Read Harmony Season 2 Page 4

  Bane forcefully took away the chair from Kevin’s hands and he threw it towards Kevin. Chair hit Kevin in his head. Kevin stumbled backward. Lucy quickly jumped on top of Bane and she tightened her grip on Bane’s neck. She tried all she can to choke him. Bane quickly grabbed her head and he threw her into a distance. She collided with the wall and fell down.

  “How?” Lucy mumbled.

  “You pathetic forms had to call my kind to Tunoria, didn’t you? I was living happily in Tunoria. Feeding when it was necessary. Do you remember about the occasional disappearances of people from Tunoria?” Bane asked. He stood near Lucy.

  “That was you?” Lucy asked.

  “You have got that right. Now they have ordered me to find you guys. I wasn’t aware about this place until I got a kid who does. I can still taste his blood in my mouth.” Bane said.

  “Die, you bitch.” Kevin released an arrow from the bow.

  Lucy looked up and saw the arrow gliding through the air. Bane quickly tried to dodge but Lucy grabbed his leg and prevented his movement.

  Arrow hit directly in Bane’s neck. Bane’s limp body dropped to the floor.

  Suddenly sound of footsteps came from outside.

  “Hurry, inside the bunker.” Kevin said.

  Kevin and Lucy quickly ran inside the bunker and closed the door.

  One thing is certain, they are about to lose their last hope.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Lieutenant Jackson

  2026 August 5, Los Angeles

  “Lieutenant Jackson?” Jackson’s radio beeped.

  “Yes. This is Lieutenant Jackson.”

  “There is a heavy movement on Los Angeles north. You can expect an inter-dimensional portal there. How copy?”

  “I copy. We will do what we can.”

  “That’s it. Over and out.”

  Jackson stood up from his chair and he walked towards the table. He quickly spread out the map on the table and started to examine the things.

  Aaron and Matthew came near the table and stared at the map.

  “We are going for another mission. Are you guys in?” Jackson asked Aaron and Matthew.

  “We are in.” Aaron said.

  Matthew nodded.

  “Okay, team. Get ready to move out.” Jackson said to everyone.

  Soldiers quickly stood up and they checked their weapons. A few minutes later, Jackson led everyone outside the room and they slowly started to descent through the stairs. All the survivors stayed inside the building. Two soldiers are positioned in the building for protecting the survivors.

  Before long Jackson, Aaron, Matthew and other soldiers exited the building and started their walk through the road. It is been not long since the sun rose in the horizon. Jackson led everyone in the north direction.

  They passed more abandoned cars and desolated buildings. They occasionally saw one or two dead bodies. The pungent smell of decaying flesh lingered in the atmosphere. Suddenly a screech came from nearby and then two aliens jumped in front of Jackson and team from high above a building. Aliens are armed with a blue coloured gun.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Soldiers didn’t wait for a signal. Their guns roared and the aliens immediately dropped dead. A moment later a flying saucer glided through the air over the buildings with a swoosh. Soldiers kept on moving forward.

  Aaron and Matthew are walking in the back line and they are extra alerted. Apart from the occasional swoosh of the flying saucers, the surrounding is eerily quiet.

  After about an hour later Jackson detected heavy movement in his tablet computer. Jackson immediately gestured at everyone to hide behind a building. And everyone quickly obeyed Jackson. They hid in an alley and before long dozens of aliens passed through the street.

  Fortunately the aliens couldn’t smell human presence. A few moments later, the aliens moved far away from the streets. Jackson and team quickly continued their journey. Before long Aaron spotted the portal and he showed it to everyone.

  Then a series of screeches came from near the portal.

  “Let’s kick the alien butt out of here.” Jackson said.

  Soldiers nodded. They quickly trained their guns towards the aliens.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The assault rifles roared and one by one the aliens started to drop dead. Suddenly blue light rays came from the alien guns. Soldiers masterfully dodged the alien bullets and they fired back.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Bullets sprayed in different directions. All the nearby aliens dropped dead and again silence hovered over the city. Smell of gunpowder lingered in the air.

  Jackson and team stood before the portal and examined it.

  “There could be human prisoners on the other side of the portal.” Aaron said.

  Jackson thought for a moment.

  “Okay. Let’s go and save them then.” Jackson said.

  Soldiers nodded.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Johanna

  2026 August 5, Unknown Planet, Unknown Place

  Before long sun went down and everywhere plunged into darkness. There is nothing with them that can be used to drive away the darkness. Johanna and Danny then saw a cave like thing inside the cliff wall. The path they took is in fact in the form of the threads in a screw. The path is winding along this small mountain.

  They got inside the cave and waited for the morning to break. They don’t know how long they have to wait for that. Without knowing sleep took over them.

  Johanna woke up with the sound of birds. From where did the birds came to this treeless landscape is a mystery. Then Johanna saw a small bird standing near the cave entrance.

  “Danny, wake up.” Johanna shook Danny.

  “Is it morning?” Danny asked.


  They slowly got outside the cave and started their walk. Johanna made sure her gun’s safety is off. In the sky a variety of birds are flying and they all chirped loudly. Before long they reached the bottom of the cliff and they saw the house like building that they saw from above. Looks like the house is empty.

