under 10 years of age.

  Music Box, Mechanical

  The mechanical music box became popular throughout Sumir after its invention by Brech entrepreneur Clert Mirsoff. Using wax cylinders, the music box can replicate music and spoken words, even sound effects. At a cost of less than 4 marks, the mechanical music box is far more popular than similar devices that work on magic.


  One of the major Freedonian cultural holidays, "The Night of the Flowers" is held each spring. A major part of the celebration is feasting and dancing, as well as bright colorful displays of flowers. Before bed on Nacht-der-Blumen-Fest, children place their shoes by the fireplace in hopes that they will be filled with candy by the flower sprites.


  Capital city of the Kingdom of Mirsanna. It is a major center of culture in the world, particularly of food and fashion. Built on a site inhabited since prehistoric times, the modern city of Natine was established in 590 with the construction of the iconic city walls.

  Nationalistische Demokraten

  A minority political party in Freedonia, the National Socialists are allied with the Reine Zauberei and their policies.


  Today the portion of Zaerphon which remained after -1800 is recognized as a separate culture and called Neo-Zaerphon, due to differences in art, science, and architecture. The Zaerphonians however considered themselves to be a continuation of the earlier society. The Zaeri religion became monolithic in Neo-Zaerphon, centered around the Temeple of Axemom.

  Neuschlindenmacht Castle

  A beautiful medieval castle in Freedonia, Neuschlindenmacht Castle was confiscated as by the Reine Zauberei and used as their headquarters.

  Nightmare Song

  A book-length poem by Delia Hume, Nighmare Song tells the story of a woman in search of the meaning of dreams.

  Night of the Snake

  A novel by Ebrahim Detsky, Night of the Snake tells the story of twelve travelers who spend the night in a roadside in.

  No Ghost Out Tonight

  No Ghost Out Tonight is an outdoor game played by children in Brechalon. One player is designated the ghost. The rest of the players form a line and place their hands on either side of their eyes to act as blinders. The ghost then hides while the other players walk a designated path through the garden chanting "No ghosts out tonight" over and over. At some point the ghost pops out and touches one of the other players who then becomes the new ghost


  Novuary is the ninth month in the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Novuary 28th is the first day of Fall. Novuary 4th is the birthday of Iolanthe Dechantagne.

  Numateme, The

  An artifact left by the people of Ancient Bormass, the Numateme is an entire mountain carved into the shape of a lion. It is located in modern Freedonai near the city of L?westadt.


  Nutooka is a small city in northern Enclep, with a native population of perhaps twenty thousand living in homes made of bamboo and palm fronds. Its only roads are winding pathways of dirt filled with rickshaws, carts pulled along by oxen, and in a few cases by large pigs, and native women carrying bundles upon their shoulders. The Brechalon Royal Navy maintains a deepwater port in Nutooka.


  Numis is a country in southern Sumir. Numis was a province of Pavir that became independent in 1011. Numis is an enemy of Camora and is allied with Freedonia.


  One of the largest cities of Neo-Zaerphon, as well as capital from -1700 to -1120, Nurix is best known as the location of the Temple of Axemom. The city was destroyed by the Rundarians in year 88.

  Obscured by the Sand

  The best known novel of Augustus Patrylla.


  Octuary is the eighth month of the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Terrence Dechantagne was born in Octuary.


  A Zaeri holiday, seldom celebrated in Brechalon but still common in other countries, Oddyndessen is a remembrance of the scriptural hero Odessah who set out on a journey around the world at the command of God. This journey is recounted in the Book of Odyssey in the Grand Scriptures.

  Ode to Celebration

  Ode to Celebration in C major, written in 1842, is one of the best known of the pieces of classical music. At weddings in Brechalon, this piece is commonly used as a recessional.

  Old City, The

  The central part of Brech City, The Old City consists of large marble and stone buildings constructed between 1,000 and 300 years ago. The relatively small population of The Old City (about 600,000) is largely venerable and affluent families and tradesmen who operate businesses in the area.

  Old Prophets, The

  The Old Prophets is the fourth book of the Holy Scriptures of the Zaeri (known as the Grand Scriptures to Kafirites). It deals with the lives of ancient Zaeri prophets and their pronouncements. Zeah quotes The Old Prophets Chapter 26, Verse 3: "Fear neither dragon nor storm."


  Originally a mountain people, the Olgon conquered first the Driconda and then their neighbors, creating an empire two thousand miles long. Between -2100 and -1300, the Olgon built commercial centers around huge pyramids dedicated to their gods. The practice of bloody sacrifice led to their overthrow by subject races.


