Read I'll Be Okay Page 14

  Kimaya stared at Vihaan.

  "Anyway, I'll let you think over it. I'd still suggest that it's you who tells them. But if you really don't think you can, then I'll help you out. Now sleep, Kim."

  "And where will you sleep?" Asked Kimaya.

  "The couch will be good enough," he replied.

  "No don't. You can sleep on the bed, I don't mind."

  "Are you sure?"


  Vihaan uncertainly got onto the bed next to Kimaya, lying himself down. He suddenly heard sniffs from the other side of the bed and sighed.

  "Kimaya, don't cry..."

  Kimaya let out a muffled sob. "I don't know what to do Vihaan. I miss Naina, and I hate the fact that she's so ill!"

  Vihaan switched the bed lamp on, only to find Kimaya curled up on her side of the bed, shaking as she tried to hide her tears. He pulled her up and she threw her arms around him, finally letting out the sobs.

  "Kim, it's going to be fine," he whispered, as she drenched his t-shirt with her tears. He stroked her hair gently as she cried, trying to calm her down. They finally fell asleep like that, but before they did, Kimaya had made up her mind. Vihaan was right. She was going to have to tell everyone everything.

  Chapter 19

  The next morning, Vihaan woke her up.

  "Wake up, wildcat."

  She woke up... She had this small smile on her face. A real smile. She didn't know why but she suddenly felt better. Like things were finally falling into place.

  Vihaan felt relaxed to see her smile. He still had this fear that she might run away again.

  "I'll tell them myself, Vihaan," she said.

  "That's a good girl. I'm so proud of you, wildcat," he winked.

  Kimaya shook her head, knowing that he will never stop teasing her with that name.

  "I have a name, you know," she said sarcastically.

  "Yes, your name is Wildcat!"

  "For God's sake!"

  Vihaan laughed. "Now get ready," he said. "We gotta leave soon."

  Kimaya nodded and got up. Half an hour later, she met everyone in the dining hall. She had a sober look on her face, as she braced herself to tell everything to her family. She poured out the story over breakfast, and everyone listened to her wide-eyed. Kimaya's confessions came as a huge surprise to everyone. Finally, she was done. She felt relaxed and calm; the burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

  "Kimaya, are you sure it was Tej?" Asked Mr. Verma.

  "I think so, dad. But I've got no proof."

  "They took all the caution they needed. If we don't have a proof, we can't get them arrested."

  "But I don't get it. Why couldn't you take their masks off?" Asked Tashanna.

  "I don't know. I couldn't struggle too much or they'd hurt me worse. And those masks were tightly fixed to their faces. It didn't come off when I tried to pull them down."

  "They must have bought it from some shop, right... We could go talking to the shopkeepers who sell masks maybe?" Suggested Vihaan.

  "But there will be too many shops like that! We can't go inquiring in each of them! Plus, most of the shopkeepers won't bother to try to remember an event that happened months back. We are not the police or anything," argued Tashanna.

  "Tasha has a point Vihaan," Mr. Arora said. "No one would bother to give such data unless we have the police on our side."

  "No! No police please! They'll kill Naina!" Cried Kimaya.

  "But Kimaya..."

  "No! This is why I didn't tell anyone anything."

  "Kim, do you really think they'd had the guts to kill a person?" Vihaan asked.

  "They put her into coma. They could kill her as well!"

  "I doubt they wanted to so seriously hurt her, Kim. They might've been aiming at a smaller dash, but it got serious. They just wanted to scare you."

  "But if they do hurt her, then?"

  "One of us will stay with Naina all the time then. But we have to tell the police."

  "No... The person who stays will end up getting hurt too..."

  "Then more people shall stay with her. You don't worry about Naina, Kim. You just need to follow the path of truth and justice."

  "B.. But..."

  "Vihaan, I don't think it'll be safe to leave Kimaya alone too. She's more vulnerable than any of us. And even Tashanna," said Kimaya's mom.

  "I will take care of the two ladies. The skin which dares to touch them will be shredded off before anyone even realizes it."

  Tashanna smiled at her brother. But well then, big brothers are supposed to be protective, aren't they?

