Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 7


  The two friends rode on through the night, the light of the nearly full moon lit their way. After some time of swift running they slowed their horses down, “How are you holding up?” Peter asked Patrick, He could see the tire in his eyes. “Do you wish to rest for a spell?” Patrick didn’t answer he only shook his head as to say no. “Very well, we will ride on then.” Peter said back. They rode all through the night, taking short breaks along the way to eat and drink some, as well as giving their horses a brief rest as well.

  Peter and Patrick had finally reached the outskirts Woodstream it was nearly day break, they were quite astonished as to what they were seeing, more curious of what they were not. “Where is everyone?” Peter asked “Not a soul is out getting ready for the day.” Then they looked more closely and saw that much of the town had been destroyed, the only structure standing in one piece was the tavern in the middle of town. “Look, the tavern is still standing, we should see if there is anyone in there.” Patrick said. Then they got off their horses and walked towards the tavern.

  As they approached the tavern, something seemed rather odd or even eerie, and not the fact that the town was deserted, Patrick just had a feeling that chilled him to the bone. “What is it?” asked Peter, noticing that his friend seemed uneasy. “I don’t know, can’t figure it out.” Then they slowly opened the tavern door and cautiously entered, the tavern looked as if nothing had happened, Peter turned his head glancing back outside for a brief second then followed Patrick inside. At first there were no signs of life here either, as they walked further into the room, looking in all directions and swords drawn, they here a voice say, “Go away, haven't you done enough!” “Take your people or whatever you call them, keep hiding under that hooded cloak but just go!” “Who dares speak to me like that” said Patrick, “Have you any idea who I am?” Just then there looking very timidly over the counter you could see the face of a frail older gentleman, who now sees who is in his tavern. “Oh your majesties I am so sorry, I thought you were that hooded man again.” he said as he was coming out from behind the bar as he was trying to bow also. “Please Kings Patrick and Peter have a seat.” Said the older man pointing to a nearby table. They graciously, yet cautiously accept the offer to sit, put their swords back into their sheaths.

  “You are Samuel? correct, you own this tavern asked Peter. “Yes sire” he answered. Let me get you two a drink and something to eat.” offered the old man graciously. “But first tell us what happened here and when.” said Patrick. The old man sat down across from Patrick and Peter, “It was last night, sounded like there was giant storm approaching, I closed up the tavern as well as I could then before it started it seemed to be over.” said Samuel still trembling with fear, “I opened the door to see what was going on and everything was destroyed and everyone was gone, all I saw was the outline of a hooded figure heading north into the forest” Patrick and Peter still listening, Patrick asked, “You said something about a hooded figure.” “Yes sire, I saw him over that way but I could not see his face, I thought you two were him coming back for me.” “And where did all the other people go?” asked Peter “I do not know they just vanished. Now let me get you something to eat.” Samuel said as he got up from the table.

  “I believe my father was here.” said Patrick, he was talking quietly to Peter so not to be heard. “But how would he know that we were coming here, and why take all those people?” “I am not sure my friend.” said Peter, “But one thing is certain, we have more on our hands than just finding Rebecca” “Don’t you find this quite odd though, that the only building still standing is the tavern, it's almost like my father knew we would be coming.” Patrick stated. “And was the tavern owner spared? Unless he's under some kind of spell.” The two were now talking even quieter so not to be heard by the tavern owner, but then thought why would Dominick spare him, he was no one special, just a lonely old man.

  Samuel came back out with food and drinks for them, and started to speak again, “You also may want to look around, and the only thing still standing besides my tavern is an old redwood tree on the outskirts of town.” Finding this to be rather odd, Peter and Patrick finished their food and drink, thanked the old man and went off to see this redwood tree

  It was quite odd, everything else around the tree for a good distance was burnt, and in some places still smoldering. There was not even a tree root touched or out of place. Actually, the tree almost seemed to have a certain glow or aura to it, which they found to be rather peculiar.

