Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 9


  The moon was finally high enough in the sky for them to leave, Blaez and Lowell were instructed on how to get to Evan and William and went on their way in lupine form. Kai, another went to Indigo to get Jayson and Jasper. “You and Peter will ride on us.” said Aeolus. The four walked to the edge of the trees and Aeolus and his son transformed themselves, then lowering themselves so that Peter and Patrick could climb on. Running through the trees at a very quick pace they were at Woodstream before they knew it passing by the redwood tree. “Be safe” said Rotor, only Patrick and Peter could hear him. They both looked towards the tree and nodded in response.

  At Cyan Helena was speaking with Anna, it has been almost four days since she has heard from Peter and Patrick. “They will return soon, I am sure of it.” said Anna “I suppose you are right.” said Helena, neither one of them knowing they were on their way back. Helena continued to sit with Anna outside in the gazebo, when Brent comes to speak to her. By this time it was almost morning and Peter and Patrick were nearing the castle. “There are wolves just past the grounds, and moving closer.” he says, heading back toward t Helena gets up and heads to one of the guard towers. He lookout tower. “Where do you see the wolves?” she asked Lucas. “Over that way.” he said pointing to the north. “Shall I have them slain?” he asked. Helena looking more closely at the wolves answers him. “No!” she exclaimed “But Ma'am.” “Look closer.” she said, “It appears that Peter and Patrick are riding on them.” “Go and meet them.” she ordered. “Right away.” he answered as he went down from the tower.

  Helena so overjoyed that they were safe, also ran down the tower. “Where are they going? Is everything alright?” asked Anna. “Everything is wonderful, it's Peter and Patrick they are back.” answered Helena. “See Ma'am I told you they would be fine.” said Anna, “Out of curiosity though, why are they riding wolves?” “I am not sure Anna.” said Helena, “But I am sure it is going to be an interesting story.” Peter and Patrick got off the wolves and they transformed back into their elven form, everyone watching was not sure what to think and had their swords close at hand.

  Helena ran up to her husband and threw her arms around him. “I would like you all to meet our new friends.” said Peter. “This is Aeolus and Rahju, they are Lythari, elves that shape shift into wolves.” “Pleasure.” said Helena still looking quite baffled. “Relax, we mean you no harm.” said Aeolus, “We do take lupine shape, but we keep our own minds.” Seeing that her husband and Patrick were brought back safely, Helena didn’t question much more. “Has Evan and William arrived?” asked Patrick. “No, are you expecting them?” Jayson asked. “We sent a Lythari to each of them to tell them to meet us here.” said Peter.

  Just then, William and Evan came racing in on horseback with Lowell and Blaez with them, they also in lupine form. The two changed back and were introduced to the others. “Where’s Kai?” Aeolus asked, looking around towards the gate, “He should have been here by now.” he continued. Not a moment later Kai arrived, Jayson and Jasper with him, along help. “Now that we all are all here, let us go inside.” Peter said “There is so much to tell you all. “Anna, have Nathan prepare some food.” said Helena “Right away Ma'am” she answered. “I will go tend to the boys after I do, they should be waking up soon.” Anna added as she went to the kitchen.

  The four kings now sat around the table along with their new Lythari friends, Jayson, Lucas and Lance and the others as Peter and Patrick told them of what had happened in the past days, all except about Rotor that would remain their secret, not to keep information from their friends, just for safety reasons. “So let me get this straight,” William started, “Woodstream has been destroyed and there is only the tavern keeper alive and the tavern still standing.” “Then your horses were stolen and you met these Elf-wolves by the north side of Indigo.” added Evan “Yes and the Mists and we got the offerings for the earth and their spirits.” said Patrick. “We called on you because we are going to need your help.” said Patrick. “Whatever we can do, you know we are here for you.” William said. “There are still six offerings in which we need to acquire before going to set off to the Atoll, and it is going to take too long with only the two of us.” said Peter. “We will stay with you also, anything to help.” said Aeolus

  Jayson was listening to all this, trying to put it all together, stood up and started to pace around the room, “You all seem to forget that my son and I were there when Dominick attacked.” Patrick approached Jayson, “No my friend, I have not forgotten, why do you think I called for you?” Jayson nodded at Patrick, “Yes, sire, my apologies.” Jasper walked over to Patrick, “Yes, you have my, I mean our word Sire.” Rahju listening to this thought for a moment, “Kai, you go with them.” he said,

  After a while of discussing what else needed to be done, they came to an agreement on how to go about collecting the other offerings. “William and Evan, you go to the east to Wingslet where the fairies live.” started Patrick, “Lucas, Lowell and Blaez with go with you and get the offerings for Air and for the Sylphs, go seek the feathers of the golden pheasant.” “Isn’t the offering supposed to be a living thing?” asked Evan “Yes, but considering this is the time of the year when the pheasants have their young, I am hoping that the feathers will be enough.” answered Patrick. “Patrick, myself, along with Lance, Aeolus and Rahju will go west towards the wetlands and seek out the water offerings.” said Peter “We will stay here for the night and start fresh in the morning.” added Patrick. “I will have David tend to your horses.” said Peter “Anna, he called, she went into the room to see what he wanted. “Take William and Evan's horses to David, he will know what to do.” Yes sire.” she answered leaving the room again. “Jayson and Jasper I want you to return to Indigo and keep things safe and under control there.” Said Patrick to them,

