Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 15

  Chapter 10: Bear

  Slaine couldn’t believe how fast he could run! It was almost like he was flying through the trees. He could do this. He could actually get his revenge! He reached the village in mere minutes, and raised his hood to shadow his face. As he entered the village no one paid him any heed since his dark green cloak was recognizable. They all thought ‘Hunchback’ was beneath that cloak. I am Hunchback no longer. Slaine thought.

  He made his way to the building where the Elite and Corann all lived together unmolested. Slaine reached the front door and opened it. It creaked as it opened. Slaine stepped inside and closed the door behind him. As he peered around the interior, he was impressed by his new night vision. He could see almost as clearly inside the cabin as if it were during the day.

  The cabin had a very simple setup with beds on either side of the room. The Elite including Corann were all fast asleep. In Slaine’s new night vision they appeared to be blobs of red heat. Slaine contemplated killing them one by one in their sleep, but wanted to see the fear in their eyes as he killed them. And wanted them to know who it was that killed them too.

  “Wakie wakie, Elite. Corann.” Slaine said loudly as he used his new powers to light the torches that were on the walls.

  The Elite and Corann awoke quickly, and leapt from their beds. They were all fully dressed in their hooded vests, and leather pants. This was typical for them because of their dangerous profession. They needed to be ready to hunt and kill vampires at a moment’s notice. Their hoods were lowered though so Slaine was able to tell who was who.

  Corann marched forward with an air of authority about him. “Who the hell are you? Reveal yourself or die.”

  Slaine lowered his hood to reveal his new face.

  Corann blinked at him in confusion. The young man looked familiar but was still unrecognizable. “I don’t know you.”

  Slaine chuckled evilly. “Oh, but you do. It’s me, Corann - Hunchback.”

  Corann gawked, blinked, and took in the familiar hunter-green cloak Hunchback always wore. “Impossible…you…how…?”

  Slaine smiled to reveal his new fangs.

  Corann gasped and his expression turned outraged. “Y-You! You traitor! You were turned! You…you don’t care about what will happen to Dearg or Cinnia? You will kill them in that new form! No vampire can resist the thirst.”

  “I plan to turn Cinnia too. As for Dearg…” Slaine shrugged. “As long as he stays out of my way I have no intention of harming him. Perhaps, I’ll even turn him as well. I haven’t really decided yet.”

  “You monster!” Corann spat.

  Slaine’s eyes narrowed. “No. Monster no longer. I am a vampire now. An immortal. A supreme being. I am now superior to you - to all of you!” The vampire waved his hand at the Hunters. “And now I will have my revenge!” He attacked.

  In a blink, Slaine was in front of Corann and a second later he was sinking his fangs into Corann’s neck. Corann gasped at the sudden pain. “Kill him! Kill…him!” Corann ordered even as blood was gushing out of his throat in a torrent.

  The Elite began to raise their arms, preparing to summon their battle tattoos. Slaine couldn’t let them do that. He tossed Corann aside and using his superhuman speed began to attack the Elite one by one before they could summon their battle tattoos. One bite, one kick or one punch was all it took to incapacitate the Hunters.

  They may have known a vampire’s weaknesses, but he knew the weaknesses of the Druids. Without their battle tattoos they were weak. Helpless. Only the tattoos were able to keep up with a vampire’s superhuman speed, reflexes and strength.

  Slaine moved through the cabin like a malevolent wind, biting here, sending a punch there, and injuring the Druids little by little. He was killing them. Slowly. Just like how they had tried to kill him. An eye for an eye. Slaine began to laugh in maniac glee as he tortured his enemies. “Buwhahaha!” Ah, sweet revenge.

  The vampire drank from them, and delighted in the knowledge that they would become soulless, flesh-eating ghouls by tomorrow morning.

  Blood dribbled down Slaine’s chin. “Mmm, you jerks tasted delicious. Thanks for the meal.” He licked his lips with his long tongue. Now to find Cinnia. I’m coming for you, Cinnia, my love!


  Meanwhile, Cinnia was enjoying her marriage night with Dearg, and the first time she’d ever made love with a man. Cinnia and Dearg had made love for hours, and she’d grown quite thirsty as a result. She slipped out of bed, put on a robe, tied it closed, and walked over to the pitcher that was sitting on their kitchen table. She frowned when she found that it was empty. Cinnia began to head for the door when Dearg called out to her in that deep, husky voice of his.

  “My love, where are you going?” Derek sat up tiredly, but with a pleased, sated expression on his handsome face. “Come back to bed.”

  “I’m going to go to the well and fetch some water. Our lovemaking has made me very thirsty.” There was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she said these words. “I’ll be right back, husband mine.”

  “No, I’ll go.” Derek began to get out of bed.

  Cinnia shot him a stern look and raised her hand. “Ah, ah, ah. Just because I agreed to marry you, doesn’t mean I agreed to become your obedient, little wife that needs protecting, Dearg. Don’t forget I’m a Druid Vampire Hunter too. I can take care of myself.”

  Dearg hesitated, but then sighed while giving Cinnia a chagrined look. “Alright, as you wish, my love. You know I trust and respect your strength as a warrior. Just…hurry back. I’m not quite through with you just yet, wife.” He leered at her and let his eyes linger on her curves.