  Peter and Patrick continued looking around the tree, up and down and in every possible way they could. When Patrick notices three knots on the tree that were about fifteen to twenty feet up, “Do you see that?” he says. “What” asks Peter as he goes to the other side of the tree where Patrick was? Peter looked up at where Patrick was looking, “Do you see a face?” Patrick asked Peter, “Or is it just me?” “No, it’s not just you, I can see it too.” Peter said back. The two of them stood there staring at this for what seemed to be forever, then out of nowhere they hear a voice. “What are you to looking at?” It said. In an instant Patrick and Peter draw their swords and turn around. Now looking puzzled because there isn't anybody there. “Did you hear that?” Peter asked “Who said that? There is no one here but us.” “Hey up here” there was the voice again, they look up in the tree but still no one.

  “I think I am losing my mind.” Said Patrick, “Well then so am I.” Peter responded. They both shook their heads and started to walk back to their horses. “King Patrick and King Peter please do not leave.” the voice said. At that moment they looked and each other and thought, no it couldn’t be, could it, then they turned back around and walked back to the redwood tree. “Are you talking to us?” Patrick asked the tree and feeling very foolish while doing so. “Yes Sires.” the tree answered. “What do you want from us?” said Peter, also realizing that he too is now talking to a tree. “Can you give us a moment.” said Patrick then he turned to Peter. “You do realize we are talking to a tree?” “Yes I am well aware of that.” Peter said back. “Don’t think I have ever talked to a tree before” said Peter, “I say we see what it has to say.” So they turned back around, and continued to converse with the redwood.

  “You know our names” Patrick began, “Now tell us who or what you are.” “My name is Roter Baum, I am the oldest tree on Halcyon, I have seen many many things.” “But nothing quite as this.” “Come inside you will be safer there, and there appeared a door at the trunk of the tree. Not sure what they were getting themselves into the two entered the door and began to descend down a spiral staircase. As they approached the bottom they saw a table with chairs all around it. “Please have a seat.” said Roter. Still quite confused they sat at the table. “Before we go any further with this, I want to know how you were not destroyed or burnt to the ground.” Patrick demanded. “Forget that how is this tree talking?” Peter whispered to Patrick. “Please Sires, relax, I will tell you everything, and I assure you that I am unable to lie or I will cease to exist.” said Roter “Fine then, we are listening, tell us your story.” said Patrick.

  “You see it's like this.” Roter started, “Over a thousand years ago when the island of Halcyon was forming, way before man or beast set foot on it, I was carried as a seed from a faraway land. I do not know where this is. I landed here and became a seedling and over the many years I grew into this great redwood tree.” “That explains how you got here, but how are you able to talk?” asked Peter. Roter continued with his story, “Many centuries ago there was a mage named Rufus who with magic, made doors upon me and this room in which you are sitting in. Only he or I could open the door, but now it is only me. He also cast a spell upon me which protects me from anything that could do harm. That is why I was unaffected by the destruction. Also, Rufus who became my friend, he made it so I was able to not only speak, but I can see all around and understand any language that I might hear. And only those t
hat I want to hear me can.”

  “Was he good or evil?” asked Patrick. “He was good, a very kind and caring man, but he was also very lonely.” said Roter. “He spent most of his time here in this room and when he wasn’t here he was at the tavern.” “That may explain why the tavern was saved also.” Peter said. “What ever became of him Peter asked. “I do not know, he left one day many a year ago and I have not seen or heard from him since.” “We must be on our way, we are on a mission.” said Patrick “As you must.” said Roter, “But before you go there are two rings in the chalice on the shelf.” Peter got the rings out of the chalice, keeping one and handing the other over to Patrick. “What are these for?” asked Patrick. “Put them on they will give you some protection, also if you turn them counter clock wise three times you will be brought back to here in an instant.” Roter replied. The two kings placed the rings upon their fingers and thanked Roter.

  As they were heading back up the staircase, Roter spoke one last time, “I will only tell you this once, so please remember it well.” “Go on we are listening.” said Peter. “These words will get you in and out of here.” said Roter “Salve mi amice, will allow you to enter, and Vale mi amice will open my doors to allow you to exit.” “Thank you, we will not forget.” Said peter “vale mi amice.” Patrick said trying this out, Roter's magic door had reappeared and opened letting them out.