Read Harmony Season 1 Page 9

  They moved deep inside the forest. Then she went in another direction where tall trees are growing. Here snow fall is unusually stronger. She suddenly crouched down under a tree and looked around. Kevin did the same.

  “What are we looking for again?” Kevin asked.

  “Just making sure those things aren’t following us.” Then she wiped away the snow under the tree using her hand.

  A moment later her hand touched a metal surface. She then knocked on the metal surface in a special rhythm. Suddenly a crackling came from deep inside the ground. Kevin curiously stared at the white coloured metal surface. A moment later the metal surface parted away and a man’s head came out of the big manhole.

  “Lucy? I thought you said you will be back in the evening. And who is this prick?” The man asked looking at Kevin.

  “He is from Earth. Come on, make way. I killed two of them. They may be following our trail.” Lucy said.

  “Okay, climb down.” The man climbed down through the ladder.

  “After you.” Lucy said looking at Kevin.

  “Okay.” Kevin slowly got inside the manhole and he climbed down.

  Lucy immediately followed Kevin. As soon as she is inside the manhole, she closed the metal door and she dead bolted it. Quickly the whole tunnel plunged in darkness.

  “Gary, light please.” Lucy called out.

  A moment later the man, Gary, came with a candle powered lamp. Kevin looked around and found about three tunnels leading from his position.

  “Where are we?” Kevin asked.

  “You’re in the entry way to the last human city Tunoria.” Lucy said. “Come on, I will show you.”

  Lucy led Kevin through the central tunnel. Gary followed them behind. A moment later they stopped near a small elevated ground. Then he saw it below. It is a big cavern and there are houses made up of wood inside the cavern. There is in fact many houses. Children are playing in a distance. They all look happy.

  “Welcome to Tunoria, the city under the ground.” Lucy said smiling.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Allen

  2026 July 27, Unknown Grassland

  Allen and team walked forward towards the tower. The sun is highest in the sky and the pink sky is filled with clouds of varying shapes. Deer grazed through the land and birds chirped from the trees. In a distance they saw a small stream running through the land. They ran towards the stream to taste the glassy water a bit.

  Then they saw them. A group of people, humans, are by the stream drinking water. Allen could make out women and a kid among them. Allen and team walked forward. Jimmy and the fellow kids stayed in the back.

  “Hello. Can you help us?” Allen asked the men by the stream.

  Allen could clearly saw them now. There is ten of them including the women and a boy. Allen’s group are in total joy. It’s been too long since they had seen a fellow human.

  “I will help you, dear.” A woman came forward with a crooked grin.

  She stood beside Allen and she held Allen in his neck tightly.

  “Is this how you welcome new people?” Allen asked with joy.

  “Sort of.” The woman said.

  Then it happened. The woman bit Allen in the neck. Allen immediately shook her away and held his hand on his wounded neck. Blood immediately pour out from his neck.

  Suddenly all the people standing near the stream screeched at high pitch sound.

  “What the hell?” Allen said.

  Allen’s group did not wait for Allen’s orders they screamed and ran in different direction. Allen also did the same. The human things standing by the stream ran after them. That’s when Allen thought about the wound on John’s neck and on the dead body they had found in that dead village. These things are the one who killed them. They must have killed that entire village.

  The pain coursed through Allen’s neck towards downward and upward. He felt his world thinning out. He staggered and fell down. His eyes blinked uncontrollably. He saw that the things have caught several of his friends and those things looks like are sucking blood from them. He felt his fingers going numb. A moment later he couldn’t feel his hands and legs.

  The scream of fellow survivors filled the air. He should have listen to Johanna, after all, she was the first friend he got after Harmony got trapped in this hell. Allen had thought about the presence of a sanctuary here, but now all he see is hell. A burning sensation cursed through his head. Those things’ teeth must have a venom perhaps a neurotoxin.

