Read Harmony Season 1 Page 6

“They don’t like snow. They didn’t dare touch us.” John said.

  “So how was the mountains? Did you saw any humans?” Allen asked.

  “Well, as a matter of fact, we did not see any living being. The only living being we saw was that hellish dogs on our way to the mountains. The real bad news is that, the mountain weather is pretty much cold. We may need to take extra clothes if we are going out there.” Matthew said. The mountains are filled with snow and there are lot of fire wood.”

  “Okay. We will decide about going there after one week. We have to wait, may be someone searching for us may end up here.” Aaron said.

  “Okay then. We are really hungry.” Matthew said.

  “There is fried chicken in the kitchen.” Aaron said.

  “Okay, then we are going to the kitchen.” Matthew led James and John to the kitchen.

  The ship fell in silence.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Aaron

  2026 July 14, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  Aaron woke up in the early morning and made sure his back pack has all the necessary things he need. Earlier everyone decided to move to the mountains after one week but they all then rethought and decided to go after another week.

  Most days were similar. Nothing bad happened but the dreams got shittier. Some people started to see nightmares as soon as they close their eyes - a form of hallucination. It is this place, it is trying to do all sort of nasty things to the survivors for an unknown purpose.

  Aaron threw on the back pack on his shoulders and slowly paced towards the upper level where everyone is waiting. On the way Johanna joined him.

  “So did you take all the necessary things like food and water?” Johanna asked.

  “Yes. I have also took two extra clothes and a blanket. Matthew said the cold in the mountains is pretty worse.” Aaron said.

  “Oh, I did took a blanket but it’s a little small.” Johanna said.

  “Did you took any weapons?” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah, a kitchen knife.” Johanna said smiling.

  “I heard there are one end sharpened metal rods in the storage room on the upper deck. I am thinking about getting one.” Aaron said.

  After about an hour or so later the survivors of ship Harmony stood in the upper level in a line, armed with metal rods and knifes.

  A moment later, one by one, the thirty eight survivors climbed down from the ship and landed on the sand. They all looked in the direction of mountains and they started walking.

  * * * * *


  2026 July 14, Unknown Desert

  Survivors of ship harmony walked in a straight line towards the mountains. They crested and climbed down sand dunes one after another. Then they saw it.

  A sand storm is approaching them from their east direction at full speed.

  “Everyone cover your face using an extra clothe.” Allen yelled the command.

  Everyone quickly obeyed Allen and they all covered their face with a cloth piece. They slowly moved forward.

  A moment later the sand storm hit them hard almost knocking them down. Survivors quickly regained their footing and they all slowly moved forward through the sand storm. Wind howled from there and there. Sand crystals brushed past the survivors at high speed.

  Hours passed and the sand storm slowly moved away from them. Survivors are almost at the mountains.

  Suddenly, a group of howls came from their left and right direction. Dog things, lots of them! The dogs are running towards the survivors at full speed.

  Without thinking survivors bolted into a run towards the mountains.

  To be continued…

  Episode 3 - The Mountains


  2026 June 22, Unknown Mountains

  Kevin started walking towards the mountains first thing in the morning. Night inside the wreckage was not so good, he didn’t get a good night’s sleep.

  After about an hour of walking through the scorching desert Kevin finally entered inside the snow line. A fresh wave of cold wind blew in Kevin’s direction. Kevin immediately began to shiver. His clothes are all dry after walking under the scorching sun but there is dampness left in his underwear. He began to scratch between his legs due to itching.

  Kevin passed many snow covered trees on the way. The part of the mountain he is now walking is very rocky and the interesting thing is there is a narrow path in front of him which must had formed due to travelling of people or animals for a very long time.

  Kevin stuck to the path in front of him and he slowly moved forward. He frequently rubbed his hands together to get warm. He know no way to make a fire without a match box or a lighter. He has no survival skills. All he know is that if he stick to the visible path, he may eventually reach a human settlement.

