Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 10


  Anna was getting the table set when Brent, the head knight of Cyan ran into the room with guards that were not from Cyan or Indigo. “Where is William and Evan, we need to speak to them at once.” said one of them. “In their rooms, I will get then for you at once.” Anna replied back to them, hurrying to get them. William and Evan came running, Peter wasn’t too far behind. “What is the trouble Aaron? Asked Evan “It's our kingdoms, both Sinopia and Hansa received threats if we help Patrick.” said Aaron. “During the night, we both had a messenger that gave us a memo.” said Jared, from Sinopia. “Do you have the letters?” asked William. Jared and Aaron handed them to their kings, both notes for the most part read alike...William read it aloud

  “I know what you are up to, and rest assured I am watching every move you make. Keep helping Indigo and I vow that I will do a fate worse than has happened there. You and your friends will never defeat me, draw back now if you want your kingdom and its people to not be harmed.” There was no signature on the letters, Patrick had a good idea as to whom they were from. “We will not cower.” Evan stated firmly, “We may live in separate countries within Halcyon, but this land is all of ours.” William added. Evan and William conversed back and forth for a few minutes. “Go back, gather all men you can, set them further out from castle and all around.” said Evan to Aaron and Jared. “Most agreed, we will send more help to you as fast as we can.” William said. Nodding to their king’s wishes, Aaron and Jared headed back to Hansa and Sinopia.

  “This is why I didn’t want you both to get involved.” Patrick said to William and Evan. Already exhausted, Patrick placed his head into his hands. Evan walked over to him, placing his hand on Patrick's shoulder, “What part of we are here for you, and this is all of our land do you not understand?” he asked him. Aeolus and the other Lythari had just entered the room, “Do not tell me there is more trouble.” said Aeolus, William handed him the letter, he read it to himself then handed it to his son. Rahju placed it down on the table when he was finished reading. Aeolus turned to Rahju, “Son you know what to do.” “Most certainly” Rahju said back as he excused himself “Wait!” yelled Patrick. “Aeolus, I have a request of you and your clan, might Rahju take these items that belong to Rebecca and allow them to know her scent?” Aeolus and the others stood there saying nothing, Patrick was starting to think he had disgraced his new friends. “Yes, he will take them.” Aeolus said “Thank you.” said Patrick as he gave the items to Rahju. Rahju changed to his lupine form and as fast as he could headed towards home.

  “Where is he going?” asked Peter, “To get help for your kingdoms.” said Aeolus. “This is not your fight either, it is my father, it is mine.” said Patrick. “Halcyon is our land also we will protect it at any costs.” Aeolus replied. “Now we will go on as stated last night” he added, “Unless you want your father to have the upper hand.” “He is right you know we have to tread on, no matter what.” said William “I know you all are right.” replied Patrick “If I, I mean we stop now he wins for sure and who knows what could become of Halcyon then.” “Then onwards we go” said Peter “These are our countries,” he continued “And this is our land.” Evan added. “Today we vow, we fight, until we win this battle or take our last breaths.” said Patrick

  After this short yet powerful burst of liveliness Peter called to Anna to bring the horses up from the stables while they prepared their gear for the next journey. Helena was still in her chambers when Peter went to say goodbye to her, “We are getting ready to leave now.” Peter said and gave her a briefing on what happened in Hansa and Sinopia. She looked over at him with great concern, Peter walked over and sat next to her on the bed, “All will be fine, it is being taken care of as we speak, and Brent knows where to find us if need be.” Peter said taking her hand. “You take care of yourself and those sons of ours.” added Peter. “Yes, I will and you take care of yourself and the others, especially Patrick, I am so worried for him.” said Helena He leaned over held her tightly, kissing her softly, then went to join the others outside.

  They all geared up their horses, Aeolus would go alone with Peter and Patrick, and thought it best if he and the other Lythari went in lupine form, and keeping a safe distance from them but close enough in case the others needed their help. “We will be close.” said Aeolus “Let us ride, we have no time to waste.” said Patrick, then the two parties headed off in separate directions.

