Read Broken Page 4

  ''My apartment is not a shitty hole,'' Ada put in with a fierce look.

  Charles chuckled. ''Ok, maybe you are right.'' He said unconvincingly. ''Besides you don't seemed to mind when you moved in with Ade and me back in our University days. It will just be the same experience, you and me minus Ade, it will be fun.'' He said excitedly.

  Oops. She had indeed moved in with him and Ade when they were still in school but that was before she started seeing him as more than a friend, and of all the reasons she had gathered, this was far from what she had ever thought. ''As good as that sound, I should probably contemplate it. That was the best time in college, I was so happy living with my best friends.'' She said with a smile pasted on her face, reminiscing the good old times.

  ''It was perfect then,'' Charles put in.

  For now she would go with that, living with him again might prove to be a smart move on her part. However this time she intends to make sure he falls in love with her also. ''We would have to tell your brother and his fianc?e, we should tell them now.'' She suggested.

  ''Girlfriend,'' he corrected.

  Ada giggled. ''Whatever you wish to call it,'' She stood up and held out a hand to him. ''Come on,''

  Charles took her hand and smiled at her. ''You won't regret this,'' he murmured.

  ''I hope so.'' She replied.

  Henrie and Richard were still cuddled on the Couch. ''I want us to get married this year Henrie. I don't know why you are insisting it is too soon.'' Richard whined.

  ''Getting married to you will be the best thing to ever happen to me, I already told you that. I didn't just fall from the sky Richard, I have family and I can't give myself to you in marriage. We should go see my family members, I already told you that.'' She repeated what she had kept telling him in other words for the past ten minutes.

  ''But none of your family members live in this State.'' He pointed out.

  Your mother doesn't live in this State either but she didn't tell him that. Henrie is the only one in Kwara State and has been since her parents died. She had been born in Lagos and had lived there almost her teenage life. She had moved to Kwara when she got offered admission in the University and had been in Kwara ever since unless on the rare times she had gone back to visit her Uncle and his family in Lagos. ''Then we will have to go to Lagos.'' She offered. She can't even think of getting married without having her Uncle's blessings.

  ''I guess we will have to.'' Richard succumbed. ''I can't think of anything better than getting married to you.'' He said indulgently.

  Henrie laughed. ''I am so happy, I can't remember being so happy like this for so long.'' She said sincerely.

  Richard gave her a guilty look. ''I am sorry for causing you so much pain Henrie, I only hope you will allow me to cover up for my lapses.'' He said solemnly.

  ''You are here now and that is all that matters.''

  He pulled her snugly into his arms. ''Thank you Henrie for everything,'' He said and laid his head on hers.

  ''Isn't this pleasant?'' Charles said sourly.

  Henrie made to pull away but Richard won't let her. ''You get a problem brother with this marriage that is your business not mine.'' He said sharply.

  Charles' muscles tensed, anger rolling off him in waves. Ada nudged him and he relaxed after giving her a scowl. He watched Henrie who was obviously trying to believe he is invisible. ''Congratulations brother, I hope the love lasts.'' He said sarcastically.

  Ada gave him a jab in the sides. ''I'm sorry, he doesn't mean that.'' She tried to apologize for him.

  Richard smiled at her. ''I am just finding it hard to know the reason why he is so concerned about my relationship with Henrie.''

  ''What is that supposed to mean?'' Charles snapped.

  Richard disregarded him. ''I don't want to fight with you tonight.''

  ''Won't you tell them about me moving in?'' Ada rose on her toes and whispered in his ear.

  ''I don't have to explain anything to them.'' He said loudly.

  Henrie watched the two curiously. What are they talking about?

  Finally, Charles turned to them, his arm around Ada as he brought her close to himself. ''You have delivered your news, I have one to deliver myself.'' His arm tightened around her and pulled her closer. ''Ada is moving in with me.'' He announced.

  Henrie was speechless. She looked from one to the other, while Charles looked smug, Ada looked uncertain, as if expecting Richard to object. They are indeed dating after all. She didn't know what to say so she kept quiet.