  Dominick was in his secret lair, he was sitting in a room full of crystals and meditating. Rebecca was yelling from her room. “Who do you think you are?” Leaving a woman locked up like this?” Dominick hearing enough and not wanting to deal with her, made a slight cave in so to hopefully silence her yelling. Rebecca having no intention to stop kept right on yelling. “Am I bothering you?” You will not win in all this.” You call yourself a man?” and you loved your wife Sarah.” Out of nowhere he appeared in the room, standing directly in front of her. “Yes I loved Sarah, I still do.” This is my sons doing, he is to blame for all this.” He said sternly. Then left as fast as he came in. Rebecca knew this was not true, at least she hoped not, she watched Dominick slowly grow madder, if that was even possible. Where am I she thought, all Rebecca could see out the tiny window was nothing but water in any direction she tried to look.

  Helena, with her sons entered the dining hall to prepare to eat supper with all who were there. Daniel and Mitchell, always curious were looking at Aeolus and the other Lythari. “Who are you?” Mitchell asked Aeolus looked at Peter who shook his head that it was okay for Aeolus to explain to his sons who or what they really are. Both of the boys listened to Aeolus talk, “Why can’t we do that dad?” asked Daniel, “Because you are human.” Peter replied. “Human is boring.” said Mitchell, “So true” said Daniel. Everyone had a little chuckle as the food was brought out and they began to eat.

  After dinner Mitchell and Daniel wanted to see the Lythari change into wolves. But Peter didn’t think it a good idea. “Oh come on daddy, let us have some fun.” said Daniel “Fine but only for a moment. Aeolus and Rahju took the boys along with their father out into the courtyard and changed their form, allowing both of them to have a small ride on them. “Okay that is enough boys, we have work to do, go and see if David needs help with the horses.” Peter said “Yes father.” they said as they walked towards the stables.

  “Sorry about that.” Peter said to Aeolus, “its ok” answered Aeolus, “I guess that would be rather interesting to anyone.” They headed back inside and Peter showed Aeolus and the other to where t
hey would be spending the night. “Thank you for your kind hospitality.” said Rahju, “It is the least I can do for friends.” said Peter as he too went to his chambers to get some sleep. Helena was already in bed when Peter walked into the room, she missed you so, and he was leaving again in the morning. “Do you trust these Lythari?” she asked him “I do, they were much help and still want to ride with us to aid in anything we may need help with.” Peter said back to her. “I believe you, now get into bed, I have missed you so.” she said

  Evan and William were sitting in Evan's room talking about what has gone on. “Things are getting stranger by the day here on Halcyon.” said William, “I have a feeling it hasn’t even begun, we are all going to go through a lot more before it is over.” Evan said. “But this is our Island and Our countries and I will do anything to protect all the people who reside here.” He continued. William got up off the chair agreeing and went off to bed. Their rooms were near Daniel’s and Mitchell's and as William went down the hall he could hear the boys playing quietly in their room.

  Patrick was beyond tired, and yet he could not sleep. All he did was lay there thinking about Rebecca and his daughters, he would give anything to see them right now. Slowly he closed his eyes. Thought about them and somehow managed to fall asleep. As Patrick drifted off into a deep sleep, he started to see images of his father, unfortunately these pictures were not clear and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to focus in on them. Besides that he could hear Rebecca calling out for him, he then awoke merely thinking it was all just a dream. Patrick missed his wife so much that he believed that it was all in his head.

  Not able to sleep, Patrick went down to the kitchen to get a bite to eat and a cup of tea. Aeolus and Rahju were sitting in the dining room having a conversation on what is happening on Halcyon. “Mind if I join you two?” asked Patrick “Please, sit.” replied Aeolus as he handed out the chair besides him. Patrick sits down and begins to sip at his tea, “There is one thing that bothers me, all my life growing up here on Halcyon I was taught about bad and evil things that are out there, but I was always told by my father that we did not need to worry about it, and now look at what he has become.” Patrick said, then as he stands up continues to talk as Aeolus and Rahju listened to his every word. “And now, the one person who I was raised to trust is now the enemy.” Aeolus walked over to the window where Patrick was now standing, “There are many things, and I believe we are not supposed to understand.” Aeolus said, “Just know that we are here for you, me my clan, your friends, and the people here on Halcyon.” “You are right, thank you, it is only the thought of what I may have to do to my father that pains me so.” replied Patrick, “After all he is still my father, and do not wish to harm him, but I will do whatever it takes to save my wife and rid Halcyon from this evil.”