  Evan, William, and their party headed east, crossing over shallow waters of the Spinel River not far from Cyan's castle. After they crossed the river they were in Hansa, and decided not to go near the castle. Evan knew that Aaron had everything under control, and that his wife Rachel was safe, and she was also with child, due in about three months. They were on their way to Wingslet to get air offerings and it is known that the golden pheasant is seen there when not in the mountains near Sinopia. “What is our chances of the seeing these pheasants?” asked Evan. “We have to try and see.” answered William, Evan has been to Wingslet with his father when he was around fifteen. William however has not and wasn’t sure what to expect.

  Some time had passed and they stopped just outside of the kingdom lands near a small pond and took a rest. Allowing the horses to graze and drink as well. Lowell and Blaez were not far behind them and saw where they had stopped to rest and joined them. William, only out of instinct, saw the wolves stood up and drew his sword. “It is us, Lowell and Blaez.” Blaez said as they both turned back into their elven form. William placed his sword back into its sheath, “Please forgive me that is going to take a little getting used to.”Evan got a laugh out of it, they all did.

  Evan and William got back on their horses and they continued to travel onward past the pond. Lowell and Blaez were still in elven form and now riding with them. “When we get near Wingslet, Lowell and I will stay back.” Blaez said to Evan “Elves and fairies do not always get along and we would not want to hinder you.” he added “I understand, and so will William.” said Evan. Slowing down their horses, Evan was close enough to tell William. “We will go through the Timber forest, it is the fasted way there.” said Evan. William nodded in agreement and followed his friend for Evan knew all the safe ways to pass through.

  As they were going through the forest, there was this eerie feeling as if they were being watched, Blaez jumped off the horse and with a single bound transformed into his lupine form. Evan and William halted their horses at once. “What is it?” William asked “There is something out there, you stay here.” said Blaez. Lowell stayed with them, “Blaez is our best hunter, he will make sure all is safe.” Lowell said as he took out his bow and arrows. “Shouldn’t you go with him.” said William “No it is better I stay here, you are better protected that way.”

  Blaez returned to the other three, holding in his mouth, an impish looking creature, this creature was still alive and Blaez threw it out of his mouth and unto the ground. “Who and what are you.” Lowell demanded, he too now in lupine form. “What are you doing sneaking around out here?” added Blaez. William and Evan had seen creatures similar to this, but even they had no idea. The creature was lying there, wide eyed and quivering. “You hear them.” said Evan, “Now last time who and what are you.” Still no answer from the little creature. “Fine then, you do not wish to talk.” William said as he turned to Blaez and Lowell. “Then you shall become a snack for our friends here.” Lowell and Blaez now starting to salivate inched closer towards the creature, and began to encircle him. Drawing nearer with every turn they made.

  “Call them off.” pleaded the little impish creature, “I will talk but only if they back off.” “Heal boys.” said Evan jokingly, and they stepped away. “Now talk, you had your warning, or next time you will not have time to be scared.” said Evan. “My name is,” then he paused and looked around, “You are taking too long to answer, don't say we didn't warn you.” said Lowell. Then a few moments later, the Lythari leapt towards the imp
, only intending to scare him. As fast as they sprang, the little creature vanished causing them to smash their heads together. Dazed now the two looked at each other. “Where'd he go?” asked Blaez. “That is a very good question.” said William. “We have work to do, and we need to move on.” “Are you two alright?” Evan asked Lowell and Blaez. “We will be fine, let us ride on.” Lowell said.

  It was about mid-day now, Peter, Patrick along with Aeolus were nearing the wetlands, heading in the opposite direction from their friends. “My father had taught me many things before his death,” Peter started, “I do not recall any of this being part of it.” Peter's parents had gotten very sick years ago and never got better. “At least your father taught you something, not having a mother growing up and a father who was slowly going insane.” Patrick replied. “Most of what I have learned has been form Lucy, Jayson and a few others.” he continued. “And now this, what if I fail.” “You will not fail my friend.” said Peter “We are going to see you through this and all will return to normal again.”