  Soon after, everyone was getting into the cabs which would take them to Gangtok, and then to the airport. They didn't stop anywhere except for lunch, and Kimaya actually enjoyed the views. No, she didn't fake it this time!

  Kimaya finally became normal, on the last day of their trip. But Vihaan, who was still frightened that she might do something stupid again, refused to leave her side. At one point, Kimaya became so frustrated with him that she almost started yelling at him.

  "I won't!" He shouted back. "See, you really are a wildcat!"

  The others stared at them, wondering what on earth was going on.

  Kimaya burst out laughing and gave Vihaan a playful punch. Soon, they left the place where they'd had lunch and continued their journey to the airport. And then, they were off to Bangalore.

  Over five hours later, with a stop at the Delhi airport, they finally landed at Bangalore. Kimaya grew tense as they approached the airport's exit. She was scared; now that they were in Bangalore, those men could get to her more easily. They could hurt Naina.

  "It'll be fine, Kim," whispered Vihaan, sensing her worry.

  "We are not going to talk about this till Naina has protection."

  "Yes, everyone knows that. Now relax."

  Kimaya nodded. They got into their cars and were home soon. It was decided that they would go to Naina the next morning, so they'd be fresh and ready after a good night's sleep.

  The next day

  "Ready Kim?" Asked her mom, waking her up. "Naina's parents, and Vihaan's parents, both have already gone to the hospital. Naina is safe now."

  Kimaya looked at her mother, fear visible in her eyes. She almost wanted to stop all this, when she remembered something. Naina had lost her best friend because of these predators. And now, she'd lost over a month of her precious life. And what was Kimaya doing? Naina had fought for her best friend. And Kimaya was scared to do that. She was scared to fight, to demand for justice. No... I will kill you Tej.

  "Yes mom. I'm ready."

  "That's my baby. Now hurry up. We've got a lot of work to do."

  "I'll be down in twenty," replied Kimaya.

  And she was down in exactly twenty minutes. She was dressed up in rough jeans and a baggy t-shirt, her hair a little wild. She was angry, and her appearance showed it. She looked like a woman on a mission; and she was not going to stop before she had those horrible people behind the bars.

  "You look like a complete wildcat," gasped Vihaan.

  "Good," Kimaya replied. "Because this wildcat is going to scratch the skin off the people who hurt her friend."

  Vihaan looked at Kim with mock astonishment in his eyes, as Kimaya walked towards the door.

  "Coming?" Asked Kimaya. "We've got some questioning to do!"

  "Yes!" Vihaan said, following Kim.

  They hit the shops first. They weren't really sure if they could get some information out of the shopkeepers, but it was worth a try. Even Vihaan had a feeling that the later the police got involved in all this, the better it would be.

  They entered the first shop.

  "Welcome bhaiya!" Cried a young boy, probably an assistant. Vihaan felt annoyed to see a boy as young as that working. Isn't child labour prohibited?

  "What do you want? We have all kinds of things!"

  "Umm, we were looking for masks that don't come off even when they are badly pulled."

  "I'm sorry
sir, but we don't sell such masks," said an older man, coming into the room.

  "Oh. Do you have any idea which shop would sell that?"

  "I'm not sure but you could try Chandu's shop. It's the third shop from here."

  "Okay, thanks," said Vihaan, and walked out with Kimaya.

  They walked up to the shop they'd been told. When they entered it, the first thing they saw were lots and lots of masks hanging down, and many types of costumes. For Christmas, Halloween, theatre.

  "Hello," said the man at the counter. "Can I help you?"

  "Do you have the kind of masks which don't come off easily when pulled?"

  "Yes, we do!" Replied the man, beaming. "I'll just get them!"

  "Brilliant!" Said Kimaya to Vihaan.

  The man came back with a few masks in his hand. One of them was black in colour.

  "Can you show the black one?" Kimaya asked.

  "Yes ma'am," he said, handing it to her.

  "This is exactly it!" she said.

  "Are you sure?" Enquired Vihaan.


  "Does any other shop sell masks like this one?" Asked Vihaan.

