Read Harmony Season 1 Page 8

  As usual Matthew and some other boys caught squirrels and all the survivors feasted on the squirrel meat at noon. Matthew, Allen and Aaron supplied drinking water from the glacier. Johanna told them many times to take her with them but they insisted that she should stay in the camp site.

  Everybody is tired now, mostly due to the nightmare. They all stared at the sky and wished they were back on Earth.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Allen

  2026 July 26, Unknown Mountains

  In the evening Allen called everyone for a meeting. All survivors stood before Allen and Matthew.

  From a distance darkness crept through the land. The sky is still filled with clouds.

  “Dear survivors, as you know our dreams are getting shittier, most probably because of this place.” Allen said.

  Everyone nodded.

  “So, it’s time for us to move on. We have spent about two weeks in this mountains.” Allen continued. “Our sources of food are dwindling. If you want to survive here you need to find alternate food sources fast. And so, we need to move.”

  “Where would we go?” One of the men asked.

  “I don’t know. We go where this path leads to. There must be a better place somewhere in this world. Also we need to find a portal that leads back to Earth.” Allen said.

  Suddenly snow began to fall from the heavens.

  “Look at the snow, people. We can’t stay here in this cold climate.” Allen said.

  Everyone nodded.

  “What if there is no portal back to Earth?” A woman Allen recognised as Clare asked.

  “Well, in that case as we have said before, we need to find a place to stay and we need to live there for the rest of our lives.” Allen said.

  Everyone made a disappointing noise.

  “People, this is our life now. So try to take part in the small things that we do. We will leave tomorrow first thing in the morning. There are wolves circling this region so we need to move fast. You all should take your weapons and fill your water bottles when we are near the glacier.” Allen said.

  Everyone nodded.

  “What about James and John? They are missing for the last two days.” One of the men asked.

  Allen looked at the ground. Then he shifted his gaze toward the survivors. “They have made their decision two days ago and now their fate rests with them. They may have reached somewhere near a human settlement, or something might have happened to them. At this stage I can’t say anything. We are not going to wait for them. The sooner we leave this place the better it will be.”

  “Okay, then prepare for leaving, gentlemen.” Aaron said.

  The crowd quickly thinned out leaving Aaron and Allen alone.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Jimmy

  2026 July 26, Unknown Mountains

  Jimmy slowly walked toward his tent after Allen’s speech about everyone leaving tomorrow. At the time he reached his tent all other kids were already inside. All kids had slept together throughout their time in this mountains. Their tent is a little big. Jimmy is the eldest kid and it’s his duty to watch over the other kids.

  At the time Jimmy entered inside, other kids were reading a book that they had read hundreds of times since they got trapped in this place.

  “Guys, didn’t you have something else to read?” Jimmy asked.

  “Actually we do have something else to read.” The only girl among the survivors, Audrey said.

  “What is it?” Jimmy asked.

  Audrey looked at the other boys’ face.

  “Don’t look at us. You told him you have that book. And now show it to him. Jimmy, I told her not to take that book but she didn’t listen to me.” A young boy Jimmy knows as Charley said.

  Jimmy looked at Audrey’s face.

  “Okay ...” Audrey took out a leather bound book that she hid in her waist band of her skirt.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Jimmy asked.

  “Well, I don’t know what you’re thinking.” Audrey said.

  “Well, is that the book we saw on that dead village?” Jimmy asked.

  “Yes.” Audrey reluctantly said.

  “There must be ghosts attached to it.” Jimmy said frightened.

  “Ha, ha ... Are you afraid, big guy?” Audrey said laughing.

  Other kids also laughed.

  “I am not afraid.” Jimmy said mustering courage. “Why did you take that book, Audrey?”

  “Because we don’t have anything to read and I wanted to read it.” Audrey said.

  “Then, did you read any of it?” Jimmy asked.

  “No. I thought it would be a great idea, all of us reading it together.” Audrey said.

  “Well, then, read it already.” Jimmy said.

  “Yeah, read it, Audrey.” Charley said.

  “Okay.” Audrey lie down on the floor and she placed the book on the floor so that everybody could see it clearly.

  All boys gathered around Audrey. Audrey slowly opened the book.

  “It’s a journal written by one Mister Jacobson.” Audrey said.

  “What’s a journal, Jimmy?” Charley asked.

  “Well it’s more like a diary, Charley.” Jimmy said.

  First page is where the author had written his name and address. Audrey read it aloud.

  J.C. Jacobson


  9th House

  3456 78423

  “Wolforia?” Jimmy asked.

  “It must be what his place is called.” Audrey said.

  Audrey slowly flipped through the pages. Next page was filled with a big map named Gamorphia.

  “Gamorphia?” Jimmy asked.

  “It must be what this whole world is called like we are calling our world as Earth.” Audrey said.

  Audrey flipped that page and reached the empty place where the first entry should be present. She flipped through the pages. But everything was empty until she reached the date 2004 March 8.

  She read it aloud.

  2004 March 8 Monday

  If you’re reading this, that means I am dead. I began this journal as soon as the invasion began. I included everything that had happened to our sweet little world Gamorphia.

