Read Broken Page 8

  Ade leaned back on his chair. ''Patience dear friend, have some patience. I did talk to her amidst her attending to customers, but I did learn some things about her. She just started working here today and would be working only on Fridays, overnight. She is a student, 400level, lives with her friends at Tanke etc.''

  Charles' eyes darkened. He knew what his annoying friend is trying to do and he couldn't stop himself from falling into bait. ''I am being serious here, what else do you learn about her?''

  Ade sighed. ''Okay, I will tell you. Her name is Henrietta but she obviously doesn't like that because she says to call her Henrie.''

  ''Henrie? What else?''

  ''That's all,'' Ade spread out his hands. ''That is all I could get from her.''

  Ade is such a fool. ''Don't you know the most important thing is getting her phone number? Where is your brain man?''

  ''She didn't give me, I asked her but she wouldn't give it to me.''

  ''Maybe you should have been persistent with your asking.'' He really shouldn't be snapping at Ade like this, but he couldn't stop himself. Ade doesn't seem to mind though. ''She told me you should come for the number yourself, if you want it you come get it.''

  Charles peered over his shoulder at the girl, she was attending to a guy and she was smiling, again. ''I will talk to her tomorrow.''

  ''Not tomorrow dummy, she only works here on Fridays.'' Ade corrected.

  Charles scratched his head and grunted, ''Next Friday then.''

  Ade shook his head. ''Tomorrow might be too late the same way next week might be too late. She is not going to bite your head off man, just walk up to her. I already told her about you, so I don't think you should be concerned about her rejecting you.''

  What if she rejects him? ''I will see her next week. Can we leave now?''

  Ade watched him in silence for few seconds. ''Sure, why not?'' They walked out through the side door.

  Charles found himself counting days until the next Friday that he will see her again. He was the one pestering Ade and he in turn teased him mercilessly but he doesn't mind, as long as he gets to see Henrie again. He saw her again that night and as usual hid himself from her, not having the slightest idea why he was finding it difficult to approach her. Ade was furious and left him there after he talked to her again and he was supposed to go see her but he was reluctant to do so. The third Friday however he was prepared to talk to her as he only have two months before he has to go for his Youth Service. Richard called him earlier in the day and he told him where he would be and his brother had agreed to come meet him there, he had been so excited that Ade had rolled his eyes at him several times.

  Henrie was again manning the bar, with her face cap and the club's shirt, she look so adorable that he couldn't keep his eyes away from her. Once again Ade went to her while he sat in the shadows and he was eagerly awaiting his friend's return. His phone rang before Ade returns and it was Richard, calling to tell him he was on his way. Ade returned with good tidings, she would see him but she is busy, so he should give her some minutes before he makes his appearance which is totally okay with him. When Richard arrived he quickly told him that he has gotten a new girlfriend and his brother had laughed not believing him. He had refused to tell him who the lady was because he was hurt at the disbelief on his brother's face. His phone rang and it was his mother so he excused himself to pick up the call as the club was noisy. He intended to head straight to Henrie once he got off the call with his mother. His mum wanted him to come to Abuja before he would go for his NYSC in Kebbi State and he readily agreed, arguing with his mum mostly results in him losing and her threatening him.

  Charles stuck his hands in his pockets and closed his eyes for a few minutes she is expecting him, no need to be so nervous about this. He exhaled and pulled away from the car he leaned against outside. The night breeze had a chilly bite to it and he rubbed his arms vigorously as he felt goose bumps rising up on his arms. He took a calming breath and entered the bar, this time through the front door and not the side one because he intends to head straight to Henrie. Charles entered and he froze, Richard and Henrie are engaged in conversation and from his place he could tell she was happy speaking to him. He saw Richard taking out his phone and giving it to her and she collected it with a smile as she typed what is apparently her phone number in it.