  A moment later snow started to fall from the sky. Sky is filled with clouds. After the long walk he saw that the path in front of him is winding along a small hill. Kevin moved forward without a second thought. He finally passed the hill and now reached a cliff. Now the path is along the edges of a cliff.

  The coldness began to increase with each passing minute. Based on the position of the sun it is about noon. Sun of course, can be seen dimly through the clouds. Then, suddenly the path in front of him ended in the middle of the cliff. Kevin wrapped his hands around his chest and looked around. The path actually ended without a warning. Kevin then looked down.

  To his relief he saw a small narrow staircase which leads down the cliff. Kevin slowly carefully climbed down. After the long descent, he finally reached the ground. The ground here is of course filled with snow, but it is more planar like it is created artificially.

  Kevin moved forward. The path now leads through a tree filled area. Kevin entered inside the small tree land and walked forward. It is then, he noticed his hands and legs. Skin on hands and legs had reddened and there is bruises all over his skin but he is not feeling any tiredness. So he moved on.

  A moment later he exited the tree land and to his surprise he saw tents all over the place in front of him.

  “Thank god. Finally.” Kevin said himself.

  Kevin rushed forward but sadly he saw no one. In fact there is no sign indicating human life. The tents must be built by humans but as he had seen, this place is a dead end. Kevin’s stomach began to growl as he is running on empty for one and a half a day now. In this state he survived the desert, that’s actually a miracle.

  Thirst and hunger kicked in. Kevin searched all the tents. There are dozens of tents here alone and there are more on the farther side but his search ended in vain. Kevin decides to move forward. Before moving on he put on another pair of clothes, which he found in a tent, on top of his clothe to get more heat.

  Kevin began to think that there must be someone watching him from the heavens because the path didn’t ended. It leads to another place. Kevin moved on.

  A moment later he saw a melted glacier flowing in front of him. He immediately went near the glacier and put his hands inside the cold water. His hands seemed to have become numb but he didn’t care, and he drank a handful of water. The cold water left a cold trail on his digestive tract as it entered inside his stomach. He felt refreshed.

  Kevin slowly started to move forward. The path now is through a rocky surface under which the glacier is flowing. It is a miracle that his body is still in good shape after the long walk through the harsh weather.

  Then he saw it. A big tower. It is about a few metres away. Kevin increased his speed. Now a little hope kindled in his mind. The tower is encircled with a small brick wall and the tower is also made up of bricks. Kevin entered inside the yard of the tower. And he saw just what he wanted. In a distance there are two men near a fire. They are cooking something.

  “Hey, help!” Kevin called out.

  It is actually a miracle that he can talk even though his tongue is a little numb.

  The men turned towards Kevin and they stood up.

  “What help do you need?” The tall
est man asked laughing.

  Kevin didn’t minded about why they are laughing. “I haven’t eaten anything for a day. And I need to go back to my home.”

  “Oh ... Poor kid. He wants to go home.” The men started to laugh.

  Now Kevin felt something weird. “Can you help me?” Kevin now felt a little tired.

  Kevin’s skin had turned redder.

  “Of course, I will help you. Come here.” The tallest man approached Kevin.

  The tall man wrapped his hands around Kevin and he hugged him. Then the man looked Kevin in the eye.

  “I will help you.” The man said and he opened his mouth showing a set of sharp teeth.

  The tall man held Kevin firm in his shoulders and he moved his mouth to Kevin’s neck.

  “What are you doing?” Kevin demanded.

  Suddenly the tall man dropped to the ground. Kevin almost screamed. Kevin looked at the dropped man. There is an arrow protruding from his mouth. Someone shot the tall man in his mouth. The arrow went straight though his skull. Due to extreme coldness Kevin can’t process anything.

  Kevin shifted his gaze from the limb body of the tall man to the short man standing by the fire. The short man opened his mouth showing sharp white teeth and screeched.

