Read Domesticated Page 25

  The day took forever, and his seven o’clock arrival seemed to drag on and on. I tried to occupy my mind, going over my plan with Olivia, eating food that I wasn’t hungry for, and reading. Nothing was working. The wetness between my legs, the throbbing sensation telling me I needed to come, and the thought of the feeling wouldn’t stop.

  “I’m going for a walk,” I finally told Olivia, needing something to inhabit my mind. I didn’t want to come. I wanted Sam to make me do that. The rain passed and the sun shone hot above my head. I carried my shoes and waded in the water to cool myself.

  I stopped and removed my shorts and shirt when I came upon a family with three little girls. Walking out to the water, I watched them from a little ways out, intrigued. The three little girls were around the same ages as my sisters and me at that age. What fascinated me most was the oldest one was just like me—she was different. It was obvious that the oldest girl was of a different race. Her skin was darker and her light wire-like hair was different from her two blonde younger sisters.

  The mother had blond hair, too, and I assumed the oldest child was interracial, probably born before the mother met the new father. I spun in the water, trying to be inconspicuous and not look like the obvious stalker. The family was nothing like my own. The dad scooped up the child that was clearly not his own flesh and blood, and played with her just like the other two. He acted like he loved them.

  It made me think about the beach at the Dominica resort we’d stayed at when we were probably about the same age as these three little girls. I was probably eight, Katie was four, and Paris was two. It was one of the few times I saw my dad playful. I was very careful by then about what I said or did around Adriana. I had learned long ago that my dad was off limits. It wasn’t even my fault. It was his.

  My dad grabbed both me and Katie, one in each arm, and carried us to the ocean where he let us ride on his back. He played with us for a good hour. I already knew I was in trouble so I played, had fun, and forgot about the consequences. It wasn’t until my dad told us to get out and rest awhile that it hit me. I saw the vengeance in Adriana’s eyes as my dad held both our hands and led us to the blanket.

  “Let’s go collect some seashells, girls,” my dad, said not long after we’d sat down. Adrian reached around Katie, who was sitting beside her, and squeezed the back of my neck, hard. It hurt, but I knew it was a warning for me not to go. I didn’t. I told my dad I was too tired. He and Katie took off down the beach, happy as could be.

  “We’re going up to the house. I want to lay Paris down for a nap,” Adriana pulled me by the back of my swimsuit to the beautiful home we would occupy for an entire week.

  Adriana made me stand right in front of her while she glared at me and rocked Paris. “You think you belong in this family? You think you’re one of us?” Adriana asked, patting Paris on the back while her eyes grew heavier and heavier.

  “No,” I replied.

  “No, what, Sewer Rat?”

  “No, Mommy.”

  “The next time your father is playing with Katie, you better damn well take yourself out of the picture. Do you understand me?” Adriana sang in a happy tune for Paris through gritted teeth. I nodded, praying for my dad to come back and save me. He didn’t, and just like all the other times, I was on my own.

  My heart was beating out of my chest when Adriana laid a sleeping Paris in the crib. Fisting my hair, she shoved me toward her and my father’s bedroom. I’m sure it was the first time ever one of my spankings allowed my bottom to stay covered. Being the young age that I was, I didn’t know that my father’s belt and my wet bathing suit could cause that much pain.

  I always knew not to place my hands back there, it always made it worse, but that was one time it couldn’t be helped. Instinct kicked in, trying to protect my ass. That was the worse ass-beating I had ever received from her. Lying across their king-size bed, Adriana beat me with my father’s belt until I went limp, unable to take one more lick.

  That was also the first time I welcomed the cold bath. The joy on her face while she stripped my suit and turned me to the mirror, showing me the welts that had flared up on my butt and the backs of my legs. I heaved in air although I never shed a tear. It was the weirdest thing. I cried, screaming in pain, but not once did a tear escape my eyes.

  I hadn’t even noticed that I had drifted downstream. I wasn’t even in eyeshot of the family with the little girl, different like me. She was the same because she looked different, but she was different because she was loved.