  "There's another costume shop nearby which may have. Why are you asking sir? It is top quality, you can buy it from here!"

  "I see. Do a lot of people buy such masks from you?"

  "No, they are not the ones commonly in demand but I keep the stock anyway."

  "In that case, you might be able to remember the last few customers?"

  "Perhaps, but why are you so interested in the history and geography of this mask? I am telling you sir, it is top quality!"

  "Could you tell us if someone bought this mask from your shop, around a month back?"

  "I will check sir, but aren't you going to buy this?"

  Vihaan and Kimaya realized that this person was just interested in selling his stuff.

  "Ah yes, sure! We will buy it."

  "In fact, can we have a look at the other masks of this kind?" Asked Kimaya. Anything to extend their duration here.

  "Yes, yes ma'am!" He said eagerly, displaying out the masks to her.

  "As I was saying, did a kind of tall guy with nerdy specs come here around a month back?" Continued Vihaan. "He wanted to buy such masks."

  "I am not sure sir. He may have. Why do you ask?"

  "Oh, we had a sort of bet you know. I wanted one of those masks for myself, but he wouldn't tell me where to find them. So he challenged me to find it, that too from the same shop."

  "Oh you boys!" Laughed the shopkeeper. "Always up with some or the other challenge. Anyway, for your sake, I will check my record. I remember my son used to hate losing bets!"

  The shopkeeper disappeared into a room attached to the shop and came back a minute later.

  "Yes. A boy did come here around a month back. He rented two of such masks, so I have his data."

  Kimaya and Vihaan looked at each other. They had come to the right place.

  "I see! Yes, he would've needed two masks! His name was Tej, right?"

  "The name is a little blurred, but I guess it was Tej. Now that I think of it, I guess it was a guy of your age. Maybe a year or two older?"

  "Yes yes!" Cried Vihaan.

  "Ah yes! He needed strong masks for a college play. A thief scene or something, I believe!"

  This was a little weird, but then one didn't exactly expect Tej to say that he needed the masks for eve-teasing a girl, right?

  "True enough! That play was a big hit at our college, thanks to you!"

  The shopkeeper beamed. Finally, they bought the mask and left.

  "You were right Kim. It was Tej after all."

  "I always had that feeling."

  "Let's call up your dad, and we'll head to the police station then."

  "So soon?"

  "We have the proof right?"

  "Vihaan, anyone can buy a mask. That's not illegal, is it?"

  "Then what do we do?"

  "I don't really have anything in mind, but this won't be enough to get him arrested!"

  "Now what do we do?"

  "I've got no idea," replied Kim. She was walking fast, lost in her own thoughts; like she always did when she was tensed.

  Not looking, she almost dashed into a person talking on the phone. As she made herself stable and started walking ahead, she overheard a bit of the man's conversation.

  "Bro, they've reached the mask seller. And Naina..."

  Kimaya shook her head and started walking when she realized something. Naina?

  "Vihaan get that guy!" She cried.


  "Just get him please! He knows about Naina!"

  Vihaan went after that guy and got him by the collar.

  "Whoa bro, take it easy!" Cried the boy.

  One look at the boy told Vihaan that he was one of Tej's friends; among the ones who had once been arrested for harassing Sharon and Naina. Kimaya caught up with them and snatched his phone. She cut the call, which was obviously with Tej, and switched it off.

  "What do you know about Naina?" She demanded.

  "N... Nothing!"

  "Lie. Tell the truth!"

  "I said I know nothing!"

  "Oh really? Then let me remind you. She was one of the two girls you abused years back!" Vihaan was yelling at the boy, earning looks from the passers-by. "Don't call for help or you'll pay for it," he added with a glare.

  "That's the last thing I know about her!"

  "Lie again. Tell us the truth, and stay out of trouble. Or would you prefer speaking in the police station?"

  "No no! Please, I don't know anything!"

  "Then why are you scared of the police?"

  "I have a bad record already. Why would I ever want to return to that place?"

  "You're Danny, right?"

  "Yes, that's me."

