Read Dark Tears Page 9

unpleased with Victor and with the group of girls.

  Then the vision shifted into night, and the town was empty. Anna jumped as she heard screams, and there the group of girls from early for running right for Anna. She tried to move but her feet were glued, when she put her arms out to stop them. The girls ran right through Anna.

  Anna looked to an invisible force grab them by their ankles and drag them into a dark alley why. Anna plugged her ears as the sounds of gushing and flesh slashing echoed through the town. Then the vision shifted again, this time the town police and Victor, along with his father at the scene. His father did look middle aged, and then standing on Victor’s side was Marry Beth. When the bodies were being carried out, Victor pulled Mary Beth to a nearby alley what.

  “What happened Mary, the stench of Dark magic was all over the place.” Victor said in horse whisper, then Mary began to sob. “It was my mother I tried to stop her, I tried to convince her of what you said. But she didn’t agree and she, she was the one who…” “Marry who have to stop your mother, my father knew it was her. Mary, the Council is getting together, to decide whether to...” “Whether to what Victor?” “Whether to kill your mother or not, my father will be attending and so will I. Marry your mother had killed twenty girls over the past year.” “I know, but Victor I don’t even know if it’s her anymore, her soul is gone, I feel it.”

  The image faded again and this time, in the day again. But this time people were screaming. “The carriage crashed get a doctor, Lady Blackwood, and Lady Beth are in there!” Anna then saw the image fade again, and this time Anna was holding onto her mother crying. Victor came from behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Marry turned around and hissed at Victor. “It’s your fault! You could have stopped the Council!” She shouted at him. “You don’t think I’m upset about this too! No one can stop the Council! My mother wasn’t even supposed to be in the carriage!” Marry got up and said. “You are the cause you did this! This is your families’ fault!”

  The vision faded, and Anna was again in the Dark Forest. “It was his fault he could have stopped it.” Anna looked at her, Marry blamed Victor’s family for her mother’s death. “He couldn’t of, he couldn’t stop it, he did nothing wrong. You said it yourself your mother was gone before her body even died.” Anna saw Marry hand her head and begin to laugh, and rather insane and cruel laugh.

  “Well, well, still not convinced, my family, gave them their power. This power belongs to me! Victor promised to be there for me, and then someone came to town. Someone who still lives, your grandmother. She then turned him against me convince him that I was up to know good. Your entire bloodline Ms. Raventail decided that my family, were no longer apart of this town. It was your grandfather that killed my father!”

  Anna then saw, Marry had blood on both Raventail and Blackwood. “My father was going to rage great war on this world, until the day your grandfather murdered him! So you see dear Anna, I’ve watched your family for a very long time. Even a certain sickness that killed your mother and drained her of her beauty.” Then Anna then thought, Anna’s mother didn’t get sick for any reason. Marry gave it to her, Marry killed her mother. “And I promised to make all of your descendents pay! And end you and Victor’s bloodline. I couldn’t believe Eva hid you for years! I couldn’t believe when I saw your pretty little self pull the dagger from Victor and wake him up from his little nap. Garret could have done the job for me, but you were persistent. Now, I’m going to let the corpse groom get what I brought him here for. Victor,” She called out, but no answer. “Victor.” She said again, and she began to grow impatient. “VICTOR!” She screamed and Ombre Inconnue Victor landed next to Anna, Marry then saw her own spirit had betrayed her.

  “No, Marry, you leave my Anna alone.” With that said, he charged for Marry, Marry with an angry look on her face. Cast an attack spell sending him backwards, he got up quickly. “Marry stop it doesn’t have to be this way!” Anna shouted, Marry turned to her and said. “Stay out of this you little bitch!” Ombre Inconnue Victor charged for her again, this time they locked. Their battle took flight as Anna was forced to ground by the air.

  Anna then screamed the fireball spell and shot it in the air, and hitting Marry. The fireball seemed to have no effect, then Marry dropped from the sky suddenly. Landing on her face she got up, and she was mess, dead leafs were ruffled in her hair. See then looked at her hands, the rings were gone.

  “No, no, no, no…” She kept repeating to herself as she scrambled through the leafs. “NO!” She yelled then she looked at Anna. “I may not have the power of a mage, but I still have the power of a necromancer!” With that she screamed a word Anna didn’t understand, and ground beneath her began to rise. Anna got up and jumped off the rising ground, and her ankle reeled with pain. She saw a fleshy, boney hand come from the ground and grab her ankle with a death grip. She was shaking him off, when suddenly the two rings were dropped in front of her. Marry saw them and ran for the rings. But Anna grabbed the rings, in a large force of light. The two rings combined and grew into a powerful sword. The sword was light and powerful. Anna took the sword and swung it at the figure rising from the ground that had her ankle. The figure let go, and Anna was forced to limp through the pain. She held the sword up to Marry, as she was only a few feet from Anna. “Victor, I am you master I command you to kill her!” Marry screamed, then Anna saw Ombre Inconnue Victor’s reflection in the sword blade. “I’m sorry Anna but, I must obey my master, she created me.”

  Anna swung the sword around, and he was not there. She heard Marry laugh, Anna swung around again, and saw they were both gone. Anna didn’t let down her guard, Anna then begin to fast limp through the forest.


