Read Harmony Season 1 Page 7

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  Chapter 3 – Aaron

  2026 July 15, Unknown Mountains

  “So, what do you think about the tents.” Aaron asked Allen.

  “I don’t know ... It must be human made.” Allen said.

  Evening sun dimly glowed in the horizon. A cold wind howled from a distance.

  “Come on, let’s search around here for any sign about where the inhabitants had went to.” Aaron said.

  Allen nodded. Allen and Aaron went a little deep into the mountains. Johanna and Matthew went in another way.

  “This place is marvellous.” Aaron said.

  “Yeah.” Allen said.

  They walked towards a hill and from the top of the hill they looked down. They can see almost everywhere. Below there is a tree land and through the tree land a river is flowing at a moderate speed.

  “There will not be any problem for water.” Aaron said.

  “Yes. We can check it out tomorrow.” Allen said.

  “Are you sure the food we took will last us one week?” Allen asked.

  “Yes. I am pretty sure. After that we need to find other sources fast.” Aaron said.

  “There must be some kind of animals here.” Allen said.

  “Did you heard the howl of a wolf when we were coming to the tents?” Aaron asked.

  “Yes.” Allen said.

  “Wolf means, there must be a prey for them, right?” Aaron asked.

  “We are prey for them in a manner of speaking.” Allen said.

  “Well, there must be some kind of other animal here. May be a deer. Will deer come in snowy places?” Aaron asked.

  “I don’t know man. I hope they would come because I don’t want to be hungry after this week.” Allen said.

  “Come on. Let’s get back to the tent.” Aaron said.

  They walked back to the tent in silence. At the time they reached there Matthew and others had set up fire in three different places. In the horizon sun disappeared, and the whole place plunged in darkness.

  People already claimed most of the tents. All the five kids are staying inside one tent. Tents’ interior are all clean and warm even though they had been here for a very long time. Aaron showed everyone how to open a can and eat food but most people were already knew that.

  Aaron, Allen, Johanna and Matthew cuddled around a fire and began telling stories. After some time, Aaron went to an empty tent near the fire and got inside. Tent’s floor is covered with clothes and there is a pillow and a blanket in a corner in clean condition.

  Aaron lie down on the floor and he spread the blanket on top of him. That’s when Johanna came inside his tent.

  “Aaron, can I sleep with you? I fear I will see nightmare if I am alone. I will lie down in a corner and I promise I will not disturb you.” Johanna said.

  Aaron thought for a moment. His face suddenly blushed.

  “Okay. Suit yourself.” Aaron said.

  “Thank you.” Johanna quickly placed her back pack in a corner and took the blanket from her bag.

  She slowly lie down in a corner. Aaron slowly closed his eyes. A moment later Johanna too closed her eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Allen

  2026 July 16, Unknown Mountains

  “Allen, wake up.” Johanna called out in the early morning.

  It may be around seven’ O clock.

  “What is it?” Allen asked. He is still not completely awoken.

  “You wouldn’t believe what the boys had found.” Johanna dragged Allen out of the tent and led him away from the camp.

  It seems that Allen was the last one to wake up. Everybody had gone somewhere.

  “I thought you were with us when we are leaving. And I realized after a long time that you’re still in the tent. I looked all over the tents for the right one. When did you went to sleep?” Johanna asked.

  “I was a little late when going to sleep. And at the time I slept, everyone was already in the middle of the slumber. You’re still not telling me what is going on. We are pretty much far away from our camp and this is a little deep inside the mountains.” Allen said.

  “Just wait for some time, at least till we are there?” Johanna said.

  Johanna led Allen deeper into the mountains, in to an area filled with trees.

  “Till we are there? Where are you taking me?” Allen demanded.

  “Just be patient, Allen. Don’t be a jack ass. We are almost there.” Johanna said.

  They entered into the forest and moved through the small trees.

  “It’s about a kilometre away from our camp site.” Johanna said.

