Read Broken Page 6

  ''I will go get my First Aid Kit,'' Richard announced before going to the room to get his first aid kit.

  He was still cleaning Charles's wounds when the door opened and they girls piled in.

  ''What happened here?'' Ada was the first to speak.

  The brothers looked at themselves, each silently agreeing not to disclose the real reason behind their fight. ''Men's moment,'' Richard stated.

  ''Whatever is that supposed to mean?'' Henrie asked as she stood beside them both. ''You are bleeding too.'' She took in his equally disheveled appearance.

  ''I will be okay, I am a Doctor right.'' Richard smiled at her.

  Henrie doesn't believe that but she nodded.

  Ada moved over to Charles. It was pretty obvious the two of them had engaged in a fight but none would say what it was about. Does it have to do with what happened the other time or is there something else she doesn't know about? ''What are you guys fighting about?'' she really doesn't expect an answer but she decided to ask nonetheless.

  ''Brothers fights all the time and they make up all the time too.'' Bisi said when it was obvious none of them was willing to answer Ada's question.

  Ini, Genevieve and Bisi decided it was time to leave and so they said so, excusing themselves as they bid their farewells. ''I will take you ladies home.'' Charles offered, rising up to his feet.

  Ada shook her head in disagreement. ''I will take them myself, I think you should stay home and rest.'' She poked her hand inside his pant pocket and withdrew his keys.

  Charles looked as if he wanted to protest but the look on her face stopped him. ''Okay.''

  Henrie was left with the two brothers when the women filed out. She took in their faces and groaned inwardly. She really doesn't want to know why they are fighting. Richard can take care of himself so she doesn't have to be fussing over him. She decided to change her clothing and that was what she did, changing back to what she had on earlier that evening.

  She didn't find Charles in the sitting room when she came back and she really thought that is better as she doesn't know if to thank him or not, besides if she thanks him what would be his reaction? Would he accept her gratitude or offer her a snide remark? She really does have to thank him though, but could she do that with Richard in the house?

  Richard packed his kit and headed back to the bedroom. She followed him and when she realized he was going to have a bath she sneaked out of the room, just in time to see Charles before he comes out and Ada comes back.

  She stood outside his door, not knowing if to knock or not. Although she has been living here for the past two years she has never been into Charles' room. She gulped and cleared her throat and then knocked, gently. She didn't hear a reply but she knew he is in there and then she pushed the door opened and poked her head inside.

  Henrie found her cheeks heating up as she entered the room just as Charles emerged from the bathroom, dripping, and a small towel wrapped around his lean waist. His hair was dripping water in his face and his bare chest looked like a model's, hairless and slicked. For a moment they stared at each other, each at a short of words.

  Henrie forced her gaze from his chest, suddenly remembering why she was here. ''I just wanted to thank you for helping me out there,'' she mumbled to herself, still staring at the ground.

  Charles cocked his head. ''Can't hear you talking like that,'' he said disapprovingly.

  Henrie forced her head up, expressing gratitude shouldn't be so hard, she thought. ''I said I just wanted to thank you for helping me out back there.'' She repeated, this time making sure her words are clear.

  Charles didn't bother getting dressed. She was the one in his personal space and he wasn't supposed to be the uncomfortable one. He wanted to ask her why she couldn't hold her own out there but he already knew the answer and having her repeat it would really not abode well with him. ''Gratitude accepted.'' He said gruffly. ''Can you leave now?''

  Wincing against his curt reaction she nodded. ''I will leave now,'' she said as she turned on her heel. At least she has gotten that out of the way, she thought as she made her way back to the bed room.


  ''I heard you are getting married and I keep telling myself you would not intentionally not tell me.''

  Richard grinned at his colleague, almost everyone at the hospital knew Doctor Richard Agbaje is getting married and he had made it that way, making sure to drop enough hints that no one had any doubt he was thinking of orange blossoms. He had intentionally kept it from his best friend. ''How news fly, I wanted to tell you myself but I never knew people could be so much of a gossipmonger. Yes I am getting married to none other than Henrie.'' He confided with an indulgent smile.