  Charles felt bile rising up in his throat and he closed his eyes shut. He dragged himself to his seat unnoticed by either of them and Ade had a horrified look on his face. ''I don't know anything about this Charles he just told me he is going to get drinks. I swear I don't know anything about this.'' Ade said quickly.

  Charles was feeling too numb to speak so he didn't; he only kept staring at them both. Richard was laughing at something she said to him and she was smiling too. I've had enough he said to himself and stood up. ''I'm leaving, let's go.''

  Ade also stood up. ''No Charles, you have to go and stake your claim, you can't just let him steal her from you, it's not done man.'' He grabbed his arm. ''I know how much you like this girl and I won't let you walk away this time.'' He said sternly.

  Charles jerked his arm away. ''It is too late Ade, and you are right, I don't have the guts to talk to a girl and the person who does has gotten her. I really should have learnt a lesson with Lara then but I didn't, I am back to that stage again.''

  Ade couldn't speak he just stared at his friend. With Lara it had been few months before they graduated that she hooked up with someone else, but Henrie hooking up with his brother is another issue entirely. He had tried to help, but at the end it was all in vain. The only thing he can do for him now is to be there for him. He picked up his jacket from the chair. ''Let's get out of here.''

  The next day Charles went to Abuja, to his mother to nurse his wounds but he didn't tell her anything. He stayed there for seven weeks and came back to Ilorin a week before he has to go for his NYSC. Richard had been too attached with his new girlfriend that he didn't find it odd he left without saying a word to him. He left for his Service and never came home not even once. He had intended to pack his bags and go to Abuja after his Service, not to live with his mother but to get settled there. The night he came back, Richard had been talking non-stop about his girlfriend and that he wants her to come live with them.

  Charles' earlier intention was to never see her again, at least not with his brother, but her moving in with them meant he gets to see her even though he could never have her and that seems like some sort of comfort to him. It hurts, a great deal seeing her with his brother, every single hug, touch, cuts deep into him but at least he gets to see her, so he had stayed and gotten a job. He had tried to push her way, maybe if he pushed with all his might he would forget her, his love for her will fade with time, but it has been two years since she moved him with them and his feelings are still fresh like it was three years ago. Every intended insult and curt behaviour did nothing to diminish his feelings for her and sometimes he feels pathetic that he is in love with his brother's girlfriend.

  Henrie on her part clearly does not like him, in fact today has been the nicest she has ever been to him. What cuts deep inside him was the fact that she stayed, with Richard despite everything he's done to her, she has stupidly continue to stay. If only she could see how much he loves her. What does he expect? For her to leave his brother and hook up with him? That is too much to hope for but he finds himself praying for it all the time. He had no idea what he did to her to make her despise him so, but at least she is taking care of him for the moment.

  He felt her stirring and he quickly closed his eyes, no point in her knowing he had been staring at her since forever.

  Henrie woke up slowly and she slowly opened her eyes and was shocked to find herself staring at Charles' neck. She looked up and his face was so close, gingerly she sat up and eased herself off from the bed. How could she have gotten asleep when she was supposed to be looking after him? She got out of the room quietly not wanting to wake him up, but of course she had no id
ea he wasn't sleeping anymore.


  Richard got home that night and called their mother to tell her Charles is sick which Charles really does not appreciate as his mother wanted her to come down to Abuja or else hers would be the first face he would see the next morning. Charles was annoyed and insisted he's better now but his brother and his mother are having none of it, so he had to get to Abuja the next morning.

  ''How many times have you run to her when you are sick?'' Charles said bitingly. ''You are a doctor the least you could do is treat me instead of you conniving with mum.''

  Richard shrugged. ''You are mummy's boy not me and you are just stressed out, you have to rest, forget about work for a few days and relax.''

  ''And I am supposed to do that with mum? I am a grown up now.'' He wasn't the type to whine but he really can't stop himself now.

  ''Tell that to her not me. It's either that or she gets here tomorrow, your choice.''

