Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 8


  Peter and Patrick went back to the tavern and asked if they could spend the night. Samuel had no problem with that and showed them to their rooms. They decided to head out early in the morning to go to the Lythari, “Is there any place for our horses?” asked Patrick, “They need food, water and shelter.” he added. “Behind in the back there are a few small corrals.” he answered. “I will take them there for you in a moment, if you like.” he added “Just make sure there is food and water for them we will take them ourselves, thank you.” Peter said, still not completely trusting the tavern owner.

  They had a bite to eat and put the horses in the back and headed off to bed. On the way to their rooms Patrick stops and says, “Do you think the horses are going to be ok?” “Do we really have a choice?” Peter replied back, “There's just something about this old man that does not sit right with me.” Patrick said “I agree, especially with what Roter told us about his creator, how he just vanished.” then Peter added, “And I can understand how and why the tree wasn't destroyed, but the tavern is still perplexing me.”

  Back in Indigo everything was calm as it could be, most of the people have been relocated to other parts of the island where they would hopefully be safe from Dominick, then again was anywhere really safe? He had already stormed Indigo's castle, took Rebecca hostage, and there was no telling what lengths he may go to next. The only thing that was frightening was the fact he had some sort of magical powers now, and the only thing that would keep everyone safe was Patrick and Peter getting the offerings to the elements before it was too late. Every horse, carriage and anything that could be used as transport was taking the people of Indigo all over. Packing only the bare essentials and they were assured that there would be food and shelter for them where ever they ended up.

  But this was not only Indigo that was making preparations, the other three countries as well were also preparing for war. Helena was overseeing all that was happening along with the other kings and queens of Halcyon, Brent the head knight would keep her posted on what was going on. There wasn’t too much to report as of yet as things seemed to be as normal as they could be. Everyone was doing their best to keep everyone safe, and calm, there was no room for panic.

  The two kings went off to bed and were going to wake just before day break. This would give them enough time to prepare their horses and set off towards the Lythari. Neither one of them has ever dealt with a Lythari before so they had no idea what they were getting into. The night came and went without any problems, until they woke to see that their horses were no longer there. Furious they went and found Samuel, who was still sound asleep. Peter threw open his door as Patrick demanded to him “Where are our horses, what have you done with them old man!” Sam jumped up out of his bed. “I have no idea what you are talking about, aren't they in the back?” he asked. “If they were in the back would we be in here questioning you.” Peter firmly stated, and then he grabbed the old man and took him to the back.

  “Do you see any horses?” asked Patrick, he took his sword from its sheath and directed the point towards the old man. “Honestly, I do not know.” said Samuel as he trembled with fear. “We hope for your sake you are telling the truth.” Patrick said as he placed his sword closer. “Or Woodstream will not have their lone survivor.” he added “So now what?” asked Peter, “We walk, that’s what. What choice do we have.” answered Patrick “Someone knows what we are up to and they do not want our task to be easy.” said Peter as they went back inside to gather their belongings. “Here Sires, take this food and drink with you.” he said. “Thank you, and keep safe.” said Peter as they went out the door and on their way. They decided to pass by the redwood along their way, not sure as to why, just hoping maybe Roter possibly knew something.

  Peter and Patrick were almost to the redwood, Peter thought that he had seen something. “Look, over there.” he said to Patrick, “Did you see that?” “No, I didn’t sorry.” answered Patrick, then they approached the tree and said the words to enter. “Nice to see you both again.” said Roter, “What brings you back so soon?” “We were hoping that you might know who took our horses from the tavern.” said Patrick. “I am sorry Sires, I do not.” Roter replied. “Our horses were stolen last night.” said Peter “We are on our way to see the Lythari, we will pass by on our way back.” “Be safe.” said Roter as Peter said the words and they exited the tree.

  Neither Peter nor Patrick knew a whole lot about the Lythari, even though they have learned some about them, they were taught about many creatures as they were growing up. The only thing either one of them could remember is that they are chaotic good, and extremely well hunters in either form, elf or wolf. They headed off into the woods that were past Woodstream. Not having their horses, they walked with great caution, there were beasts and creatures and things amongst these woods.