  Doctor Ola slapped him on the back. ''Congratulations bro, I am so happy to hear that, it's about time you make that girl yours.'' Oladele .A. Oladele said with a sly smile.

  ''I have been thinking of nothing else for the past few months but things aren't progressing as I thought. I am tired of people pestering me for the wedding details when I have no idea myself.''

  Ola frowned. ''Why is that? Does she not want to get married?''

  Richard looked around; much as he likes showing Henrie off even in her absence he doesn't want any straying ear listening on their conversation. They were in the Hospital's cafeteria squeezing in lunch before the rush of patients begins again. ''It's not that, in fact we are both excited about this wedding but she wants me to go to her Mother's family in Lagos, meet up with her Uncle and other family members, picking a date for the Introduction, Engagement and the Wedding.''

  ''What is the big deal about that?'' Ola asked his friend. ''That is the norm. You have to get her hand in marriage from someone. I don't see how that can pose a problem.''

  Richard sighed. ''Can't we bypass that? She loves me I love her that is what matters.''

  Ola's mouth opened in shock as he stared at Richard as if he has suddenly grown two heads.'' Just what are you suggesting?'' He wasn't ready to acknowledge the fact that he knew what was going on in his friend's head.

  ''We can get married here in Ilorin and afterwards we can go visit her family in Lagos.''

  ''You really think she would accept that? What are you thinking Richard? That is not possible and you know it, how do you expect her family to feel if she gets married without informing them? This is all simple, ask her to call her Uncle and ask him to fix a date you both will go see him, afterwards which you will declare your intentions about her, tell him you want to get married as soon as possible and I'm sure he will reason with you guys. You would probably get married by December.'' Ola offered. December is much too fast but if he leads the Uncle to believe he is ready to marry her as soon as possible and Henrie agrees with him then why not?

  ''December? That is too far bro, I want to get married in August.'' Richard said, shaking his head in disapproval.

  Ola couldn't believe his ears. ''August? That is about a month away, how do you expect to squeeze the wedding arrangements in just one month and few weeks? We are in the last week of June if you don't remember. Surely Henrie wouldn't agree with that.'' Of that he was sure. Women generally make a fuss about marriage, planning, preparation, choosing Bridal Train, cakes and clothes catalogue, catering, blah blah.They always want their wedding to be the talk of town and Henrie does deserve a beautiful one. She is incredibly beautiful and although he hasn't said more than few words to her, he could tell she have a good heart, it is there in her eyes.

  ''Henrie doesn't have a problem with that, she will go along with anything I say, that is not a problem.''

  Ola gave him a suspicious look. ''If that is the case why are you worried?'' If she is ready to get married without having her relatives present then why was he worried?

  ''She doesn't want to get married in August. She wanted us to go through the long way.''

  ''The normal way,'' Ola interjected. ''That is exactly what she ought to do. Tell you what, I think you should tell her you will do this her own way and
I assure you she will be beside herself with excitement.'' Women would love it if they are left in charge of their wedding it means she would have everything done her own way something the husband to be should be glad about because during that time they tend to be too emotional. ''Leave her to it and tell her to call her Uncle, the earlier you go see him the better.''

  Richard nodded in agreement. ''I guess you are right, I just want the best for her and have her for myself forever.''

  Ola laughed. ''I know that feeling,'' he said with gaiety. ''but remember she was theirs because she will become yours, it's just a matter of time.''

  ''You are right.'' Richard knew Ola would provide the soothing balm he needs and for that he is grateful. One more thing though, ''Will you be my Best Man?'' He could think of no one else to best him.

  ''Of course, I would be honoured.'' Ola said enthusiastically.

  ''Good, I will have to talk to my mother and few relatives. I won't take her to them just for them to assess her, I will take her to as my intended and anyone against it can stay in his or her house the day we get married. I don't need anyone's permission to marry her.'' He took a sip of his drink as he stared beyond, preoccupied with his arrangements.