  “You are incorrigible!” Cinnia chided, hands on her hips, but then she smiled teasingly. “I’ll be sure to hurry back.” She winked. Cinnia tightened her robe, and left her new home and Dearg behind. She made her way through the village quickly, the moonlight illuminating her way to the large stone well that was in the very center of the village.

  Cinnia approached the well and set the pitcher on the ledge. She pulled up the well bucket, hoisted it up, and used it to refill her pitcher. She released the bucket back into the well, picked up the pitcher, and turned to go.

  However, Cinnia gasped, startled by the sudden appearance of a tall, cloaked man directly in front of her, who hadn’t been there before. She dropped the pitcher and it shattered upon the ground. “W-Who are you?” She eyed his dark green cloak. It looked oddly familiar.

  “It’s me, Cinnia. It’s…Hunchback.” Slaine said.

  “Hunchback?” Cinnia let out a breath of relief, and placed a hand over her frantically beating heart, feeling silly all of a sudden. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

  “I could be asking you the same thing.”

  “I was thirsty.”

  “So was I.” Slaine removed his hood.

  Cinnia gasped and took a step back. “Hunchback…? What…what did you do?” She then noticed the blood dripping down his chin. “What have you become?”

  “Handsome, I think.” Slaine smiled flirtatiously at her.

  Cinnia frowned at his blasé attitude. “No, you’ve become a vampire, haven’t you?” Her expression fell. “How could you? Who did this to you? This…was against your will right? Please, tell me, Hunchback.”

  Slaine wiped the blood from his face with his cloak before he approached Cinnia. “I did it for you, Cinnia. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” Slaine took a deep breath to steel his nerves. “I love you.”

  “You…love me? All this time, you…I suspected, but I thought I must be wrong because you never said anything.” Cinnia frowned. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” She asked urgently.

  Slaine snorted. “Pfft. What would have been the point? How could I? I was a monster.”

  Cinnia shook her head. “No, you were my friend. And you were no monster…you were a kind, sweet young man. But now…I fear you truly have become a mon
ster. Whose blood is that, Hunchback? Who did you kill? Who did you drink from?” She demanded with her hands on her hips.

  “I killed the ones who tortured me…and stole my magic.” Slaine’s red eyes glowed as he remembered what those Hunters had done to him. “They deserved it, Cinnia. I haven’t harmed anyone else. Yet.”

  Cinnia gasped as she realized whom Hunchback was referring to. “The Elites…how could you, Hunchback? Did you kill Dearg’s father too? Did you kill Corann?”

  “Yes, I killed Corann. And I enjoyed it.” Slaine smiled revealing his sharp fangs. “And my name is no longer Hunchback - it’s Slaine.”

  “Slaine?” Cinnia repeated. We should have given our friend a name. Why did we never think of that?

  “Cinnia…I love you. And I can offer you something Dearg cannot.” Slaine spread his arms wide and the light of the full moon overhead seemed to illuminate his form. “Immortality. What say you, Cinnia? I can save you from Death itself.” He held his hand out to her.

  “Immortality? As a vampire? Are you mad?” Cinnia gave Slaine an incredulous look. “I would never want to become a vampire. I would never be able to take the lives of innocents for my own survival. I’d rather die! And I’m surprised you agreed to this. You are not the same man I knew…Hunchback wouldn’t hurt a fly!” Cinnia gave him a betrayed, disappointed look.

  “Stop calling me that!” Slaine demanded angrily, spit flying. “My name is Slaine now! Slaine!” He roared in her face, and hissed at her, baring his fangs.

  Cinnia’s expression turned fearful, and she took another step back.

  Slaine noticed and immediately looked repentant. He covered his mouth with his hand. “I would never hurt you, my love.” Slaine approached her again with an urgent look on his face.

  “No, stay back! Stay away from me!” Cinnia shrieked.

  Slaine gave her a frustrated look. “Why are you acting like that? Like I’m some kind of monster now? Before I looked like a monster, and yet you treated me with kindness. And now…now that I’m beautiful you treat me like this. Don’t you find my new body attractive? Why can’t you love me, Cinnia?”

  Cinnia’s green eyes grew sad. “I do love you…I mean, I did love you, Hunchback. Only, I loved Dearg more. That’s why I decided to marry him. And you’d also never told me about your feelings. So what should I have done? But now…I cannot even bear to look upon you!”

  “You loved me…?” Slaine shook his head. “Hah! Lies! You chose Dearg because of his handsome face! And now I’m handsome too! I’ll make you fall in love with me, Cinnia! Just like Dearg…I won’t give up. I’ll turn you…and then I’ll have eternity to woo you and get you to fall in love with me!”

  “No! I won’t let you. I’ll defeat you!” Cinnia raised her arm to summon one of her battle tattoos.

  However, in a blink, Slaine was directly in front of her. Her eyes widened. He’s so fast! And then Slaine was sinking his fangs into Cinnia’s throat. She struggled against him. “No…stop it, Hunchback. You’re making a horrible mistake. You don’t know what you’re doing. Stop….please, stop…” Tears filled her eyes.