  Omris was one of a pantheon of gods worshipped by the ancient Argrathians. Originally a death god, Omris evolved over time to a resurrection deity. The cult of Omris was surpassed by that of Sirris long before the Zaeri religion was brought to Argrathia.

  On the Rails

  On the Rails is a book by Mirsannan writer Corrina Orendia. I
t tells the story of Brech railroad moguls and was published in Brech before being translated by the author to Mirsannan.

  Orendia, Corrina

  A Mirsannan writer.


  Ornithomimus is a large Birmisian bird. It is characterized by feet with three weight-bearing toes, long slender arms, and a long neck. It has an elongated, toothless, beaked skull. Ornithomimus is bipedal and superficially resembls ostriches. They are swift runners.

  Oxenbourse, Lord

  Lord Oxenbourse was a title granted to Mr. Robert Pine in 1822 for heroic defense of the Kingdom in the naval engagement at the Battle of Mulien. Upon his death, without heirs, the title was returned to the King, and was never granted again. A statue of Lord Oxenbourse stands above a fountain on Avenue Dragon.

  Osprey, S.S.

  One of a number of passenger/cargo ships making the run from Brechalon to Birmisia.


  A kingdom of souther Sumir from about 800 to till 1864, Oster combined the cultures of Argrathia and Pavir. In 1864, Lower Pavir (now known simply as Pavir) joined with Oster to become Pavir-Oster.

  Palace Eidenia

  The Palace Eidenia is a beautiful royal residence just north of Saint Admeta Park in Brech City. It is the traditional home of the Princess Royal. It was the home of Princess Aarya (the younger sister of King Tybalt III) from 1881 to her death1886. Since that time, it has remained empty.

  Pale Sun

  A book by Geert Resnick, Pale Sun is far less popular than his other book-The Magic Whale. Though a children's book, it was banned in Freedonia for allegedly anti-Freedonian political ideas.


  One of the largest creatures in Birmisia, the paralatitan weighs up to 60 tons. It is a long-necked long-tailed creature that feeds of the immense redwoods. It can be found both near the coast and deeper inland.


  A small bipedal herbivorous dinosaur found in Birmisia, the parksosaurus stands about two and a half feet tall and is about ten feet long. Though not believed to be related, they strongly resemble the much larger iguanodons.

  Parnorsham's Pfennig Store

  For some time, Parnorsham's Pfennig Store was the only retail outlet in Birmisia. Like similar pfennig stores throughout the empire of Greater Brechalon, Parnorshams carries notions, stationary, toys, small hardware, small sports equipment, and some canned and packaged foods. Originally founded by Herbert Parnorsham, the business was passed to his nephew Oswald Delks upon his retirement.

  Patrylla, Augustus

  A modern Brech author.

  Parvis, Cathal

  A contemporary Brech author, Cathal Parvis is best known for light-hearted stories with simple morals.


  Pavir was a successor state to Magnus's Empire of the Zur. Originally covering most of central Sumir, about 500, Pavir split into Upper and Lower Pavir. By 1081, Upper Pavir had become the Kingdoms of Sapira and Esseria. In 1864, Lower Pavir (now known simply as Pavir) joined with neighbor Oster to become Pavir-Oster. Porcelain from the early period of Pavir (500-700) is highly sought-after and expensive.


  Pentuary is the fifth month of the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days.


  Established in 1460, as the capital of the Kingdom of Rivven, Perfico is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Under the rule of Akkas-Miza since the early 1800s, Perfico continues to be a center of trade and culture.

  Petitt Elvert

  An island in the channel between Brechalon and Mirsanna, Petitt Elvert has long been claimed by both countries, and emigrants from both countries have settled there. Brechalon has controlled the island and the waters around it for more than 200 years, and Mirsanna has never really had the island in its possession.

  Pfennig, Brech

  The Pfennig is a unit of Brech money equal to 1/100 mark. In modern Brechalon, coins are minted in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 pfennigs, as well as a mark coin and a gold decimark. The modern 1 pfennig coin features an image of King Tybalt on the obverse.

  Pigeon Guillemot, S.S.

  A medium-sized, not particularly seaworthy steamship, the S.S. Pigeon Guillemot was originally a Mirsannan freighter, but was put into service transporting refugee Zaeri Freedonians to Birmisia.

