Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 17

  “I’ll pick you up at your penthouse around 6:00 pm. There is a new Italian place that I’d like to take you to. I heard it’s delicious.”

  “That sounds like a good plan, Mr. Jackson. I will talk to you tomorrow.”

  Matthew caught the hint and laughed, “Yes, soon. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye.” Justina ended the call and focused her attention to Joyce and Maggie.


  That evening, Matthew, and Jim received a call from Roger and the three met their FBI contact, Fred, at Jim’s office.

  “We have gone as far as we can go for now. We can always pick the case up again at a later time should some new information come forth, but for now my superiors are urging me to shut the operation down,” Fred informed the three disappointed men.

  “Give us some more time,” Roger urged Fred.

  “Charlie was just another casualty in a long list of casualties left behind in this investigation and with no useful information, we just aren’t getting anywhere and the costs are too high. You have six weeks and then it’s over unless something amazing happens to revive this mess. I’m sorry, but that’s all I’m authorized to give to you.”

  Fred picked up his coat and briefcase and walked to the door. “Call me if you get anything useful.”

  He turned and left the three men licking their wounds. They knew that it was time to pull Michael in and have a conversation with him.


  The following night, Matthew arrived right on time for his and Justina’s date.

  “You are so lovely, Justina,” Matthew whispered as he kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you,” Justina returned a smile. As they walked toward the elevator, she asked, “So, where are we off to tonight?”

  “We have a reservation at the Regent.”

  Justina enjoyed eating at the Regent. It was a posh restaurant and the food was delicious. One could only eat there with reservations and it usually took weeks to get one. “How did you get a reservation?”

  Matthew grinned as they stepped into the elevator. “I’m the attorney for Ned, the owner. It only took one phone call.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  “That’s the idea, Ms. Lindsey,” Matthew flashed his smile at her.

  Justina liked his smile. It was an electric smile that definitely brightened her day when she saw it. She blushed under his stare, “You are definitely a charmer.”

  Matthew winked playfully, “Hmm, so my charm is working on you. Good.”

  At dinner, Matthew and Justina talked about their college experiences. Each one shared comical stories about the roommates they had.

  When they were finished with the meal, Matthew drove to the boardwalk where they strolled along the river.

  “The moon is lovely tonight,” Justina noted.

  “Yes, it is. I see the stars made it out tonight. The weatherman was wrong. No rain after all.”

  “I don’t mind the rain as long as it’s not accompanied by a vicious storm.”

  “I like the sounds of storms, I don’t like the results they sometimes leave behind them, but I love the sound of thunder and enjoy watching lightening flash in the sky.”

  “You make it sound magical,” Justina laughed.

  Matthew laughed with her, “Do I? Perhaps when the next storm comes, I’ll show you how magical they can be.”

  “Sure, it sounds like a nice time.”

  Justina paused at a small bridge and stared down at the water. When Matthew approached her, he drew his body to hers until there was no space between them. “Anytime spent with you is nice, Justina,” Justina felt her body quiver with excitement as he felt his body touching hers. She tried to find the words to answer him, but was only able to murmur, “yes.”

  Matthew placed both hands on the railing, on either side of Justina. He moved his mouth to her neck and placed a tender kiss on there, just below her ear lobe.

  Justina shivered as she gave into her desire to push her body against his. When she did, she felt his body hardening. She gasped slightly at her reaction. She immediately felt a warm sensation fill her completely, right down to her core, which now began to moisten lightly.

  Matthew groaned slightly and moved his lips up her neck until he reached hers, connecting them into a passionate kiss.

  As the kiss lingered, Matthew placed one hand underneath her breasts while the other moved to her center.

  Justina grasped the railing and held it tight as they kissed and as Matthew gently caressed her. She was now wet with desire and she could feel his own desire for her growing. She wanted to feel him closer. She pushed against him, “Oh, Matthew.”

  “Hmm, baby, can you feel how you effect me? I want you so bad that I am tempted to take you right here.”