  Deeper into the woods they were going when they came upon a small stream, “I thought this was supposed to be the easy part of our journey.” Patrick said jokingly as he stood there looking down at the stream. “Just cross the stream.” Patrick said back, “We are almost there I can see the edge of the forest.” They crossed the stream and were back on their way, now looking more closely for the Lythari for they were sure they were nearing their land.

  Two days have passed since Peter and Patrick started on their mission, Helena was holding down things in Cyan with ease. Having to play the role as queen as well as king, did not seem to phase her in the least, she had watched her husband and how he handled things on numerous occasions. Keeping track of Daniel and Mitchell and making sure they stayed out of trouble seemed to be a more daunting task at times. Helena was having the daily meeting with Brent and a few other guards to see if there was any news about Peter and Patrick and also if there was any change within Halcyon. “There is no change to report.” said Brent “the people closest to Indigo's castle have been safely relocated and all kingdoms have guards on watch day and night.” “Has anyone heard from Peter or Patrick?” Helena asked. “No Ma'am not as of yet but I am sure they are fine.” “Thank you, that will be all.” replied Helena “Can you tell Anna to come see me, I need to speak with her.” “Sure thing.” he said as he left the room.

  “You called for me?” Anna said as she entered the throne room in which Helena was sitting. “Yes Anna, I did.” Helena answered. “I wanted to speak to you about Daniel and Mitchell, if anything should happen to Peter and myself...” “Pardon me Ma'am I know where you are going with this, all will be fine, you will see.” Anna politely interrupted. “But yes I will care for them, you have my solemn word on that.” “Thank you Anna, you truly have been more than wonderful through all this.” said Helena. “Speaking of those two where are they?” asked Helena “They were in their rooms last I seen them. Said Anna.

  Peter and Patrick had finally reached the springs on the northern outskirts of Indigo, the Lythari lived here somewhere among the woods. They went and sat upon the rocks and got a drink. “They live among the trees, but their homes aren't easy to see, we need to look closely, not too much though.” said Peter. They continued to sit there along the springs, admiring the waterfall not far from where they were sitting, and looking into the woods and up at the trees all around. The water was so a clear one could see right through to the bottom. The flora all around was more beautiful than anything they have ever seen. Colors that they could not have even imagined. “This is impossible, and why haven’t they seen us.” Patrick said. “I am sure they have seen us for a while now, and are watching our every move.” Peter replied back. “Well we can just call them. Or can we?” Said Peter, “That would seem rather rude, don't you think?” “Yes probably”

  They were so involved in their conversation that neither one of them realized that a few Lythari were slowly sneaking up on them, all in lupine form. Their backs turned to the Lythari, then suddenly they hear a voice, “May we help you?” it asked in a kind yet cunning tone. “You hear that?”
said Patrick. “Yes I do.” Peter replies back, “And don't tell me we are hearing trees again.” He continued. Peter turned around first, only to see three pony sized or larger silver and grey wolves looking back at him. Patrick was still talking, when Peter grabbed him turning him around. The three wolves were only about a few strides away from them. “What brings you here?” asked the biggest one. “Are you Lythari?” asked Patrick, his voice somewhat shaky. “Yes we are who would like to know?” Another one said. “I am Peter, king of Cyan, and this Patrick, king of Indigo; we have come to ask for your help.” Said Peter, “And who are we talking to?”

  The three wolves turned back into their elven forms, two men, one with light blonde hair, the other with auburn, and a woman with long braided golden brown hair. They all have eyes of blue all of different shades. “I am Aeolus” said the one with the blonde hair, “This is my mate Maia and our son Rahju.” he added. “What can we help you with?” Patrick began telling them the story about his father and how he escaped and that he thought him for dead. And how he returned and took his wife Rebecca. “When we were on our way here, we stopped in Woodstream, the whole town has been destroyed, and all the people are gone except one elderly man, the only things standing are the tavern and a very old redwood tree.” said Patrick. “Our horses were taken from the tavern and we came here on foot.” Peter added. “We need to collect offerings for the Elements, and here by the springs are the purest things of nature, but we wanted to ask your permission for them.” Patrick said “And now we have no horses and no way back to Cyan, is there any way you can help us?” asked Peter.

