Read Dark Tears Page 8

Victor, and more importantly about you. You know you don’t have a lot of time left.” Anna then thought, a lot of time for what? “I know, I feel my body growing weaker. I barely resurrected myself today when battling Marry’s Ombre Inconnue.” “Victor, you must speed this love thing up. You and Anna had only known each for three days, but the spell won’t last for long. You know what you must do, you must marry Anna.” “I know, but she deserves time to…” “And so do you, I’m sure Anna would understand. You heard what Holly told you, Anna just wants you to ask her formally that’s all. So what’s the problem? Because if you don’t soon, you’ll die in your own body and end up wondering the earth forever, and end up looking like Mister. Dead man.” “I know, it’s if I marry her I’m scared she’ll be mortal again. Or will she stay immortal? I don’t want to spend an etnery either way by myself. And how do you know I can give her a life? I don’t even know if we’ll ever get her father back either.” “Don’t you worry about that as long as you and Anna have each other you’ll be fine. You’ve got four days left Victor, I suggest, you go and find your family ring.” “I can’t, because, Marry Beth has it. I can’t marry without it. The magic wouldn’t allow me too. And in four days if I can’t get the ring, you heard Anna today. She doesn’t want that to be my fate, if she heard us talking. You know her better than I do, although I am afaired she’ll do something rasce.” “Your probley right, but Victor you’re going to be all she has soon. I don’t have much time myself, I’m 82 years old the spell you cast on me only keeps me alive until I have guided the youth to you. I thought I would have a daughter and she’d pull it, I was almost released when I had a son, but then he brought Margret to Blackwood, and gave birth to Anna. Never in a thousand years

  did I expect it to be my granddaughter, the day she was born. I thought nothing of taking her there; I loved her more than time itself. I didn’t want her to get hurt, I never knew she somehow found her way up to the tower.”

  “And now look, exusted, she has to fight the spirit herself and Marry Beth. But I strongly suggest you tell Anna of the ring. If the ring isn’t the Ring of Blackwood, then the wedding will seem like it never even happened. On the day you and Anna marry then I will pass. But while in here for the next fifty years as a ghost, I do expect to see some great grandbabies.” Victor giggled and then said. “I will, I can’t face Marry Beth, because she holds my family power. If I were to step outside the walls of the manor, my power will wane. Only when I have the Ring of Blackwood, and then she must create a Ring of Raventail. Can we then be married in body and soul. But I need, the ring, but yet I can’t get it.”

  The conversation ended there, as Eva pressed on about wanting to have one of the great grandchild named Eva the second. Anna thought for a long time, he has four days, and Anna wants to get the ring. No, she needed to get the ring from Marry Beth somehow. Then Anna thought, could she turn the Ombre Inconnue against Marry Beth, if real Victor couldn’t fight her. Then Ombre Inconnue Victor can, she would just have to somehow speak to the spirit without, getting herself killed.

  As the night press on Anna thought of way to get the ring. And how on earth she was going to separate herself from Victor. He was going to cling and follow Anna around like a lost puppy. Then Anna needed to figure out how she was going to convince the spirit. She didn’t want to lie to the poor thing, it was suffering enough pain. Then most likely Victor was always aware of where Anna was at moment of the exact day. So it would be almost impossible for Anna to leave without Victor noticing then following her out of the manor. But she needed Victor here, where he was safe, Anna had to do this tomorrow. She had to find Marry Beth and get the ring. Then find a ring to become the Ring of Raventail.

  She came up with the craziest and most illogic plan in the world. But it was going to have to work.

  The next morning, Victor still at the desk greeted Anna. Anna greeted him back and went to her room to get fresh clothes and a bath.

  After that was done Anna instead chose something comfortable to move around and run in. A short dress with tights, and high boots. She slipped on her cloak and headed to the gardens, being the daughter of a mechial student and living with a doctor while your mother was sick. Anna picked up on some things, like a dose of me chin that makes you sleep. Anna picked the right ingredients, then she sat on a bench crushing them in a mixing bowl. She then placed it in a small bag to pull out later.

  Walking around the manor, she found Albert. “Albert could you bring me a fresh pot of tea please?” Anna asked. “Of course my lady, right away.” Anna thought he meant in a few minutes, but as he entered his right hole, returned in 30 seconds. “Here my lady, would you like me to carry this for you?” He asked, Anna shook her head and said. “No, I’ll be just fine thank you. I’ll bring it Victor, thank you.” She took the tray from Albert then walked to the study, before she entered she poured the mix into the tea. Stirred it nice and easy and walked into the study.

  “Tea break.” Anna said as she walked into the study. “There you are, I was being to get worried.” Victor said setting the quill down and stretching from the chair. Anna placed the tea tray on the table and

  poured the cups. “Albert made it just the way you like it.” Anna said as Victor sat next to her, Victor took the cup from her. Then stopped and smelled the tea and said. “It smells different, did Albert add some new leafs in here?” “Smells like normal tea to me.” Anna answered trying to cover her tracks and not drink the tea. “You drink it first.” Victor said, Anna wasn’t worried at all, throughout the years of being polite and eating things that looked disgusting. She had developed quite the talent for holding things in back of her own throat and talking clearly at the same time without swallowing. She swallowed and held the tea, then said. “See, tastes fine to me.” All the while when she pretended to take another swipe, she really spit the tea back out.