  There were times Ola think Richard is really weird and this is one of those times. Marriage is not just between the couples, it's also between the two families that will merge and become one but Richard doesn't seem to care much about families, he wonders if Henrie wants this as much. He would have to find out.


  Ada couldn't believe what is happening these days all she could do is feel contented. Charles has been so sweet to her since the night of the barbecue and she keeps telling herself that maybe he is finally realizing that she means more than a friend to him. He goes out now, with her and they do things other couples do even though none of them calls it a date, but in her heart she knows it is, he just doesn't realize it yet.

  Here they are seated across each other in a club she had dragged him to. She had told him it would be good for both of them to have fun tonight as it is a Friday and he doesn't have to go to the Chambers tomorrow. Reluctantly he had agreed and here they all. She had every intention of seducing him tonight, getting him drunk but will be subtle about it, she would make him believe he had been the one to make the first move and not her.

  She grinned to herself as she replayed her plan in her head. Ini had been patient enough to give her naughty ideas, and coupled with her own Charles would never know what hits him. What a woman wants a woman gets even if she have to fight dirty to get it.

  ''Can you just stop smiling to yourself,'' Charles mumbled under his breath.

  Ada pouted. ''I didn't bring you here to be all gruff and no fun, we are here to catch fun and believe me Club Eros is one of those places.''

  Charles had no idea why he had let himself be dragged to Deluxe Hotel by her, and now they are inside Club Eros which is one of the hottest club in town, second only to Club Spartacus and everything is just wild.

  Ada stood up and went to the bartender and ordered for drinks. ''Smirnoff Ice for me and Andr? for my boyfriend.''

  ''I don't take that drink,'' Charles protested as soon as she was back with the drinks but she ignored him and thrust the drink in his hand. He is supposed to do what he normally wouldn't do on a normal day; this is all this night is about.

  She knew he would get quickly drunk by taking Andr? which was just her intention. If she has asked for more expensive drinks with high Alcohol level he would have rejected, claiming he would have to drive them back and one thing Charles really loves is his Black Benza, God forbid anything should happen to that car.

  ''Come on Charles, Andr? is not that bad and it is really not that alcoholic.'' She said sweetly.

  ''Says who? It is alcoholic.'' He frowned at her and she gave him a cheeky grin.

  She sat down beside him and took a small sip of her drink she needs her head to be clear as she wouldn't want to be the drunken one and totally ruining her plans herself. Ini had told her to go easy on the Smirnoff; you get drunk with it when you less expects it. So she would take little sips while he gets drunk and then she would make her move. She just hope this doesn't end as a disaster and then him hating her for it

  Charles doesn't like drinking as he loves having a clear head all the time, as a Lawyer you need a clear head every single second of the day, but Ada is in a good mood tonight and he doesn't want to alter that.

  Ada was watching him without being obvious about it. She wanted to dance but she doesn't know how to ask him without unintentionally divulging her hidden agenda. Charles is a smart guy and if he suspects a foul play he would leave and she can't have that. Tonight would prove how he really feels about her. If only he would just ask her to dance.

  She stood up from her seat and sat down beside him, folding her jean encased legs together. ''This place is always bustling.'' An idea came to her and she decided to go for it. ''I will go find a dance mate, just sit back here and relax.'' She patted his knees before standing up, smoothing her hair with her hand. ''I'll be back,'' she said to him before making for the dance floor. She resisted the urge to look over her shoulders. She quickly found a dance partner and she let him lead her to the dance floor.

  Charles dropped the empty can on the table in front of him and tapped his foot gently on the floor. The noise and the blaring from the speakers are making his head throb. His eyes were fixed to the dance floor, to Ada dancing with virtual strangers. He wished he would be able to loosen up amidst strangers one day. He signaled to the bartender and ordered another drink for himself.

  Ada chanced a look over her shoulder and she could tell he was unto his second drink which is just fine with her. Maybe she should let the events of this night go without manipulation but she wouldn't have resorted to this if Charles had been forthcoming with his feelings. She changed partners and the blaring music elevated her mood so that she momentarily lost herself in the music, the gyrating bodies around her.

