Read Broken Page 7

  She entered the sitting room where Ada was standing, leaning against a couch, waiting for Charles no doubt. They had already greeted themselves earlier that morning so Henrie see no reason why she should greet her again except to bid her farewell. ''See you in church.'' She said as she made for the door.

  ''Wait,'' Ada's words halted her and she turned to look at her over her shoulders. ''We are all going to the same church you should wait and catch a ride with us.'' She suggested.

  While it was true that they all worship in the same church, the last thing Henrie wanted was to be a third wheel. ''It is okay, I can go alone.'' She protested.

  Just then Charles came into view, buttoning his cuff links. He stared at them both for a few seconds. ''I'm leaving.''

  Henrie knew he was referring to Ada, so she just stood still while the door closed behind him, leaving her alone with her. ''Come on Henrie, he is not going to bite your head off.''

  ''I never said he will bite my head off.'' Henrie grumbled to herself.

  Ada pursed her lips. ''Come on,'' she dragged her by the arm and pulled her out. ''Lock the door.''

  Henrie did as she was told but felt a hot flush in her cheeks. What right does she have to order her around?

  The sound of the horn blaring had her jumping back and she quickly turned, jerking her hand from the other woman's grip. ''He is calling out for you.''

  Charles leaned to yell at them through the window. ''Are you coming or not?''

  Since she figured he was referring to his girlfriend, she stepped away, leaving her as she hurried off. She didn't stop when she got to the car but instead quicken her steps. ''And where do you think you are hurrying off to?'' Charles called out from the Driver side's window.

  Henrie stopped and then turned to look at him. ''Church, where else?''

  Charles mumbled something she couldn't hear. ''Get in the car.''

  ''I already told her to do that but she wouldn't listen.''

  Henrie didn't know when Ada got close to her and she really doesn't want to be the source of attention. ''Fine, I will ride with you.'' She said through gritted teeth and opened the car door, slamming it shut.

  Ada got in the front seat beside Charles and flashed a small smile to her at the back where she was. Why she is suddenly trying to be nice Henrie had no idea and she really isn't interested in knowing why she suddenly appeared to be interested in her comfort.

  On the drive to the church Henrie never said a word, she kept to herself and blocked out the couple's conversation. At least Charles had foregone his boring suits for a grey pant trouser and an immaculate white shirt. Ada had on a similar outfit, grey skirt and a white shirt she tucked into the waistband of her skirt. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and instead stared straight ahead on the road, in a few minutes they would pull into the Cathedral.

  Sunday service was its usual self and two hours later they are ready to leave. She greeted her old friends when she was still a choir before Richard told her he doesn't like her being a choir, that she would not have time for him. Her friends still greeted her though but they had lost the bond between them when she was one of them few years ago and she knew it was on her part. If not because Richard hadn't been around she wouldn't have gotten a chance to speak with them.

  ''I like your style,'' Ada commented on the drive home.

  Henrie looked momentarily lost. ''Style?''

  ''Your dress, I would really like to have that same style. It's beautiful and you really do look good in it.''

  Henrie still find it hard to believe she could be sincere. She looked up at the front mirror in the car, hoping to catch what it is only Ada can see to make her so airy this morning. She caught Charles looking at her, and she froze for a second. Their gazes locked and she quickly pulled her eyes away. ''Thanks, She was the one who chose the style for me, my fashion designer.'' She clarified.

  ''That is nice. I will have to have you hook me up with her.'' She said to her before she turned her body sideways to face Charles. ''Her dress is beautiful right?''

  Charles turned his eyes to her briefly. Why is she acting so suspicious this morning? He is not ready to get involved in whatever it is they got going on between themselves so he didn't say a word. He looked up at the mirror again and saw her chewing her lips, a worried look on her face. He pulled his eyes away and concentrated on the road.


