Read Evreux Page 7

  “You idiot! You can’t go up against me!” indicates Serot as he begins to form a black hole in the middle of the field sucking up all his surrounds, tress and patches of dirt began to fly in and Kiter starts to lose his footing. Kiter is being pulled towards Serot’s black hole and decides to just let it all go and he does. “Gryphon of truth I command thee,” Kiter’s beast appears before him and it screeches making the glass from the windows of the school break, it fires a golden light at the black hole and it is gone. “Nice trick!” Serot tells Kiter and disappears, Kiter flies into the sky and begins to aim and fire rays of light at the ground making the field burst into flames, Serot has no choice but to show himself and Kiter fly’s in his direction. Both are inches from each other, but Serot remarks “Damn I didn’t want to have to use this. Darkness Fall!” Kiter‘s body is pierced by a shadow talon of a dragon, but he has enough time to strike Serot with his gryphon’s attack at close range. Both bodies are pushed in opposite directions from their attacks. The field is destroyed; Serot and Kiter don’t make a move from the strip of grassless dirt.

  * * * * * * *

  Ryu reaching the elevator but is stopped by Caleb. Caleb now looks at Ryu and smiles “Hello. Son” Ryu freezes in time and even move the slightest muscle looks into the eyes of his father. “No. It can’t be. You’re supposed to be dead. The car crash … it was all over the news,” “Yes I know son. But hand over the sphere and we’ll act like none of this ever happened,” Caleb tells Ryu hand reaching out. Ryu looks at him in the eyes, so confused now, after everything he has been through, especially all the pain and suffering coming back to him, pictures of seeing his mother being destroyed because of the lost. Was this what his father had become, a self-fish, arrogant man who traded away his family for power? All these questions invading Ryu’s mind, he gathers strength and speaks “You have done this, all of this, created two separate races, and it’s all to end the harmony in which we live in? You are not my father!” Ryu lets go of it all and lets Zepar take over. His body being controlled by his guardian now changes form. He has Zepar’s wings and features, all of a sudden Ryu does not exist and it’s his guardian standing face to face with Caleb with the sphere in hand. “No, it can’t be! I won’t let you demon!” shouts Caleb and moves forward to attack Zepar but he is too late , “Black-Sun” hisses Zepar and Caleb is stroked where Roy had claw at his armor, now his back is fully exposed and wide open to any attack.

  Zepar chuckles at the sight of seeing Caleb on the floor now with a humane look, like if in a split second he had regain consciousness from being mind control. Zepar holds the sphere tight in his arms until his hand is bleeding, the blood covering the sphere. The sphere of Bauza begins to glow and Zepar is launched into the sky with a glowing light covering his entire body. He looks down with no pity at Caleb and remarks “Black-Sun!” the whole world shakes , as a new era has began and the sphere of Bauza merged with a Zepar . Ryu was now forever lost in Zepar’s realm and stood in front of the world and it began to burn just like his dream.

  Part two:


