Read Broken Page 5

  ''But you don't talk to her.'' She snapped.

  ''Me not talking to her doesn't mean I am being malicious. I am a guy Ada and we guys don't find malice amusing as you girls does.'' He gentled his voice. ''Henrie is shy and she is the type that doesn't easily mingle with people. If you want her to be your friend you have to make the effort and if you don't want that then it's really none of my business.'' He pulled into the Shopping mall. ''Should we buy beef or chicken for the barbeque?''

  Ada ignored him and opened the door, slamming it. She walked briskly ahead of him without waiting for him to catch up.

  Charles wondered why she is so concerned about Henrie. He is not about to get concerned with the tense atmosphere between them, they should fix it or leave it. He is only doing this because of Ada, having guests in his house is not something he is looking forward to but he is just doing it to keep her happy. What else can a man do?


  There was a knock on the door and Henrie opened it, surprised to find three girls in the doorway each with a huge grin. ''Hi,'' she held opened the door, looking them over. The three girls are as different as morning, day and night.

  The first is dark with a dimple in her left cheek. She has a round face and a slightly protruding lip which looks good on her. Her hair was long and she combed it to perfection so that it is slightly brushing her shoulders. The next is taller than the first with hawk like nails and make up too much for night, who is watching her at this time? The third one is about the same height with the first. She braided her hair with attachment and she looks as slim as the others, her fixed eyelashes are too long though which really did something horrible for her otherwise pretty features.

  ''How can I help you?'' she finally remembered she has to stop ogling the girls.

  The prettiest one smiled again, her dimple showing. ''We are here to see Ada and her boyfriend Charles.'' She extended her hand to Henrie. ''I am Ini and you must be Henrie, Richard's fianc?e.''

  Henrie nodded and let them in while she closed the door. ''Please sit.'' She gestured to the seat and switched off her laptop before turning to them. ''I am sorry but you will have to wait for them. They left the house some time ago.''

  ''Of course we don't mind.'' Ini said with a bright smile. ''Ada never told us you are so pretty. I like your hairstyle and you really look like a model.'' She gushed.

  Henrie smiled. ''Thank you,'' Are the others deaf or dumb?

  ''This is Genevieve,'' Ini indicated to the heavily made up girl. ''and that is Bisi.''


  The two girls greeted her warmly and she replied with equal warmth. Ada herself might be bitchy but her friends are more accommodating. ''What should I get you?'' she stood up.

  Ini waved her hand. ''You don't have to. We are actually here for a barbeque.''


  ''Ada and Charles invited us.'' The long lashed girl Bisi put in.

  ''Oh,'' she sat down back. ''They should be back soon.''

  The three of them were still conversing when a car pulled up out front. ''That must be them,'' The door opened and Richard came in. Henrie quickly stood up and took his medical bag from him. ''Hi,'' she hugged him but he was looking over her head at the three ladies who were standing now. Sensing his obvious distraction, Henrie decide to make introductions. ''Those are Ada's friends, Ini, Genevieve and Bisi,'' she gestured to each lady. ''This is my boyfriend Richard.''

  The girls all greeted him and he replied them. He wrapped an arm around her and they headed into their bedroom. ''Where is Ada and Charles? His car is not parked outside.'' He took off his suit jacket with his back turned to her.

  Henrie sat on the bed. ''They are out but the ladies said they invited them over for barbeque.''

  ''Charles? Barbeque? '' he sounded incredulous. ''I will love to see that.'' He chuckled to himself.

  Henrie waited for him until he showered and wore a gray pant. ''Since we are having company and having a barbeque you should probably change your attire.'' He sat down on the bed beside her as he pulled on a black t shirt over his head.

  Henrie looked down at herself. She had on a loose jean trouser and a baggy top. ''What is wrong with this?''

  Richard stood up and went to her wardrobe, rummaging through her clothes. ''Wear this.'' He laid the clothes beside her.

  Henrie watched him leave before looking down at the clothes laid out beside her on the bed. He had chosen a knee-length tight jean for her and an equally snug polo shirt.