  He slowly opened his eyes wide. He saw Jimmy and other kids running into a forest. Some people ran into the mountains from where they had come from. The human things restrained some survivors. His eyes again blinked and then closed. His world went blank.

  A moment later Allen opened his eyes and felt someone lifting him. He couldn’t say who it is but someone did lifted him. He saw that the grasslands are moving backward, so definitely someone is carrying him to somewhere.

  Allen can hear shouts and some foul language, but couldn’t make out who is making the sound. His world again went blank.

  * * *

  “Allen, wake up.” Someone called Allen.

  Allen slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a white room and in front of him crouched on the floor is Johanna.

  “I thought I lost you.” Johanna said.

  “Where am I?” Allen asked.

  “You’re in a safe place, buddy.” Johanna said.

  “I should have listen to you. Those things killed many of us.” Allen began to cry.

  “Don’t be a little boy. You did what you thought right. No need to worry about it anymore. You’re safe now.” Johanna said.

  “Where are the others?” Allen asked.

  “They are all safe, Allen. Stop worrying.” Johanna said.

  “Ahh ...” A pain cursed through Allen from his neck.

  Allen touched the wounded part and when he looked at his hand. He found it drenched in blood.

  “That’s bad ...” Allen’s world become blank again.

  “Allen stay with me.” Allen felt Johanna’s hand patting his cheek.

  Allen forced open his eyes. He found his world a blurry.

  “Don’t sleep, Allen. Stay with me.” Johanna’s voice reverberated through his ear.

  “I feel numb.” Allen managed to say.

  Allen again closed his eyes.

  “Allen? Allen?” Allen felt Johanna’s fingers around his cheek.

  Allen slowly opened his eyes. His eyes slowly adjusted and he found himself in a cage and most of his fellow survivors are around him. The person talked to him earlier was Lena, the youngest woman in their group.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Johanna

  2026 July 27, Unknown Grassland

  Johanna, Aaron and Matthew ran at full speed.

  After a while they stopped running and panted. Johanna walked back a little and looked towards the tower. Johanna and team are in an elevated ground and they found themselves climbing a steep hill. Below they saw people fighting. They couldn’t make out the details because they are far away.

  “What was that all about?” Finally Aaron asked.

  “My guess is vampires.” Johanna said.

  “Vampires? Then, I am guessing werewolves.” Matthew said.

  “Guys, I am being serious here. Yesterday I had a vision and in that vision I saw a man by that tower biting my neck possibly to drink blood. Also, do you remember the dead body we saw on that village?” Johanna asked.

  “Yes.” Aaron said.

  “It has two holes in its neck. My best guess is that these vampires are behind it.” Johanna said.

  “Holy shit. John’s body also carried this mark.” Matthew said.

  “What? John is dead?” Johanna asked confused.

  “Yeah. It was his body that you saw near that glacier.” Aaron said.

  “Holy cow. What about James?” Johanna asked.

  “We found him in that tower, in the mountains, on the top
floor. He is also sort of dead.” Aaron said.

  “Sort of?” Johanna asked.

  “His body looked like have paralysed. His eyes were black as night. He is in short was a dead weight. So we left him.” Aaron said.

  Johanna stared at Aaron.

  “Don’t look at me. It was his idea.” Aaron said pointing at Matthew.

  “Well you guys could have at least informed us about it. That way we all would have prepared. We would have a chance against them.” Tears prickled from Johanna’s eyes. “If you would have told us, I would have informed you about my vision so we could have escaped.”

  “Well, we did what we thought right. We can’t change the past, can we? Well, at least we both believed in your vision.” Aaron said.

  “Yeah. You saved us.” Matthew said soothing Johanna.

  “Okay. We will move forward.” Johanna said.

  “Lead the way, mam.” Aaron said.

  Johanna chuckled, wiping tears from her eyes using her hand.

  They slowly moved forward. The land before them is full of grass and in the distance they could make out the form of a forest.

  “At least you saw a good dream when we saw a load of shitty dreams.” Matthew said.