  “Come with us, we will take you to Lumeare, our home and we can speak about this more privately there.” said Maia kindly. “Yes, there are many things here that can hear us speak, you may have said too much already.” Aeolus said to them as he offered the way towards Lumeare “Thank you for your kindness.” Replied Peter, as they walked towards the trees and to the elves dwellings. When they got to an opening there they could see two rows of ten oak trees, five in each row that grew together making arches. Peter and Patrick walked through with their new friends only to be amazed at what they saw next. “No wonder elves keep their homes so secret and hidden, this is beautiful.” Said Peter as he was looking all around him. Patrick, speaking quietly to Peter, “How do we know we can trust the Lythari?” Peter shrugged his shoulders as to say I don’t know, but what choice do we have. Rahju, overheard and went over to them, “Trust me” he started, and “My parents do not converse with many humans, nor allow them to know where our home is.” Feeling rather foolish the two thank Rahju.

  There was an elaborate wooden crystal like spiral staircase with ivy all around it that descends high up into the trees. No wonder they could not see where the Lythari lived among the trees, their home was made of wood and crystals, that when outside the area, made everything looked like the rest of the forest. The rest of the Lythari clan, maybe twenty or a little more were walking about either as wolves or elves, looking curiously at the guests in their home. They do not have visitors very often, and they were not concerned, one of them walked over to where they were standing, “Who are our guests?” Rayna asked. “This is King Peter from Cyan, and King Patrick from Indigo.” said Aeolus, Rayna who was in lupine form changed back. “It is a pleasure to meet the both of you.” she said with a nod. “They need our help.” said Maia, “Please go and gather them some food and drink.” Rayna went to find something for the kings to eat.

  Peter and Patrick were still looking around, they have only heard of elf dwellings, but from what they were taught, they never thought it could look this beautiful. Most of what they learned was that they lived in the forest high up in the trees. “After you eat we will take you to where the Mists live upon the springs.” said Aeolus, “you can ask them for the offerings.” he continued. “What exactly are Mists?” asked Patrick. “They live around the waterfall, they are almost like a vapor in their form, they look both human and aquatic, no one truly knows where they had come from.” Maia added, “They only live here though, we have never seen them or heard of them being elsewhere.” “Legend has it that they are born from the spray that splashes at the bottom of the falls.” Said Rahju. “How are they just born? And when?” asked Peter. “We cannot say how, or even when, they are just there” answered Maia.

  Rayna returned with food for Patrick and Peter, “Go on and eat.” said Aeolus. They graciously accepted the food, “How friendly are the Mists?” asked Peter. “They do not usually come out during the day, especially to strangers.” said Aeolus, “Being with us they may though.” They finished eating and Aeolus and Rahju took them back out of the trees and towards the waterfall. Patrick and Peter still not sure what to expect when they got there, kept following their new friends.

  When the neared the waterfall Aeolus said, “You wait here for a moment, I do not want them to scare.” to Peter and Patrick. “Allow us to speak to them first and make sure it is good for you to approach.” Peter and Patrick nodded their heads in agreement and waited back a little ways as they watched Aeolus and his son go toward the falls. Curious anticipation were on both of their eyes. “I wonder what they look like exactly.” said Peter, Patrick shrugged his shoulders as they kept looking to where their friends were going. Aeolus and Rahju were now at the foot of the falls, they sat down and were getting gently splashed by the water hitting the rocks. The spray started to taper off slightly and there was an array of swirling colors that seemed to rise up the falls. Peter and Patrick still watching all this from close by were intrigued and amazed by what they were seeing.

  Ascending from the spray, the colors blended as the Mists began to take shape, beginning at their feet and swirling slowly upwards. Peter and Patrick both blinking their eyes for they were not truly believing what they were witnessing. “Why were never told about this?” Patrick asked Peter. “Maybe nobody else has heard about the Mists.” answered Patrick. A few moments later there standing out of the base of the falls were two female like figures made up of water and mist, they were strikingly beautiful as they hovered over the water. Aeolus and Rahju were familiar with each Mist, who were only female, why there was no males, was indeed another perplexing question.

