Read Inappropriate Behaviour Page 4

It’s now about five o’clock in the evening. I hate Sundays as I always feel rough from a heavy weekend and the thought of work the next day just puts a complete downer on the day for me. I feel relieved that I managed to get rid of Chloe’s body however, there is a big part of me that feels this isn’t the end. Turning on the TV in the lounge I flick straight to the news to see if there is anything going on in the world, obviously looking out to see if Chloe has been found or been reported missing. Fortunately there is nothing about her. Once again I feel a sense of relief and sudden relaxation. I check out to see what else is on and I’m glad to see a film I love has just started. I sink down into the sofa and begin to watch.

  Quarter of the way through the film my mobile rings, I look at the display to find it’s Tammy. I cancel the call not wanting to talk to her as I know she’ll give me a load of shit about something. Five minutes after the call it dawns on me that cancelling the call was possibly a bad idea. What if she was calling about Chloe? What if she knew Chloe met up with me Saturday night? I have a sudden moment of panic and call her back.

  ‘Jay, did you meet up with Chloe Saturday night after you left?’ with a concerned tone in her voice.


  ‘The blonde girl you were chatting to? She told me she was meeting you, did you see her?’

  ‘Oh Chloe, err no I didn’t see her. Why do you ask?’

  ‘I’ve not seen or heard from her since she left the bar. I’m worried.’

  ‘Nothing to do with me.’ I quickly hung up on her before she could ask me any more questions that might trip me up. My phone rings again. It’s Tammy. I decide to ignore it and switch my phone off. With my film now disturbed and Chloe on my mind I can’t concentrate. I decide a walk is due along with a cigarette.

  The weather is cold. Feeling the wind chilling my ears, I light my cigarette, taking a long deep drag to help me feel relaxed and slightly calm. I can’t help think about the events of the weekend, going from trying to hang myself to disposing of a dead body. It’s hard to comprehend these two scenarios but all I can do now is focus on not getting caught. I was with Jamie last night; I need to use her as my alibi. No one knows that I killed Chloe or knows that I actually met up with her. I take my mobile from my pocket to call my brother.

  ‘Tom, what's that girl’s number you were with last night?’

  ‘I’ll text it to you. What do you want it for?’

  ‘I want to get her sister round again, the one who stayed last night, for a bit of fun.’

  ‘Good luck with that one mate. You didn’t treat her good. From what I hear she can’t stand you.’

  ‘I’m not too worried. I’ll get her round despite what she says about me.’

  ‘I’ll be home bit later tonight. Going out on a date with someone from work. Speak to you later yeah?’

  ‘No worries Tommy. Just send me that number ok.’ I hang up and wait for the text with Jamie’s sister’s number attached.

  Five minutes later the text comes through and I quickly dial the number. After about six rings she answers the phone.

  ‘Hi its Jay from last night. Any chance I can have Jamie’s number? I want to say sorry about this morning and make it up to her.’

  ‘Hmm… Don’t think that’s a good idea to be honest. She’s not that keen on you mate.’

  ‘Well, how about you text her number to the phone I’m calling from and let her make that decision herself?’

  ‘You’re a demanding sod aren’t you?’

  ‘He he. I can be yes,’ sounding cheeky.

  ‘Look, I’ll text you her number but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also you didn’t get her number from me ok?’

  ‘Ok, thank you.’ I hang up staring at my phone waiting for the text. Within a few seconds I get a notification and waste no time calling her up.

  ‘Jamie, it’s me Jay. The guy from last night’.

  ‘Ok, why are you calling me?’

  ‘I want to say sorry for the way I treated you. I’ve got a lot on at the moment and took it out on the wrong person. I’m so sorry.’

  ‘Do you treat all your one night stands like this?’

  ‘I don’t have one night stands babe.’

  ‘Yeah ok. That’s what all the guys say,’ sounding very sarcastic.

  ‘Look, can I make it up to you?’


  ‘I treat you like a lady, say tonight?’ There’s a slight pause. I guess she’s thinking about my proposal.


  ‘Yeah, if you want to get a taxi round here I’ll pay for it?’

  ‘And, what do you think we’ll do?’

  ‘Well, I can get us a takeaway and we can chat, have a laugh, bottle of wine maybe?’

  ‘Sounds tempting but I’ve got to wash my hair.’

  ‘You don’t need to play hard to get darling. Come round? I’m waiting for you.’ Again there’s another slight pause.

  ‘Ok, but if you step out of line just once then I’m off and you won’t see me again, got it?’

  ‘Got it. I promise I’ll show you a good time.’

  ‘Give me an hour to sort myself out.’ She hangs up not giving me a chance to say another word. I flick my fag into the road and head back into the house to take a shower and clean myself up.

  It’s now 19.23. My door bell rings and I open it to a pretty, well dressed girl. Jamie looks different from this morning, her hair is done up all nice, I can see her large breasts smiling at me through her tight white shirt and a smile to die for. At this moment I’m wondering how hung-over I must have been this morning to disrespect this girl.

  ‘Twenty pound please,’ holding out her hand.

  ‘Of course for the taxi.’ I run into the kitchen and pull two tens from my wallet handing it to her. She briefly jogs over to the taxi driver to pay and then returns.

  ‘So soldier, what have you been up to today?’

  ‘Nursing a hangover. Been pretty rough all day. You?’

  ‘Same really,’ stepping into the house and through to the lounge.

  ‘Drink or anything?’

  ‘Red wine if you have any?’ I look her up and down to take in what a fine specimen of a girl she is then head to the kitchen. I pour two glasses of red wine then head back into the lounge. By this point I had already forgotten today’s events and started to enjoy myself.

  After two bottles of wine we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, passionately kissing, touching each other. My wandering hands make their way down below and I rub her gently. She groans with pleasure. I feel excited, very turned on and ready to take this upstairs. I whisper into her ear,

  ‘Let’s go upstairs?’

  ‘Sounds like a plan.’ I stand pulling my top down trying to cover my excitement, take her hand and lead her through to the bottom of the stairs. As we pass the front door I look down to see an envelope on the floor. For a moment my heart skips a beat, instantly knowing what's in the envelope.

  ‘What’s wrong Jay?’

  ‘Err that letter is trouble.’ She instantly bends over and picks it up, handing it to me.

  ‘It’s addressed to you Jay.’ I take the letter. I stare at it for a few seconds before ripping it open to reveal a photo. The photo is of me walking down my street, hand in hand with Chloe. I quickly turn the photo over to reveal a note on the back: ‘not so clever are you?’ The very words fill me with fear. The excitement I had drains out of me instantly and Jamie can see the worry written all over my face.

  ‘Jay, what's wrong?’

  ‘It’s nothing. Don’t worry.’

  ‘But, you’ve gone white. What is it?’

  ‘I told you earlier, I’ve been having a tough time right. Well I've been getting death threats and all sorts. This here is another threat,’ showing her the picture of me walking with Chloe.

  ‘Who’s the girl?’ I had to stop for a second to think about how I was going to answer this.

  ‘She’s an old friend, goes way back.’

  ‘How’s that a threat?’

  ‘It’s a long story. I really don’t want to burden you with it. Look I promised you a good night and that’s what you’re going to get.’ I shove the photo in my pocket, look Jamie up and down, grab her hand and make our way upstairs, trying my hardest to push this to the back of my mind and for now to continue with the plans for tonight.


  Chapter 5