Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 14


  A few days later, Dearg and Cinnia were married by High Priest Corann. Hunchback had been invited to the ceremony, and recalled how a fairy with red hair, blue eyes and a blue dress had fluttered over with a long red cord in her hands to hover directly in front of Cinnia and Dearg. Hunchback had known that this red cord symbolized the red string of fate.

  “We shall now bind your hands with this red cord, which is like your love, and your vows shall join you fast together in this life, and the next. As your hands are joined so are your lives joined, and so are your souls. You two shall become soul mates, the red string of fate shall bind your souls together, and you will be able to find each other in your next lives. Flower Fairy, do you give your blessing to this eternal union?” High Priest Corann asked.

  “I give my blessing to this eternal union.” The little fairy said in her tinkling voice that reminded Hunchback of the sound rushing water made as it passed over the rocks in a stream.

  “Flower Fairy, please bind their hands.” Corann directed.

  The fairy began to wrap the red cord around Cinnia and Dearg’s hands, and then tied it into a knot.

  Hunchback gripped his chest in pain. It felt like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest. He could barely breath. He felt faint.

  “The Fairy of the Woods…” Corann was saying, but Hunchback could no longer hear him. And then when the Ring Fairy rang her bell Hunchback was brought back to reality.

  He heard Corann saying: “With this ceremony now complete, I hereby declare you to be husband and wife. You may seal your vows with a kiss.”

  Cinnia and Dearg stepped closer and kissed. Cinnia pulled back but Dearg leaned forward to capture her lips again, and the villagers and Hunters all cheered in response.

  The ceremony was over, and Dearg and Cinnia were walking together hand in hand towards the Blood Oak Village as villagers threw rice and flower petals over them.

  Hunchback tried to sneak away, but Dearg and Cinnia approached him directly, and smiled at him as if he were part of their family or something. Ludicrous.

  Dearg slung his arm around Hunchback’s shoulders and his other arm around Cinnia’s shoulders, grinning like a fool. He turned to Hunchback. “My best friend.” He then looked at Cinnia. “And my beloved wife. I am blessed to have the two of you by my side. Come, let us celebrate…to the great hall!”

  A grand banquet had been set up in the great hall - a large, wooden building with a slanted roof that was used for special events. All of the villagers, Druid Vampire Hunters, and graduates made their way to the great hall to continue celebrating the binding of Dearg and Cinnia.

  Everyone feasted until their bellies were bulging, and drank lots and lots of mead until they could barely sit up straight in their chairs. The celebrating went on and on until nightfall. Dearg and Cinnia were seated at the head of the long table that took up most of the room in the great hall, and Hunchback was seated with them. Hunchback was dressed in his dark green, hooded cloak. From under his hood he gazed at everyone, feeling so alone, and apart from all of them. Dearg and Cinnia may have accepted him…but no one else in the village did.

  Hunchback could feel the hateful glares of Corann and the Elite upon him. He was a blemish on Dearg and Cinnia’s perfect day. His presence ruined this beautiful party.

  Dearg and Cinnia were getting rather tipsy and couldn’t stop staring at each other.

  Hunchback finally found his chance to sneak away. He couldn’t stand seeing Cinnia and Dearg together - holding hands and kissing. It was just too painful. It reminded him of the torture he’d undergone at the Hunters’ hands, when they’d stabbed his hump over and over again. Only this time it felt like his heart was being stabbed repeatedly.

  Hunchback wanted his pain to end. He made his way into the forest, but not before he’d grabbed a long coil of rope to take with him and a wooden stool. He walked until he arrived at the gigantic, white oak tree where Corann and the others had tortured him. A flare of hatred welled up inside of him. And then hopelessness settled upon him when he thought about how he didn’t even have the power to get his revenge on Corann and the Elite. He no longer had his battle tattoos, and ever since he’d been tortured he’d been unable to use his magic. They’d taken his one redeeming quality away from him. Magic.