  “Yeah, I totally agree.” Aaron said.

  Sun slowly moved downward indicating the beginning of the evening. They slowly climbed down the hill and walked towards the forest. Their left side is filled with rocky hills and their right side is filled with the snowy mountains. So the only way is toward the forest or toward that hellish tower.

  Sun slowly began to set in the horizon casting long shadows on the grassland. And they are still not near any sanctuary. It was night when they reached near the forest.

  “What should we do?” Aaron asked.

  “We will move forward until we see a promising place.” Johanna said.

  Johanna took a candle from her back pack and she lighted it using a match box. In the candle light they moved inside the forest. The forest is filled with the sound of night. As far as they went they didn’t encountered any beasts but that doesn’t mean they are not present here. There must be creatures lurking in the dark. The very thought sent a chill through Johanna’s spine.

  Then they saw it in the faint light. There are buildings possibly houses right inside the forest. This is early night and they didn’t saw any lights. So it also must be a dead village.

  “We will stay inside one of the houses.” Johanna said.

  “Which one?” Matthew asked.

  “The first one, of course. We don’t want to stroll in the dark.” Johanna said.

  They got inside the first house they saw through the broken door. Johanna fixed the candle on top of a table and examined the room.

  The room is filled with dust and small vines had grown through the ceiling. They quickly took away clothes and other things from the floor and they cuddled on the now cleaned floor. They took blankets from their bag and they spread it on top of them.

  “See you in the morning.” Johanna said and she lie down on the floor.

  Johanna slowly closed her eyes. Aaron and Matthew did the same. The candle continued to light up the room.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Jimmy

  2026 July 27, Unknown Grassland

  Jimmy ran through the now darkness covered Grass land. Behind him Audrey and Charley followed. They stopped running when they couldn’t see no more. Audrey and Charley panted heavily.

  “What should we do?” Audrey asked.

  “I don’t know. I think there is a small forest in front of us. We could hide in there.” Jimmy said.

  “Okay.” Charley said.

  The three of them slowly moved forward. And some time later they reached inside a forest canopy. There is no sources of light here. Stars glistered in the sky and the sound of night surrounded them. Jimmy traced his hands around a tree trunk and slowly moved inside the forest. Audrey and Charley held the hem of Jimmy’s shirt and they followed Jimmy.

  “I think we are inside a jungle shrub. We can hide here.” Jimmy said.

  They quickly cuddled behind the shrub and looked at the land far beyond. Of course, nothing is visible, but they looked anyway.

  “I have candles and a match box inside my back pack. Should I lit one?” Audrey asked.

  “No! We will stay in the dark. If we lit the candle, they would find us quickly.” Jimmy said.

  “I want to see my mom.” Charley began to cry.

  “Hush, Charley, they may hear.” Jimmy whispered.

  “Who are they?” Audrey asked.

  “My guess is they are the aliens about which we red last night.” Jimmy said.

  “But, according to the journal, aliens don’t wear clothes.” Audrey said.

  “But, they bit our friends’ neck like the aliens do. They must be sucking blood.” Jimmy said.

  “For the first time I wish my parents were here. They would know what to do in a situation like this.” Audrey said.

  “You’re wrong. Even your parents can’t do anything against them. Didn’t you saw how the adults ran when those things screeched? They didn’t even get a chance use their weapons.” Jimmy said.

  “Guys, be quite. I think I saw a light outside the forest.” Charley said wiping away the tears.

  They stared at the grassland. Then they saw it. Someone is waking through the grassland in a candle light.

  “Oh, my, god. It is definitely an alien.” Audrey began to cry.

  “Stay quiet. I think they are not nocturnal.” Jimmy said.

  They stayed quiet. The person walking in the candle light moved farther away from forest. Jimmy and team sighed deeply.

  “Do you thing Ben and Lee are okay?” Audrey asked.

  “I don’t know. The last time I saw them, they were running inside the mountains with a few adults.” Jimmy said.

