Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 18

  Joyce laughed, “And you never had a clue to what was going on?”

  Justina laughed with her, “You girls are good.”

  After the others excused themselves,

  Matthew led Justina to a cozy area of the patio where they stretched out on some lounge chairs.

  They could hear the music playing and the laughter from inside the banquet hall.

  Justina quietly lay there, as he massaged her shoulders. She thought she could get used to this kind of attention.

  Matthew pulled Justina into his arms and held her there for a while as they stared at the stars.

  “You are so beautiful,” He kissed her and whispered softly in her ear, “Happy Birthday.”

  Justina said nothing to him, but she felt her face warm as she heard him say those words. They lay there a little while longer until Justina looked up at him and touched him gently.

  He shook his head, no. “Don’t say it. I’m not ready to go back.”

  “They’re going to begin wondering about us.”

  “Let them, I don’t care.”

  Justina stood up and put her hand out to him.

  They shared a passionate kiss before going back to the party.

  Matthew led her to the crowded dance floor where they danced several slow dances.

  Afterwards, they joined their friends at a small table and spent some time with all of them. Everyone was enjoying talking and laughing about various things.

  Around one in the morning, Joyce, Roger, Jim, Caroline, and Matthew helped Justina take her gifts and put them in her car where they said their goodnights.

  Matthew escorted Justina to the suite where she would be staying at the lodge that night.

  When they got to the door, Justina nervously attempted to unlock the door, dropping the keycard onto the floor. Matthew, being a perfect gentleman, bent down and retrieved it. When he raised his head back up and looked at her in the eye, her beauty took his breath. He bit his lip and smiled as he slowly pushed them to hers.

  Justina groaned with pleasure at receiving his kiss. Her lips parted, allowing his tongue to enter and upon doing so, he wasted no time in making a sensual connection with hers.

  She gasped at the pleasure soaring through her entire body as he kissed her deeply. She fell back against the door, and he immediately pushed his body hard against hers. Justina wrapped her arms around his neck and dug her nails into his shoulders.

  The intimate embrace caused her whole body to quake uncontrollably and she could feel his desire straining against his dress trousers. Without doubt, she knew he was as turned on as she was.

  “Oh Matthew…,” she breathed his name out through the hot kiss, only with more heated ones to follow.

  “Hmm, Justina you are burning me up. I want to be consumed by your fire.” Matthew held her between the door and his body. He could feel his hardness screaming out and he wanted to unleash his carnal pleasures upon her gorgeous body. Her body revealed to his roaming hands that she burned for him with just as much fire.

  It was difficult, but Matthew somehow mustered the courage to pull back from her desperate kisses. “My God, I want you so bad I can’t believe I’m pulling away from you.”

  “I want to be in your arms tonight and I know you want me there.”

  Matthew pushed himself against her again, cupped her face in his hands, and stared at her in the eyes. “Oh, baby, I do. I do, but this isn’t our moment. It will come.”

  Justina shook her head with surprise and tried to pull away, with dejection etched in her expression.

  Matthew held her firmly, wedged between him and the door. “It will and when it does, it’s going to be sensational.”

  Justina smiled weakly at him, “Okay, then, you need to go.”

  Matthew searched her face and whispered, “Please, don’t be angry with me. I want you, I really do.”

  Justina smiled softly, “I know you do and I’m so flattered that you want to take it slow with me.”

  “You’re definitely worth taking the time. I really feel like something different is occurring between us and I don’t want to spoil it with one night of hot sex even though a night of hot sex with you is so what I want to do!” Matthew grunted as he laid his forehead against hers.

  “Oh, you’re not helping. Go!” she softly laughed.

  Matthew reluctantly pulled back, stared at her for a long moment, and pointed toward the elevator. “I’m going, but not before you promise to have breakfast with me in the morning.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  Matthew grinned, “All right, I’ll drive over tomorrow morning.” He nodded and turned to walk away, but stopped and before either one knew what was happening, he pushed her against the door and passionately kissed her again.

  He then unlocked the door and gently nudged her inside. “Good night, sweet Justina.” He turned and walked away without another word in fear that if he stayed any longer, he would not leave at all.