  Hunchback approached the white oak, made a noose out of the rope, and tossed it over a low branch. Hunchback tied the other end of the rope to a nearby bush, so that the noose hung down eight feet above the ground. Hunchback placed the stool directly below the noose and stood up on it. He placed the noose around his neck and took a deep breath. “Goodbye, Cinnia. Be happy with Dearg.” He kicked the stool away from him.

  The noose immediately tightened around Hunchback’s neck and cut off his airways. His body instinctively struggled to survive, as it tried to breathe, but was unable to. Hunchback tried to stay still, but his survival instincts kicked in. He couldn’t help it - his hands reached up and he tried to pull the rope away from his neck. He couldn’t breathe. He needed to breathe! Dang it! Why was his life so unfair? Why did he have to be born deformed?

  A strange whooshing sound was heard and then Hunchback was falling to the ground. Hunchback coughed violently, pulled the noose off over his head, and tossed it aside. Had the rope broken? He wondered dazedly, and looked up to see an incredible looking man.

  The man was tall and intimidating at six-six with long, wavy black hair that cascaded down to his waist, and a neatly trimmed moustache. His ruby-red eyes were fierce, intelligent. He had this deadly aura about him. The man was wearing a red shirt with a golden breastplate overtop, brown leather, battle skirt, gold greaves, and a golden helmet with a mohawk of red feathers on it. A long red cloak was waving behind him in the slight wind that was blowing through the forest.

  Hunchback realized that the man standing before him was a Roman commander, but why would a Roman commander bother to save the likes of him? He wondered confusedly.

  The commander spoke in a deep voice. “Why do you seek death so badly, boy?”

  Hunchback stood on shaky legs. “The woman I love just married another man today, and I never even had a chance to woo her because I was cursed with this deformed body. Also, I have not the strength to get my revenge on those who tortured me…and made me lose my magic.”

  “Ah, so you lost the woman you love today? I can relate to your pain. I too once lost the woman I loved. I begged God to bring her back to me and when he refused I sought to bring her back to life myself. The experiment failed miserably, however.” The commander admitted darkly.

  A woman’s psychotic, child-like laughter echoed through the forest.

  “And then God cursed me.” The Roman commander continued.

  “Cursed you, how?” Hunchback asked curiously.

  The commander smiled, revealing his long white fangs.

  “You’re a vampire!” Hunchback exclaimed, taking several steps back until his back hit the trunk of the white oak.

  “I used to be an Archangel before God cursed me and turned me into a blood-sucking demon. A form, which reflected my sin. So yes, I am what people now call me - a vampire.” The commander spread his arms wide.

  “Just…who are you?” Even though the Roman commander was a vampire, Hunchback was strangely not afraid. After all, he no longer feared death because he had nothing left to live for, nothing left to lose.

  “I go by many names and take on many forms. At times I steal people’s identities. But you can call me Dracula. I am the very first vampire. The one who started to spread this curse to others…this thirst for blood. After all, why should I suffer alone?” Dracula questioned.

  “The Father of Vampires.” Hunchback breathed. “You…you’re a legend.”

  “Indeed. Being a vampire is as much a blessing as it is a curse…for some. For example, if I were to turn you into a vampire…your deformities would vanish. You would become a very handsome young man. And you would
have the power to get your revenge on those who have harmed you.” Dracula smiled and his red eyes glowed.

  “My deformities would disappear? I would have power…?” Hunchback shook his head of the pleasing thought. “But then, I would become like you…and thirst for blood. I would end up killing the woman I love. That I cannot allow to happen.”

  “Not if you turn her into a vampire too. Then the two of you could be together for all eternity.” Dracula slyly pointed out.

  “Eternity…eternity together with Cinnia?” Hunchback’s tone was giddy at the thought. “What must I do? How do I turn her?”

  Dracula chuckled loudly. “Patience, boy. What is your decision? Shall you become a vampire?”