  Charles was growing irritated by the minute. Ada was changing dance partners as if she were changing clothes which is really annoying. What the hell is going on in that brain of hers? He thought darkly. He was about to ask for his third drink when he stopped himself, he really shouldn't get drunk. His eyes darkened in anger when the guy she was dancing with started making advances at her on the dance floor, and she doesn't seem to mind. What has gotten into her tonight?

  He stood up and made his way to the dance floor, shoving against bodies, still keeping her in his line of view. When he got to her he tapped her on the shoulder and she turned to look at him over a shoulder with a sheepish grin. ''Thought I told you to stay put Charles.'' She quickly disentangled herself from her dance buddy who doesn't look so pleased by that but Charles' grim look told him show is over. He disappeared in the sea of bodies and Charles saw no more of him.

  ''You scared him away.'' Ada said with a pout.

  ''He is all over you.'' He stated like a big brother. ''Let's get you off the dance floor.''

  Ada shook her head. ''I want to dance Charles that is why I am here. I am not a baby for goodness' sake, come on.'' She said as if he is a toddler she has to explain things to.

  It wouldn't hurt to dance with her. Maybe if he dances with her over few songs he will finally convince her to let him take her home. ''Why don't we dance,'' he said just before he pulled her into his arms. Back in their University days he had been a party lover he just doesn't know when that had changed.

  Ada laughed. Isn't this so fabulous? She really doesn't have to ask for a dance after all. She relaxed in his arms and let him take the lead. They had danced numerous times in College but then she hadn't been thinking about him as she was now. She fully intends to take advantage of this.

  Charles found it exhilarating that he could still do this. He laughed to himself as he pulled her closer and they started dancing .He had no idea when the tension slipped from his limbs and he found himself relaxing.

  Ada knew t
he moment he dropped his defenses and mentally jumped in excitement, she made this happened. She made sure she was not too aggressive as she rubbed herself against him, which is just what every other person in the club is doing.

  Charles held unto her waist as she moved against him gently. He could tell that the mood in the club has changed as things started getting thicker, he could see couples making out in the darkened room, sexual tension thick and hovering in the crowded club. His head was throbbing dully and he tightened his hold on her to get her attention. She turned in his hands to face him, looking up at him. He released her waist and grabbed her wrist, dragging her out and back to their seat where he collapsed on the seat, his head in his hands.

  ''I think we should leave.'' He said with a moan.

  Ada was beside him in a second, putting a palm on his forehead. ''Sure, we should. You don't look okay.'' She said worriedly.

  ''I'm just having a headache.'' Charles stood up and pulled her up with him. ''I'm sorry I ruined your night.''

  He had indeed ruined her night as everything is not going the way she expected but at least he danced with her without her asking him and he had pulled her close to himself. That to her is a big step taken. ''It's okay, I don't want you falling ill.'' She said with a big smile.

  Charles looked down at her cute face and smiled and then leaned down to kiss her cheek. ''I wouldn't want to fall ill either.''

  All Ada could think of as they drove home was that Charles kissed her, something he had never done before. That is a definitely good note the night has ended on. She hopes they get to do this more often until she could chink off his armour.


  Chapter Seven

  It was a Sunday and Henrie felt dejected. She was supposed to go to Church with Richard as they normally does on Sundays, but he had gotten an Emergency call and he had to be away, leaving her with no company and having to ride a Taxi to Church.

  She dressed in Ankara, a skirt and blouse that she just got from her Fashion Designer three days ago, she had intended to show it off to Richard but now he didn't even see her in it. She made her makeup subtle, but the new attire really does make her feel beautiful this morning. She admitted it to herself that the lady has done a beautiful job with the dress. She checked herself in the length sized mirror and was satisfied with her appearance. She grabbed her bag and locked the door after her as Richard had told her he didn't know when he will get back, meaning she would probably be back from Church before he arrives.