  She really doesn't want to change her clothe, and what would the girls think if they saw her with a change of clothe? She peeled off her dress and changed into the outfit he had laid out for her. She entered the living room again, feeling self-conscious. She managed a thin smile at the girls. Richard held out a hand to her and she took it, falling on his lap.

  ''I really won't miss Charles trying to be sociable.'' He whispered into her ear

  She really couldn't wait to see that too. Charles has always been a quiet guy, laid back and responsible, too responsible. He has a fixed schedule and Ada is just about the only person to make him human. She has tried asking Richard why he and his brother are not on good terms but each time she asks he is always ready to tell her there is no problem between his brother and himself which is really ridiculous as anyone could tell their relationship is strained.

  She really wants to see the carefree Charles, even if it is for a day.

  The sound of Charles pulling in outside got the attention of everyone and Henrie could see the excitement of the ladies. Seems it is not just her and Richard that are eager for this.

  The door opened and Charles came in with shopping bags, Ada behind him holding a bag as they pushed through the doorway.

  ''I am so sorry I kept you all waiting.'' She apologized as soon as she came back from the kitchen when she and Charles had dropped the bags.

  Ini was too excited to feel angry. ''It doesn't matter, you are here now. Hi, Charles,''

  Charles nodded at her. ''We will take this outside. I will get the grill.''

  Half an hour later, all of them are seated outside, all talking rapidly and excitedly except Henrie who has no idea why she couldn't join in an engaging conversation. Even Richard seems to be enjoying himself.

  It's quite obvious the ladies are enjoying themselves. Very soon the barbecue is ready and Henrie heaved a sigh of relief, finally they can all keep quiet as they eat and thus she wouldn't feel bad not conversing with anyone.

  Richard asked beside her. ''Are you okay or are you coming up with something?''

  Henrie quickly shook her head. The last thing she wants tonight is Richard trying to give her a check-up. ''I'm okay,'' she hopes she sounds believable.

  Richard seems to be okay with her reply as he didn't press her further on the issue. Frankly she must admit that Charles makes a mean Barbecue, she smiled to herself.

  ''Nobody told me a party is going on here tonight.''

  Everyone turned to see Big Mummy trudging towards them. Uh oh.

  The woman trekked on. ''This is just the kind of gathering I liked.'' She took in the faces of everyone, four known three unknown. ''Everyone calls me Big Mummy,'' she directed at the three women.

  The women greeted her politely and she took a seat beside Ada. ''I hope I am not interrupting anything?'' her smile was infectious.

  ''Not at all,'' the others easily agreed.

  ''Hi Charles, it's been so long I saw you.'' Henrie could tell she was trying to hook her fangs in Charles tonight and she wondered how he would extricate himself.

  Charles shrugged. ''I have been around.''

  ''I am actually here to wish you boys my congratulations.'' The boys in question looked at her confusedly. ''I heard you boys are getting married.'' Wherever she heard that no one knows.

  ''Married?'' Charles squeaked, a sound Henrie has never heard him make. Richard on the other hand laughed quietly to himself. ''You are right, Henrie and I are getting married.''

wondered if Richard had been the one to tell her they are getting married because she hasn't told her.

  ''I am glad. I am so happy the two of you are finally taking that step. It is really against the norms for a girl to get pregnant before getting married you know, but you children of nowadays doesn't bother to abide by those rules.''

  Richard laughed. ''Believe me, Henrie can't get pregnant unless I want her to.'' To prove his point he kissed her in front of everyone, much to the delight of the nosy old bird.

  Henrie could feel her cheeks burning in embarrassment. She couldn't even raise her head to see the expression on the others' faces. Does Richard have to table out their sexual relationship?

  ''I am a Doctor you know.''

  Henrie wanted to go inside and locked herself inside the room until she could get over her mortification which is not going to be anytime soon as she knew full well that Charles and Ada heard what Richard said.