  It’s been 50 years now since the world lived in harmony and peace. Now the earth had a tyrant who had the power to make craters and demolish any resistance with a flick of a hand. The world had changed now and for the worst, but a rumor of a resistance is circling around the globe with hope of ending this mad-man’s rage. One thing for sure was that no one was safe. Seritu was now 16 years old, he was 5’6 thanks to his mother. This young man had red hair and white eyes, and if it wasn’t for his hair he would appear to be a wolf in the snow hunting his prey. Seritu was different ever since he was born abnormal things happen around him but since he lived outside the city of Greece, alone with his mom in the forest nobody ever noticed. The king would be interested in him, furthermore it was said that the king was enlisting men with special abilities into his army. Seritu was born to a Kenton mother, named Abigail Ceror, his father he never met since he was part of the army. Seritu called forth his guardian a harpy, half bird half women with talons for hands and hawk feet. The harpy’s feathers that hung from her elbows where violet just like here bottom torso, her hair short and sapphire to ear’s length, on her upper torso a sapphire chest plate, sleeveless. They harpy held in a hand a sword the size of a katana and in the other a dagger. “Yes master? What can I do for you?” her soft voice sounded nearly human if not for the rest of her body any mortal man would be baffled by such beauty, “Well you see, we have to catch at least a deer to eat tonight , think you can help me,” Seritu tells his guardian. “Of course master. Shall I also grant you my power so we can catch one easily?” asked the harpy to Seritu , “Um sure thing , let me have it Jazz,” in minutes Seritu was covered in a similar armor to Jazz but completely black , on his back was a katana wrapped in a black cloth . Both harpy and Flux run into the forest, Seritu spots a herd of deer and calls for Jazz to come and help him, she descends from the sky and stands a top of a tree. “Now,” he cries , jumping out of the bushes with rapid speed and stabs the oldest deer he can see and Jazz appears from above scaring the herd since they’ve never seen such a thing , but are too late and one is caught by the throat by Jazz’s dagger. Seritu begins to decapitate the game they caught and begins to put small portions into his knapsack. “Do you mind carrying me home Jazz?” asks Seritu to his guardian, “Not at all master.” Jazz begins to gain altitude with Seritu on her back, but she has to force herself a bit more than usual because of the extra weight. Jazz goes high enough in the sky so that anyone looking would think is a bird, but forgets suddenly about Seritu and lowers her altitude a bit so he can breathe. It’s been an hour or so now and a house begins to appear in the middle of a clearing with smoke flowing out of the chimney, “Looks like mom’s already cooking, wait until she sees what we’ve caught,” Seritu speaks to Jazz. Jazz began to go down slowly, once 50 feet from the ground, her wings stop flapping and she begins to soar while losing speed. Seritu gets of his guardian and runs to the door, walking into the house he finds his mother watching over a boiling pot filled with soup. Great not this again Seritu thinks to himself, “Hey mom look what I brought,” putting the meat of the deer on the table. “Oh! That’ll have to be for tomorrow then, put it in the freezer,” Abigail indicates. On the way to the freezer he notices some rugged pieces of clothing on top of a chair folded neatly, he puts the meat inside the freezer and moves towards the chair, inspecting the clothing. “I see you found my stuff,” a voice from behind him indicates, there on the back door stood a figure 5’3 with a black beard covering his entire chin, his hair was short and spiked up, his eyes a solid blue color . Seritu begins to back away slowly towards the living room where his mom was, but she bumps into him “Oh I forgot to tell you. Your father just arrived.” “But my father is in the king’s army?” Seritu infers, “No way son, I’m with the resistance!” Seritu’s father remarks.


  Cross now stands in front of Seritu looking straight into his eyes, and begins to explain his whereabouts to his only son. “Well you see, I’m one of the people in charge of recruiting members and also making assaults. The king is making an army and it is our goal to stop him before he has the young Flux’s in training become actual soldiers. Son I’m sorry I’ve been gone for such a long time but let me explain. You see I met your mother 20 years ago when the king was still trying to conquer some missing parts of the world; we fled from place to place so I wouldn’t be caught by him. If you don’t know your mother is a Kenton and I’m a Flux. Fluxes have the ability to use Armorth which is granted to them by their guardians. A guardian is the source of a Flux’s power and it comes in any form,” Cross sits down in front of Seritu letting him take it all in. “I know you are not a Kenton, just like I know you’re not a normal Flux. I can see your power from a mile away and I’ve come to take you with me. You my son have something that has evolved through time , your Flux ability are un-match able and best of all you can actually call your guardian o
ut to appear in front of you at will,” “Wait you mean you can’t do that?” Seritu asks his father. “Well yes. But if our lives are at stake, they appear and or when we use our most powerful attacks,” Cross responds to his son. “Son, we need your power. I’ve already had a chat with your mother and she agrees with it as well. So it’s all up to you. I leave in three days,” Cross tells Seritu and begins to go upstairs to take a bath. “Mom, you can’t be serious! Who will protect you?” Seritu tells his mother looking into her eyes, so gentle and peaceful he can get lost in those eyes, “I can protect myself Seritu. You must go with your father; he really believes his own son can stop that veil tyrant. It makes him feel so proud sometimes,” Seritu’s mother responds. Seritu decides to go upstairs to have a talk with his father, which he can’t believe is here. He reaches his mother’s room in it is his father seemed to be praying for the dead, “Come in” Cross indicates Seritu. Father and son staring into each other's eyes, without making a movement, they seem like brothers at one extent. “So you’re what? Like 30 years old?” remarks Seritu, “No I’m actually 67 years old,” Cross lets Seritu take it all in once more. “WHAT! That’s impossible my mother is 37 years old!” Seritu shouts, “Well let me explain it all to you Seritu, have a seat here next to me,” Cross instructs his son and begins to explain everything about the Flux, especially how they stay forever young. Hours pass and Seritu amazed by what he has learned but just can’t take one detail out of his mind “So? You lived before the king was in power? How come you didn’t do anything then?” Cross has now a grim look on his face and dictates his whole life story to his son, especially how nobody imagined a 9th grade Elite would be lost to the darkness since the Elites always symbolized strength and leadership and beyond a doubt for the greater good. Cross explains how he was attacked by Caleb and managed to be knocked out in one blow, but his guardian at the last minute came to his rescue and she flew him on her back to the city below into an old abandoned warehouse, then seconds later the sphere was absorbed by the only person with the rare blood to unlock its power, thus the king coming into power. Cross also mentioned how he healed himself using the guardians power and returned to the school only to find two elites and the three escaped with their lives , thus forming the resistance. Seritu absorbed every detail like a sponge and looks a bit shocked at how his father is one of the leaders of the resistance, the man that was supposable in the king’s army, never to be seen again.