  They finally exited the small forest and then they climbed a small hill. Then they saw it. It was marvellous. Allen’s jaw dropped almost instantly. In front of them lay rows and rows of houses.

  “They are completely empty. No sign of the inhabitants.” Johanna said.

  Survivors of Harmony are searching through the houses for any good news. But as far as Allen can see there is no good news. Allen saw Aaron and Matthew discussing something. Allen moved towards them.

  “Allen, I see you’re awake.” Aaron said smiling.

  “What are you guys discussing?” Allen asked.

  “We are thinking about shifting our camp to here.” Aaron said.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea guys.” John came panting and said.

  “Why?” Allen asked.

  “There are blood marks all over some of the houses. And I just saw ...” John paused thinking whether it’s a good idea to tell what he saw.

  “You saw what?” Allen asked.

  “A dead body. It is still decomposing. But it’s not smelling anything bad.” John said.

  “Where did you saw?” Allen asked.

  “Come on. I will show you.” John led them towards a house on the farther row.

  There must be about a dozen houses here. John led them inside the house. At the time they were at the spot Johanna and the kids were there examining the body.

  “Did you find anything good?” Allen asked Johanna.

  “Well I can’t tell how he is dead, but there are two wide holes in his neck which is still visible.” Johanna crouched down near the body and pointed at the neck with her index finger. “See. It may be the reason he is dead. And the interesting thing is there is no blood mark on the floor, though he must have lost a lot of blood.”

  “And did you saw any dead bodies near the houses where blood marks had seen?” Allen asked.

  “No. There are none.” Johanna said.

  Allen started moving inside the house searching for anything good. Tables are neatly arranged and the kitchen is filled with bottled goods but they must had expired long ago. Allen didn’t bother touching anything.

  “Our best bet to finding inhabitants is staying on that narrow path. They must have been using that path occasionally. And so far we haven’t seen any path that leads to here. So this place must be abandoned for a very long time and the body we just saw may be stopped decomposing fully due to the snow and this cold weather.” Allen said.

  “You’re right. Let’s get back to our tents. It may be safer for us to stay there. Boys, don’t try to come here again, okay?” Johanna said.

  Boys nodded.

  “Come on, it’s time for us to return. We can stay here in the mountains for some days. If any chance the inhabitants returned our best bet to seeing them is in that place near that pathway.” Allen said.

  “Boys tell everyone to return to the camp site.” Johanna said.

  Boys immediately ran out of the house to tell the news to everyone. After some time everyone started leaving the ghost village. They don’t know how or why this place had abandoned, but it can’t be anything good.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Matthew

  2026 July 25, Unknown Mountains

  It is the 26th day since the ship Harmony got trapped in the Bermuda triangle. Matthew woke up early and starts to wander around the snow covered lands
in search for something. The canned food lasted them much longer than they initially thought of.

  Matthew collected small rocks from the ground and he piled them near a tent and waited for something.

  “Is it time?” Johanna came outside her tent and stood behind Matthew.

  “Yes. They will come in any moment.” Matthew said.

  Matthew and Johanna stared at a tree and waited. The tree they are staring at is appeared to be a nut tree. A moment later a pleasant screech came from the nearby trees. Matthew took a rock in his hands and stood firm ready to throw the rock at whatever thing that is making the sound.

  A moment later the creature who is making the pleasant sound came in to view. It was squirrels, a whole pack of them.

  “They are lot bigger than that we saw yesterday.” Matthew said.

  “That means more meat.” Johanna said. “Yummy. I love it.”

  A moment later Allen, Aaron and other few survivors came beside Matthew with rocks.

  “Let’s find out who will catch more.” Aaron said.

  “Guys, it’s not a competition and we don’t want to catch more than ten. These are lot bigger than that we caught yesterday.” Matthew said.

  A squirrel came into view and it started to eat a nut sitting atop a branch. Matthew took aim and threw his stone. The rock glided through the air and hit the squirrel. A direct hit! The squirrel fell down from the tree and stayed limp.