  The two Mists had noticed their friends sitting there and they went over the edge of the water to ask what they needed. “Opal, Aqua.” Aeolus began then explaining that they had brought two kings from Halcyon who needed their help, and permission to take some of the flora for offerings for the Elementals. “Where are these men?” asked Opal “We would very well like to speak with them.” added Aqua. “I will get them, they are just down the stream a little ways.” said Rahju. He went and got Peter and Patrick returning with them to where the Mists are. “Peter, Patrick, this is Opal and Aqua.” Aeolus began, “They have agreed to help you.” “Thank you” the two kings said in unison. “Do not thank us yet, we have to see if you are indeed who you say you are and worthy of our help.” Opal stated.

  “It is said only a true king can walk under the inside of the falls and not get washed in.” Said Opal “Few have tried over many years, and all have failed.” she added. Aeolus showed them to the path that would lead them under the falls. “You must go through one at a time.” said Aqua “We fully understand.” said Peter as they both looking had no idea how they would not be washed into the falls. Patrick went first, as he slowly walked further in towards the falls, the water falling closest to him started to push forward allowing him to pass. As quickly Patrick walked through the water filled back in behind him. “You, King Patrick have passed, now it is your turn Peter.” said Opal “That is King Peter to you.” he replied. “We shall see.” said Aqua. Peter walked up to the path at the falls and continued to walk through just as Patrick did. “Yes, I stand corrected.” said Opal, “You both are truly kings and we will grant you the offerings you seek.

  Peter and Patrick looked all around at the flora around the waterfal
l, wanting to pick the perfect offering. “What kind of plants are these?” asked Peter as he showed the Mists this blue green vine. “That is a green jade flower.” replied Aqua, “It is endangered and very rare.” “I will not ask for this then, I shall keep looking.” said Peter. Patrick in the meantime came across vibrant blue and purple flowers that almost seemed to be glowing in the evening dusk. As he was admiring them Opal was watching, “Nice choice, she said, “That is a Passion Flower, it has medicinal uses as well.” “What uses does the flower have?” he asked while still admiring them. “There are several uses, it's rather calming.” she answered “Then may I pick a few of these?” asked Patrick. Opal agreed allowing him to take some, he took a small cloth from his pocket, opened it on the ground. Took two smaller ones and placed then in the cloth adding more dirt, wrapped up the stems and dipped into the stream

  Peter was still looking around the waterfall, “May I suggest these.” said Aqua “Actually, we were wondering if there are any gems or crystals here among the falls.” asked Peter. “Under the falls along the path where you walked.” said Opal. “May I take a handful?” Peter asked “You may.” said Opal and Peter went back under the falls and collected a few. “Now you must go, the passion flowers will not live long without dirt and water.” said Aqua “Thank you” Peter and Patrick said again as they went to where Aeolus and Rahju were waiting.

  “I see you have passed the test.” said Rahju. “Yes, we have.” answered Patrick. “But now we need to get back to Cyan as fast as we can, and without our horses, it will take more than a half day.” “We can take you.” said Aeolus “Let us go back to Lumeare” Along the way Peter and Patrick were talking amongst themselves but not privately either. “We are going to need to get William and Evan to help us.” said Patrick. Peter agreed nodding his head. “This is most definitely going to be more challenging than we first though.” said Peter, “When we get back to the castle I will have Brent send for them.” “That will take too long.” said Aeolus, “I will send two of my people for them.” “Won't that be risky?” asked Patrick “All of the kingdoms are on watch day and night.” added Peter. “I will send Blaez and Lowell; you can fill them in on what had happened so that Evan and William will know it was you that sent them.” “Very well.” said Peter “Rahju, when we get home, go and get them.” said Aeolus. “Right away father.” he replied.

  When they returned to Lumeare Rahju went straight away to find Blaez and Lowell, “We will go over here.” said Aeolus to Patrick and Peter as he pointed up into the trees. A few moments later Rahju came in with Lowell and Blaez behind him. Peter and Patrick gave them a quick briefing on what has happened with Patrick’s father and the events that have unfolded since he returned and took Rebecca. “You will find King Evan at Hansa's castle and King William at Sinopia's” said Patrick. “We will leave when the moon is high in the sky.” said Aeolus, “Until then, rest.”