  “Oh, Matthew, yes, I can feel you.”

  Justina felt his hand gently move upward to her breast. She gasped as he caressed his hand slightly across it. Simultaneously, he caressed her center with his hand, and she squirmed underneath his hands and pushed against them.

  He began to explore her more thoroughly when they heard voices approaching behind them. He quickly withdrew his hands from her and pulled away.

  Justina continued staring at the river as he continued staring at her.

  After the people had passed by, Justina turned to look at him.

  They each laughed nervously as Matthew pulled her close to him.

  “I am sorry. I got carried away. I’m glad they didn’t catch us.”

  “Yes, that was close. I think we should go now.”

  Matthew let out a breath of air and nodded, “Yes, it’s getting late and I have an early day in court tomorrow.”

  On the trip to Justina’s penthouse, Matthew grasped Justina’s hand and held it. When they arrived, he rode the elevator to her penthouse and walked her to the door, “I’m not going in.”

  Justina nodded but said nothing as she unlocked the door.

  Matthew touched her shoulder gently, “If I go inside with you, I will not want to leave.”

  “And I will not want you to leave.” Justina turned and smiled softly at him, “I had fun tonight. It was a most relaxing time.”

  Matthew touched her face gently, “As did I. Thank you once again for a lovely evening.” He leaned close and kissed her lips tenderly, and then he walked to the elevators.

  “Good night, Justina.”

  “Good night.”

  As he rode the elevator to the garage, he thought about where this relationship was going with Justina. She was unlike any woman he had met since Leslie. She was a special woman. Somewhere in the midst of their dating, it had ceased to be less about trying to find out what Justina knew about the Cabara’s and more about Matthew wanting to get to know Justina on a serious level. What the hell is happening to me? He thought as he stepped off the elevator and into his car.

  Matthew found it hard to sleep. As he lay in bed, he thought back to his and Justina’s sensual moments together. When he finally fell asleep, she invaded his dreams.


  Justina looked at her watch. It was 7:30 pm on Saturday night and she was waiting for Joyce and Roger, but they had not shown up for their dinner date, which was unusual.

  She tried calling each of them on the phone, but neither one answered and she was beginning to worry as she walked over to the cafe, but they were not there, either.

  She decided to call Ben and Donna to see if they had heard from them. Just as she was about to call, Rhonda, the server from the cafe stepped over to her.

  “Miss Lindsey, Joyce just called and asked that I inform you that she’s waiting for you at the lodge.”

  Justina thanked her and made her way to the lodge. When she arrived, Lauren greeted her just inside the lobby.

  “Joyce and Roger asked me to bring you to them.”

  When Justina followed Lauren into one of the banquet halls, she was greeted with many loud calls of, “Happy Birthday!”

  Her face flushed as she saw all her friends and co-workers there. She was shocked that she had completely forgotten it was that time again! She surmised it was because she had important things occupying her mind.

  The children greeted her with flowers and hugs followed by Joyce, Maggie, and Caroline.

  Roger and Jim set up the sound system and were in charge of the music, and they looked as though they were enjoying it. There were tables set up displaying delicious looking foods beginning with the main courses and ending with dessert tables.

  Justina scanned the room for Matthew, but could not see him anywhere. She felt her disappointment setting in to her.

  Surely, he knew about it, she thought to herself although he had given her no hint of it when she seen him on Wednesday night.

  Justina decided to push her disappointment away, her friends had worked so hard for this surprise party, and she was going to enjoy the night with them.

  She was talking to Joyce, Maggie, and Caroline when she saw huge smiles coming across their faces. She turned to see what had caused the excitement from her friends.

  Justina caught her breath when she saw Matthew.

  Matthew strolled into the banquet hall with a huge bouquet of flowers and a wrapped gift box in his hand. He put the gifts on the gift table and then made his way to her.

  Without any hesitation or warning, he pulled Justina into his arms and kissed her passionately.