  ''You are really annoying.'' Charles stood up and headed to his room with Ada following him. ''So you are leaving in the morning?''

  Charles slumped down on his bed. ''I don't know why mum is not accepting the fact that I am not a child anymore, that I can take care of myself. That slimy Richard is annoying too both of them ganging against me, it's unfair.''

  ''It is okay, they are just trying to look out for you besides you really do need a break. You work too much Charles.''

  Charles rolled his eyes. ''Yeah right, I work too much, is that an excuse for thrusting me on mum?''

  Ada laughed. ''She loves you and you love her too. Your whining does not change that. When are you coming back?''

  ''Friday,'' he answered.

  ''Friday?'' You can't even stay with your mother for a week? Tomorrow is Wednesday.'' She pointed out.

  ''She will have me for two days.''

  ''I will go stay with one of my friends until you get back.'' She has been thinking about this when he and his brother had been taking about his trip to Abuja. She would feel uncomfortable staying in the house without him in it. She would stay with Ini until he gets back.

  Charles raised himself up on his elbow. ''Why? Why will you go stay with a friend?''

  ''Staying here without you will be weird.'' She replied.

  Charles could tell he couldn't change her mind so he didn't try to protest. ''Okay, but you are coming back when I get back home.''

  Ada nodded.


  Now was the time to tell Richard about Folarin's intended visit. ''I have something to tell you.''

  ''What?'' Richard asked lazily. He had his arm wrapped around her as they both cuddled together on the couch watching a movie.

  ''My cousin will be coming to Ilorin on Thursday. You do know her right, Folarin?''

  ''The one with the gap-tooth?''

  ''Yes. She will be here for business and she will go back to Lagos on Saturday.'' Now is the time to voice her thoughts. ''I think we should go with her to Lagos to see her dad about the wedding.''

  ''You have thought this through right, and why am I just hearing about this?''

  ''It just came to my mind hours after she called me to tell me she is coming.'' She could tell he disapproved of her opinion because he thought she had not told him earlier whereas she just came to the conclusion.

  ''Maybe,'' he said and left it at that.

  ''Maybe what?''

  ''Don't disturb me Henrie, I am not in the mood for any of your chitchats okay?'' He put her away and stood up. ''I will let you know when I want to visit your Uncle.''

  What has she said to make him angry?


  Chapter Nine

  The next morning Charles left and Ada packed few things with her as she would go to her friends' after work and stay there until his return. Henrie was left at home and she could only look forward to Folarin's arrival the next day.

  On Thursday Folarin called her to tell her she has arrived and would be lodging in a hotel. It was pretty late when she arrived so she promised to call her tomorrow after she is done with her meeting. Henrie doesn't have anything to do at home so she was eagerly awaiting Friday. On Friday she doesn't find it necessary to tell Richard she wouldn't be home most of the day, he went to the hospital and she got herself ready for Folarin's call. The call came by 2:17 in the afternoon and she jumped up. She changed into the clothes she had laid out earlier and locked the door.

  ''You are looking gorgeous Henrie, you always do.'' Folarin complimented her with a hug.

  ''You don't look bad yourself.'' Henrie closed her eyes in bliss. ''It feels so good to see you cousin.''

  They drew apart and they both sat down on the bed. ''It has been how many years now?''

  ''Two years, when I convocated in the University.'' The last time she had been with all her family members was during her convocation in the university. That had been the happiest day of her life and also the saddest, if only her parents had been there when she graduated from the University.

  ''Are you not supposed to be at work? I thought I would come see you tomorrow morning before I leave because I thought you will be too busy to attend to me.'' She handed her a can of Malt which she took and smiled.

  ''I will never be too busy to attend to you Folarin.'' She has no job, so she is the un-busy person in this world.

  ''Why are you not at the office then?''