  "Hey Danny, what happened to your hand?" Asked Kimaya, noticing a deep cut on his right arm, which was pretty much healed by now. But the scar remained.

  "Oh that. I.. Uhh.."

  "It's the scar I'd given you, isn't it?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "The cut I made with your knife when you were trying to hurt me that night?"


  "Oh yes, it is! You guys got me good that day!"

  "No no!"

  "Well, then who took me to that place?"

  "How am I supposed to know who took you to that graveyard?"

  "Kim never said a word about any graveyard."

  "What? I.. No!"

  "You're coming with us to the police station, Danny."

  Kimaya called her dad up, and soon, they were all at the police station.


  "And what proof do you have, Mr. Verma?" The inspector asked.

  "My mate here will tell you," he said, pushing Danny towards the inspector.

  "You better tell me the truth, young boy. You've got a serious accusation on you," warned the officer.

  "Sir, it was all Tej's plan! I didn't do anything!"

  "Arrest this Tej," the inspector ordered to another officer nearby.

  In half an hour, Tej was at the police station, horrified.

  "You two already have a record of eve-teasing. So it's not hard to accept another case," said the officer.

  "But sir, we didn't do anything!" Tej argued.

  "Get your lawyers, young men."


  The court hearing was in two days. The lawyers couldn't defend Tej and Danny. Danny had already confessed, and the proofs and their criminal background didn't help either. Tej and Danny were put into prison again, and this time, for a longer term.


  "Everything is so perfect now, isn't it Kim?" Asked Vihaan, as he drove Kimaya home. He had taken her out after the court hearing, for lifting her mind off things.

  "No Vihaan. Naina is still in coma... And if she ever wakes up, she wouldn't get back this precious time of her life. And it's all because of me."

  "Stop blaming yoursel
f Kimaya. Naina will be fine soon."

  "I just hope she is.."

  "Just relax, Kim. It's going to be okay."

  Chapter 20

  3 months later

  New York


  My phone buzzed. I picked it up.


  "Kim, catch the next flight to India. Come back as soon as you can!"

  "Vihaan? What on earth is wrong with you? I have a test tomorrow and a lot of important assignments to complete!"

  "Nothing can be more important than this, wildcat."

  What does he mean? Did... Did something happen to Naina? No, the last time he said that her reports are improving.

  "Is this about Naina?" I ask him, half freaking out.

  "Yes. Hold on for a sec," he said in a rushed tone which completely freaked me out.

  But the next sound on the other end of the line was like music to my ears.

  "Hi Kim," said a voice on the other side. The voice was a little weak, maybe a bit shy and soft, but it was still as sweet as ever. Unexplainable emotions took over me and my eyes became glassy. I had been dying to hear this voice for months now.

  "Naina," I whispered.

  "I miss you Kim, please come back," the voice continued.

  "Yes! Of course yes! I'm coming back today!" I was kind of yelling now, earning looks from the passers-by.

  "Kim, that isn't possible," she said, and I could hear a trace of laughter in her voice. Of course that wasn't possible, I was in New York and she was in India.

  "I mean, I'm taking the next flight I can get and coming back!"

  "Good," but this time it was Vihaan speaking.

  "Give the phone back to Naina!" I groaned.

  "No. Enough for now. Now go complete your assignments or whatever, but book a ticket first! You'll have enough time to talk to her when you return."

  "You sadist! You just wait! Let me come back, I'll..." And I continued with my endless rant, till I realized that I was rambling.

  "You about done, wildcat?" He smirked on the other side when I finally calmed down. "Now go, catch a flight!"

  "Yes," I muttered and rushed away.


  I stared at the girl lying asleep in front of me. She was wearing a light yellow hospital gown, and looked paler than she normally did. But she was still beautiful, and it felt amazing knowing that this time she was just asleep. That she would wake up any moment, and that it wasn't just a possibility this time.

  I moved forward and put my arms around her. I was known for bear hugs, but this time, I was careful to be gentle. I didn't want to wake her up, nor was I going to cause her any more pain.

  Naina moved under my embrace, and I let go, moving away from her.

  "No... That felt nice," Naina muttered.