  * * * * * * *

  The next day Seritu wakes up to find his father making waffles and pouring maple syrup on them, and setting up the table. “Where’s mom?” Seritu asks his father, “I let her sleep, so she can rest I imagine how hard it is for her to raise you by herself. I have no way of making up for the time I’ve been gone since as you know the king wants my head,” Cross tells Seritu . “After you’re done with your breakfast, let’s go out into the forest and train a bit. I want to see your guardian, if you don’t mind that is?” Cross tells Seritu. The two finish their breakfast fast and shout farewell to Abigail. Now at the forest’s center Seritu voices “Jazz come out please”, the harpy appears in front of them and says “Yes master?” Cross looks at the guardian amazed and goes around her inspecting her from bird feet to human head. “Who is this master?” Jazz voiced at Seritu, “I’m sorry to not introduce you both. Jazz this is my father, Cross. Father this is Jazz,” “A pleasure to meet you,” Cross tells Jazz, and she responds “The pleasure is all mine.” “Ok son are you ready?” Cross asks and Seritu nods, “Jazz we have to fight my father; he wants to know the limit of our power. Go easy on him,” “Ok master,” Jazz replies to Seritu. Jazz hovers a couple of feet from the ground waiting for Cross to make a move, Cross taking this as a sign of being ready, just takes a causal stance. Cross appears to be motionless, no expression on his face, the light goes through his image and Jazz and Seritu realize it was a glimpse. Jazz turns around to find Cross about to strike her; she jumps back and screeches an attack so powerful the birds and the nearby animals flee in terror of the noise. It appeared that the attack was to slow and Cross was in back of her now once again, but this time he manages to give her a quick jab sending her flying into a nearby tree. Jazz not accustomed to this type of fighting picks herself up and begins to walk towards the battle ground, “Master would you like to join me?” she asks Seritu and he nods in acceptance to her request. Seritu walks in between the two opponents and hugs Jazz. She disappears and Seritu is standing in front of his father with his Armorth on, this time his form is different from before, he has his harpy’s wings making him look like a black angel. “That’s nice! I wish I could do that,” Cross tells his son with a broad smile on his face, “Don’t say you didn’t ask for it,” Seritu barks. Seritu disappears and so does Cross, both begin to clash at hyper-speed only leaving behind glimpses of them. Cross seems to be enjoying the fight, now in his most powerful form, his body incased in a light blue armor and two blue swords on each hand, the face of his guardian, Vitrax, the warrior of ice on his chest. Father and son begin to clash swords with one another, for minutes this rages on, but Seritu begins to get tiresome of his father not taking him seriously. He then begins to run away so his father can chase him, they jump from tree to tree, Cross keeping on Seritu’s tail. Seritu jumps up into the sky with the sun in back of him and says “Got ya! Sonic burst!” a noise comes from his two swords being clashed together , but his father , Cross , is more skilled than he is and tells Seritu “ No you didn’t . Thousand swords of ice,” Cross’s icicle swords begin to shatter under Seritu’s attack but make a powerful mist around him , giving Cross the advantage to perform the attack once again without it being blocked. Seritu manages to dodge a couple of them but is hit by a few on his arms and legs and begins to descend down into the forest. Cross catches him before he can hit the ground and lays him on the soft grass. “Damn! Forgot you are still young. Let’s heal him Vitrax,” Cross speaks and his guardian appears like a mist in front of Seritu, incasing the boy in an ice tomb and healing all his wounds. An hour passes and Seritu begins to gain consciousness, he opens his eyes but quickly puts his hand to cover the sun. “Sorry about that. But you did good with a few years of training who knows what your capable of doing,” Cross tells his son. Seritu attempts to get up but his legs begin to wobble and Cross catches him just in time. “Well lets head back home now, we’ve had enough fun for one afternoon,” Cross tells Seritu and both begin to walk home. Smoke is seen coming from the distance and Cross with a grave look on his face urges Seritu to walk on his own so they can get home faster. By the time they reach the house it is covered in flames now and collapsing on top of its self. “Mom!” Seritu screams as he rushes forward, Cross follows him. Both men reach the house and can’t seem to go inside, Cross calls upon his guardians power “Thousand swords of ice” and the ice melts a top of the fire making it cease. Seritu is the first to go in, through what was left of the entrance. No trace of Abigail is found; it appeared that she was burned alive or worst taken away by the king’s henchmen.


