Read Hot Off the Press (Ridgemont University Book 1) Page 24

The engagement dinner was held at Cafe Del Sol, the Italian restaurant that Olivia loved. She had invited Zuko as well, and he and Simon were catching up over cocktails. The atmosphere was warm and the setting was classy. Olivia was wearing a black evening dress, a strange sight for Simon because she was usually so casual. She looked radiant as she hung on Justin’s arm and rested her head on his shoulder. Justin really made her happy.

  But Simon felt more and more like an outsider. He and Olivia had once spent most of their days together, completely inseparable. Olivia had even refused to move in with Justin on multiple occasions when he asked her because she said that she wasn’t ready to stop living with Simon. Maybe they were too close back then, but it made this new phase of their relationship all the more difficult for Simon. Olivia was spending many nights a week at Justin’s place, and they were making plans for the wedding to take place in the following year. Simon didn’t know what the future held, but he knew that he would miss his friend. “Everyone has to grow up at some point, I guess,” he said to Zuko as he explained how he was feeling. “I’m glad that she’s happy, and I know we’ll always be really close friends. There just comes a point where you find that person that you want to settle down with. Olivia’s found that with Justin, and I know that they’ll have an amazing life together.”

  “They do make a beautiful couple, don’t they?” Zuko said. Simon looked at them again, chatting with other friends. Justin was tall and he had finally been persuaded to trim his mop of hair. He looked distinctly like a grownup in his shirt and tie. He would be a good husband for Simon’s best friend.

  Olivia’s mother, already drunk and threatening to cry from happiness, clanged her fork against her wine glass. “I want to make a speech. To my beautiful daughter: I couldn’t be more proud of you. And to Justin: you are just so, so special to me.” She began to sway dangerously and rubbed her already-smeared makeup. “I’d better sit down, but I just want to say again how happy I am. Okay then.”

  Simon and Zuko struggled to stifle their laughter. Suddenly Simon noticed an arresting figure entering the restaurant: Ian. Simon had to catch his breath for a second. Ian looked incredible. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, with the top button undone, his hair styled perfectly and the color back in his face. He was walking without any noticeable limp. It felt like the room became quiet as he walked in, and Simon briefly caught Olivia’s eyes as she gave him a knowing wink. She got up to greet Ian and pointed over to Simon at the far end of the table. Ian walked over, holding his broad shoulders back and carrying himself with grace and authority. His square jaw broke into the smile that melted Simon’s heart as he approached him. “Hey there, tiger. Olivia says my seat is over here next to you?”

  Zuko couldn’t contain himself, and broke out into girlish giggles. “Nice to see you again, Ian. You’re looking very spiffy tonight.”

  “Thanks, you too Zuko.”

  Zuko and Ian spoke about the story that would be published soon, and as they spoke Simon considered Olivia’s decision to invite Ian. Olivia was always looking out for Simon. She always tried to make sure that he was okay, even when he tried to push her away. He was nothing but grateful that she had invited Ian to the party.

  Ian seemed to be his regular old self again. He seemed much more alive than he had been over the past few weeks, and Simon was happy for it. Ian lifted his arm and rested it on the back of Simon’s chair, sparking a rush of blood to Simon’s face. Zuko’s eyes darted from Ian’s arm to Simon’s eyes, and he tried again to stifle a smile. Simon was in ecstasy.

  Olivia’s father got up then, after finally getting his wife to stop overwhelming Justin with questions and stories. He said that he wanted to say a prayer for Olivia and Justin, and asked everyone to stand up and close their eyes. As they stood up, Ian took hold of Simon’s hand and held it throughout the long prayer. After a few minutes, Ian’s fingers started caressing Simon’s, and when Simon opened his eyes to glance over at Ian’s face, he was looking at him with a piercing, warm expression. Ian gave only a faint smile, and his face said so much even though they just stood there silently listening to the prayer. Simon clutched Ian’s hand tightly and smiled back. He wanted to do so much more then.

  After the prayer, Simon released Ian’s hand and did not say anything to him, but walked towards the exit. His emotions were overwhelming. He was elated but frightened. He told Olivia that he had to go but he would talk to her soon, and he ran out of the restaurant. He felt like he was struggling to catch his breath and his heart was racing when he entered the cold air outside. What was happening to him? He felt like he was having a panic attack, like his whole body was about to explode.

  He heard the restaurant door open behind him, and he turned around to see Ian rushing over to him. “What’s going on, Simon? Why did you rush out?” Instead of looking angry, as Simon expected, Ian only looked deeply concerned.

  “I couldn’t breathe. I just needed to get outside for a bit.”

  “Simon, is it because of what I did in there? Because I took your hand?”

  Simon stood in silence. His heart was still racing. In fact, it felt even more furious than before.

  “Is something going on between you and Margeaux?” Simon asked.

  Ian moved closer to Simon, “She was coming on to me very heavily. To be honest, I considered it. For a long time. But it wasn’t real. Listen Simon, there is someone I want to be with, but it’s not Margeaux. I think you know that already.”

  Simon felt faint. He remembered all of the threats that Margeaux had made, all of the time he had spent pining over Ian. And now this moment was here. He panicked, and before he could put any thought into it, he was running away from Ian. His feet were moving without being willed; instinct had taken over. He was breathless, but he ran through it. He was so preoccupied that he didn’t realize that Ian was running after him.

  Chapter 21