  As Slaine drank Cinnia’s blood she went limp in his arms, and he gently set her down on the ground. Her blood…so delicious. So sweet. He continued to drink her blood until he could hear her heart making its final beats.

  It’s time. Slaine removed his fangs from Cinnia and sat back. He bit into his wrist and held his bleeding wrist over Cinnia’s mouth. “Now, drink…and gain immortality, my love.”

  Cinnia looked up at Slaine and his handsome face. She knew she was dying but…she had to be strong. The High Priest had bound her soul with Dearg’s. Even if she died in this life she would be reunited with Dearg in the next. She just needed to be strong.

  Cinnia refused to open her mouth, refused to drink. She looked up at Slaine and shook her head at him.

  Slaine frowned and bit into his wrist again so that more blood gushed out of his wrist and fell onto Cinnia’s face. There was so much blood.

  Cinnia felt the urge to open her mouth and drink. Her thirst was so strong, but she resisted it. Resisted temptation. I cannot fail Dearg…I cannot fail him. I will see him again someday.

  Slaine began to panic. The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon and yet Cinnia had yet to drink. “Cinnia! Drink, curse you! If you don’t drink then…it’s like I’ve killed you!” Slaine cried as tears of blood began to drip down his face.

  Still Cinnia shook her head at him, even though her eyes reflected her sadness.

  “No! No, you can’t die! Drink, Cinnia! Drink!” Slaine used his fangs to rip more of his flesh off and blood poured over Cinnia’s body and yet she still would not drink. Her will was just too strong.

  The sun started to rise over the horizon and Slaine’s skin began to burn. “Darn it Cinnia! Drink!” Flames began to break out on Slaine’s arms, and his back. The material of the cloak was too thin and threadbare to protect him from the sun’s rays. He was beginning to set on fire. Crap. If he stayed out in the sun much longer he’d turn to dust!

  Slaine considered letting it happen…he and Cinnia would die together. But when Cinnia saw Slaine beginning to catch on fire, her eyes widened with panic, and she made a sound as if she were telling him to go. Save yourself!

  “CURSES!” Slaine swore as he used his new vampiric powers to turn into a bat. He then flew off into the forest and escaped the sun’s burning rays by entering a tree hollow.

  Alone, Cinnia watched the sun rise…and knew she was dying. I made it, Dearg. We will meet again, my love. This was Cinnia’s final thought before she died, and her soul left her body.


  Becca awoke with a scream, her entire body trembling. Blood…she could still see the drops of red blood dripping down onto her face. Her heart was hammering inside of her chest. That dream…no, that memory. What the hell? At the beginning of her ‘dream’ she’d seen and felt things not from the perspective as Cinnia, but as Hunchback a.k.a Slaine.

  Becca remembered Slaine’s skin catching on fire, and the regret in his eyes that he’d failed to turn her. Oh my God…Hunchback is Slaine. Slaine is Hunchback. He’s…alive. Well, undead but whatever.

  At this startling revelation Becca couldn’t help but feel oddly pleased. Because of her dreams she’d remembered something very important - she’d been in love with Dearg and Hunchback all those centuries ago. It’s just that she’d loved Dearg more, and so had decided to marry him.

  Also Hunchback had never told her how he felt. She’d never known he’d fallen in love with her while she’d been caring for him after his torture.

  Until now.

  Now she knew not only Dearg’s heart and Cinnia’s heart, but also Hunchback’s or Slaine’s. And she wondered why her dreams had decided to show her this. Was it because ‘Cinnia’ wanted her to know the truth about Slaine, and about everything he’d gone through? She should have hated Slaine for trying to turn her again but…now that she knew why he’d done it, and what had driven him to it - she understood.

  Love made people do crazy things.

  I think…I may even be able to forgive Slaine for trying to turn me. But if he hurts Derek then I’ll never forgive him. And as for Derek or Dearg…I loved him so much. Or at least Cinnia did. Each time he proposed to her, her heart had fluttered. I…Cinnia…had too much pride back then. It kept us apart…and because of it we only had one glorious night together. This is so weird. I used to be the woman who Derek is still in love with and who he’s loved for centuries. But I’m not really Cinnia, anymore am I? I’m Becca Thorn now.

  With a blush on her face, she recalled how Dearg had made love to her, worshipped her body, and made her shatter out of pleasure. Dearg…he’d been so brave, carefree, and happy. The Derek she knew now was very different from the Dearg she’d known.

  Dearg had smiled often and shown off his dimples to her. He’d laughed and joked and teased. The Derek of today rarely smiled, lau
ghed or joked. Instead he always seemed to be scowling or brooding about something.

  Dearg had been so open with her, whereas Derek had his guard up around her all the time.

  Fia was right, Derek was a shadow of his former self. It must have been because he had no soul. Derek’s soul was in Hell. And the only way to free Derek’s soul from Hell was to kill him. Kill him…to save him. Maybe she’d kill Slaine in order to save him too. Yes, he too deserved to be saved. I’ll kill them…and save them! Becca thought to herself.

  There was a knock on Becca’s door. “Becca! Are you alright? We heard you scream.” It was Ti.

  “Maybe we should just bust in there.” Came Fean’s voice.