  It had been long hours that Anna was trapped in the Dark Forest seeing no end. The sword still in hand, Anna dearly wished there was some way to make this journey quicker. Marry could come back at any moment, and kill Anna. Or Ombre Inconnue Victor may, but Anna didn’t want to be out here when the wolves came out.

  As she continued exusted through the trees, and just as it was about Twilight. Anna finally sat on the stomp of a cut tree. Indicating she was near town, Anna took off her shoe to see her ankle and it worst then she thought.

  Her ankle had four long straight marks, and one curling in the opposite direction. The marks were purple and had yellow outing the marks. Anna rolled her pant leg back over the mark, and huffed as she was trying to catch her breath. Anna was thirsty and hungry, during the way, Anna had eaten on snow.

  Solving her thirst problem, but her mind wanted liquid.

  Anna soon camped near a stream, Anna being raised all her life with some sort of fire going about. Didn’t know how to make one, but luckily, she just piled wood together and lit is ablaze with the fireball spell.

  Anna sat in the snow, trying to warm herself. But the cold of the night was closing in, Anna feared if she fell asleep the cold of the night would take her lungs.

  Sitting in the snow feeling sorry for herself, she was unaware of the predator that had been stalking her for half an hour. But kept its distance, fearing the blade, which was firm in Anna’s grasp. Anna couldn’t help herself any longer when her eyelids had finally shut. The creature behind the rock, creped over, and smelled the girl. Realizing her scent, she smelled of Blackwood, had they returned? He wondered, were they here to heal the land and fill it with food once again? The creature then nudged at Anna’s injured foot, Anna jerked up and grabbed her ankle. Then she looked up and screamed.

  The creature was an over sized giant white wolf, with beading yellow eyes. Looking at Anna as she screamed, he sat and titled his head. When Anna realized he wasn’t going to attach her, she stopped. They looked at each other in the eyes for minutes.

  “Are you a Blackwood?” The wolf, asked, Anna then being use to things that were talking and shouldn’t be talking.

  “No, but I am Raventail, and I live within Blackwood manor, with its m
aster. Victor Blackwood.” The wolf seemed to recognize the name. “Victor, were you the one who awakened him?” Anna nodded, the wolf then said. “I, you smelled a lot like the boy. But what are you doing in the Dark Forest, while that witch is out looking for you?” He asked, Anna then responded. “I know, I had to get two things from her. The Ring of Raventail, and the Ring of Blackwood.” The wolf stood up instantly and said. “Then it is true, you are the one to heal the land of Blackwood. I’m Gorik; I for centuries have been an alley of the Blackwood’s. Come, we must get you back to Blackwood. The sun rises in an hour, and then you will only have three days. And the witch could come out at a second with her Ombre Inconnue.” Anna then said. “I can’t walk, my ankle was injured badly.” Anna said standing up on one foot, and using the sword as a cane.

  Gorik looked at the sword intensely for a moment. “Are those the rings?” He asked Anna shook her head the wolf amazed said. “Never in a hundred year, did I think that sword would come again.” “What do you mean?” Anna asked. “Your family and the Blackwoods have been in league longer then you know of. Now, it’s time for the land and the families to awaken. Climb onto my back, it shall be daybreak by the time we reach Blackwood Manor.”

  Anna walked over to Gorik, he lay down, and Anna climbed on his back. Anna tied the sword to her belt, and wrapped her cloak around herself. Gorik then kicked off with powerful legs, Anna felt herself hand onto the animal for dear life. As he raced the wind through the forest.

  Victor lay on the couch in the manor, trying to wonder what had happened. Why was he sleeping? Victor sat up and stretched then he looked at the teapot tray in front of him. All the memories flashed together again, Victor tried to run out from the couch. But his legs turned to jell-o, and he found himself tripping all over the place as he trying to head for the door. “Albert!” He shouted, and soon scatting was heard from the other side of the door. “Master! Anna she is nowhere in the manor! She’s been gone for hours!” Albert shouted out of breath, then Victor felt himself panic. “Did you check the West Wing?” Victor asked, Albert nodded in a yes squeaking as he was out of breath. “How, how, did she

  get out master? And why were you sleeping?” Albert asked trying to straighten himself. “Anna put something in the tea, and he forced my body to sleep.” Victor said.

  “Oh this is my fault I should have insisted taking the tea to you master.” Albert said while trying to help the dazed Victor. “It’s not your fault, anyway have you tired—“ Before Victor could finish all throughout the manor, a wolf howl was heard loud and clear. “Gorik.” Victor whispered, before finding his strength again, he ran to the front of the manor. With wheezing Albert not far behind, as Victor got to the door, Eva was already there and she opened the door.

  When Victor was outside with her. He saw she had been crying, then as they witness. A giant wolf walking through the gates of the Blackwood Manor, through the dead garden and past the frozen fountain. And upon his back was a cloaked figure, the figure slid off, patted Gorik and then turned around. She pulled off her hood, she was messy and looked very tired. “Anna!” Victor shouted and ran to her, Anna fell over in exustment. “She is fine, Victor just tired, but you must heal her ankle once she is ready.” Victor looked up and said. “Thank you Gorik, it is good to see you again.” Gorik then sniffed the side of Victor’s face, then leaned down to Anna’s face and gave her a small lick.

  “You as well, Lord