  Patrick, Aeolus, and Rahju went back up to their rooms, Patrick meeting up with Peter on the way to his room. “Can’t anyone sleep?” Patrick asked Peter, “Why do you ask?” Peter questioned in return. “I just left Aeolus and Rahju, they were in the dining hall and are now heading to their rooms.” It was still rather early during the night, Patrick wanted to go and ride to Indigo, and it has been some time since he was there last. “I want to ride to Indigo, I need to see the castle.” Patrick said, “Do you think that to be wise?” Peter asked looking quite concerned. “I cannot explain it, I had this dream, I saw my father and could hear Rebecca, but I could not tell where they were.” He paused for a brief moment, “I am not sure why, there is something telling me to go to my castle.” Peter wasn't too keen on the idea, especially this late during the night, he also knew his friend also, and Patrick would go there alone, having no other choice Peter looked at his friend and said to him, “I will go with you, pack only what you need, I will inform Jayson and tell him not to tell another only unless we have not returned by day break.” “Meet me by the back stairs behind the kitchen.” Peter said Patrick agreed to this and they both went to collect as few things to bring with them.

  Patrick was standing outside as he waited for Peter, not long after Peter walked out the steps and they headed towards the stables. “You know Helena would have my head if I do not return in one piece.” said Peter Patrick shook his head and let out a little laugh, “true she would.” replied Patrick. When the got to the stables they peeked in making sure no one was still around, the two of them looked as if they were going to commit a crime. Luckily, no one was there and they headed towards their horses. “I do not think I have ever sneaked around on my own grounds.” said Peter as he handed Patrick a handful of socks. “What are these for?” Patrick asked looking at Peter with a confused expression. “Put them on the hoofs, it will quiet them as they walk.” Peter and Patrick places the socks upon the horses feet, and led them out onto the path and out to the edge of the castle walls.

  They rode to Indigo as fast as they could, the only light they had was the beams from the nearly full moon. I was not long before they were heading up towards Patrick’s castle, when they hear a familiar voice. “Who are you and what is your business here?” Peter and Patrick hopped off of their horses and walked closer to where the voice was coming from. “Speak, I demand it!” he said once more. “Jayson, it is I and Peter, we have come to see how things are here.” “It has been rather quiet sire, and my apologize for my rudeness, I had no idea it was you.” “No worries, it is good to know that my castle is well guarded, even with my absence.” Jayson, called a few nearby guards over to the front gate, then he went with Patrick and Peter into the castle.

  Lance and Lucas were standing inside the doors when they see their king enter. “Evening sire.” said Lucas. “Hope all is well.” added Lance, “I am afraid not, we are only here for a moment, there is far too much to tell, and plenty more that needs to be done.” said Patrick “I need to go to my room, there is something I want to get.” Patrick said, “I will go with you.” Lance said as he followed. “I will be right out, wait here.” Patrick said to lance. He stood there in the center of his room, not sure what he was looking for, he circled the room several times, eying it up, down and sideways. Then it hit him, he needed something personal of Rebecca's, maybe the Lythari can track her scent and help to find her. He thought quietly to himself, and then he thought once more how do I ask this of them without seeming offensive? Patrick grabbed a few of her personal belongings, placed them in his sack and headed back out of the room. Lance, starting to reach for the door was almost run over as Patrick walked out, going back downstairs.

  “I have to go again, you keep the castle safe.” said Patrick as he and Peter went and got back on their horses and made their way back to Cyan. “What did you get from your room?” Peter asked as they were almost back to his castle, and at this time they were walking their horses. “Only a few of Rebecca's personal belongings.” Patrick replied as he stopped to show his friend. “You are really missing her, aren’t you?” Peter asked. “Yes, that is beside the point right now, I am hoping that Aeolus and the others will be able to track her scent.” “I must say rather ingenious idea.” Peter replied back “It’s not much, only a hairbrush and a small piece of silk,” said Patrick as he placed the items back into his sack.

  The sun was just beginning to rise up into the morning sky as the two were almost to the stables. “Nice night for a ride.” they hear Helena say, she was standing in the entrance to the stables. Peter, looking like he did when he would get caught sneaking a cookie when he was younger. “I should know better not to sneak out.” he said “Never mind that, at least you both are safe, where did you go?” she asked Patrick jumped into the conversation, “I wanted to go to Indigo, and Peter wouldn’t let me go alone.” “Just put away your horses and come to breakfast, the others should be down shortly.” she said as she walked away. Peter knew that Helena was not angry only concerned for all that has been happening no one could blame her. They handed their horses over to David went inside and washed up for breakfast.
r />   Peter and Patrick ran into William and Evan along their way back to the dining hall. “Where did you two disappear to last night?” asked William “Nowhere special, just went to Indigo.” Patrick said back calmly. “Why didn’t you wake us, we would have gone with you.” Evan added. “Yes I know, we just left, wasn’t really well planned.” Peter said “Was there anything going on there?” asked William, “No it was calm, too calm, eerie calm.” said Patrick, I went to get these.” he added as he showed them the items he had collected. “I am hoping that our Lythari friends can track down Rebecca, I will ask them this morning.”