  I don’t know when they came to our world, but they came to Wolforia today. I watched innocent people getting slaughtered. I watched those things killing children and woman alike. I call them the aliens because that’s what they are. They are tall and they have elongated head. Their ears are very big and pointy, and they tower over their head. And most importantly they don’t wear clothes.

  I watched them from inside my house. They didn’t tried to get inside houses at first.

  It all began when I was drinking my evening tea. I was alone in my home. All of a sudden I heard screams of people all around me. I immediately went near the window and looked outside. What I saw was unexplainable.

  “We should show it to Miss Johanna.” Jimmy said.

  “I don’t want to. If we give this to her we will not have any material to read. We can give it to her once we finish it.” Audrey said.

  “Then go on.” Jimmy said.

  Audrey continued reading.

  As far as I saw they were everywhere. They are kind of sucking out blood from my fellow neighbours. They bite in the neck and they are holding the victim in that position for more time. So they must be sucking out blood. Also the victims’ body turned pale, that only happen if you lost too much blood.

  Within minutes my neighbours’ scream ceased and the neighbourhood fell in silence. Immediately I heard the sound of someone breaking inside houses. Quickly I hid under the bed. Thanks to god no one break inside my house. When the night fell, I came out of the protection of the bed and looked out through my window. In the faint candle powered street lights I saw blood splashed throughout the street. How that happened is a mystery.

  The neighbourhood is extremely quiet. So the massacre for the day ended. They may be hiding behind trees or houses. So I kept silence and I hid u
nder the bed and spend the night there. I slept less.

  That day’s entry ended and Audrey flipped the page. But the candle have almost fully melted away.

  “We will read the rest tomorrow. We don’t want to waste candles, we may need them in the future.” Jimmy said.

  “Okay.” Audrey closed the journal and she tuck it in her waist band of her skirt.

  Jimmy blew out the candle and the tent plunged in darkness. Jimmy peeked outside and found adults around the fire. He then closed the entry way and lie down. Other kids did the same. They all slowly closed their eyes.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Matthew

  2026 July 27, Unknown Mountains

  Matthew waited for the sun to break in the horizon, and when it happened, everyone gathered around him.

  “Okay gentlemen, let’s move out.” Matthew said.

  Kids walked just behind Matthew and Allen. Other survivors followed behind the kids. At the time they reached near the glacier snowing started. Most of them wrapped their arms around their chest to get warm.

  John’s body was still there. People started to go near the body to check who it is, but Allen and Aaron insisted them to continue the journey and leave the dead body. Survivors reluctantly turned back from the dead body and kept moving forward.

  Fortunate for the survivors no wolves came to bother them. After they passed the glacier they crested a hill and then they climbed down into a tree land. In a distance they can see a tower surrounded by trees. They slowly walked forward through the narrow path which is still visible even in the harsh snow fall.

  They finally reached near the tower. The tower is entirely made of burned bricks and there is a small wall made of bricks encircling the tower. The path they are walking is directly through the yard of the tower.

  “Everyone, wait here while me, Aaron and Allen look inside the tower.” Matthew said.

  Everyone nodded.

  Matthew, Aaron and Allen immediately climbed the small stairs and reached the ground floor. There is a narrow corridor running through the front entrance transversely. Aaron went in the left direction and Matthew and Allen went in the right direction. The tower have many rooms on the first level and none of the rooms had a door.

  There are also small door less windows everywhere. On the far corner on both end of the corridor there are stairs to the First floor. Matthew and Allen climbed to first floor through the stairs on one end while Aaron climbed to first floor from other end. First floor is also similar to the ground floor but the rooms in this level is one or two less than that on the ground floor. The tower is in fact in the form of a cone whose pointy end had cut out.

  Matthew, Allen and Aaron climbed through the stairs one floor after another and finally they reached twentieth floor. All floors are almost same but this floor only have one room. Matthew, Allen and Aaron slowly entered inside the room. Then they saw it. A man is lying in the corner. Matthew immediately recognised him.

  “James, James.” Matthew shook James.

  James suddenly started to wriggle violently.

  “James, buddy, are you okay?” Allen asked.

  Then they saw it. James’ eyes are opened wide but they are dark as night and James seemed to be trying to say something but no words escaped his mouth. His limbs looks like had paralysed.

  Allen and Matthew quickly stepped back.

  “We should get out of here.” Matthew insisted.

  “What about him? He is alive, man.” Aaron asked pointing at James.

  “Look at him, man. He is a dead weight. He is dead man in a manner of speaking.” Allen said.

  “Well keep this to ourselves. Okay. We don’t want to spread panic.” Matthew said.

  Without wasting any time Allen, Matthew and Aaron exited the tower. Aaron’s face is filled with worry and sadness.

  A moment later survivors began their journey through the narrow path. Survivors asked about the tower but Matthew said the tower was empty.

  In the sky sun moved to its highest position but because of the ever present clouds sun hardly warmed the survivors.

  Sometime later survivors saw the first bird. Survivors jumped with joy. They must be near some better place. Then they saw it. Grassland as far as their eyes could see! Survivors ran towards the grass land with full of joy.