  I realized after a few moments that I was past the little beach huts where Sam stayed. I had drifted at least two miles without even noticing. Letting my head fall back, I wet my hair and replaced the thought of Adriana with Sam. A couple more hours and he would be there. That wasn’t the best thing to think about, either. Thoughts of Sam went right to my pussy, and I was now at a section of the beach full of people. It was a public part of the beach, unlike my private section for the elite.

  The crowd of people did little to stop the beating going on in my clitoris. It intensified it. I ran my hand over the cloth between my legs and looked around at the group of people. Betting I could play with myself right there without notice, I pushed my fingers through the top of my bikini bottoms. Hmmm, even the salt water couldn’t wash away the slippery moistness between my legs.

  I spread myself wide, and slipped in a finger, and then two, knowing no one was paying attention. If there were eyes closer, they could see, maybe that’s what made it so erotic. I was finger fucking my pussy, right there around a crowd of people and I loved it. I dropped my legs and focused on my clit when I caught the stare of a college kid looking at me. He knew what I was doing, but I didn’t stop. I stared right in his eyes until my lips parted and I shuddered in the water, riding out my waves with the ocean.

  And just like that, I pulled myself from the water, ignoring the mouthwatering youngster, and walked back along the sand. Revived from my needed orgasm, I focused my mind back to business. The way I saw it, I had exactly five weeks before Sam left and we parted ways. That was plenty of time. I just had to make sure the day was timed just right. Did I tell him about the divorce, or did I let him think I was going home?

  I had to walk forever back to my house. It was crazy how fast the current could take you away versus how long it took you to walk back. I could have stayed in the water and fought the current, but I was tired of fighting the current. I was doing things my way from now on. It would either work in my favor or it wouldn’t, regardless, I had to try.

  I walked up and down the beach where I left my pile of clothes. I knew they were right there, close to Sam’s. Who the hell would steal my clothes?

  “You looking for these?” Sam asked, raising his sunglasses and holding my clothes. Jesus, I shouldn’t miss him this much. I smiled and walked the few steps to him. Leaning my half-naked body into his, I kissed him. Sam wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. God, his arms were heaven. I had a hint of sadness for a second, realizing it was all going to end soon, but it would be worth it in the end, and I would get what I wanted.

  “I missed you,” Sam said, kissing the tip of my nose.

  “I missed you, too…too much,” I admitted.

  I started to lead Sam toward my house by his hand, but he stopped me by pulling back. “My place is closer,” he teased. Damn, had I known he was going to be early, I would have held off on the orgasm, not that it mattered. I was already feeling wet just thinking about it.

  “Fine, but I have to jump in the shower. I have sand down there.”

  “You have sand down there? How do you know?”

  “I feel it in my suit.”

  “I have this amazing showerhead to take care of that,” Sam said, pulling me in a quick stride.

  Sam was right. He did have an amazing showerhead. I stood in front him while he pulled the two strings, one on my neck and one around my back. I giggled, seeing the sand there, too. Sam kissed my right nipple that was alrea
dy standing at full attention, and dropped to his knees. He slowly, slid my bottoms down, exposing my light colored, curly mound. I was sure my clitoris was swollen above the hair. Rubbing the backs of my legs, Sam kissed my hairline and sucked in a breath from his nostrils. I was sure he was smelling me.

  “Sit on the edge of the tub,” he rasped.

  I sat and opened my legs without being told. Sam pushed my knees together and adjusted the water to a rather hot temperature. Holding my breath, I felt the hot water rinse the sand from between my breasts. I hissed when Sam adjusted the nozzle to a painful stream, directed right at my nipple. The sensation was intense beyond words. I’m pretty sure I could have come without him even touching my wet, throbbing pussy.

  “Open your legs,” he whispered, filling the little cup with blue mouthwash. I opened myself for him and he opened me more, splitting me with two fingers. The tingling sensation was immediate. I couldn’t help but touch myself, wanting to come. Sam moved my hand but didn’t make me wait. He rinsed away the sand in the crevices between my legs with the rain setting. I noticeably opened my legs more, wanting the stream to hit me right where it throbbed.

