Read Dark Tears Page 7

“Be with me forever.” Then Anna felt an immoral pain in her stomach. She backed away from him to see he had stabbed her, with the very dagger she pulled from his heart. Anna in a state of panic looked back at Victor. And lonely tear came from his eye. Then she heard his voice in the distant calling her name.

  Everything then was pitch black again, and she was lying on a bed, and someone was shaking her. “Anna, Anna, Anna wake up!” She opened her eyes to see Victor, healthy and alive. She flew in a sit up position and took in a large breath. Her body in cold sweat, then Victor shook her awake again and then asked. “Anna, are you alright? Speak to me!” Anna then looked at him and said. “I’m alright.” Then Victor took her within his arms and held her. “I had thought Marry really had gotten to you. You’d had been screaming in your sleep for over three hours.” Victor seemed for panicky then Anna did but she welcomed his touch.

  Anna held onto him, then she took her face away from his chest to look down. She had a wet spot over her stomach; she lifted her shirt, to see a small, but deep punched mark on her lower stomach. “Oh my…” Anna then realized could that dream have been real? She lay back down realizing her pain Victor placed his hand over Anna’s injury and whispered chants. A white light appeared from under his hand, and when he lifted it the wound was gone. Only soft pink flesh was left, then he pulled her shirt back down.

  He felt her forehead then compared it with his own. “You’re not sick, but how in the world did you get that stab mark. Did you dream of someone killing you?” Anna looked at him with sad eyes, then she said. “Yes,” as a quiet whisper. “Who, or what did this person look like?” Anna couldn’t bring herself to answer loudly, but then she said. “……….you did.” He seemed to hear her cause he shot up in shock. “What?” He asked quietly. “You did, it was awful the manor was in ruins the whole place there wasn’t anybody. At first though everything was normal, then I tried to find you. I couldn’t find you anywhere in the manor. So I went to the West Wing, when I got in the room you weren’t there at first. Then I turned

  around and there you were. But you looked like a corsep your hands were bones, all of the color had been drained from you. Then you asked why I had married Garret, and why I left. Then you got close to me, you were whispering something. Then you kissed me, then stabbed me. But Victor no that would never happen.” She hung onto him, to know he was real and would never kill her.

  Victor’s hand then stroked her hair, she closed her eyes for a minute. She opened them again to see herself in the mirror reflection, and undead Victor holding her. She pushed him away and looked at him with her own eyes. He was alive and normal Victor. She looked back and him and herself in the mirror. “What, what did you see?” He asked her. “Oh, Victor I can’t tell what is a dream and what is real. Just a minute, I saw your corsep holding me.”

  “Oh no.” He whispered, then Anna looked at him. “What oh no?” She asked him, then he asked. “Did you father leave anything while he was here. Anything, even if it’s the smallest thing?” “Well, no, I didn’t seem him set down anything.” Then Victor got off the bed, and looked under it. Then he spotted something, he pulled out a wood doll. Poorly made, it was just sticks tided together to look like a doll. “What is it?” Anna asked pulling the covers further over herself. “It’s a dream doll, parents normally use it on children to give them good dreams. Or bad ones to teach them a lesson, looks like Marry Beth sent your father in here to drop this off. Marry was spealized in the tricks of the mind, and spirits of the undead of unfortunate futures. This doll will tell us a lot more, if the doll makes the flames burn blue then the spirit connected to the doll isn’t here. But if the fire turns green, then looks like the spirit in your dreams may be here with us.” Anna looked terrified then she looked at the doll and then at the fire. “Throw it.” She said.

  Victor walked to the fire, and threw the doll in, he back up. Then the fire burst, and green was the color that took place of the beautiful organ flames. The spirit, then was in the room with Anna and Victor.

  “What kind of spirit is it, it can’t be you?” Anna asked as Victor sat at the desk reading through a rather thick book. “It sounds like, an Ombre Inconnue, meaning nameless shadow in French. These souls are the type that have died before born. They are left blank souls willing to take the form of whomever they consume. Marry Beth was a necromancer. She must have called upon and when she did. She gave it memoires, and identity and pain. This nameless shadow truly thinks it me, but with different memories. If what you said is true then what I can think is that. Is in his mind, your married to Garret, he’s a depressed corpse. And wants nothing more but to be reunited with you. And he thinks the only way to do that is to kill you. And I can tell you this spirit will not like it if I hang around. He’ll must likely try to kill me as well, knowing Marry Beth. She’ll do one of two things, kill me, or put me back under the spell.” Anna listening to this felt better about what she was dealing with. “Is there any way to banish the spirit?” Anna asked.

  “If we do we’ll just piss him off. Spirits like this are neither dead nor alive. Spirits like this have to either accomplish their goal, which in our case is not going to happen. Or we can do what is called a Sealing, we take something prior to his memories and seal him within it, like a box or something. And maybe something you’ve had for a long time, considering he’s after you.” Victor said closing the book, and as he did dust flew out of the pages. Coughing, he set the book down.