  Justina heard gasps escaping from those who stood near them.

  Matthew whispered softly in her ear, “Happy Birthday, Doll.” He gave her the same sweet smile he flashed to her the first night they had met.

  Justina could not stop smiling at him and was unable to take her eyes off him even though she knew everyone was silent and watching them. “I’m so glad you made it Mr. Kingston.”

  “So am I, Doll, and breathe,” He gently rubbed her face.

  She felt her face glowing and she leaned it into his shoulder. “Well, I guess we aren’t keeping our relationship a secret any longer; what do we do now?”

  Matthew lifted her face and looked into her eyes. “We should dance.” He took her by the hand and led her to the middle of the floor.

  Justina felt like a princess swept away by her handsome and adoring prince. She and Matthew danced together with little space between their two bodies. Justina kept looking up at him and each time she did, she felt like a giddy little schoolgirl with her first crush.

  “You look so lovely in that gown.” Matthew could not take his eyes off the black, silk figure-forming dress she wore. The front of the dress was low-cut, revealing her well-endowed cleavage. The sleeves draped lowly on her arm, just at the bicep, and the bodice draped around her with a revealing back. She looked beautiful with her hair pulled up with a decorative pin with a flowery white ribbon, and wisps of hair teasing her delicate neck.

  “Thank you. I was just thinking how handsome you are in your tux.” Justina gazed at the handsome man before her. He looked equally good in a tuxedo or jeans.

  He gazed at her with a serious look on his face. “I just couldn’t stand the thought of keeping us secret any longer; do you forgive me?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  He leaned down and kissed her passionately again. He led her off the dance floor when she pulled back and stared at him anxiously.

  Matthew looked at her with understanding eyes. “It’ll be all right. If it gets too overwhelming for you, simply look at me and I’ll whisk you away somewhere quiet to regroup.”

  She pushed herself into his arms and whispered, “I need to regroup.”

  Matthew laughed as he pulled her head up and kissed her lips gently. “Come on Doll, I want to show you off; please let me.” Matthew took hold of her hand as he led her to where their friends were standing.

  “How’s everybody doing tonight?” Matthew asked in a cheery voice.

  As Justina stood next to the handsome man, she grew suddenly shy.

  “So tell me now,” Jim said in a teasing voice, “How long have you two been in this secret alliance?”

  Justina sighed contentedly she felt Matthew squeeze her hand gently. “Oh, now, we can’t give away all our secrets.”

  Justina and Matthew laughed together and he winked at her.

  She nervously turned her focus on Joyce and the women standing near her.

  “Now, we can talk openly and not in riddles,” Joyce exclaimed excitedly.

  “Aw, you’ve already been talking about me, huh?” Matthew teased and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, to which everyone laughed.

  A few moments later, Roger’s voice boomed through the speakers. “It’s time for the birthday girl to open presents and have a song in her honor.” Roger led the group in the “Happy Birthday” chorus as Joyce led Justina to the gift table.

  Justina began opening presents and she was given many fine gifts. She smiled when she saw the last gift was from Matthew and quickly read the card, Your other gift will have to wait. M.K. After ripping off the wrapping paper, she burst out laughing as she saw the contents; three model Corvette cars that required assembling.

  Everyone displayed confused looks at the gift, but Justina whispered, “Thank you.”

  Justina tucked the card into the box and laid it to the side while she imagined what the other gift could be.

  With the presents all opened the guests began to wander into the large banquet room, everyone chatting amongst themselves. Justina stayed at the table, alone for the moment, and focused on the gifts she was given. She was busy looking through them when she heard a man’s gruff voice fill her ears, just behind her.

  “You forgot one honey.”


  Justina turned to face Nick. Her knees grew weak and she thought she was going to faint. This was the last person she had expected to see.

  Why of all times, did it have to be tonight?

  “Hello, Nick,” Justina said politely as she forced a smile on her face.

  “You are absolutely stunning in that dress.”