  The sound of something getting hit was heard. “Fean, you can’t just break into a woman’s bedroom! Perv!”

  Becca let out a slow breath. “I’m okay! It was just a nightmare. Sorry for worrying you guys!” She called out to them.

  “Oh, okay. Sweet dreams!” Ti called out.

  “You too!” Becca called back.

  Sweet dreams…huh? What would Dealande think if she knew that Becca had not only dreamed about her past life but about Slaine’s, and that she was feeling sympathetic towards yet another vampire? Oh well, what did it really matter when in the end their goals were the same - the death of Derek and Slaine. Just for different reasons. Becca would kill Derek and Slaine, but not to destroy them…it would be to save them.

  Becca went back to sleep. She awoke several hours later, showered, and got dressed in some of the clothes Ti had lent her. She put on a purple hooded vest, a pair of tight, purple leather pants, and yep, purple boots. She had breakfast with the other Druid Vampire Hunters, and then followed Nathair up to his room so that he could give her another battle tattoo.

  Today, Nathair tattooed a beautiful unicorn onto her shoulder, and afterwards Dealande healed her flesh. “Am I going to be training with Fia again?” Becca asked Dealande warily.

  Dealande shook her head and her lip twitched with amusement as if she knew how much Becca dreaded that idea. “No, I think it might be useful for you to have a little hand to hand combat training. And so Nathair will be your instructor today.”

  Nathair looked as surprised as Becca felt. “Hand to hand combat training with Nathair?” She eyed his huge biceps and her expression shifted to worry. Nathair was probably going to kick the crap out of her. Why me? Becca internally moaned.

  Nathair just nodded with a blank expression on his face. “Whatever, Dealande.”

  Nathair led Becca to the training room and ushered her inside. She was already missing her awful training session with Fia.

  “Let’s start with the basics then. How about throwing a punch?” Nathair suggested.

  “Eek!” Becca immediately raised her arms in front of her face out of fear.

  Nathair raised an eyebrow at her antics. “What are you doing, woman?”

  Becca lowered her arms and gave Nathair a suspicious look. “Aren’t you going to try and hit me?”

  Nathair snorted and gave Becca a condescending look. “If I hit you…you’d be out cold, and that would be the end of this training session. So…no. Hit me.” Nathair put his hands on his hips and straightened his back.

  Becca blinked back at him in confusion. “Excuse me?”

  “I said: ‘hit me’.” The Druid beckoned her to come at him with his hand.

  Becca’s eyebrows rose. “You’re serious?”

  Nathair nodded and gave Becca an impatient look. “Hurry up!”

  “Well…don’t get mad afterwards.” Becca approached Nathair and punched him in the stomach. “Ow! My hand! What is your stomach made out of? Rocks?” Becca shook her red, throbbing hand.

  Nathair smirked. “What was that?”

  “A punch.” Becca said defensively.

  “No, that was a little love tap. Now this…” Nathair approached a suspended punching bag full of sand and stood in front of it. “Is a punch.” He punched the punching bag with all his strength. The punching bag swung backwards, and the chain that had been suspending it broke. The bag ended up hitting the far wall and exploding into a cloud of sand.

  “Ooo.” Becca clapped at the impressive sight. “That was amazing. You’re really strong! Like a superhero or something. You should become one of the Fantastic Four…although I guess they’d have to rename it the Fantastic Five.”

  The tips of Nathair’s ears turned red and he was glad his hood was up. He coughed into his hand, approached Becca, and moved to stand behind her. “First, you need a proper stance. Legs slightly apart, knees slightly bent, arms up before you, hands clenched into fists. And use your forearms to block your face. Now you’re going to twist your body and punch, like so.” Nathair moved Becca’s body for her so that she get a feel for how she was supposed to move.

  Becca twisted her body and punched out with her right fist. Nathair stepped away from Becca. “Again.” He said.

  Becca punched the air.


  Becca punched again.

  Nathair nodded, looking pleased. “Good. Your form is good. Now punch me again.” The Druid put his hands on his hips.

  Becca gawked at Nathair. “Seriously?”

  “Dead serious. Now hurry up!” He barked at her.

  Becca hesitantly approached Nathair, and stood in front of him with her body perpendicular to his. She twisted her body, and punched his stomach. This time her hand didn’t hurt!


  Becca punched his stomach again.

  “Again. Hit my chest.”

  Becca punched his chest.

  “Again. Hit my face.”

  Becca punched his face without thinking.

  Nathair’s head snapped to the side and a trickle of blood trailed down his chin from his split lip. Nathair wiped the blood away with the back of his hand.

  Becca was horrified by what she’d done. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you-”

  But then Nathair was smiling and laughing. “No, that was excellent! That was a perfect punch!”

  Becca’s worried expression turned surprised and a tad suspicious. “Really?”

  “Yeah, hit me again.”

  “O-Okay!” Becca said enthusiastically. She was beginning to get into this. Who would have thought that punching some big guy with a bad attitude who wouldn’t fight back would be so much fun?

  For the next thirty minutes, Becca punched and kicked Nathair’s muscular body. Until-

  Becca sent her fist flying into his solar plexus. “Oof.” Nathair covered his stomach as he sunk to his knees, having had the air temporarily knocked out of him.