  ''I told you so didn't I?'' Richard said to Henrie.

  Henrie knew what he was referring to, so she just smiled and nodded. ''Yes you did.'' She acquiesced.

  ''That is perfect,'' Richard said before turning to look at Henrie. ''you don't have a problem with her staying here do you?''

  Actually I do, Henrie thought, but instead she shook her head. ''Of course not, I am okay with it.'' She said with a fake sincerity.

  Charles scoffed. ''As if I need your permissions,'' He tugged on Ada. ''We will get your things tomorrow.'' He drew her away from the room as Ada said ''Good night'' over her shoulders. ''You will sleep in my room tonight.''

  Ada didn't argue with him as he thought she would and he was glad.

  Ada sat on the floor in her apartment with her friends seated around her. She had talked Charles into allowing her this last night in her room before she moved to his place. Tomorrow morning while she would be at work he would have her things moved to his place. She had invited her friends to come spend the night with her.

  The TV was on but none was paying any attention to it. ''This is your big chance and I am glad you are smart enough to grab it.'' Her friend Ini said.

  ''I know but I am still worried,'' she said.

  ''Worried about what? What is there to worry about?'' Ini wanted to know.

  ''She has every right to be worried. I would be worried if it is me and I am still telling you not to move in with him.'' Bisi said.

  Ini waved away her words with a flick of her fingers. ''Listen to yourself Bisi, why won't she move in with him. The guy practically begged her to do so and you are finding it inappropriate? Grow up girl.'' Ini said with a roll of her eyes.

  ''Bisi is right,'' Genevieve said. ''You guys are not even dating. Moving in with him is going to pass the wrong message across to others.''

  ''I don't know why you girls can't tell that this is Charles' way of committing to Ada." What else is there to show you that he is in love with her? He wouldn't ask her to move in with him if he doesn't have feelings for her.'' Ini said, trying to make them see things from her own perspective. A guy just doesn't ask a girl to move in with him if he doesn't have any ulterior motive and in this case, the ulterior motive is getting into a relationship with Ada. ''Do you think he would allow her to move in with him if he has a girlfriend?''

  ''If you put it that way it is understandable but we really don't know how he feels for Ada.'' Bisi explained. ''Has he made any remarks or any move to suggest he might be interested in more than friendship?''

  Ada shook her head. ''None that I can think of,''

  ''You said his brother is getting married to his girlfriend right?'' when Ada nodded Ini continued. ''You can also have your own happy ending.'' Ini took her hands, forcing her to look up at her. ''I wouldn't even be saying this if I don't know you really love Charles and as a friend I want this to work out for you. What if you refuse him and he finds someone else, how would you feel knowing that things might have been different if you had tried? Moving in with him is you trying to make something out of your friendship. It never hurts to try Ada, and if it doesn't work out the way you want at least you would know you tried.''

  Genevieve and Bisi nodded in agreement. ''That is true but I want you to promise me that the moment you realizes that he isn't in love with you the way you are with him you will leave him and start afresh.'' Genevieve said.

  Ini looked shocked. ''I can't believe you just said that Genevieve.
You are supposed to be encouraging her not giving her doubts.'' She said chidingly.

  Ada smiled. ''Thank you all, I'm happy you are all here for me tonight. Like you have all said, I am hoping he would have feelings for me the way I have for him and I really want this to work out, but if it doesn't I can't say I will give up without a fight but I will try to accept it. I just wish he will love me back.''

  The three girls moved to her and cling. ''Don't worry Ada, I'm sure everything will work out just fine.'' Bisi said reassuringly.

  ''Thanks girls,'' With her friends she has nothing to worry about.

  Chapter Five

  Henrie was bored senseless. She had no idea how to pass her day now that she is out of job. Richard had told her he doesn't want her working anymore and since he seems happy these days she is not in any position to complain. Apart from her getting bored, she is happy. Richard has changed and he hasn't raised a voice to her for the past few weeks, her only problem however is Ada's presence. Henrie doesn't know why but she doesn't feel comfortable with her presence and the girl is content with just talking to her only when it is absolutely necessary, which thankfully Henrie doesn't mind.