  Henrie was lying down on the floor in the sitting room, her leg propped on the nearest settee as she chatted with her friends. She is really tired of watching movies all by herself and pretending to find it hilarious, so she has started chatting with her friends, waiting for them to reply when they can as they are at work.

  A car pulled up outside and she dropped her phone on her stomach. Seems Richard decides to come home early today, she thought as she sat up. The door pushed open and her eyes rounded in shock. She scrambled to her feet as Charles dragged himself in, his eyes bloodshot and his features drawn tight in pain.

  ''What is wrong with you?'' She moved to him, almost tripping on her phone. She bent down and picked it up and looked at Charles with huge eyes. He looked as if he hadn't slept in days. His eyes had sleep bags under them and she could tell he is really not okay. She grabbed his arm, hoping to steer him to a seat but he jerked his arm away from her, dropping his briefcase at his feet and slowly making his way to the kitchen. She locked the door and then followed him into the kitchen where she saw him draining a glass of water.

  ''What you need is drugs and rest.'' She said. She stood behind him and she nearly stumbled when his body collided with hers. ''I will help you to your room.'' She grabbed his arm and throw it over her shoulder, her other hand holding him by the waist. He didn't try to break free from her hold and she wouldn't have let him anyway, so they gingerly made their way to his room.

  She helped him to the bed and bent at his legs, pulling off his shoes and socks. She moved to his side. ''You should get out of this.'' She motioned to his suit jacket as she unbuttoned it and tugged. With a sigh he sat up gently and helped her remove it. She pushed him back on the bed and he shot her a glare which didn't faze her. She stood up and retrieved her phone from her pocket. ''I will call Richard and maybe he will come home, I have no idea why you are not smart enough to go to the hospital. You really do look terrible.'' She said.

  ''If I want to go to the hospital I would be there,'' Charles said. ''I don't need you calling Richard, all I need is a few hours sleep and I will be so grateful if you will leave me alone.'' He said sourly.

  Ungrateful ass, she thought. Looking at him he is definitely suffering from stress and lack of sleep. She doesn't really know much but she could get him Paracetamol, she could do that for him until she could convince him to go to the hospital. ''I will get you medicine, have you taken lunch?'' She knew he ate before going to the office this morning but she doesn't know about lunch and it is past two in the afternoon.

  Charles didn't give her a reply and she got annoyed. ''I am trying to help you here but you are not letting me. What am I supposed to do, leave you here?'' She pressed a hand to his clammy forehead. ''You are running a fever.'' She said to herself. ''I will get you drugs and something to drink.'' She didn't give him the time to protest as she marched out of the room straight to the kitchen. She picked a mug and plugged in the Electric Kettle. She pulled out milk and Bournvita and waited for the water to boil. After the water got boiled she unplugged the kettle and poured the steaming water into the mug, added the milk and Bournvita and stirred it with a spoon. She replaced everything to its place and placed the mug on a tray. She made a trip to hers and Richard's bedroom where she found a Paracetamol on the bedside table at least he could use that for the time being and hopefully catch up on his sleep until his brother arrives to take a better look at him.

  She placed the Paracetamol beside the mug and carried everything to his room. She had left the door unlocked so she doesn't have to maneuver the door before entering. She placed the tray on the nearest st
ool and then went to him. He had his eyes closed and he was lying on his side, facing her. ''Charles,'' she nudged him. ''I brought you tea and Paracetamol. You can use that until Richard comes home or I call him. If you use it now we will wait until he comes home, if you don't I will have to call him.'' He only has two choices.

  Charles opened his eyes and frowned at her. ''All I need is sleep,'' he grumbled as he tried to sit up. ''not having you bitching at me.''

  ''I am not bitching at you.'' Henrie corrected as she reached for the stool and carried the tray over to his bed. ''Now drink,'' she thrust the mug at him and smiled when he took it. She laid the Paracetamol on the bed beside him. ''You should probably take the drug with water.'' In a flash she was in the kitchen, filling a cup with water. She took the cup back with her to him.