  Pilgrimage into Danger

  An alegorical novel by Delia Hume in which animal characters representing various parts of the human soul must navigate the dangers which metaphorically represent growth and maturity.

  Pith Helmet

  The pith helmet (also known as the safari helmet or sun helmet) is a lightweight cloth-covered helmet made of cork or pith. Designed to shade the wearer's head and face from the sun, pith helmets were often worn by Brechs and Freedonians in the tropics, but have also been used in other contexts.

  Plagues in Brick Towers

  A novel by Samson Whitney


  The Polacanthus is a dinosaur common to the much of Birmisia. They grow grow to between 12 to 15 feet in length. The polacanthus is quadrupedal, and about four feet high at the shoulder. They are heavily-built with pointy spines poking out at forty five degree angles right and left from the top of their neck to their mid-back for protection, and an armored rear hip.


  A small town in the Duchy of Regencia and home to the University of the same name.

  Ponte-a-Verne, University of

  The University of Ponte-a-Verne, located in the Duchy of Regencia, is one of Greater Brechalon's most prestigious universities. It is well known for its research department. Professor Merced Calliere was a tenured teacher at Ponte-a-Verne prior to his move to Birmisia.

  Portrait of Kafira Kristos

  A book about the life of Kafira Kristos by medieval writer Kenitra Madoff.

  Potatoes Kasselburg

  Named for the city in western Freedonia, Potatoes Kasselburg is a spicy dish of potatoes baked in a cream sauce with onions and pepper.

  Potter's Field

  The location just outside of Brech City proper where the poor and unknown are buried.

  Prayerful Readings

  A book of religious poems and essays by medieveal writer Kenitra Madoff.

  Prescott Agency, The

  The Prescott Agency is located on Avenue Boar in Brech City. They supply servants of aristocratic Brech families including the Dechantagnes.


  The primary clerical position in the Church of Kafira, priests often have potent magic that is used to heal or defend their flocks.

  Prime Minister, Brech

  The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon is the most senior minister of cabinet in the executive branch of government in the Brech parliamentary system. The Prime Minister selects and may dismiss other members of the cabinet, and allocates posts to members within the government, subject only to the approval of the King. The prime minister is the presiding member and chairman of the cabinet. It is the duty of the Prime Minister to execute the directives of the King, who is the head of state.

  Prince Clitus Avenue

  A secondary street in Brech City, Prince Clitus Avenue is south of Hexagon Park, perpendicular to Prince Tybalt Boulevard. It is home to small shops and three and four story apartment buildings. Zurfina makes a home on Prince Clitus Avenue prior to leaving Brech City for Birmisia, by taking over an abandoned storefront.

  Prince Tybalt Boulevard

  A Major Street in Brech City, Prince Tybalt Boulevard runs north and south along the western edge of Hexagon park, perpendicular to Avenue Phoenix. Zurfina had lodgings on Prince Tybalt Boulevard prior to her imprisonment at Schwarztogrube.

  Prince Tybalt Chair

  A stylish wooden chair with a cushioned seat and back, the Prince Tybalt Chair was originally designed durning the reign of King Tybalt I, and was named for his son, who would go on to be King
Tybalt II.

  Prince Tybalt's Scepter

  A book by Orion Weevoc.

  Princess Aarya Boulevard Station

  The main train station in Brech City, Princess Aarya Boulevard City Station sees trains from all over Brechalon arriving daily. Four blocks north of the Great Plaza, Marcourt Station is sometimes simply referred to a "the great station." It appears from its front fa?ade to be a large two story building, but stretches out hundreds of yards from the street.

  Privilege and Sacrifice

  A long novel by Kasia Garstone, Privilege and Sacrifice tells the story of several generations of an aristocratic Brech family and the servents who live among them.


  Profanity is a subset of language that includes references that are crude or blasphemous. Much of the profanity of Greater Brechalon focuses on Kafira Kristos. It includes "Kafira" or "Kafira Kristos" used as an expletive, "Kafira damn it," "Kafira's tit," and perhaps the wost epithet "Kafira's bloody twat."

  Prudence Plus

  Prudence Plus is the largest manufacturer of ladies' undergarments in the United Kingdom of Greater Brechalon. One of their top selling items is the Fairy Bust Form Corset.

  Pursuit of Perfection, The

  The most popular novel by Dillan Westmacott.


  Quaduary is the fourth month of the modern reformed calendar. Like all the months except Hamonth, it has 30 days. Quaduary 1st is Senta Bly's birthday.