  Hunchback thought about it. What did he really have to lose? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Hunchback swallowed, raised his chin, and looked Dracula directly in his blazing, red eyes. “Do it. Turn me.”

  “Your bravery is commendable.” Dracula praised before he was suddenly in front of Hunchback and sinking his fangs into the young man’s neck.

  Hunchback gasped at the odd sensation, which was at first painful but then almost pleasurable. Erotic. He felt himself grow aroused and felt embarrassed that a man was making him feel this way.

  Dracula started to suck his blood and Hunchback’s eyes rolled into the back of his head from the pleasure. He could feel his strength, his life - leaving him.

  Hunchback sunk to his knees and Dracula lay him on the ground gently as he continued to feed from him. Hunchback’s heartbeat began to slow. He was dying.

  Dracula removed his fangs, sat back, and bit into his wrist. He held his bleeding wrist over Hunchback’s mouth. “Now, my friend, drink.”

  Drops of red blood fell onto Hunchback’s lips, and he trembled with disgust, but…this was for a chance at winning Cinnia’s heart, and getting his revenge. Hunchback opened his mouth and the drops of blood fell into his mouth.

  Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump.

  Hunchback’s heartbeat beat loudly in his ears. His blood rushed through his veins and an intense thirst began to consume him. He grabbed Dracula’s wrist and brought it to his mouth. He licked the blood there and his fangs extended. Hunchback sank his fangs into Dracula’s wrist, and drank and continued to drink.

  Incredible. He could feel power and strength flowing through him. It felt amazing. However-

  Then came the pain. Hunchback removed his fangs from Dracula’s wrist, and shoved him away as his body was wracked by excruciating pain. It was more painful than his torture at the hands of Corann and his Elite Hunters. His body convulsed, shook, trembled and his muscles spasmed.

  His body began to change. His bones grew and changed shape. He became taller and his back straightened. The flesh on his body seemed to stretch and bubble, and then become smooth. His face changed too. Hunchback could feel his deformities disappearing. He wanted to die…when would the pain and misery end? Is that all he was meant to know in this life?

  And then it stopped.

  And Hunchback could breathe again. He took deep, gasping breaths.

  Dracula laughed happily at his latest creation. “It is done. You have been reborn. You a no longer a Hunchback, young man.”

  Hunchback struggled to stand and couldn’t believe how tall he was. He was now six-four. His back was so straight, and his face…? He brought up his hands and felt his face curiously. His face no longer felt slightly puffy in places. It seemed…normal.

  “Here. Perhaps you would like to gaze upon your new visage, Slaine.” Dracula handed him a silver hand mirror. “The mirror has been enchanted so that even vampires like us can cast a reflection upon it.” He explained.

  Slaine took the mirror and gazed upon his reflection. His hands were trembling. He blinked and blinked again. He couldn’t believe it. He was handsome now! Though his snow-white hair was a bit odd. “You called me Slaine?”

  “You can no longer be called Hunchback.” Dracula pointed out. “And I think Slaine suits you.”

  “Slaine.” Slaine smiled at his reflection and checked his teeth. They were perfect, and no longer crooked! He was almost as handsome as Dearg or perhaps even as handsome. “I like it. Why don’t vampires cast a reflection?”

  “It’s because…we have no soul. Surely, your Hunter friends taught you about that?” Dracula asked.

  Slaine looked up and gave Dracula a surprised look. “No. They never told me about that. Why is that?”

  A dark, angry look fell over Dracula’s face. “It’s all part of my vampiric curse. When I turn someone his or her soul is sent straight to Hell. The pursuit of immortality is a grave sin against God, you see. He punishes it quite swiftly.” Dracula explained bitterly. “He wants humans to accept the fact that they’re born…only to die.”

  Slaine was aghast. “My soul…has been sent to Hell! Then…I will never be reincarnated?”