  Becca immediately became concerned again. “Nathair! Are you alright? I’m so sorry.”

  “No.” Nathair wheezed, smiled and laughed. “That was excellent. That punch will be able to bring vampires to their knees. Well done, Becca.”

  Becca blushed at his unexpected praise. “Th-Thank you, Nathair.” Maybe all that time she’d gone to the gym in order to keep her figure had paid off. She wasn’t out of shape or weak, just untrained in fighting and martial arts.

  Nathair stood up with a hand still on his stomach. “I’m just going to go up to my room and uh…rest. Why don’t you do a little weightlifting until I get back?”

  Becca gave Nathair a concerned and suspicious look. “Do you need any help getting to your room?” She reached out for him.

  “No!” Nathair backed away from Becca’s touch, and then coughed into his hand. “I mean, no thanks. I’m fine…really. Just train by yourself for a little while, and I’ll be back in a bit.” He assured before leaving the training room with fast steps.

  “Well, okay.” Becca muttered to herself as she went over to the rack of dumbells and picked up two ten-pound weights. She began doing bicep curls. Nathair sure had been acting strangely…but why? Was it because Becca had really hurt him? She began to wonder if may he needed medical attention.

  Unable to concentrate on her exercises, Becca decided that she’d go see if Nathair was really okay. He seemed like a scary guy on the outside, but Becca was sure he was a ‘good guy’ on the inside. Although…look at the mistake she’d made by trusting Slaine. Best not to think about that right now.

  Becca put the dumbbells back on the rack, left the training room, and headed to Nathair’s room. She stopped in front of his door, took a deep breath, opened it, and made her way inside. Becca flipped on a light switch and turned around. “Nathair, I’m really sorry about earlier, I-”

  Becca’s words died in her throat at the sight before her. Nathair was buck-naked on his bed, and his hand was wrapped around himself. He was flushed, panting for breath, and his dark eyes were glassy with his lust.

  Nathair’s eyes widened in horror when he caught sight of Becca in his room. “Becca!” He accidentally squeezed himself out of reflex, and this sent him over the edge. Talk about bad timing! “Oh crap!” Becca watched, too shocked to move.

  “Oh my God…I’m so sorry. Really, very sorry.” Becca began to back up in the direction of what she hoped was the door.

  This was the absolute worst. Nope, Nathair didn’t think it could possibly get worst than this moment. Nathair was a bit of a masochist and had gotten a hard-on from Becca hitting him over and over. He’d gone up to his room to take care of his little problem and now this had happened. The most embarrassing moment of his life. “Becca, wait-”

  Becca knocked into a table and ended up knocking one of the pet tanks to the floor. The screen lid popped off, and one of the snakes escaped.

  “Crap!” Nathair swore when he saw which snake had just escaped - a green pit viper. “Becca, don’t move. Don’t make any sudden movements. That’s a viper. And he’s poisonous.” He warned.

  Becca looked down at the lime-green viper that was slithering towards her and screamed. “No! I can’t!” She spun around and ran for the door.

  The viper was faster. The snake leapt up and sank its fangs into Becca’s inner thigh. Becca looked down at the snake attached to her leg in shock and didn’t move. “No way.”

  “Dang it!” Nathair leapt off the bed, grabbed the viper, forced it to let go of Becca, and then carried the viper over to another tank. He opened the screen lid and tossed the viper angrily inside. “Bad viper! No dinner for you tonight!” He scolded it.

  The sound of a thud had Nathair turning around to see that Becca had fallen to the floor face-first. “Becca!” Nathair ran over to her and flipped Becca over onto her back.

  Becca was flushed, and panting for breath. She looked up at Nathair dazedly. “Nathair…?”

  “Crap.” Nathair looked down towards where the viper had bitten her. Vipers were poisonous. What should he do? He panicked. “I…have to suck out the poison! But…”

  “Do it.” Becca said as she unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down to reveal a pair of purple silk panties. She spread her legs to give Nathair access to her inner thigh.

  Nathair swallowed thickly at the erotic sight, and then shook his head. Now was not the time for having perverted thoughts. He had to suck out the poison and save Becca! Nathair knelt down between her legs, put his hands on her knees, spread her legs, and brought his head down to her bite wound. He latched his mouth onto her bite wound and began to suck out the poison.

  Once his mouth was full of blood and poison he spat it out, and went back to sucking at her inner thigh.

  Becca moaned.

  Nathair began to get turned on again. Crap. This is wrong on so many levels.

  At that moment, the door opened and in stepped Fia. Fia - the Druid Huntress that Nathair was secretly crushing on.

  “Nathair, what is all the commotion-?” Fia blinked and her eyes widened at the sight before her. Becca was on the floor with her legs spread, and she had Nathair’s head between her thighs. Also, Nathair was buck-naked with his butt in the air. She’d never seen Nathair shirtless before, much less naked. His chest and torso were a work of art, all lean, hard muscles and ripping abs. He also had a nice, firm, scrumptious behind.

  Nathair looked up at Fia, and his expression turned dismayed. “Fia! This isn’t what it looks like!”