  “What the hell?” Kevin asked himself.

  Suddenly the shorter man also dropped to the ground. An arrow hit him in the ear and it went straight through his skull.

  Kevin heard a sound of footsteps approaching him. Kevin turned towards the origin of the sound and found a girl with a bow and arrows standing near the brick wall.

  Kevin stared at the girl.

  “Welcome to Gamorphia!” The girl said smiling.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Allen

  2026 July 14, Unknown Mountains

  “Run!” Allen yelled.

  The thirty eight survivors ran at full speed towards the mountains. The hellish dogs are also running at full speed. Dogs are running at them for only one purpose - to kill and eat the surviving humans.

  “Matthew, you better be right about the cold.” Allen clenched his jaw.

  Matthew didn’t respond. They run with all their might through the loose sand.

  “Ahh ....” Someone screamed.

  Allen glanced at his back and found that one dog thing leapt on top of a man.

  “Ahh ...” Another scream.

  Another dog leapt on top of another man.

  Two down, thirty six to go.

  Allen counted.

  Survivors ran and ran, and finally the snow line appeared in eyesight distance. Survivors increased their pace and within another moment they reached the snow line and the snow land. Dogs began to howl sharply.

  Survivors gathered under a tree and panted. They watched the approaching beasts with tired eyes.

  “Matthew you better be right.” Allen clenched his jaw.

  “Oh, I am right.” Matthew said.

  Suddenly the dogs stopped outside the snowline. They are not pursuing the survivors anymore. Allen sighed deeply.

  “See.” Matthew said.

  The dogs growled from the desert and then with a sharp howl they retreated. On the way they ripped apart the fallen men’s body and they dragged the body along with them. Allen and the survivors said nothing. They stared at the retreating dogs with fear.

  A wind howled and it blew snow at the survivors. Survivors shifted their gaze to the sky and found clouds all over the sky. The evening sun had set in the horizon.

  “Okay, everyone. We will stay here in that rocky cliff, where Matthew stayed before, for tonight.” Allen said.

  Everyone nodded.

  “Also gather fire wood from those trees. We need lot of wood for the night. The night must be very cold.” Allen said.

  Everyone nodded and started doing their job. People gathered dry sticks from around the trees and they carried the wood to the cliff on the far side of the mountain.

  Hours later the survivors set up a fire near the cave and they gathered around the fire. They actually set up fire in three different locations. Darkness slowly crept through the land, and within minutes the whole place other than that near the fire, plunged in darkness.

  People began to talk about their past lives and other incredible stories. Allen, Johanna, Aaron, Matthew, John and James cuddled in the ground near a fire.

  “So you checked all this area?” Allen asked Matthew.

  “We checked most of the places around this caves. There are lot of caves throughout this cliff on both sides, but we didn’t wander too much since our time was very limited. We wanted to get back to the ship as fast as possible because of those dogs.” Matthew said.

  “Then we need to search all around this place thoroughly for any sign of life. Our canned goods will last about one week. Then we need to find alternate sources of food fast.” Allen said.

  “I am sure we will find something good at that time.” Allen said.

  “I hope that too.” Allen said.

  “Are you planning to go back to the ship for checking out whether someone ended up there?” James asked.

  “No. We are not going to go back. We will search around this place and if we find a good place we will stay there for a week or two, then we need to move again if we didn’t find a way back home.” Allen said.

  “I don’t know about a portal back to Earth, but what if there is none?” John asked.

  “Then we need to find a secure place and find a way to live here for the rest of our lives or we can jump from the top of those mountains hoping that it’s all a dream.” Allen said.

  “Are you serious?” Johanna asked.

  “I am dead serious Johanna. If we don’t find a portal back to Earth we will be stuck here forever. I can’t even think about it.” Allen said.

  “Don’t worry, Allen. There will be a portal back to Earth. There must be, right?” Matthew said.