  Henrie gulped. ''I got the day off.'' She lied. She couldn't even begin to think of what her reaction would be if she learns that her boyfriend made her quit her job. ''I called my boss after you called me that day and begged him for a day off.'' That is better than her telling the truth. Why is she even not telling her she is getting married?

  ''I have missed you so much.'' Folarin grinned.

  Henrie couldn't help but compare herself to her cousin. She herself was the smartest one, have good grades, good looks, an infectious smile and for a while she had it all, but now she has nothing. She had gotten her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature and had graduated as one of the best students in her class and had easily gotten a job after a Youth Service which she did in Ilorin but had let it go when Richard told her a friend of his would hire her and she started working for his friend as a Secretary and now? She is jobless. Folarin on the other hand got a job a year after her Youth Service and she is definitely going places, even she could tell. She has that aura of a would-be successful Civil Servant. Once they get married she would persuade him to let her work, this time with her Certificate.

  They talked, eat, laughed for hours and Henrie had no idea about the passage of time. ''Sleep here with me tonight Henrie.'' Folarin said hours later.

  Another lie, she never told Folarin she lives with her boyfriend. She had told her that he asked her to move in then and she had disagreed then, telling her that she doesn't need to live a couple live with any guy except she got married to him. She had accepted and had made up her mind to tell him no to his offer, but he had persuaded her and she agreed and had never bothered to tell Folarin. Richard would not hear a word about her sleeping out. So she searched her mind and racked her head for a believable excuse. ''I have a date tonight with my boyfriend, I have been putting it off for days now, but tonight since I wasn't working I thought I would indulge him.'' She winced inwardly, how many lies has she told her cousin in the past hour? Even she had lost count. She had lied so much about his queenly care of her and she cringed.

  Folarin pouted. ''I would have stayed with you but the company already booked this room in my name.''

  Henrie heaved a sigh of relief. ''Oh, at least we get to see each other and hang out which is totally fabulous.''

  ''Yes, so fabulous.'' Folarin agreed.

  By the time Folarin finally released her it was past 10pm. She hugged her cousin tightly. ''Call me when you get to Lagos. I will be there in a few weeks.''

  Folarin watched her with disbelief. ''Hmm, I will say you say so. I won't believe until I see you there in flesh and blood and not just your voice.''

  Henrie laughed. It had been so long she really laughed and she felt free at that moment, not burdened, just free. ''I promise to be there, you will see.''

  Folarin hugged her once more. ''Call me when you get home.''

  ''I will.'' She flagged down a taxi and waved goodbye to her cousin until she couldn't see her anymore.

  The first thing Henrie noticed when she got home was that Richard's Infiniti was parked besides the building. She swallowed and gently knocked on the door, once, then twice and then repeatedly. She knew he was inside, not only for his car but because there is light in the sitting room and they put out the lights everyday when going to bed, so he is in there and awake. She tried to call him and she could hear the phone ringing inside as she pressed her ear to the door but he didn't pick her call. She tried again several times but he still wasn't picking his calls.

  She slid out of her shoes and sat down in front of the door, her back pressed against it. He was clearly making her know that he is not happy with her outing and her punishment was sleeping outside in the cold. She called Folarin to tell her she was home and then curled up on her side on the floor, tears flooding from her eyes. She sniffed continuously as she cried herself to sleep outside, in the cold.


  The next Morning Henrie woke up with a gasp as she felt water been poured on her. She sat up abruptly and spluttered, as Richard dumped a bucket full of water on her. She started crying again as she sat down on the floor, dripping.

  The next time Richard came out he took her by the hand and dragged her inside. Locking the door, he unbuckled his belt. ''Kneel down there,'' he commanded.

  Henrie fell on her knees, sobbing. She started pleading. ''I'm sorry. I was with Folarin last night. I told you she was coming.'' She tried to explain herself frantically.

  ''What do I care about Folarin? I called you several times last night but you didn't pick my calls all because of your dear cousin. Why isn't your cousin here to save you now?''