Read If Only Page 11

  Chapter Eleven

  The immense king sized bed was in total disarray with the vivid blue velvet bed spread on the floor. Articles of clothing were strewn all about the room. The only light came from the dimly lit crystal chandelier in the living room area of the massive Austrian Suite. The man was holding the woman in his muscular arms whispering softly in her ear, "Kathy, love, it's been so long. I've needed you so much for so long." His lips stopped talking and moved across her tender white shoulders down to the fullness of her breasts. Gently he cupped one with his large hand and covered it with warm kisses. Shafts of moonlight slipped silently into the room touching their throbbing bodies with moonbeam kisses. Hands of fire explored every inch of her willing form reaching down to her innermost parts. Katherine had to have more.

  "Charles, Charles, love me. I want you, every bit of you inside me." She arched to meet the strong firm body hovering above. Kathy's hands reached up to pull him down even closer as if she couldn't get him close enough. Only soft moans of pleasure escaped her lips as he pressed his mouth to hers. In the throes of ecstasy, neither wanted the moment to ever end, but it had been as he said, too long for either of them and the end came all too soon. But it was only the end of the first encounter. There was a second and a third before he was forced to rest with a promise of more. All she could do was nod as she collapsed in those awesome arms. Tears of release ran down her cheeks as she sighed in contentment.

  The ringing of the phone startled Katherine as she bolted up from the comfort of the bed. It was the front desk giving her the requested wakeup call and asking if she was ready to change rooms again. Sleepily, she said she would call back in a few moments. "Damn,” she spoke aloud as she looked about the familiar Romance room. All that had only been a dream, but it had been so real, so exciting, so wonderful, but only a dream. Charles had been good to his word and left her alone in her own room; alone to fantasize of the love she had desired and wish he had been more demanding and less true to his word.

  Kathy quickly called the front desk back and let them know that she would be changing rooms shortly. Then she stumbled in the bathroom to take a long cold shower. Strange, wasn't it the male of the species who was supposed to be subject to this form of torture? Katherine gave a little smirk hoping he too had experienced such a dream of making love to her and that he might also be standing in the frigid water. Why did she ever ask him to wait until the relationship was secure? Why didn't he just come out and tell her the truth? She thought angrily. When would she tell him? Her thoughts softened.

  How sweet he had been with his tender kiss at the door the previous night and it was he that had suggested that they would meet for dinner after she had made her move to the new room and he completed his job. This morning it was to be room 192, one of the rock rooms at the lower level. It was her intention to go on that necessary shopping trip. She had already decided that she didn’t have enough of the proper clothes for this time with Charles. The clothing she had brought was so austere. If she wanted to impress him, (and she did) she would need things more lively with a younger look. What would be good for this excursion? Where would she shop? She would ask the front desk clerk. An outfit of dark navy blue slacks with her a favorite blouse of white cotton. And just in case, a dark sweater.

  The desk clerk came to her immediately asking what she could do for her.

  “I need to do some shopping for some clothes, something bright, perhaps summery.”

  “We have many places to shop locally that will answer your needs. We do have a shop upstairs from the dining room that specializes in ladies wear. Then there are many stores in San Luis Obispo downtown and of course, the local specialty shops in both Pismo Beach which is south of us on 101 and in Morro Bay which is north of us, also off 101 and you follow the signs.”

  “Thank you. I will try upstairs first, but then, I think I will just go shopping for fun.”

  “Lucky you; have a fun day.”

  As quickly as possible, she turned in her old room key and gained her new one. Excited to make the change, she hurried to the Old World room. It was everything she had anticipated and more. In the living room was a large rock fireplace that would enhance a romantic evening. Even the walls in the living room consisted of the natural rock from the surrounding area. The bedroom was an unusual mixture of a king-sized bed covered with an antique looking quilt in shades of red, more natural rocks behind the bed and side tables. The floor was made of contrasting rock while golden chandeliers threw light on the red wood ceiling. In the bathroom there was an elaborate rock shower and water cascading down the wall into the rock basins.

  “Wait 'till Charles see this mini-paradise,” she couldn't wait to show it to him, but it was his plan to do something for his job most of the day, so it would have to wait at least until dinner. “Might as well get breakfast out of the way,” she said aloud. If this keeps up, I'll gain back everything I worked so hard to lose; she recalled the miles and miles of walking she had done to get and maintain her figure. This was to be a light breakfast; keeping it sensible no matter how much the temptation.

  The walk down hill to the coffee shop and back up to the room would help keep her figure in line. She could also stop at the office to leave a message for Charles when he returned; he would see that little red light flash on his room phone. It would be wise to leave her new room number so that he could contact her as soon as he was ready for dinner, although he probably knew it before she did.

  Within the hour, she left the coffee shop and headed up the stairs to check out the ladies shop that had been recommended. Walking up on the plush carpet, she touched the hand carved marble balustrade above the Gold Rush Dining Room. She had read that it had come from the Hearst Castle.

  The twenty-eight foot gold tree fixture was made from electrical conduit that had been left over from building projects. The large round booths of deep pink surrounded round tables, all set for two, complete with wine and candles. The vari-colored goblets were distinctive to the Inn, even in the coffee shop. Thousands of fairy lights hung from the chandelier, other copper décor and even the plants. It was so romantic, it made her recall the dinner they had enjoyed the previous evening. It was a warm and very inviting room, not to mention the great service and outstanding food.