  She greeted the gateman and gave him Oranges which he had asked her to buy for him. She likes been the housewife now.

  ''Thank you Miss Henrie,'' Audu's smile was huge and infectious.

  Henrie smiled back at him and hid a groan when she saw Big Mummy standing outside her flat. ''Good afternoon Big Mummy,'' she greeted with a huge fake smile.

  Big Mummy walked closer to her and that was when she realized she had something in her hand. She peered curiously at the covered dish in her hand as she walked closer to the woman. ''Rita, I have been waiting for you.'' As if I don't know, Henrie thought.

  Big mummy extended the dish to her. ''I was home all day baking these,'' she gestured at the covered dish.

  Henrie didn't bother opening it. ''Thank you Ma,'' she knew there is something behind her sudden neighborly act.

  ''Congratulations,'' she ploughed in into what Henrie had suspected was her ulterior motive. ''I saw Ada moving in two weeks ago. I have always known she would be the one to capture Charles's heart. I am pretty fond of that boy, not that I dislike Richard,'' she gave her a small smile. ''I am just excited that he is finally getting married.'' She said with glee, obviously pleased with herself for forecasting this piece of news.

  She raked her eyes over Henrie's hand, taking notice of the ring Richard bought her for the engagement. ''Wow Henrie, when are you going to tell me that Richard proposed to you? This is great news, I just hope you will let us know on time about choosing the Aso Ebi.''

  Who said anything about getting married? She hasn't even been able to pick a wedding date yet and Big Mummy is already thinking of handling the Clothes for the occasion. ''We will let you know when we pick the date.'' She didn't find it necessary to tell her that Charles and Ada are not engaged.

  She had to endure few minutes of gossip before she politely excused herself. Henrie really finds it difficult to talk to others about her personal life, Big Mummy's behaviour also seem odd to her and she couldn't even understand why she found it incumbent to poke her nose in others' affairs.

  She deposited the bags in her hand on the Kitchen counter and stocked everything in their rightful places in the cupboards. She hummed to herself as she tidied the kitchen. At least she is doing something to keep herself from boredom.

  She knew it is too early to start dinner and talking about dinner she doesn't feel comfortable sharing the kitchen with Ada and she really wouldn't want to cook for Ada, so she has stopped cooking for Charles also, Ada can take care of her boyfriend's meals and she will take care of hers.

  She went to the living room and sat down on the floor amidst piles of movies. She really couldn't decide which one she should watch as she had watched almost all of them and watching movies all alone is not one of her enjoyable things.

  After much consideration she settled for her favourite movie. While the credits began to roll she went to the bedroom to retrieve her laptop. She logged into her Google account to check for her emails while watching the movie at the same time. She is meeting with her friends after Church tomorrow and finally she feels like she is catching up on all she has been missing while she was still working, but is seating home all day worth it? She might as well have lost her CV.

  Charles is still not talking to her and frankly she wouldn't blame him, he just doesn't know much about the matters of the heart, how Ada could cope with him is still a puzzle to her.

  The previous day Richard had come home early to take her cloth shopping and she couldn't be much happier, not about the money he was spending but about the fact that he cares, she is finally getting the old Richard back and she really couldn't be much happier. Getting married to him will be dream come true for her.

  Henrie lost track of time until Ada came home and that was when she realizes that it is late, she ought to have started preparing dinner. She hasn't found it necessary to know what kind of job she is doing and the girl herself wasn't forthcoming with dispensing information which suits Henrie just fine. They greeted each other warmly, just about the only thing they agreed on. Ada headed to her bedroom and Henrie couldn't help but wonder why Ada and Charles are not living in the same room. She had started staying with Richard in his room the second she moved in there two years ago. Why Ada and Charles are living a room apart is beyond her, if indeed they are dating each other as their living arrangement suggested. That is really their business and she have better things to do than meddling in others' affairs, not that either of them would have appreciated her nosiness, Charles in particular, but Henrie has never been an interfering Busy-Body and she is not ready to become one now. She and Ada cooking at the same time means they have to share the space and each will use one section of the Gas cooker.