  Victor seeing it was safe, drank down the cup, in fact the whole pot.

  He lay on the couch minutes later drowsy, he fought to keep his eyes open. “What did Albert put in that tea?” He asked rubbing his face trying to keep himself awake. When it seemed the drugs had almost taken effect (and by the amount he had drank, he would be out for a few hours) Anna got up and said. “Its not what Albert put in the tea, it’s what I put in the tea. I’m going Victor, I’m going to get the ring from Marry Beth.” Victor in the state of panic tried to reach for her but he was slowly fading. “I’m not going alone; I’m bringing the Ombre Inconnue Victor with me. I will be back.” “An—na… stop….wait.” With his last words he fell into a deep sedated sleep. Anna placed a blanket over him, then ran out and swung her cloak over her shoulders. She was going to the West Wing where Ombre Inconnue Victor would most likely be.

  Anna was at the landing of the West Wing itself. She knocked on the door and said. “Victor, Victor, can I come in?” She asked, when she did the door slowly opened. She stepped in then sat on the bed, she wanted to be as if she was speaking to him normally. The door closed by itself, and then Anna said. “I know you’re mad, but I just want to speak with you.” Anna just heard the creaking of the floor boards, then a mirror appeared leaning on the wall near the door. Seeing Anna on the bed at first, then Ombre Inconnue Victor behind her, she looked back to see he was not directly near her. She got up and walked to the body lengthen mirror, with Ombre Inconnue Victor following like a shadow behind her. “I need your help Victor, I need to tell you, I didn’t marry Garret, and these are memoires Marry Beth gave you. I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to see you suffer. If you help me, I will help you anyway I can. Fight Marry Beth with me, I need you.” Anna then placed her hand on the glass, waiting for a response.

  “Yes my love.”

  Then Ombre Inconnue Victor’s boney hand wrapped around her shoulder and she felt him, she turned around. His corpse like state gave Anna shivers, but she hugged him none the less and said. “Thank you. Now, take me to Marry Beth.” Victor, then said. “Yes, my life.” He then hung
on to her tightly, as they began to swirl, and winds blew past her face. And when she landed, she landed in the last place she wanted to be. The Dark Forest.

  The Dark Forest couldn’t be in maybe a beautiful meadow? Ombre Inconnue Victor still behind her, said. “Marry please reveal yourself.” There was no response, then leafs around them began to ruffle. And then from above, a dark smoke landed only a few feet from Anna. The black smoke disappeared and there stood a young and beautiful looking woman.

  She had curled, wild red hair, with painted bright red lips, bright green eyes. She had pale skin, and a witched smile, nothing about her seemed warm. Wearing tight, cheap, black leather, and had colored tattoos decorate her chest and arms. Anna thought if she got rid of the tattoos and wore better clothing she’d be really pretty.

  “Well well, this is the girl who pulled my dagger out from my x boyfriend. By the way how is he?” The girl asked, her voice sounded high pitched and of a young women.

  Anna tired to back up to Ombre Inconnue Victor but found he was no longer there. “What is your name? Anna that’s right, Anna, Ana, Annie or whatever.” Marry Beth seemed to speak as though she were from a different place. “Now, what do we do with you, the longer you live, the more my power fades. Or rather Victor’s power.” She held up her ring finger for Anna to see, the Ring of Blackwood. A golden ring with a black gem placed on it. “And of course your power, hope you mother doesn’t mind.” She held up her right ring finger and there it was. Anna’s mother’s wedding ring, which was only a silver ring, with the words Raventail written on it. Anna felt herself grew angry her mother was buried with the ring.

  “Give them back.” Anna said, Marry threw her head back and laughed. “Well, I thought you’d be more polite then that, but even if you said please, no.” Was all Marry said. “I worked hard for this power, I thought Victor loved me too you know. But he used me, just like he’ll use you. But, then Victor was so cruel. And let me guess he didn’t tell you everything now did he?” Marry asked circling Anna.

  “Victor has done nothing wrong it was you who were the selfish one, you cursed him for power.”

  “Oh really, well let me show you what really happened between us.” Marry Beth said, before, Anna’s vision faded, and images of a bright town was formed. It looked to be a newer version of Blackwood.

  Anna’s vision was forced to focus on a couple, who’s heads were hidden under an umbrella. The umbrella was lifted to reveal, Victor and Marry Beth.

  He walked Marry Beth along the streets like a gentleman. Then two old women just behind them, one who looked pretty for her middle age said. “Victor darling, wait for mother.” Victor turned around to a woman, who Anna guessed was his mother. The two old women caught up, and then one whom Anna guessed was Mary’s mother considering the way she greeted her.

  Mary’s mother was overweight and seemed quite aloof from the cheery group. Then a group of young women came by, called Marry Beth, a whore, and witch as they pasted. Anger grew within Mary’s eyes, then as if by chance, and by an unknown force, dirty water from the gutter. Splashed on to the group of girls. They screamed as the water hit them, then Anna saw Victor take Marry by the shoulder and heard him whisper. “Marry don’t do that.” “But they called me a….” “Don’t care what they called, all that matters is what you think of yourself. Don’t let them get to you darling.” Mary’s mother seemed