  As she neared the top steps, she noted the delightful display behind the glass window. Such attractive clothing and jewelry. Up a few more steps and she was surrounded by racks of exquisite clothing artfully displayed among antique furniture. The sales lady offered her assistance if needed and went back to her work to allow Kathy to browse freely. Katherine wasn’t even sure what she wanted. Some of the places did call for semi formal wear while most of the places they had discussed called for casual wear. Spring weather would allow for pastel colors and even some florals, but she preferred solid colors. Decisions, decisions. Finally, she found a blouse that really appealed to her; something that would wear well with both a long skirt and simple slack or suit. All the clothing was distinctive and not run-of-mill style, but this white blouse stood out with its golden decorations. She purchased it and headed out to her car. This one purchase was not enough and besides, she just felt like shopping. It might help her keep her mind off her other decisions.

  Which way to go? North to Morro Bay or south to Pismo Beach? Although the town of San Luis Obispo was closer, she just felt like shopping at the small specialty shops where she just might find something unique.

  Katherine flipped a coin, heads - north, tails-south. Tails it was and Kathy drove on to the freeway heading toward Pismo Beach.

  Fortunately, it was a weekday and not into the summer months, so there would not be too many tourists crowding the area. Kathy parked her car in the large parking lot right at the long pier at Pismo Beach. From there, she walked back up the narrow streets filled with cars to explore the small shops. So much of the clothing offered was way too bright, colorful and floral for Kathy’s tastes. Finally, she stopped at one of the restaurants tha
t promised award-winning food. There was a patio area where she ordered their house specialty of barbequed tri tip sandwich and a cup of coffee. Of course, it was far more food than she had anticipated. There was no way she could eat all of that, no matter how good it tasted.

  After eating what she could, she paid her bill and sat back for a few minutes to “people watch”. From her seat in the back patio, she could still see the many tourists and locals walking by the iron gated entrance. The weather was so warm; many were dressed in light clothing and some in bathing suits.

  Suddenly, she saw the last person she expected to see. Tall, very handsome and dressed in jeans and colorful shirt. What was he doing here? Hadn’t he told her that he had to go to work or had something to do in relation to his business? Apparently it had something to do with the extremely attractive young blonde that was walking by his side. She was young enough to be a daughter, probably about twenty or less. Tight, nearly non-existent shorts, topped with a blouse of less material, she had an unbelievable figure. Why was he here with such a young woman when he had told her it was his job that was keeping him from her today?

  Katherine rose from her chair to do what? Confront him? That was not her right. Speak to him and let him know she had seen him “working”? Perhaps she would leave by the side door and casually bump into him. Maybe not. She decided to follow them just far enough behind not to be seen, if possible.

  They were so engrossed in conversation that Kathy did not have to be concerned. Still she kept several people between them as they headed toward the parking lot where she had parked her own vehicle. She hoped he wouldn’t notice it. What could she say? She really had not followed him to Pismo and hadn’t even known it was where he was headed. So many questions invaded her mind. Too many answers that she did not want to imagine.

  They seemed to be in a rather heated discussion, perhaps even arguing. The young blonde kept shaking her head in a negative manner. Her voice was raised while his stayed at his usual low tone. They were getting closer to the parking lot where Kathy was sure he couldn’t help but notice her car. It was close to the entrance. What could she say if he did see it and ask her what she was doing there? Would he even admit being there? One more block and the “blue angel” would be in view.

  Without warning, Charles slowed down and took the blonde by the arm to guide her into a restaurant just before the parking lot. Kathy breathed a sigh of relief. Quickly, she crossed the street to mingle with the throng of people heading toward the parking lot. If she were careful, Charles wouldn’t notice her as she went to her car. She had to get back to the hotel before he did. There was no way she could admit to him that she had followed him and had seen him with this young woman.

  Driving back to the hotel, she thought over the situation in her mind. No matter what, she just couldn’t believe that he would be involved with this girl. It had to be something relating to his business although she couldn’t imagine what. She had to either believe in him or break it off completely. Kathy couldn’t bear that idea. Charles had been the one love of her life, the man of whom she had dreamed for over twenty years. She had to make up her mind that she would give him her trust, no matter how bad it appeared. Difficult, yes, but she would do it. He would tell her, in time, she hoped and it would be fine.

  Returning to her room, she attempted to read a book while waiting for the call that would tell her what time he would take her to dinner and where. It was impossible to get involved in the book. Finally the phone rang.

  It was him. “Kathy, I hate to do this, but I have to cancel dinner tonight. This business is taking longer than I had planned.”

  “Oh, I understand.” Katherine tried not to put icicles in her voice. How dare he keep lying to her? After all, she was prepared to believe in him. How could he do this to her now?

  “I do appreciate your understanding. How about we have lunch together at the hotel tomorrow and go for the art after that? Say about noon? I’ m afraid this might last until late tonight and I will probably want to sleep in tomorrow morning.”

  “I certainly understand and of course, we will meet for lunch before the art.” It was an effort to speak pleasantly while she envisioned him with the young blonde. But, she would give him a chance to tell her about it. Hopefully, it would be just work. There was no reason for him to be involved with the young girl at the same time he was courting Kathy. She would just have to trust him…for now.