  * * * * *


  2026 July 27, Unknown Grassland

  Survivors moved forward through the grass land. Then they saw it in the distance. A tower. It must be made by humans. It glistered in the sunlight.

  “We will go in that direction.” Allen said pointing at the tower.

  Everyone except Johanna nodded.

  Allen looked at Johanna who had stopped moving. She is in shock and her face is filled with panic.

  “Are you coming?” Allen asked Johanna.

  Aaron and Matthew also have stopped and looked at Johanna. Johanna stayed silent.

  “Johanna?” Allen called.

  Johanna slowly turned her eyes from ground to Allen.

  “Are you coming?” Allen asked.

  “I ... I am not coming.” Johanna said.

  “What?” Allen asked confused. “Why? We all are going in that direction.”

  “Well yesterday I have a vision about this place. This exact place. Can you imagine that?” Johanna said. “And whatever thing waiting for us in that tower isn’t friendly.”

  “How do you know there is someone waiting for us in that tower? We weren’t in this place before.” Allen asked.

  “I said, I had a vision about this place. And I saw this exact place and that tower in my dream. When I approached the tower someone grabbed me and bit me in my neck. I also saw humans in that place but they were not friendly.” Johanna said.

  “Come on. It was just a stupid dream.” Allen said.

  Survivors began to whisper

  “Not a dream. A vision. I saw this place in ...” Johanna was forced to cut short.

  “You said it already. Where will you go?” Allen asked.

  “I am going in that direction.” Johanna said pointing to the direction opposite to that of the tower.

  “Well I am going toward the tower. You’re welcome to join me.” Allen said and he moved forward towards the tower.

  Survivors followed Allen. Tears oozed down from Johanna’s eyes. Johanna stood there for some time. Then she turned back and slowly walked towards her own way.

  A moment later Aaron and Matthew stopped moving with Allen and they turned back towards Johanna. They saw Johanna moving in her own way. They immediately ran towards Johanna and they walked with her side by side.

  Allen glanced at Aaron and Matthew but he didn’t tried to stop them.

  * * *

  “Ahh ...” Allen’s and fellow survivors scream cut through the air.

  Johanna, Aaron and Matthew stopped moving and they walked back a little so that they could see Allen’s and the fellow survivors’ movement. It seems that Allen’s group had split up and they all are running in different direction.

  “Run!” Johanna said.

  Aaron, Matthew and Johanna bolted into a run in the direction they were walking.

  To be continued…

  Episode 4 – Encounter


  2026 June 22, Unknown Mountains

  The young woman led Kevin deep inside the mountains. Kevin followed her like a puppet.

  “I am really hungry.” Kevin said.

  “Here, eat this.” The woman took a small package from her back pack and she threw it towards Kevin.

  Kevin caught the package and unwrapped the paper wrapping. He found sandwiches inside the small package and he ate it hungrily.

  “I am Kevin.” Kevin put forward his hand.

  But the woman didn’t accept his hand. She just looked at Kevin from head to toe and then she continued her walking.

  “Well, I didn’t get your name.” Kevin said.

  “Look, Mister Kevin, we don’t have time to talk
around. More of them will come at any moment.” The woman said angrily.

  “Well, how do you know they are bad people?” Kevin asked.

  “What kind of question is that? You almost got yourself killed. They were going to suck out your blood. Thanks to me, you still breathes.” The woman said. “Now shut your mouth and keep following me, or get yourself killed.”

  Kevin said nothing. He just followed her. They walked towards a thick forest covered by snow. Within moments they reached inside the forest. A wind howled past Kevin. Kevin shivered and he wrapped his hands around his chest.

  “Where are you taking me?” Kevin asked.

  “Somewhere safe.” She said lowering her voice.

  “Well, the men near that tower ... Who were they?” Kevin asked.

  “They are aliens. Very dangerous. You’re fortunate that only two of them were there. Usually a whole pack of them will be around that tower.” The woman said reluctantly.

  “So where did that ocean go?” Kevin asked.

  “What ocean?” The woman asked.

  “Well the last thing I remember is, I was in the ocean in a boat.” Kevin said.

  “Oh, that ocean. That ocean is in your world. In this world you have to travel many days to reach the ocean.” The girl said.

  “Are you saying that I am not on Earth?” Kevin asked.

  “You’re in planet Gamorphia. And you must have come through the Bermuda triangle.” The woman said.

  “Holy shit ... So Bermuda triangle does exist?” Kevin asked.

  “Yes, but sadly the aliens destroyed the end of the Bermuda triangle in this planet. So now once you’re trapped in here you’re not going back. I heard that the aliens have their own portals to Earth but getting inside one is very difficult. They probably kill you on sight.” The woman said.

  “Fuck ...” Kevin mumbled. “So, where exactly is this planet Gamorphia? Is this on another galaxy?” Kevin asked.

  “As far as I know, this planet is in our solar system. And I heard the elders saying that planet Gamorphia is on planet Earth’s orbit.” The woman said.

  “Holy cow. How is that even possible?” Kevin asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t went to school, so my knowledge about such things is limited. Those alien scum bags destroyed our world, destroyed our future.” The woman said.