  A couple of miles later into the forest Cross and Seritu begin to talk. “This is your entire fault!!! You should have stayed away!” he screams at his father, Cross just takes it. “Listen, am sorry we should have had left yesterday so this wouldn’t have had happen. I couldn’t just walk in after 16 years into Abigail’s life and say hi honey I’m taking the kid,” Cross mutters. “Whatever! I don’t want to talk to you, just tell me where are we going?” Seritu tells his father and he responds “We’re off to find the Dagger of Yaril , it’s said to be the opposite to the Sphere of Bauza, it absorbs power instead of giving it. We got word of it being here, in Greece a couple of months ago, and that’s when I decided to stop by. The Elites will meet us at Athens where it was said to be at. Now let’s move we have a week to get there,”

  * * * * * * *

  Seritu and Cross trained every day by the night once they had camp made and detected nobody around for miles. Thi
s went on for a week as Cross had indicated it was what would take for them to reach Athens on their guardian’s back. Finally there Cross is looking around and finds the cave instructed in the map, once inside two figures move toward Cross and Seritu. “So this is the boy we’ve heard so much of?” a white hair man with black eyes standing at 6’3 feet, said as he examined Seritu briefly. “Do you really think it’s possible, Cross, that after that dagger is used he can finish the job?” asked the man. Briefly after appears another man about 5’7 feet tall with blonde hair and black eyes , both were wearing some kind of robe to hide their physique and give them a monk sort of look. Cross points to the white haired man and tells Seritu “This is Roy Abreu, he was the 12th grade elite and my trainer,” Cross now points to the blonde one and says “This is an idiot and you don’t have to worry who he is,” the guy just glares at Cross and speaks for himself, “The name’s Kiter Williams, former 10th grade, and I can kick your father’s ass on a one on one. Hope you really turn out to be our secret weapon, I’ve faced him before.” The three begin to talk and Seritu felt isolated from these great men, they’ve defied the king’s verdicts over and over again and here they were, it gave bravery a whole new meaning, and the best part was that his dad was standing among them. In an instant Seritu forgot the hatred he had carried for his mother’s death that he held his father accountable, since now he realized that she believed in this man. These three were incredible, Seritu walks towards them to catch a glimpse of the map and what they were saying. “It says here 3 miles down a lab was made at the same time the sphere was made just each in opposite directions. Listen to this, since the dagger didn’t cause any harm to anyone and its sole purpose was to be used if the sphere was used for evil. It's all in one piece,” Cross smiles saying this with a great relief, as he remembers when Ryu, Randy , and him were sent to retrieve the shards , then the images darken as he remembers seeing Randy killed by Kentons that day and Ryu changing completely . Cross just like Kiter had face Ryu, or should we say Zepar while he was fleeing with Abigail from country to country , when he realized that he had to send his wife with his son away so they wouldn’t be in harm's way. “All set then. Let’s move out,” Roy commands and the four begin to walk the 3 miles south.