  “You are immortal now, you have no need to worry about reincarnation. You will be able to roam the Earth for all eternity. Well, at least until the sun turns into a Red Giant and swallows up the Earth. Then we’re all screwed.” Dracula laughed psychotically at the thought.

  “A Red Giant?” Slaine shook his head, not understanding what Dracula was talking about in the least. “I see…tell me, how do I turn Cinnia?”

  “You must do exactly as I did. You must first drink from her…until her heartbeat begins to slow. And then as she’s dying…you feed her your blood. It’s the blood that will bring her back to life. However, and this is extremely important…if you don’t feed her your blood she will die and become a soulless, flesh-eating ghoul with no memory of who she once was.”

  “Teeheeheehee. Teeheeheehee.” A female’s maniacal laughter echoed through the trees again.

  Slaine looked around the clearing with a feeling of dread welling up inside of him. “What was that?”

  “That pitiful creature…was once my one true love.” Dracula revealed in a sad tone.

  “Your love? The woman you mentioned? The one you failed to bring back to life?” Slaine asked.

  Dracula nodded solemnly. “Indeed. The very same…ah, here she comes now.”

  A woman broke through the trees and entered the clearing. Her skin was a pale blue color, her hair long and blue-black, and her eyes were a pale blue. She was wearing a white, gauzy dress that was splattered with blood. She held something in her hands. Something that suspiciously looked like a bloody arm.

  “What do you have there, Neena?” Dracula asked in the tone of voice one used when speaking to a child.

  “It’s mine! You can’t have it!” Neena declared in a child-like manner before bringing the arm up to her mouth and taking a bite out of it.

  Slaine cringed at the sight and tried not to gag.

  “Neena.” Dracula chided. “What did I tell you about eating the villagers prematurely?”

  Neena pouted. “It’s just he looked so delicious. I couldn’t help myself. Teeheeheehee.”

  “That is your ladylove? But she’s…a ghoul.” Slaine pointed out the obvious.

  “Indeed. She looks like my lost ladylove…but that creature there has no soul. And no memory of our time together in the Heavens. It’s a miracle she can even speak.” He gazed upon Neena fondly. “Most ghouls do not even have that ability. Her mind is like that of a child…a child who craves human flesh.”

  “No memory…?” Slaine looked at Neena and his heart went out to Dracula. “That must be hard.”

  “That is why you must not fail. I recommend getting your revenge on the Elite Hunters first. That way when you go to your Cinnia you should have your bloodlust under control. You wouldn’t want to accidentally kill her before she’s had your blood.” Dracula explained.

  Slaine’s eyes narrowed on Dracula. “How did you know about the Elite?”

  “I saw the entire ordeal, actually.” Dracula revealed.

  Neena nodded enthusiastically. “We saw! That we did! They tortured you! Poor thing! B
ut now you so handsome! You look so different now, but…I don’t want to eat you anymore. No…I only want living flesh.”

  “I would have assisted you but…your friends came to your aid first.” Dracula explained.

  Slaine arched a white eyebrow at Dracula. “And I’m supposed to believe that? You’re a vampire. You would have had no reason to help me.”

  A dark scowl formed on Dracula’s face. “I am not completely without compassion. Not yet anyways. My brethren and I only feed because we must. It’s for our survival. Your plight touched me and made me feel something I had not felt in such a long time.”

  Slaine didn’t know what to believe but…it was clear now why Dracula had helped him. He wanted the Elite dead. Lucky for Dracula, Slaine wanted them dead too.

  “The night is almost over, you must go now if you wish to get your revenge today. Remember sunlight will kill you now.” Dracula reminded.

  Slaine nodded. “I will. And thank you.” He handed Dracula the hand mirror.

  Dracula smiled, revealing his fangs. “It was my pleasure. Good luck, Slaine.”

  “Thanks.” Slaine took off into the forest.

  To be continued in…Tattoo 10: Bear