  ''I have always been hoping for Ada to move in and I am exhilarated she did just that, a woman shouldn't stay away from her man for so long unless she wants those thin legged girls to snatch him up from her and I assure you Charles is a nice catch.'' She continued, seemingly oblivious to Charles' tensed features.

  ''They are the perfect couple.'' Henrie doesn't have to look up to know it was Ini.

  ''They are. She is such a lucky girl.''

  Ada looked to Charles but she realized he had a faraway look to him and he doesn't seem happy, so she said nothing. Better for everyone except her friends to believe she and Charles are dating.

  As the night progressed Henrie got more uncomfortable. Humiliating remarks keeps coming towards her by none other than Richard himself who believes he is showing her off. The most humiliating of all was when Big Mummy was trying to give marriage counseling, Richard had been so quick to remark how much she satisfies him.

  ''Henrie is a rare breed of a woman, she does exactly as I says, doesn't disobey me and she always tries to please me. That is an example of a good woman. I know I won't regret marrying her. She quitted her job just to play housewife, the way I wanted. We are really preparing to get married.''

  At that moment she had wanted the ground to open and swallow her up. She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. She really wanted to get off his lap but his arms wound tight around her showcasing his possessiveness. She hasn't quitted her job to play housewife, he was the one who told his friend she was not working anymore.

  The others are talking, all except Charles and her. He had grown so silent that she had dared a look in his direction because she thought he's gone but there he was, looking angry as ever.

  Big Mummy was probing Ada details about herself and her family. She thinks it is a good thing the two of them are getting married despite being from different races, that to her is a fantastic way of unity.

  ''Rita is a jewel but I think she should loosen up more,'' She gave her opinion about Henrie. By loosening up she probably meant that she should be eager to pour out her secrets to her so that she could lay it out on the table for all to listen to.

  Charles stood up. ''What she is and what she is not is none of your business.'' He snapped at the woman, his eyes smoldering in anger. ''Me getting married or not is not your business either and I will appreciate it if you will keep your opinion about Ada and myself to yourself, the same way you will do to Henrie's affairs.'' His outburst surprised everyone before he pushed off his seat and stalked inside, all eyes on his retreating form.

  Once he was out of view all attention drifted to Henrie and she shifted uncomfortably on Richard's knees. She had no idea why Charles had yelled at the woman not that she doesn't deserves it but he is usually the quiet type. She could feel the suspicious look in Genevieve's eyes while Bisi and Ini exchanged glances with Ada.

  Big mummy's barbeque must have felt bitter in her mouth as she stood up. She didn't bid anyone farewell and no one seemed to notice.

  ''She really does deserve that,'' Bisi stated as soon as she was out of earshot.

  ''She does,'' Ini agreed.

  Richard dislodged Henrie from his lap. She knew he was going to talk to Charles and she really wasn't looking forward to been there when that happens.

  The five girls were all alone and Henrie felt tongue tied. She has been surprised when he took up her cause while her boyfriend had looked on, but she hasn't expected to feel guilty.

  ''I'm sorry about that,'' she finally managed. She doesn't even know why she is apologizing.

  Ada shrugged as if what had happened hasn't been rubbing her off the wrong way. She had expected Charles to say something about their relationship, especially since his brother, Henrie and Big Mummy seems to believe she and he are in a relationship, but he hasn't made a comment and she had been secretly happy with that, but all of a sudden Big Mummy talks about Henrie and he suddenly sees red. What is the deal between him and Henrie by the way?

  She sneaked a look at Henrie who was chewing her lip agitatedly. Why does Charles always seem so concerned about her? Back in the car when they were going to Shoprite he had taken sides with her even though she had not been there and he always is so bothered about her. Is there something between them she doesn't know about? She would have to find out but she couldn't really believe there could be anything fishy between them, as far as she knows, Charles doesn't even likes her and she could tell the feeling was mutual on Henrie's part too, why Charles will always side with her is what baffles her and she intends to find out about it sooner rather than later.