  A moment later stones showered on the nut tree and the motionless bodies of Squirrels fell down.

  “That will be enough, guys.” Matthew said.

  Aaron, Allen and few other survivors ran near the nut tree and they began collecting the dead squirrels. After the canned foods expended wholly, survivors began to eat the squirrels and they ate only one meal per day since the sources of food are very few.

  Survivors, after collecting the squirrels, went near a big fire. Aaron starts to remove the skin of the squirrels. He is the only one who know how to remove the skin quickly. After cleaning the squirrels Aaron gave the finished product to Allen who attach the meat with a stick for later cooking. Other survivors do the cooking.

  It will be around noon when everything will be finished. Then survivors will begin their feasting. It’s the only food they eat in the day. Water is plenty since they are near the melted glacier. Snow may fall during the day or night. The wind is very cold and survivors are in fact forced to wear more than two clothes, one after other at the same time.

  “Today’s meat have a little more taste.” Matthew said to Allen.

  “Yeah. That’s because we were running empty yesterday.” Allen said smiling.

  “Do you think we will get squirrels the whole week?” Matthew asked.

  “I don’t know. Why?” Allen asked.

  “I think, we need to keep moving. It’s been two weeks since we are here in the mountains. We need to find out what lies beyond this mountains.” Matthew said.

  “You’re right. We need to move. Some of us are saying that they have that horrible nightmare they saw when we were on the ship, in that desert.” Allen said.

  “Also it’s been two days since James and John left to check out that tower. We need to go there.” Matthew said.

  “Yeah, but that place is full of wolves. We will check it out when we are going away from this place. James and John may have gone farther and who knows what they have found. They may have ran in to the inhabitants.” Allen said.

  “What if they are being held captive by the inhabitants? Did you remember the body we found in that ghostly village? Someone killed him. And what if the killers are still roaming here? We need to be careful.” Matthew said.

  “Okay, then we will go to that tower today. Just you, me and Aaron.” Allen said.

  “I am ready to go.” Aaron said.

  “Then, let’s go.” Matthew stood up.

  Allen and Aaron hurriedly finished their meat. A moment later, the three of them slowly started to pace through the snow covered path toward a mysterious tower which said to be lying near the narrow path.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Aaron

  2026 July 25, Unknown Mountains

  Snow heavily fell from the sky like a rain. Cold wind howled from there and there. Aaron, Allen and Matthew slowly moved forward through the narrow path. No matter how strong the snow fall is, the narrow path is clearly visible like someone had cleared the snow from the path. It is actually mysterious.

  Aaron looked at his hands and legs where bruises started to form. His face had reddened. Matthew’s ex-military build kept his skin strong. Aaron wondered how Matthew is keeping his pace through this harsh snow weather where Aaron and Allen almost crumbled due to tiredness and fatigue.

  The three survivors finally climbed down a steep hill and reached the glacier. Then they saw it. Someone is lying near the glacier with his legs on the water. Aaron rushed forward towards the man. Aaron couldn’t believe what he is seeing. The man lying on the ground is John.

  “What happened to him?” Matthew asked.

  “He drank lot of water. Look at his belly.” Aaron said.

  John’s belly had swollen like a pregnant woman’s and there is no pulse left in him. His skin had become pale.

  “Look. There is wound in his neck.” Aaron said.

  Allen and Matthew looked closely. There are in fact two small holes in his neck.

  “He must have lost lot of blood. May be that’s why his skin is all pale.” Allen said.

  “Should we bury him?” Aaron asked.

  “With what? We don’t even have a shovel.” Matthew said.

  “Within one or two days he will be covered in snow. So no need to worry about burying.” Allen said.

  “Where is James have gone to?” Aaron asked.

  “I told them numerous times not to go alone. They didn’t listen to me and look what happened. James must be dead too.” Allen said.