  He was still sipping at the tea, his eyes watching her over the rim of the mug and she felt self conscious. When the mug was empty he thrust it right back at her and she replaced it with water. ''Use this to take this,' 'she held out the drug to him. After he swallowed the pill he laid on his back his eyes closed. She touched his forehead again, still hot. She really should call Richard, she thought. She is not an expert here and something bad might be wrong with Charles, something he might need to go to the hospital for. ''I should call Richard,''

  Charles opened his eyes. ''It is okay, I will be fine. I just need to sleep.''

  Okay. Maybe he really is okay. ''Alright, sleep then. I will go and bring your briefcase from the living room.'' She picked up the tray and took it to the kitchen where she washed the mug and the cup. She went back to the living room and picked up his briefcase where it lay at the foot of a chair. She was about to turn to the hallway when her phone rang. She brought it out of her pocket and was excited when she saw who the caller was.

  ''Hi Folarin,'' she was so excited to hear from her cousin.

  Folarin laughed over the phone. ''Miss me much?''

  ''Of course I do, why wouldn't I?''

  ''You should have called me then, I always end up calling you when I am fed up of expecting your call.''

  ''I'm sorry, I promise to call you more often.''

  ''Empty promises,'' Folarin chuckled. ''Anyway, I just wanted to tell you I will be coming down to Ilorin next week Thursday, I have something to do there on Friday and I will go back to Lagos on Saturday.''

  ''You are really coming here? I can't wait to see you.'' Henrie said excitedly. ''I have missed you a lot.''

  Folarin laughed. ''Same here, be expecting me then.''

  ''Of course I will.''

  ''Okay girl, see you on Thursday.''

  ''Alright, waiting for you.''

  Wow, Folarin is coming to Ilorin. At least she would be around family member for once and she would have a companion for the few days she would be here. Folarin and she has been very close, despite the distance between them they still manage to stay in touch even though it is more pronounced on Folarin's part. Her cousin would be here on Thursday and that is something she is really looking forward to.

  She wanted to go check on Charles but figured she should let him sleep, at least when he finally wakes up he wouldn't be as grouchy as he was earlier. An hour later she decided to check on him. He slept on his side, curled up in a feline position. She could tell his hair is longer than he normally allows it and his face looks thin, too much work she knew. Although she had never met their mother but she has seen pictures of her and therefore she could tell he took after their mother, his features are that of his mother. They have the same small lips and facial features. Richard had also told her that apart from the fact that he really does look like their mother he is also their mother's favourite. He told her he had been pampered a lot when he was still a child but had started refusing such pampering when he grew older and realizes that no one wants to be his friend because they all see themselves as inferiors. That still had not stopped the mother's indulgence, but she accepted the fact that he is now a grown up. Richard on the other hand resembles his father.

  She sat down quietly beside him and watched him. He is one of those guys whose lady-like looks makes them gorgeous. There are some times she really thought she had seen him somewhere before but she couldn't pinpoint the exact place and he is not the type of guy whose face is easily forgettable.

  ''Stop staring at me, it's distracting.'' Charles said without opening his eyes.

  Henrie was startled. ''Stop doing that,'' Stop doing what exactly?

  ''Stop doing what?'' He asked without opening his eyes.

  ''Are you not supposed to be sleeping, replenishing your strength?'' She changed the topic abruptly.

  ''That was what I was doing before you came in here to distract me.'' He said, finally opening his eyes and fixing them on her.

  ''I didn't even make a sound.'' She hasn't been loud and she hasn't even said anything. ''Go to sleep and I won't stare at you anymore.''

  Charles watched her in silence for a few seconds. ''Hmm, okay.''

  Good, she can leave now as she is feeling sleepy herself. She stood up and turned to leave but his hand wrapped around her wrist, tugging her back. She halted and looked over at him but he had his eyes closed. She tried to tug her hand away but his grip tightened so she sat down on the bed and watched him sleep, hopefully when he is deeply asleep she would free her hand and leave.