  Chapter Six

  ''What was the meaning of that Charles? How could you talk to that woman so rudely?'' Richard caught up with Charles just before he slammed the door in his face and they stood in the living room facing each other.

  ''I don't have to explain myself to you Richard and what I say to that woman is no one's business, I don't need her poking her nose into my affairs.''

  ''What is your problem with Henrie Charles, are we not over this yet? She was talking about my girlfriend and I don't mind that so why do you have to butt in where you are clearly not wanted? You have your own girlfriend and I will really appreciate it if you will concentrate on her and leave Henrie for me.''

  ''Henrie is not yours, she is not a property for you to lay claim on.'' Charles couldn't hold his outburst. He fisted his hand in his sparse hair. ''I really don't know why she is still with you, '' he got in his brother's face. ''I can assure you one thing though, I will never let you get married to her, I will make sure I do everything to stop it, and that is a promise.'' He said firmly as they both stared hard into each other's eyes, each waiting for the other to back off.

  After what seems like an hour of frozen stares, Richard finally blinked. ''You do realize that Henrie doesn't like you right? I am pretty sure she would never agree to anything you have to say to her about me. Henrie loves me and I love her too, what I think you should do,'' he stabbed a finger in Charles' chest, ''is to grow up and get it in your skull that she would never leave me. I really don't know why you are so bothered about her.'' He chuckled to himself right before Charles' fist plowed into him. He lost his footing and stumbled back.

  ''Fuck you Richard,'' Charles spat, his eyes staring daggers in his brother.

  Richard lunged for him and soon the brothers are going at each other, pounding at each other with fists as they fought without interruption from any 'wanna-be' peace maker. They started crashing into things. The Sofa, the TV laid in a heap on the floor, overturned as they continued fighting.

  Finally they broke apart with each gasping for breath, each with a murderous look of his. Richard wiped at his bloodied lip with his arm. ''I am still been victorious here brother, Henrie loves me and you had better accept that because the earlier you accept that the better it will be for you. She will never leave me.'' Richard's smile was smug.

  Charles laughed sarcastically. ''You are just a coward and you are afraid she will leave you eventually because you do not deserve her and whe
n she finally realizes that it will be over for you.''

  ''How I treat my girlfriend is none of your business and I will really be so pleased if you don't concern yourself with our love life. I love Henrie with all my heart and I will never let anyone get in between that do you understand?''

  ''I love Ada with all my heart and I will never let any man undermine her in front of me,'' he waved a hand exasperatedly. ''make that a woman too, I certainly will not sit down and have that old bird talk about my girlfriend in that way.'' He laid down emphasis.

  Richard groaned, partly in pain and in amusement. ''I will treat her how I deem fit, besides we are soon getting married so you wouldn't have to worry about her when we get married because I will treat her right like I have always done and you can treat your girlfriend how you like too.'' He dragged himself to his feet.

  ''You and Ada look good together by the way.'' He offered with a slight smile.

  Charles rolled his eyes. ''She is not my girlfriend,'' he verified. Why does everyone think just because she is living at his place that makes her his girlfriend? She wasn't even sleeping in his room for goodness sake.

  Richard's eyebrows raised in disbelief. ''And you expect me to believe that?''

  Charles gesticulated. ''Yes, I am not interested in her that way. I do like her a lot though but not to that extent.''

  Richard laughed. ''I have heard a lot of guys say that right before they got married to the woman they believe is not their type. You are in love with her you just don't know it yet.''

  Charles didn't want to argue and he doesn't want to divulge his secrets. ''Maybe you are right. She is a good girl, beautiful and maybe my type. You are actually right I will think about that.'' He smiled to himself. Just how would he tell himself that the Ada he has known forever can be his source of relationship interest?

  Seeing the considering look on his face, Richard sniggered. ''I can see you are already thinking about it.''

  ''Why not?''

  The two started organizing and rearranging the sitting room that had been their fighting ring few minutes ago. Thankfully the TV screen wasn't damaged so they don't have to buy another one.