  “I…I’m sorry to have disturbed you!” Fia began to back away.

  Nathair leapt to his feet to reveal his entire nakedness and half-aroused state. “Fia, listen to me!”

  Fia looked down at Nathair’s crotch and blushed. “Oh my God…it’s…” She tried to turn around and run, but Nathair reached out and caught her. He then pulled her into his arms.

  “Fia, let me explain!” The Druid demanded.

  “Let go of me, you pervert!” Fia slapped Nathair hard across the face. Suddenly, Fia could feel something very hard pressing into her thigh. “Let go!” Fia tore away from his grasp.

  “A viper! A green pit viper bit Becca!” Nathair called out after her as she ran through the doorway.

  Fia stopped, turned around, and gave Nathair a suspicious look. “Really?”

  Nathair nodded, his expression grim. “Yes…Becca caught me at a bad time, got freaked out, and knocked into one of my tanks and freed the viper. It bit her and I was sucking out the poison.”

  Fia frowned, and her brow furrowed. “Why didn’t you just call for Dealande? She could have healed Becca.”

  Nathair blinked, feeling like an idiot. “I…didn’t think of that.”

  Fia sighed, deciding to let Nathair off the hook. This time. “I’ll go get Dealande. And you better put some clothes on. I’m sure my Grandmother doesn’t want to see…that. She might have a heart attack.” Fia said in an amused tone.

  The tips of Nathair’s ears turned red. “You got it.” Nathair said before closing the door. He quickly pulled his clothes back on and returned to Becca’s side. The color had returned to her pale cheeks, and she was looking better. “Hey. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m okay…thanks to you.” Becca smiled up at him weakly.

  A few seconds later, the door opened and Dealande and Fia entered the room. Dealande immediately went to Becca’s side, crouched next to her, and reached out to place her hand on the bite mark. A gold-tinged light enveloped Dealande’s hand and she healed Becca’s wound.

  Dealande removed her hand a few seconds later, stood up, and faced Nathair. “There was barely any poison left. You did well, Nathair.”

  Becca groaned, sat up, and blinked around at everyone owlishly. She felt…much better but still sluggish, weak. She pulled her pants up and buttoned them. Becca stood up on shaky limbs.

  Dealande frowned when she noticed Becca swaying on her feet. “However, your pets put the life of The Savior at risk! These pets of yours are a hazard-”

  “It was my fault.” Becca quickly interrupted. “I knocked over the tank and freed the viper. And when Nathair told me not to move…I panicked. I ran…and the viper attacked. So it’s all my fault. Not Nathair’s. Nathair…saved me. He saved my life. He’s a hero.”

  Nathair lowered his head to hide his astonished expression.

  Fia was looking at Nathair with newfound respect.

  Dealande huffed. “Very well. I’ll let you off the hook this time, Nathair. But something like this better not happen again or else I’ll have you get rid of these ‘pets’ of yours. Come along, Fia.”

  “Uh…yeah.” Fia agreed. Dealande and Fia left the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

  Nathair approached Becca with an emotional look on his face. “Thank you.”

  Becca offered him a sheepish smile. “I’m the one who should be saying that.”

  Nathair shook his head. “No, I should. I don’t know what I would do if I had to give up my pet snakes. They’re all I have…they’re my only friends.”

  Becca frowned thoughtfully. “That’s not true. I’m your friend.”

  Nathair gave Becca a surprised look. “You’d want to be my friend…even after what happened?”

ecially after what happened. It’s not everyday someone saves your life.” Becca couldn’t help but recall how Dearg and Hunchback had protected her from Corann and the Elite when her secret that she was a girl had been discovered during a sparring match against Aengus. They too had been heroes that day.

  And now her beloved heroes were…soulless bloodsucking vampires.

  “Is something wrong?” Nathair noticed her sad expression.

  Becca slapped her cheeks with her hands and shook her head. “Nothing at all. What about you? I saw how freaked out you got that Fia had to see you in such a state.”

  “Ugh.” Nathair ran a hand down his tattooed face. “I never wanted her to see me in such a pitiful state. I…admire her.”

  Becca’s lips curled into a Cheshire smile. “Hmm, you admire her?” She nudged her elbow into Nathair’s side. “Come on, admit it, you like her, don’t you?”

  Nathair’s eyes widened and he lowered his head to hide his expression. “What? No, I don’t. That would be improper…she just lost her fiancé.”

  “Keane, right?” Becca said softly, her expression turning serious. “This may sound weird coming from me since I’m an outsider, but I bet Keane would want Fia to be happy.”

  “Maybe. But…Fia would never notice someone like me anyways.” Nathair said glumly.

  Becca raised an eyebrow at his words that were strangely reminding him of something Slaine would say. “What? Are you serious? I totally saw Fia checking out your behind and staring at your huge-”

  “Becca!” Nathair cut her off, half angry, half amused. “Geez, you’re not the shy type are you?”

  “Nope.” Becca grinned. “And I love playing matchmaker. I’d be happy to give you some advice about how you can catch Fia’s eye too, if you’d like.”

  Nathair hesitated, but then sighed. “Sure.”

  Becca slung her arm over Nathair’s shoulder and smiled broadly. “Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies.”