  “You want it on your clit, don’t you, Mouse?”

  My little nub went crazy hearing him say that. He hadn’t called me that in quite some time. I fucking loved it, and I never even told him to say it. I moaned some sort of incoherent yes right before I felt the stinging stream on my clit. Holding the tub with my hands, I thought I might faint. The showerhead was my new best friend. Why hadn’t I thought of that? Did mine even come off like that? The kitchen sink did.

  That was over way too soon. I was calling out in a raspy moan in a matter of seconds. Sam inserted one finger and let my walls contract around it while his tongue devoured my mouth. I worked diligently to free his erection, and he stepped in the tub. I happily parted my lips and slid his shorts over his hips while he thrust to the back of my throat. Sam stepped out of his now wet shorts and lifted his shirt over his head all while pumping in and out of my mouth. One hand held his balls, kneading while I sucked his cock, and the other one ran down his strong chest and abs.

  Sam moaned a couple times before pulling out. Shit. I didn’t want him to pull out. I wanted him, all of him. I wanted to taste him on my lips. I didn’t complain, not after he bent me over the tub and took me from behind. That’s where the third orgasm happened, and he came with me. I dropped my body over the tub, trying to come down from another Sam-high while he kissed my wet back, breathing the same hot breaths on my skin.

  “Aahh, I think I broke something,” Sam groaned, standing.

  I laughed and watched his cute naked butt walk out to the bed. I followed, seeing him plop to his stomach on his bed…wet. Sam had a nice ass, a very nice ass.

  “Let’s go get food. I’m hungry,” I whined.

  “Rub my back first,” Sam countered.

  My eyes scanned his naked body and messy hair. That was another something I had never done. I wasn’t sure how. I straddled him, resting my naked cunt on his lower back and kneaded, starting at his strong shoulders. Sam moaned and closed his eyes. I took my back-rubbing job seriously and rubbed out the tightness in Sam’s sore muscles. His moaning told me I was good at it. His flesh rubbing against my naked sex aroused it, awakening my pussy for further stimulation.

  By the time I had made it to Sam’s lower back, I was panting, rocking back and forth, creating more and more contact to my overactive clitoris. “Sam,” I said in a breathy tone.

  “Keep rocking it, baby, make it come,” Sam coaxed, knowing exactly what was going on. My fingernails dug into his back and I did just that. I grinded my sopping wet pussy into Sam’s bare ass and came again. That made five times since I’d left my house for a clear-my-mind walk. This one embarrassed me a little. I just got off on Sam’s back, rubbing myself up and down, skin to pussy until I came.

  Sam didn’t let me feel that way. He pulled me to the bed before I could escape to drown myself in the bathtub.

  “You’re the only one on earth who can make me have a hard-on twice in thirty minutes,” he teased, holding me down while kissing me. That made me feel much better, but a little wet at the mention of him having a boner.

  I really thought Garrison was going to make it easy for me, like he was just going to let me walk away. Of course, it couldn’t be that simple. He sent roses, he sent I love you text messages, he sent a bottle of wine we once had in Rio. I was surprised that he even remembered that, but I still wasn’t flattered. He didn’t call though, and he didn’t show up the following Friday, thank the good lord above.

  Everything was going as planned. I had Olivia doing exactly what I needed her to on a daily basis. Watching the fertility test for an entire week started to get mind-numbing. I knew I shouldn’t get so discouraged, we still had time, but I did. Even though I had researched everything there was to research about ovulation over the past couple weeks, it still worried me.

  “Why isn’t something happening? Your estrogen levels should be right there if you’re right about your cycle,” I complained. You would think a four hundred dollar ovulation monitor would tell us something.

  “Kendra, I think it’s a sign. I don’t think we should do this. Think about the people we’ll hurt if anyone finds out,” Olivia complained…again. Just like she did every morning. I was over hearing it.

  “Olivia, you agreed. You can’t go back on your word, besides, it’s going to make more people happy than not. What are you afraid of? Do you think Jackson will find out?”

  “What if he comes home while I am six months pregnant?”