  They said as little as possible to each other and they both cleaned the kitchen when they were done. Henrie returned to her movie and slumped down on the Sofa, Ada did the same and both watched the movie until Charles arrived.

  Henrie tensed when the door opened and Charles entered but as usual he ignored her and she relaxed, that obviously means she shouldn't waste her time greeting him. He greeted Ada warmly before going to his bedroom. Seriously the guy should have a life. He goes to his Chamber every morning, comes back in the evening and pretty much stay indoors until the next morning, thereby repeating his schedule all over again. Who does that? She knew he have a friend named Ade but she has never met the guy and apart from Ada she can't really say she know any other friends of his. Being a Lawyer is boring itself but he should make efforts to loosen up. Which Lawyer goes to his chamber on Saturdays? Charles does on few Saturdays which are so ridiculous.

  Ada's phone rings beside her and as she picks it Henrie tried not to listen in on her conversation, but she isn't deaf.

  ''Ini, how are you?'' Pause, ''really, you think so?'' she cast a furtive glance at Henrie before standing up and heading to the kitchen to resume her conversation and Henrie really doesn't mind.

  Charles came back while Ada was still receiving a phone call and he sat down on the farthest seat away from Henrie, fiddling with his phone. She really wished Ada will come back soon and she wouldn't be alone in his uncomfortable presence anymore.

  Ada came out and sat beside him, saying something in his ear. He looked surprised but eventually he nodded and smile at her while patting her head. Ada laughed and she went into the kitchen while Charles left to sit at the dining chairs and she brought his dinner for him and herself. Ada sat beside him while they ate. ''The girls wants you and I to meet with them tonight.''

  ''Can't they just come here? It will be so much fun if they can all come here.'' He really doesn't feel like going out tonight. ''I can go pick up some things, maybe you can do barbecue and you will have your girls night here.'' He suggested.

  Ada rolled her eyes. ''They just want to get to know you is all.''

know me Ada, what else is there to know?'' He held her hand. ''I really won't mind them coming here, we can have a party and I haven't been to one in the last few years. This proves to be interesting.'' He said giddily. It wouldn't hurt to have a party here. The compound is big enough and she can bring her friends.

  Ada sighed. ''What will the party be about then? We can't just have a party because we want to. What will we be celebrating?''

  ''Get together with friends. We can invite our old school friends, your friends, my colleagues, anyone.'' He offered.

  ''But we can't get that done in a day Charles, we will have to invite them first that is if we are doing it.''

  Charles shrugged. ''Do whatever you want. If you want us to go meet your friends fine and if you want them to come here I already told you I don't mind.''

  Ada stood up. ''I will talk to them,'' she said before disappearing inside the kitchen again.

  She held the phone away from her ear when Ini squealed and assured her they have no problem coming there tonight, this is what they want, and Ada should see it as a welcoming party for herself. She decided to fix the Barbeque at 8:30pm which Ini readily agreed for the others.

  ''They will be here, 8:30.'' She slid back into her seat and Charles nodded.

  Henrie was surprised when Ada and Charles got ready to go out. She didn't say anything to either of them but maybe they are going out on a date which is just okay with her. At last she would have the house to herself until her Richard arrives.

  ''I don't think she likes me.'' Charles knew who she was talking about so he didn't say anything for a few seconds. ''Why would you think that? He asked without looking away from the road.

  Ada shifted in her seat. ''She rarely speaks to me.''

  ''As far as I can see you don't talk to her either.'' His tone was accusing.

  Ada looked sideways at him. ''What is that supposed to mean Charles? She makes it obvious that she doesn't like me and you expect me to be cordial with her?''

  ''I don't need you both behaving like rivals in the house because you are not. You do not make an attempt to be nice to her and you expect her to be nice to you? You have to make her feel it is important to be friendly with you.''