  While Peter and Patrick were talking they didn’t notice they had entered the wetlands, they turned their horses in a different direction before they got too far in. Aeolus was just in sight sitting under some oak trees, and back as his elven self. Peter and Patrick went over got off their horses and sat there with him. “What took you so long?” asked Aeolus jokingly.

  Patrick started to feel something tapping on his shoulder, “What do you want Peter?” he asked “Stop poking me.” “It's not me, I am over here.” he answered. At this time Aeolus became very alert looking all around. “It is the tree, I know what this is.” said Aeolus as turned into his lupine form, and approached the tree growling. By this time Patrick was on his feet and far away from the tree. He and Peter were standing there watching as Aeolus began to speak. “You, Dryad, show yourself.” he demanded, then out of the wood appeared the face of a woman, quite beautiful despite being part of a tree. Dryads are normally carnivores and will eat anything that has flesh, “Why were you bothering my friend?” asked Aeolus “I mean him no harm, none of you.” she said “My name is Ayla and yes I am a dryad.” Aeolus returned to his elven form as Peter and Patrick joined him closer to Ayla.

  “I have heard about what happened in Woodstream, and do not want this fate brought upon here as well.” Ayla continued. “If I can help in anyway, I am at your service.” “Let me introduce you to King Peter and King Patrick, they are seeking water offerings to take to the Element.” Aeolus said. “It is my father who is responsible for all this destruction and we are seeking the help of the Elements of the Atoll for their aid.” Patrick added. It was silent for a moment, Ayla was thinking of what she could help them with to use an offering.

  “In the middle of the wetland there lives coral.” started Ayla “But I must warn you, there are things there protecting it.” “What type of things?” asked Peter “They are called Buru, a reptilian creature that usually does not harm anything and keeps to itself.” added Ayla “They have become rather attached to the coral and will not let anything near it.” “Then how do we get it from the Buru?” asked Patrick. “And where in the swamp are they and the coral?” added Peter. “Can you see where there is a break in the water? Out near there” said Ayla. The three of them looked out to where the swamp almost seemed to disappear. “Yes we see where, now how to get out there.” Aeolus said.

  William, Evan and their Lythari friends finally reached the outskirts of Wingslet where the flora or flower fairies live. Blaez and Lowell turned back into their elven forms so not to scare them. “Allow me to go first, hopefully they will remember me, although it has been some years since my father and I were here.” said Evan “We will be close in case you need us.” William replied. Evan got off his horse and headed towards the trees where the Flora lives. He was hoping to see Lily, they were friends long ago and her mother was Queen of the Flora. These although were not small like the usual flower fairy, they were more human in size.

  William took hold of the reigns of his and Evan's horse and led them to a small nearby brook to drink. Lowell and Blaez were standing nearby on alert in case something happens. On the way to the brook, William sees that little imp again in the distance, and waves Lowell and Blaez over to him. “It's that imp again.” said William to them as he nodded his head in the direction in which he saw it. “We will go after it.” said Lowell, at this time Evan had returned with a very beautiful fairy. “William, Lowell, Blaez, this is Lily, she is going to help us get the golden pheasant feathers.” said Evan “Thank you.” William replied. “Do not thank me yet, the pheasants are not in the area right now.” she said “You will have to travel south for a little ways to where the Cascade mountains begin, you will find them there.” “How will we be able to get these feathers?” asked William “We were hoping they would be near here and you could help.” Evan added.

  “It is spring time, when they lay their eggs.” said Lily, “I will go with you, they know me and I can get them to come to me.” “We can't just pluck the feathers off of them, we do not want to insult or anger the Elements.” Evan said. “That would not be good, we need a better way.” William added. “Not to worry,” said Lily, “trust me there will be a way”. Lowell and Blaez had returned from searching for the imp, where they had no luck at all. “He is gone again.” Lowell said. “We can worry about him later.” said Blaez, “Now what is going on?” They filled Lowell and Blaez in on what was going on, and they all started to the south.