  “Thank you, Nick. It’s good to see you. As always, you look very handsome in the tux.”

  “Oh, I don’t think you’re glad to see me, now are you? You’re such a terrible liar.”

  “I’ve wanted to call you so we could talk.”

  “What did you want to talk about, Jus? Did you want to talk about your new boyfriend?” Nick stepped closer to her. “Did you want to talk about how much you’ve wronged me?” Nick placed his hand on Justina’s wrist, “Come on, Justina; tell me what you wanted to talk about?”

  “Please just leave, Nick, I promise I will call you tomorrow and we’ll talk.”

  “Tell me about your new boyfriend. Does he know how to touch you and where your sensitive spots are to get you feeling hot?”

  “There’s no need to make nasty remarks. Please, go, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Don’t scorn me, Justina. I won’t stand for your disrespect any longer,” Nick snorted as he removed his hand from her wrist.

  “I’m not going to talk to you about this now.”

  It was then she heard footsteps approaching from behind her. Anxiety filled her as she turned to see Matthew’s mouth twitch with aggravation.

  Nick glanced over Justina’s shoulder and snarled loudly to make sure everyone in the room could hear him. “Matthew Kingston!” he laughed. “Talk about polar opposites.”

  Matthew said nothing, but he glowered at Nick.

  “Your boyfriend doesn’t say much. He’s no man at all.”

  Gasps escaped from people nearby who heard the venom escaping Nick’s lips.

  Nick raised an eyebrow and pointed his finger at Matthew. “Why don’t you come over here? I want you to show me what kind of man you are.”

  “I’m ready Cabara, anytime you are.”

  Nick growled back, “Well, let’s get it on, Kingston. Come on.”

  Justina was shocked to see how angry Matthew looke
d as he walked toward Nick and her. His jaw was square and pulsating with fierceness. His lips pursed tightly together.

  When he stopped behind her, Justina immediately placed her hands on his chest, she pleaded with him. “Please, Matthew, don’t do this.” She sucked air into her lungs and trembled at the thought of Matthew fighting with Nick. She had a feeling Nick probably had a gun or a knife on him. The thought made her queasy.

  Matthew stared down at her for a long moment before he nodded his head. Though his angered expression did not change, he spoke calmly to Nick. “You need to leave the property.”

  Christopher walked up and stood by Matthew. He looked straight at Nick with harsh eyes, daring him to say anything else to Justina.

  Nick laughed in a mocking tone as he picked his gift box off the floor. He focused his attention on Justina. “You haven’t played nice tonight, so you don’t get your gift.”

  Nick walked past Justina but stopped directly in front of Matthew. Justina held her breath as the two men squared off once more.

  When Roger and Jim joined Christopher behind Matthew, Nick shook his head.

  “Yeah, I’d like to have a go at you, Kingston, but you aren’t worth it.”

  He laughed once more and walked further down the hall until he stopped in front of Michael and whispered something to him before exiting.

  Matthew stared down at Justina, “Are you all right? I wanted to slam that scum into the floor.”

  “Thank you, but you know it wouldn’t have been worth it.”

  Christopher cursed, “I always want to punch that guy every time I see him.”

  “I can’t believe that jerk had the nerve to come here. How did he even know about this party?” Joyce asked.

  Matthew, Jim, and Roger all turned their heads toward Michael but said nothing to the women. They gave each other a distraught look before refocusing on what the women were saying.

  Joyce touched Justina on the hand. “I hope this isn’t going to ruin the rest of your night.”

  “No, I’m not going to let Nick ruin my special night,” Justina smiled at Joyce and Maggie. “How on earth did you two get away with planning a surprise party for me?”

  “It was easy. We planned it the week you were gone to Chicago. Caroline worked the details out with Lauren and Tabitha on the menu,” Maggie explained to Justina.

  “She also made the arrangements for the party to be held here with Jonathan and Karen. Maggie and I came up last night and the three of us decorated.”