  No sound came from the house. Johanna trained her rifle into a distance and moved towards the house. Danny closely followed. It hasn’t been long since the sun broke in the horizon. Before long Johanna reached the front door of the house. The house is made up of burned brick and it looks like a good building. The roof is made up of concrete like a house on Earth.

  Johanna went near the door and tuned her ear for any sounds, but she detected none. The door doesn’t have a locking mechanism and it easily budge under her fingers. Johanna carefully trained her gun and walked inside. Danny closely followed. Danny took two guns in his hands.

  Then Johanna saw it. There are two aliens sleeping nearby in the living room. Johanna gestured at Danny to be silent. Johanna went near the aliens and she aligned the gun. And she pulled the trigger. One alien dead. Other quickly woke up, but before it could react Johanna aligned a head shot and pulled the trigger. The sound of gunfire echoed inside the small house.

  Johanna and Danny quickly searched the whole house but found nothing useful. The house is a small building and there aren’t many rooms inside it. There is only a living room and a kitchen. It’s barely a house.

  “Where to next?” Danny asked.

  “We have to search other places. Come on. Let’s move out. There must be another building nearby.”

  They quickly exited the house and moved through the muddy path in front of them. They don’t know where this path leads to, but like in Gamorphia this path might leads to somewhere. Why aliens designed a portal which will take them pretty far away from their camp is still a mystery.

  Sun’s rays isn’t that warm. And so far Johanna detected no wind. Sky is still a pretty good scenery and still they can see planets and stars in the sky. Johanna couldn’t remember the presence of any light sources in the night.

  When sun moved to its highest position, far away a forest came into view.

s increase our pace.” Johanna said.

  Danny nodded.

  They increased their pace and before long the forest wholly came into view. Trees thrive there and the trees are like that of a tree on earth. A few moments later sound of forest filled the atmosphere. Birds chirped and crickets sang. A pleasant atmosphere.

  Before long they entered inside the forest. There is a muddy path going through the forest but Johanna and Danny stayed away from the road. A few moments later they saw it. There is a big alien camp in front of them, in the middle of the forest. And aliens are everywhere. The screeches and growls filled the very atmosphere.

  Before long sun began to set in the horizon and darkness crept through the land.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Audrey

  2026 August 5, Wolforia

  People barely slept in the night. The aliens left a havoc inside the village. Fortunately they didn’t found the bunker. Morning quickly came and Audrey sat on a chair in front of the window and peered outside. Kevin and Lucy are upstairs watching for any movement.

  All the men are armed with bow and arrow and they are ready for a fight whenever it comes. Kids have nothing to do here and all they do is sit around on the bunker floor and play word games and they quickly began to get bored.

  Suddenly a screech came from upstairs. Audrey flinched. Jimmy stood up with panic.

  “What was that?” Audrey asked.

  “Ahh ...” Suddenly Kevin’s scream came. Lucy came downstairs running.

  Then sound of furniture being thrown away came from upstairs.

  “Get inside the bunker.” Lucy shouted.

  Audrey and Jimmy ran towards the bunker. They were inside just in time. Lucy dead bolted the bunker door. Suddenly, someone outside began to thrash on the door. Door began to shake and dust sprinkled from the hinges.

  “Where is Kevin?” Audrey asked.

  Lucy shook her head.

  “No!” Audrey said. “This can’t be happening.”

  “They were hiding on the roof.” Lucy said.

  “They will break the door soon. We need to escape from here.” Audrey said.

  People inside the room began to whisper and panic spread all around the bunker.

  “There is an escape tunnel here. It leads to the top of the mountains. If these things didn’t kill us, the mountain weather will.” An elder said.

  “I don’t want to get killed by them. Let’s take the escape tunnel.” Lucy said.

  Elder quickly lead them to the other end of the bunker. He quickly began to take away the supplies from the wall. A few moments later a steel door came into view. Elder opened the door and got inside the tunnel.

  “Everyone, get inside the tunnel.” Lucy shouted.

  Everyone quickly ran inside the tunnel. Men tightened their grip on the bow. Suddenly screeches came from far beyond the tunnel. The creatures were already inside the tunnel from the other end. Survivors are trapped. People began to scream. Lucy and some men quickly ran through the tunnel towards the origin of screams.

  There are two aliens in human form drinking blood from two women. Lucy and the men didn’t wait for anything. They aimed and released the arrows. All arrows made their mark. Both the aliens dropped dead.

  “Everyone, quick. In to the tunnel.” Lucy shouted.

  Lucy and the men quickly led everyone outside. As soon as everyone is inside the tunnel, a tall man closed the steel door of the bunker from the tunnel. He dead bolted it and ran away from the bunker.

  Everyone got outside the bunker and a cold wind howled through the mountain landscape. They are standing atop a hill and they can see Wolforia below.

  The air is very cold and it is certain that a cold future is waiting for the survivors.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – President

  2026 August 5, Unknown Location, Earth

  A white room. Ten men and a woman are sitting around a table and one of them is United States’ president.

  “So what do you propose we do?” President asked.