  “Guys, the wound! The body we saw in that village also carried this kind of wound. Is it possible that someone killed John?” Aaron asked.

  Allen and Matthew looked face to face. Their face is now covered with fear.

  “You gain nothing by panicking. Let’s go to that tower and check it out.” Aaron said.

  Allen and Matthew nodded. The three of them slowly walked forward through the path. The path is now through a rock through which the glacier had tunnelled.

  “What I don’t understand is that, why wolves aren’t feasting on John’s body?” Aaron said.

  “I have heard that some animals only eat what they had killed. The wolves in this place must be like that.” Allen said.

  They climbed a hill and found the tower. Tower is very big and is in ruins. Then they saw it. There is a pack of wolves circling the tower. All wolves are howling and growling.

  “It looks bad. Come on, let’s go back.” Aaron said.

  “Right. We will go back, but sooner or later we have to go through this path.” Allen said.

  “We will.” Matthew said.

  The three of them quickened their return journey.

  “Guys, keep the John’s death to yourselves. We don’t want to spread panic.” Aaron said.

  Allen and Matthew nodded.

  At the time they reached the camp, sun had settled in the horizon and darkness slowly conquered the land.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Johanna

  2026 July 26, Unknown Mountains

  Johanna slowly opened her eyes. To her surprise she found herself in a grass land. The grass land is huge and it lays as far as her eyes could see.

  In a distance deer grazed through the grass. Rabbits peeked out from their burrows. Birds chirped from the branches of the trees. There is in fact many kinds of birds on the trees with varying colours.

  The grass land wholly is colourful.

  “Where am I?” Johanna asked herself.

  “Where is Allen and Aaron and other survivors?” She asked herself.

  Johanna slowly walked f
orward. There is grass land on all her sides. She looked at the sun. Sun is in its highest position, so it is noon. And the sky is still in pink colour, so she is still at that horrific world.

  Far away she saw a tower like the leaning tower of Pisa. It must be human made. Some part of the tower glistered in the sunlight, so the tower must have glass windows. Johanna moved towards the tower. If there are any humans in this place her best bet to finding them is toward that tower. And there must be humans.

  No matter how hard she thinks, there is not a single thing in her mind about how she got here. Then it hit her.

  “Is this a dream?”

  Anyway Johanna continued her journey to the tower. On the way she saw a narrow stream flowing through the grassland. It’s actually marvellous and this must be a dream because this kind of place is only present in dreams. How can a place like this exist in this horrific world?

  She hadn’t covered much distance when her stomach began to growl.

  “Oh, hell. I feel hungry.”

  She looked around for something to eat. Then she found just what she want. A berry tree!

  “Thank god.”

  It is very big and its branches are all over the place creating a big shade. Johanna plucked berries from the branches and she put them straight in her mouth.


  The blue berries tasted fantastic. After she extinguished her hunger she put some berries in her shirt and pants pockets. Then she continued her journey. The tower is clearly visible now. It is on the other side of a forest and she can see the windows of the tower clearly now.

  Finally she entered inside the forest and she slowly moved forward. A moment later the foot of the tower came into view. She quickly exited the forest and to her surprise she saw people all around the tower. Everyone stared at Johanna.

  “Please help.” She said.

  “Oh, I will help you dear.” A tall man said and he walked toward her.

  When he reached near her he held her in her neck firmly. Then he slowly moved his mouth to her neck.

  He breathed in her scent from her neck. Then he bit her in the neck. Pain coursed through her body. He then sucked blood from her neck. He sipped blood with all his might. Johanna felt her life trying to fly from her body. Then he stared at her showing the bloody teeth to her.

  Johanna woke up in her tent panting.

  * * *

  Everybody except Johanna saw the shitty dream about some dark entity dragging them to a darker place. They began to see the dream immediately after they close their eyes, even in the middle of the day, like a hallucination. Everybody talked about their nightmare but Johanna kept her mouth shut.