  Allen stared at the dark sky and thought about all the possibilities.

  “I am going to lie down.” Allen said.

  “Okay. Sleep tight.” Aaron said.

  Aaron and Matthew continued their little conversation. Thinking about the days ahead, Allen closed his eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Johanna

  2026 July 15, Unknown Mountains

  Johanna woke up early and she starts to wander around the caves for something good. The fires are almost out. Most people are in the middle of their slumber and some had woke up and are cuddled around the fire.

  A moment later Aaron also woke up and he joined Johanna.

  “Come on we should search along the pathway.” Aaron said pointing at the long path that leads to deep inside the mountains.

  “Okay, then lead the way.” Johanna said.

  Johanna and Aaron slowly started towards the deep mountains.

  “Look at this path. Someone must had went through here for a very long time.” Johanna said.

  “Yeah but there are nobody living around here.” Aaron said.

  “People of this place must have went through this path in this week or last week otherwise the path would have been covered in snow. Also this path is clearly visible.” Johanna said.

  “You may be right. Let’s go deep into the mountains. May be we will find something good.” Aaron said.

  Johanna and Aaron went deeper. A moment later snow began to fall from the sky. And a cold wind whipping up snow in its way blew in Johanna’s direction. Johanna and Aaron wrapped their hands around their chest shivering.

  The path in front of them is winding along a hill. Johanna and Aaron followed the path. After passing the hill they reached a cliff. And they found the path along the cliff's edges.

  “Are we continuing this trek?” Johanna asked.

  “Come on. It’s not even noon. Let’s find out where it leads to.” Aaron said.

  “Okay.” Johanna said.

  Johanna and Aaron moved through the edges of the cliff. After some time the path in front of them e
nded and the path now is through a stair which leads down the cliff.

  “Are you sure it is safe to go down?” Johanna asked.

  “I am pretty sure. Come on, we don’t want to waste time here.” Aaron said.

  They slowly climbed down the stairs. The bottom of the cliff is pretty much planar and the path leads through a tree land. Trees are fully covered in snow. They walked forward. Then they saw it in the farther side, after the tree land. Tents. Lots of them.

  Aaron and Johanna rushed forward. Within the next minute they reached near the tents.

  “Do you think it is human made?” Johanna asked.

  “I am pretty sure they are human made, alright. Let’s check it out.” Aaron said.

  Aaron and Johanna searched all the tents for any human presence but they found none.

  “It’s eerily quiet here.” Johanna said.

  “You’re right. Humans or other living beings who stayed here had left this place long time ago.” Aaron said.

  Johanna traced her hand through the cloth wall of a tent.

  “These are high quality cloths.” Johanna said.

  “Come on let’s get back to others. They need to see this. Maybe we can shift our camp to here.” Aaron said.

  They slowly started their return journey. A moment later Johanna and Aaron increased their pace. By the time they reached near other survivors sun moved to its highest position, though the sun’s rays aren’t that warm. Johanna spotted Allen and Matthew discussing something. Johanna and Aaron rushed towards Allen.

  “Allen, you wouldn’t believe what we had found.” Johanna said.

  “What did you found?” Allen asked.

  Matthew looked at Johanna and Aaron.

  “We found abandoned tents. Lots of tents.” Johanna said.

  “Do you really think they are abandoned?” Allen asked with surprise.

  Matthew also stared at Johanna with a surprise.

  “Yes. We can shift our camp to there. And there are lot of trees from which we can collect dry sticks for the fire.” Johanna said.

  Allen immediately called everyone. “People, we are now going to move away from this place. Gather your things, quickly.”

  People immediately started gathering their bags and weapons. A moment later they all paced through the narrow path. From a distant a wolf howled. Survivors moved forward.

  After about an hour of walk they reached near the cliff. They all slowly climbed down and found the tents. People immediately began searching the tents. Sun slowly moved downward casting shadows all around the tents.