  Charles woke up two hours later and felt breathing on his neck, he opened his eyes slowly and saw Henrie sleeping beside him, her face under his neck, her body turned to him. He stared down at her face, why had she slept so close to him? He hasn't had her so close to him before, ever. He looked down and realized he still have his hand on her wrist, he released her and raised his hand to her hair, slightly caressing her hair. Henrie, his Henrie.


  Chapter Eight

  ''Told you didn't I? You are really missing out if you don't frequent this place.'' Ade said with a shitty grin and Charles just snorted. Leave it to his friend to dig out bars and clubs in the town. He had let him drag him here just because he is bored sitting home all day and waiting until his brother comes home or for his friends to visit him. Since he is done with University, he and his friends are waiting to be posted for NYSC, so he does have time on his hands. Coming out here tonight should be fun, better than staying home all alone.

  ''That girl is new, I haven't seen her here before.'' Charles looked back at the said girl and his heart missed a beat. The girl was behind the counter, she had on a t-shirt with the club's name emblazoned on it and a face cap, still with the club's name printed on it. The cap wasn't pulled low on her face so he could see her face pretty well and he is mesmerized by what he saw.

  Ade snapped his fingers in front of him. ''Cat got your tongue? I don't blame you though, that girl is so beautiful, I will have her to myself before the end of the night.'' He said boastfully.

  Charles' jaw ticked in anger. ''Fuck off and leave her be.'' He doesn't even know why he is feeling jealous because of a girl whose name he doesn't know, a girl he was seeing for the first time.

  ''I saw her first but because I am so generous I will let you have her.'' Ade said, making it sounds as if he was doing him a huge favour.

  Charles turned his head backwards to watch the girl some more. He could see the long ends of her braid underneath her cap and she was laughing at something a guy was saying to her and he felt like standing up and shove the guy away which is really ridiculous.

  ''You really like her don't you?''

  Charles nodded. He really does like the girl, the girl who had him captivated with just one look at her.

  Ade threw a hand over Charles' chair. ''Go talk to her then, or do I have to remind you that there are many guys here tonight who would be more than glad to get her? I am sure you know that except if you want her case to be the same as that of Lara.''

  Charles groaned. Does his friend really have to remember everything? When they were in Senior Secondary School 1, a girl transferred to their class, her name is Omolara
and he was fascinated by the girl. He told Ade and Ada about his attraction for the girl and they had both encouraged him to pursue her but he had been too shy, he won't say afraid(that would bruise his ego)of approaching a girl, so he had kept shut about it. His friends had budged him endlessly but he had told them he hadn't found the right time to talk to her. Of course two weeks before their final exam Lara hooked up with her brother's friend and Ada had been the deliverer of the sad news.

  ''That is old news,'' he muttered under his breath.

  ''I can't seem to forget that.'' Ade guffawed. ''I will help you out this time because if left to you, you would probably be still here pining for her while she gets married. I will help a friend out and go talk to her for you. How about that?''

  That is embarrassing but he would take that. ''If you want but do remember I am not asking you to.'' Letting him know how very interested he was would be topic of a month's teasing for Ade.

  Charles kept his back to the girl and Ade even though he knew she couldn't see him. He was seated at the far end of the club and people on the dance floor will make it almost impossible to catch a glimpse of the people sitting down. His heart was pounding. What would she say? Would she accept to see him, get to know him? He found himself getting more nervous for every minute spent by Ade.

  Ten minutes later Ade took his seat beside him, a grin on his face. ''What took you so long?''

  ''And here I thought you weren't that interested.'' Ade leaned forward, watching something over Charles' back. ''Don't look back yet but she is trying to get a look at you.'' He whispered.

  Charles nodded and did as he said. ''What did she say? Were you able to derive much information from her?''