  “We have no suggestions, Mister President. We have to hope that our troops will win.” A military officer said.

  “What about Jack Green’s team?” President asked.

  “Their weapons are still not ready.” The military officer said.

  “So, is there any word from other nations?” President asked.

  “As far as we know, this is pretty out of our hands. And they are all around the world taking human prisoners. From our previous experiences, their intentions are pretty obvious. They want out blood.” A tall man in business suit said.

  “President, this came recently.” The woman stood up and went near the monitor on the wall. She connected her tablet with the monitor and suddenly the monitor began to show a video.

  Thousands of flying saucers are raining from the sky and they all are moving towards the populated cities. President’s jaw dropped.

  “This is taken by our Zeus satellite this morning.” The woman said.

  “May god be with our soldiers.” President said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Johanna

  2026 August 6, Unknown Planet, Unknown Forest

  Johanna and Danny spent the night inside the forest. Fortunately no aliens detected them. Sound of aliens came even at midnight. Before long sun began to rise in the horizon and sunlight seeped in through the tiny pores in the tree canopy.

  Now all sound of aliens ceased.

  “Come on, let’s check it out.” Johanna said.

  Danny nodded.

  Danny and Johanna quickly cautiously moved towards the alien camp. The camp is made up of burned bricks and the camp looks new. Johanna and Danny quickly reached the yard of the camp. There are no aliens on sight.

  Johanna slowly entered inside the camp through the door less doorway. Then she saw it. There are dozens of aliens sleeping on the floor. Aliens’ rhythmic breathing filled the small building.

  Johanna gestured at Danny to get ready. Danny and Johanna stood before the aliens and they trained their guns at the aliens.

  Then Johanna pulled the trigger. A moment later Danny also pulled the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Bullets sprayed out from the guns and aliens quickly stopped breathing. One or two aliens managed to stand up but it was in vain. Johanna and Danny quickly shot down all the aliens. Suddenly screeches came from outside. Johanna went near the window and looked outside. Dozens of aliens are approaching the camp from the forest in front of the camp. Johanna and Danny quickly changed the magazine and they aligned their guns.

  Aliens are approaching with high velocity.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Johanna and Danny pulled the trigger.

  One by one aliens started to drop dead. These aliens have no weapon in their hands but their inhuman speed made them a high level predator.

  Before long all the approaching aliens dropped dead. Johanna and Danny took a deep sigh of relief.

  “Come on, let’s search around this building. There may be human prisoners somewhere here.” Johanna said.

  Danny nodded.

  They quickly exited the building and they started to search all the nearby buildings. There are two buildings in this camp and both are empty of humans. They saw one or two dead bodies of humans there and there, but none were Allen.

  “Where the hell is he?” Johanna asked.

  “They might have killed him.” Danny said.

  “No, that can’t be right. The aliens who came when they heard the gun fire are from that part of the forest.” Johanna said pointing at the forest in front of the camp. “Let’s search there too. There must be some live human prisoners.”


  They quickly got inside the forest and moved deep inside the forest. There is a muddy road that is going through the forest, but like before Johanna and Danny stayed away from the road. A few moments later they detected heavy movement. Johanna and Danny quickly crouched down behind a tree and peer
ed at the road. Then they saw them. A battalion of aliens are running towards the alien camp Johanna and Danny left just moments ago.

  When the aliens are out of sight, Johanna and Danny continued their walk. Before long they exited the forest and are welcomed by a wide grass land. Then they saw an alien building far away. Fortunately all the aliens nearby had left to the alien camp inside the forest.

  Johanna and Danny sprinted towards the alien building and before long they reached the yard of the building. Then they saw dozens of humans inside a small building which looks like a slaughter house for pigs.

  Johanna and Danny quickly opened the door and got inside. Then they saw tired form of Allen in a corner.

  “Allen?” Johanna called.

  Allen looked up and met Johanna’s gaze.

  “Johanna?” Allen said.

  “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.” Johanna quickly untied the ropes on all the humans.

  There were fifteen humans prisoners in this slaughter house and now they all are free. But they are not safe yet.

  “There may be a portal to Earth somewhere here.” Allen said.

  “We checked everywhere and we haven’t seen any portal.” Johanna said.

  “Where would we go then?” One of the men asked.

  “We will go in that direction.” Johanna said pointing at a place in the north direction. “There must be a portal somewhere in this planet.”

  Everyone nodded and before long they started their walk.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Matthew

  2026 August 6, Los Angeles

  Before long, night consumed the day. Matthew, Aaron and the soldiers spent the night inside the building near the portal. Only a few managed to sleep.

  In the morning they woke up with the scream of people. Matthew and Jackson went near the window and saw a line of humans led by the aliens entering the portal. People are screaming out loud and the aliens are looking everywhere alerted.

  “We must do something.” Matthew said.

  “We will.” Jackson said. “Okay, team, let’s move out.”

  Everyone quickly stood up and they all checked their guns. Everyone is armed to the teeth and they all have many extra magazines attached to their waistband.

  Jackson quickly led everyone out of the building. Matthew and Aaron moved with calculated steps. Before long they reached near the portal. All the humans had entered inside the portal and a few aliens stood before the portal.