  When Garth finally awoke it was to find himself curled up on his side on a cold, concrete floor. “Ugh.” He sat up, rubbed his throbbing head, and the sound of rattling chains was heard. “The hell?” Garth looked down at his hands to see metal shackles around his wrists. There were also shackles around his ankles. Chains were attached to the shackles and Garth followed the long length of chain to see that the chains were attached to the wall.

  The length of chains gave him just enough room to stand up if he wanted to and walk over to use the chamber pot that was in the corner of the cell. He inspected his prison cell, which was three walls of cement, and the forth wall was comprised of bars and the cell door. The reality that he was trapped inside of a cell seemed to crash into Garth.

  No, not again! Garth thought wildly as he stood up and pulled at the chains as he recalled his time in a cell while trapped in his animal form. He’d been treated like an animal, worse even. Garth let out a roar as he tugged at the chains again.

  “Mmm….nghhh.” A strange feminine moan snapped Garth out of his own inner turmoil and he noticed the bed on the other side of the large prison cell for the first time. Chained to the bed was a dark-haired woman, who was dressed in only her emerald green bra and underwear. She was writhing and moaning on the bed while acting as if she were in pain. Her skin was flushed and there was a slight sheen of sweat on her body.

  Abruptly the woman stilled and turned her head to look at Garth as if she’d sensed his presence. Garth’s eyes widened when he recognized Nerezza! She was so pale, her cheeks hollow and there were dark shadows beneath her eyes that it was no wonder Garth hadn’t recognized her at first. She looked so different from her usual lively self. Her pupils were dilated and even as she stared at Garth it appeared she didn’t see him at all.

  “Hey! Nerezza! Snap out of it! It’s me, Garth! Hey!” He pulled at the chains.

  Nerezza blinked, focused her gaze on Garth, and her pupils returned to their usual size. “G-Garth…is that you…?”

  Garth nodded, “Yeah. Don’t worry, Nerezza, I’m going to get you the hell out of here. I’m going to help you.”

  “Yes, Garth…please, help me.” Nerezza arched her back and writhed on the bed sensually. “Please, I need sex…I’m dying.”

  Garth’s throat went dry at Nerezza’s pleading. Holy crap! “Nerezza…?”

  The sound of footsteps approaching was heard, and then Dracula came into view, his mink coat billowing behind him with his long, confidant strides.

  Garth glared over at Dracula. “You! Hey, you perverted creep! Let Nerezza go!”

  Dracula unlocked the cell door, entered, strolled over to Nerezza and peered down at her while she writhed on the bed. The scent of jasmine filled the air as Nerezza released her pheromones. “That looks painful, my dear.” Dracula reached out and trailed his index finger down Nerezza’s cheek. She shuddered at his touch. “Do you want me to ease your suffering?”

  Nerezza glared up at Dracula. “D-Don’t touch me…!”

  “You say that, but your body is begging for my touch. What a pitiful creature you are, succubus. You cannot survive without sex and anyone will do in the end.” Dracula gave Nerezza a pitying look.

  “N-Not you…never you…!” Nerezza gasped.

  “But I could free you of your suffering, succubus. Let me turn you…and then you will no longer need sex in order to survive. Then…you will only need blood.” Dracula smiled revealing his fangs. “And you won’t be forced to be a whore who spreads her legs for anyone. Let me free you of your God-given curse! Let me show you that I am more powerful than God!” He spread his arms wide and cackled.

  Nerezza arched off the bed, moaned, and panted, but she shook her head in the end. “N-No! I already told you…I don’t want to join you. I’d rather die!”

  Dracula’s smile fell. “Then die you shall and in a most painful way. But since you’re immortal you shall die and then come alive, only to die again, and again on that bed. How many deaths will it take until you go mad, I wonder?” Dracula trailed his hand over her body, which pressed itself into his burning touch. “Such a wanton body you have.”

  “Get your hands off of her, Dracula!” Garth snapped. He was beginning to get angry.

  Dracula turned to face Garth and approached. “Hello, Garth Mackenzie. Won’t you consider joining me, demon?”

  Garth’s brow furrowed. “What the hell do you want with us? Why us?”

  “I’m interested in gathering new powerful allies for what I have planned for this city. And I’m very interested in turning one of you demons into a vampire. Just think about how powerful you’d become!” Dracula spread his arms wide. “I also enjoy the idea of stealing God’s potential new allies. The less reformed demons God has in his army for the End Times…the chances are higher that I can defeat Him, you see.” He chuckled at the thought.

  “Not interested.” Garth spat.

  Dracula’s red eyes narrowed. “Everyone has a price, demon. I wonder what yours is. Women? Money? Power? Or perhaps…” Dracula smiled widely, a glint in his eyes. “Knowledge. Perhaps there’s something you really want to know.”

  Garth flinched. Knowledge. He wanted to find out the location of the underground fight club where shifters were being forced to fight human exorcists in battles to the death while trapped in their animal forms. “You know where I can find the Red Priest?”

  Dracula smiled. “Of course I do. Is that your price? Then…after I turn you I shall tell you where the Red Priest is so that you can get your revenge upon him. I’ll even help you take that fanatic’s head, if you wish. I’ve never liked him much.”