  “What would it have to be?” Anna asked, he then said. “Anything that can open or close with lots of emotion in it. With the same equality of his pain.” Anna then thought, of her locket, she placed her

  fingers on it. It maybe her only chance, she was sure her mother didn’t mind. If it was to save her life, although Anna didn’t want to give up one of things her mother left to her. It was what they had to work with. “What about this?” Anna asked, and then she took of the choky necklace. And handed it to Victor, he opened and asked. “Yes, this will work, is this your mother?” He asked looking at the picture of the young women. “Yes, when she was my age, is when she also meet my father.” Victor closed the locket then said. “We’ll have to gain more information about the spirit though. The Sealing can take days even weeks. And this spirit which is possible listening to us right now will do everything in his power to make sure the Sealing doesn’t happen and that he kills you in the process. He’ll even try to posse you in some way. He’ll try to get you alone in every way he can, and isolate you. I’ve already placed a spell around Eva when you were sleeping. She’ll be fine, but we can’t tell her the more people that don’t know the better.”

  Anna nodded in agreement, then she heard a voice calling her in the distance. “He’s calling for me.” Anna said, Victor was up and in front of Anna. Anna stood up and said. “We should go somewhere he can’t.” She grabbed his arm, and was leading Victor out the door. Then they both turned toward the fire place as they saw embers ruffle in the air, as if a rock was thrown in the fire. Anna was at his side now, she walked forward to see nothing. She turned around to face Victor while saying. “Well doesn’t look like……” She turned around and gasped the undead Victor was right behind the real Victor. “VICTOR BEHIND YOU!” She shouted, Victor turned around and when he did. Corpse Victor pushed him hard enough to send him flying through the air and into the fireplace. When he clashed the shelf of fireplace caved in on him, causing the fire to go out. And burying Victor within its rubble. “NO!” Anna yelled.

  She couldn’t believe it, Victor, was dead.

  Anna turned around in a rage and shouted. “YOU ARE NOT VICTOR! YOU KILLED HIM!” But when she said the spirit flashed away in black smoke. “Don’t you see.” Is what she heard coming from the walls, she twisted and turned as she heard him continue. “He, was an imposter, he was trying to keep us apart.” “THERE IS NO US!” She shouted back, then she back away and felt herself bump into somebody. Knowing who that was she flashed away and looked at Corpse Victo
r. “First you say you love me, then you marry Garret, then you come back, and say you didn’t and that you loved me. Now you are saying were not meant to be? And you prance around with an imposter me? My sweet Anna, my love, my life. Be with me, forever, I can make you happy.” Anna was backing away, until his tripped over and onto the couch. “Your not Victor!” She shouted back in his face, he seemed hurt and saddened, Anna almost felt sorry for him. Then she heard cracking and large piece of marble stone flew right in front of Anna hitting the spirit.

  It hit the wall crashing the doors open and broken. She saw the Cosrep Victor from behind the piece of marble fireplace and pushed it off himself. Then Anna looked to see the fire place remake itself, then the fire lit. Then a figure walked out from the flames, a completely burnt body, the flesh burned of his teeth. But his eyes, had changed to a furious red. New and tan flesh began to crawl over the burnt body revealing Victor, with his hair perfectly swiped back and out of his face. And he grabbed what looked like his white shirt out of mid air and fluffs it to reveal his tight paints, black boots, and flurry white shirt. “Victor…” Was all what Anna managed to say before the spirit turned horrifying. “Get out.” Was all Victor said as the red in his eyes grew even brighter. The spirits eyes hollowed and his mouth

  cracked open to reveal a huge abyss of a mouth as he screamed in a furious anger both leaving within a black smoke.

  Anna got up and was in front of Victor, who blinked a few time before his normal dark eyes came back. “Victor how did you….” She was pointing at him and at the fireplace at the same time. “Its part of being a mage. Anyway he didn’t hurt you did he?” He asked, “No, he didn’t but are you immortal?” Anna asked, Victor hoped she wouldn’t. “Yes, and so was my father, my mother was mortal.” Anna felt herself go numb, all of her energy was suddenly drained from her. “I think I need to sit.” Anna then sat back on the couch. “Too much for one day?” Victor asked, Anna nodded and said. “Yeah, but I’m too scared to sleep, for fear that he’ll try to kill me in my dreams again.” Anna fought to keep herself awake, Victor sat with her and said. “I’ll watch over you tonight, I don’t really sleep anymore. And I rarely find myself tired.” “Can’t you cast a sleep so I don’t sleep?” Anna asked like a whinny child. “No, sorry, if I do that you could age faster. But then it makes everything more complicated considering you magic in your blood now. You could be immortal now, or still be mortal. So, that would end badly.” Anna threw her head back, and whined even more. Then fell to lay on her side on the big fluffy couch, and then she took the purple fluffy blanket and wrapped herself in the blanket. “Then I’m not leaving the study.”

  “Perfect, it makes my research easier.” Victor said getting up and walking to the desk. He sat and began to research and write.

  Anna fell asleep to the white noise, or crackling embers and a quill scratching letters on the paper. And every once in awhile she heard Victor flip a page of a book. And every once in awhile she felt him stare at her. Anna then heard the door open and an elderly women voice whom she presumed was Eva. “Is she asleep?” Eva asked, Anna heard Victor place his quill back in the ink well and say. “Yes, deep in sleep if you ask me.” “Good because I need to speak with you.”

  Anna then grew interested, why would they be talking about her behind her back? “It’s about Anna,