  “We should have listen to Miss Johanna.” Audrey said.

  “Yeah.” Jimmy said.

  “I want to sleep.” Charley whispered.

  “You two go ahead and lie down. I am not sleeping and I will stay on guard.” Jimmy said.

  “Thanks.” Charley said. He immediately lie down on the jungle grass. Audrey did the same.

  Jimmy looked up at the sky and stared at a cluster of stars. It is very hard being courageous. Now Jimmy has to watch over these two little kids with his life.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Allen

  2026 July 28, Unknown Grassland, the Tower

  Allen slowly opened his eyes and found Lena and others sitting around him. Allen noticed that the cage is made up of metal rods and the cage is inside a white room.

  “How long was I out?” Allen asked Lena.

  “Half the day, I guess.” Lena said.

  “Where are we?” Allen asked.

  “We are inside that tower we saw from the grassland.” Lena said. “Your neck was pretty bad. You lost too much blood. It is actually a miracle that you still breathes.”

  “Thanks for letting me know. So, can we escape from here?” Allen asked.

  “We are working on that. There are many human things out there.” Lena said.

  “Human things?” Allen asked.

  “Well, what else do we call them? They are definitely not humans.” Lena said.

  “How about fucking vampires?” Allen asked.

  “That suits well, but these pricks are not vampires even though they drink blood. As far as I have seen these things can’t see in the dark. They are using candle lights to move around in the night. Also I don’t think they can smell us because one of them almost untied me thinking that I am one of them. The only advantage they have got is speed and sharp teeth.” Lena said.

  “That means, we can escape from here easily.” Allen said.

  “But, I have said from my experience with one of them. Others may be clever.” Lena said.

  “So, I see that there is only fifteen of us including me. Where are the rest of us?” Allen asked.

  “They killed ten of us and others may have escaped. They killed woman and children alike.” Lena said.

  Allen slowly stood up and looked outside. The room they are in lacks door and Allen could make out human forms strolling outside.

  “Are they all vampires?” Allen asked.

  “Yes.” Lena said.

  Then Allen saw it. A creature walking upright with elongated head and long pointy ears.

  “What the hell is that thing?” Allen asked pointing outside.

  Lena looked outside and saw the creature. “I don’t know. I have never seen that thing before.”

  “This is getting better and better.” Allen muttered.

  “Did they gave us anything to eat?” Allen asked.

  “No, but we all are hungry. All we ate was that squirrel meat on yesterday morning.” Lena said.

  “That means they are not thinking about keeping us alive. We need to escape from here.” Allen said. “I should have listen to Johanna.” Allen muttered.

  Allen started to think of a way out of this mess alive. Then the brightest idea came to his mind.

  “I have a plan.” Allen said.

  Suddenly two human things came inside the room. They does look like humans. One of the thing opened the cage and caught a woman sitting on the floor by her hair. He dragged her out of the cage. She screamed at high pitch sound.

  “Let her go you, fucker.” Allen stormed at the human thing who is dragging the woman.

  But then, the human thing outside walked inside the cage and caught Allen in his neck and it lifted him in the air.

  “I will tell you when your time comes, prick.” The man holding Allen said.

  Then the human thing threw Allen towards the people sitting in the floor. After a short flight Allen’s back hit the wall of the cage and he fell down.

  “Ahh ...” Allen bit his lips to control the coursing pain.

  The human things closed the cage’s door and they dragged the woman to the yard of the tower.

  “Please let me go. Please ... I don’t want to die.” Allen heard the woman pleading for her life.

  Then it happened. The man holding the woman threw her away and suddenly another man came out of nowhere and lifted her from the ground. The newcomer held the woman tightly in her neck and he sunk his teeth deeper in her neck. Within moments the woman’s scream ceased. And the man dropped the now paled woman.

  “Fuckers.” Allen smashed his fist on the metal wall of the cage.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Matthew

  2026 July 28, Unknown Forest Village