  It was such a tempting offer Garth was almost willing to take it. But he’d witnessed firsthand the things Derek had to suffer as a vampire. Also, if his soul were cursed to Hell then he’d lose his chance at finding his Judge, having her fall in love with him, and gaining redemption. That was his only chance to rejoin God’s army and to be forgiven.

ah, I know what my answer is.” Garth beckoned Dracula closer. Dracula moved forward. “Screw you!” Garth roared in his face, and spit flew onto Dracula’s cheek.

  Dracula’s eye twitched and he took out a handkerchief to wipe the spit off his face. “Apparently, you need a little more time to think it over. Enjoy watching your friend die. Oh, that’s right…if you decide to join me I may consider sparing her. Think about that while you’re my guest here.” Dracula wheeled around, headed to the cell door, opened it, and locked the door behind him.

  Crap. Garth mentally swore. If he agreed to join Dracula, he’d free Nerezza.

  “Don’t even think about it, Garth. I’m not worth it.” Nerezza objected upon seeing the conflicted expression on Garth’s face. “Like Dracula said…I’m nothing but a whore.”

  “Don’t say that. It’s not true, Nerezza. You’re our friend.” Garth’s blood was boiling. He hated to see Nerezza in the vulnerable state she was in, and watch her tearing herself apart.

  Nerezza smiled sadly. “That’s all I ever wanted…for you guys to consider me your friend. It’s hard for us demons to have friends.”

  “Yeah.” Garth agreed.

  Hours passed and Nerezza’s condition grew worse. Her pheromones grew stronger and the scent of jasmine and exotic spices filled the cell. Garth had no choice but to breathe them in and grew aroused in response. He was disgusted with himself at his arousal for her. He didn’t envy the curse of incubi and succubi one bit.

  The sound of approaching footsteps was heard and then the vampire Undertaker came into view. He was holding a tray of food in his hands, and while balancing the tray on one hand he unlocked the cell and entered. He approached Garth and set the tray of food down before him. “Compliments of Dracula.”

  Garth looked down at the tray of food. There was a steak, potatoes, green beans and freshly baked bread. It smelled delicious. His stomach rumbled. “What about Nerezza?”

  Undertaker chuckled darkly. “She’s supposed to die…unless she decides to join us.”

  “Screw that.” Garth kicked the tray of food and it went flying into the wall with a splat where it slid down the wall leaving a trail of mashed potatoes and gravy.

  “If you want to starve too - that’s your choice, fool.” Undertaker sneered in his Southern drawl. He turned to leave, however, the scent of jasmine and spices reached his nose and he grew aroused. “What the hell?” Undertaker turned his attention to Nerezza who was still writhing on the bed. Undertaker licked his lips in a predatory manner. He strolled over to the bed and peered down at Nerezza with hooded, lust-filled eyes. “What a delectable little morsel you are…so sexy.”

  “Hey, stay away from her.” Garth warned.

  Nerezza arched her back and moaned.

  Mesmerized, Undertaker watched her erotic display. “Dracula told me not to touch you, but I think that’s going to be impossible. Especially when you’re begging for me like that.” Undertaker crawled onto the bed and straddled Nerezza. He reached down and ripped her panties off.

  Nerezza focused on Undertaker’s face. He grinned at her revealing his fangs. Nerezza screamed. “No! Get off of me, no!”

  “Get the hell off of her, you pervert!” Garth roared as he strained against his chains. “You’re seriously beginning to piss me off!” His blood was boiling in his veins.

  “Hold still, woman.” Undertaker said as he unzipped his pants. “You know you want it.”

  Garth saw red. The reins on his anger snapped. The shifter let out a ferocious, primal roar. His muscles bulged and strained against the chains, and Garth began to transform. Orange fur sprouted all over his face, horns sprouted from his head, his eyes turned red, and his muscles bulged as they increased in size.

  The shackles shattered and in seconds Garth was in his Hellcat form and standing on four legs in the cell and growling at Undertaker with drool dripping down his long canines.

  Undertaker glanced over at Garth whose transformation had taken mere seconds. His eyes bulged. Garth now resembled a six hundred pound tiger-like creature with orange and black striped fur. He had horns, cat ears, and spikes protruding from his spin. His claws were a foot long, deadly and sharp. “Holy cow!” Undertaker stuffed himself back into his pants before he ended up losing something important.

  Garth pounced across the length of the cell, knocked into Undertaker, and pinned him to the floor.

  “Dag nam it! Get the hell off of me you giant fur ball!” Undertaker tried to reach for one of his guns.

  But Garth brought one of his clawed paws down on Undertaker’s chest, slicing down and leaving three deep, bleeding grooves in Undertaker’s flesh. Undertaker gasped at the pain, and blood trickled down his chin. He passed out from the pain.

  Garth picked Undertaker up with his maw, and with a toss of his head sent Undertaker flying across the cell. The vampire hit the far wall with a crack and slid down the wall, leaving a streak of bright red blood in his wake. Garth roared triumphantly at his defeated foe. The Hellcat’s red gaze then focused on the woman on the bed, and he approached with menacing steps.

  To be continued in…Tattoo 11: Dragon