  “Is that a possibility? Did he come home on his last deployment?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean he won’t. It’s the army. Things change. They could send them all home tomorrow.

  “Olivia, let’s not worry about things that we have no control over, or things that might happen. We’ll cross that bridge IF it gets here. You could always tell him you were being a surrogate for me, you wanted to surprise him with the house and—” I stopped mid-sentence. Looking over Olivia’s shoulder, my heart picked up with the pumping adrenaline flowing rapidly through my veins. Oh my god! Things were about to get real.

  The Luteinizing Hormone was what we had been waiting for. The surge occurs approximately twenty-four to thirty-six hours prior to ovulation. That meant we had two days to pull this off. I could only hope we picked the right day. I was going to have a hard enough time convincing Sam of a threesome with Olivia on one day. Two would be out of the question. I planted the seed once and he agreed that a threesome was every guy’s dream. I teased him about it a lot since I decided to go through with my ridiculous plot. He teased back, but I hadn’t dropped any names yet. I would now.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” Olivia whined.

  “Do what? The threesome or carry my baby?” I coldly questioned, taking the monitor from her hand to get one more look.

  “I could carry your baby. I would do that for you. I don’t want to have sex with Sam.”

  “That’s all it is, Olivia. You don’t have to make it out to be more, besides, you have to be getting frustrated without Jackson. Sam is very good in bed. He’ll make it worth your while,” I promised.

  “This isn’t normal, Kendra. People don’t do this. Let’s do it a different way. What if Sam finds out? He could probably have us arrested or something.”

  “Sam is not going to have us arrested,” I repeated in an annoyed tone. “He’s a teacher. He’s not going to tag his name with a threesome case. I think we should set it up for tomorrow night. That is probably our best shot, don’t you think?” I asked Olivia’s opinion, but I really didn’t want it, nor did I wait for a response. “Why don’t you make us something barbeque tomorrow night. Sam loves barbeque, maybe chicken on the grill. Make sure we have plenty of beer, I want him loose,” I explained, not listening to her doubts and reservations about any of it. I had it in my mind, and she nor was anyone else was going to change t
hat. My mind was made up, set in stone. I was having Sam’s baby.

  “Is it worth losing Sam? I mean, I think he really likes you. Don’t you want to be with him? You two are so good together. I love hearing your banter back and forth. You never had that with Garrison. I don’t want you to be alone. You deserve better than that, Kendra,” Olivia blabbered some sort of stupid chatter that I couldn’t hear.

  I did want Sam. I would miss him like crazy, but I wanted a baby more. Was it erratically insane and impulsive, yeah, it was, but I didn’t care. I wanted a baby, and not a well-bred baby. I wanted a little girl just like Savannah, one that was allowed to make mistakes and climb around like a monkey. That’s what I wanted. That’s what I was going to have and nobody was going to stop me. Nobody.

  Garrison was on a roll. His two dozen white roses just had to arrive when Sam got there to pick me up. We were going to lie on a blanket in a field. I was super excited about it. I had never been to a drive-in movie, but this was pretty close. Sam promised to take me to a drive-in if I ever visited him in North Carolina. I wouldn’t be doing that. After a few short weeks, I wouldn’t be seeing Sam again.

  “Roses?” Sam questioned when Olivia took the bouquet away. “He must have really screwed up. Is that why he didn’t come here last weekend?”

  “No, he’s busy. Let’s go,” I said. I didn’t want anything to ruin the conversation I was going to have with him later. We didn’t need any guilt trips going on, not tonight, not this close to getting what I wanted from him.

  “Grab your jacket, it’s supposed to cool down,” Sam said, stopping me with a kiss.

  Sam was quite the planner. After we ate smoked sausage sandwiches and shared a basket of fries, we walked to our spot. Our quilt was already spread in the back corner of the field. Hmm, privacy. He had beer covered in ice, barbeque flavor corn chips, and beef jerky for snacks. I laughed at his choice of food but loved the thought of lying close to him while we watched a movie around hundreds of people. I liked the thought of maybe having an O around all those people even more.