  Meanwhile downtown in a dimly lit apartment, a man rummaged through various pictures of Justina Lindsey. There were pictures of Justina strung all over the wall, lying on the floor and stacked on a desk in a corner of the apartment. There were pictures of her as a baby, in her teen years, young adult years with Elizabeth, and ones of her in recent times.

  There were photos of her at Elizabeth’s memorial, pictures of her exiting and entering her office and home garages. There were various ones of her at shopping malls and grocery stores. There were even photos of her with Nick Cabara in some intimate moments. In addition to these, there were photos of Justina with Matthew at Lawton Park, embracing and kissing as well as their romantic moments spent together on the balcony the night of her company dinner.

  Other photos of Justina with Matthew showed the two of them engaged in dinner at a restaurant, their leaving the police station together, entering his home, and holding hands as they walked through downtown.

  “I found you, Candy, and this time you won’t escape me,” the man said as he slashed a photo.


  Caroline followed Jim into the cabin she had convinced him to stay at for the weekend. They usually stayed at one of their parents’ homes when visiting the ranch, but tonight was special for Caroline and Jim, although he was not aware of it just yet. Caroline chose a cabin near one of the lakes on Ben’s property. One, which was the most secluded.

  She had thought of everything. She had requested that her brother, Brian come out an hour earlier to start the fire in the fireplace as well as leave a bottle of champagne chilling for them.

  Jim threw his suit coat onto a chair as he walked through the door and took a seat on the love seat, which lay near the entrance of the cabin by the window. “Wow, somebody did a nice job of setting the place up for us.”

  Caroline walked past him to the fireplace and stared into the fire. “Yes, I just wanted our night alone to be special.”

  “Any night alone with you, sweetheart, is special.”

  Caroline blushed as she continued to stare at the fire. She now lost the words she had rehearsed earlier. Clearing her throat nervously, she whispered, “It was a lovely party wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, it was fun and full of drama!” Jim let out a boisterous laugh.

  Caroline frowned, “Oh, Jim, I was afraid for Matthew as he stood there facing off with Nick Cabara.”

  Jim stood and walked to his wife. He cupped her face in his hands and said softly, “Matthew is a big boy. I thought he handled himself well with that thug.”

  “I’m just glad your parents and Mom and Dad had left before the horrible incident took place.”

  “Hmm, well I’m sure they’ll hear about it soon enough, so get ready for some small dramas,” Jim stressed the last word out and laughed.

  He then shrugged his shoulders and began playfully dancing around Caroline and humming. “But damn, wasn’t the music awesome? Roger and I had fun spinning the tunes. Man, I
should’ve been a D.J.”

  Caroline laughed at her husband’s joke, but then quickly pulled her thoughts back onto the path where she wanted to lead Jim. “I just love birthday parties, don’t you?”

  “Yes, especially when they’re mine.” Jim continued to sway as if he were dancing. “I just love getting all the goodies.”

  Caroline laughed once more, and then stressed her words. “Kalian enjoys them, too. I love them so much that I think we should have a new one to celebrate.” She raised her eyebrows to see if he had caught her last phrase.

  Jim stopped his make-believe dance and stared at Caroline with shock. He stopped breathing, feeling suddenly anxious. “Caroline, are you trying to tell me we’re having a baby?” As he stared into her glowing face, he knew the answer.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. “Oh, baby, I love you!” He laughed, as he gently rubbed his strong hand across her stomach and whispered, “And I love you, too, little baby!”

  Caroline smiled at Jim. “I’m glad you’re happy about the baby.”

  “Of course I’m happy; we’ve been trying for three years; aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but I’d given up on getting pregnant again. I thought you had, too. I was scared of losing you; you are my best friend, my first and only lover. I…”

  Jim pushed his finger to her lips and stopped her words. “Shh, that’s nonsense; you could never lose me. I had given up too, but darlin’, I’m beyond thrilled to have this news from you and can’t wait to tell everybody!” Jim pulled Caroline into his arms and kissed her passionately.

  Caroline stared at her husband amorously as she listened to him talk. “Make love to me, Jimmy.”

  Jim felt his pulse vibrating wildly under his skin as he saw the desire flare in Caroline’s eyes. He licked his lips seductively and pulled her to him. He laid her gently on the soft, plush rug that lay in front of the fire. Simultaneously he grabbed the remote and cut the lights off so that the only light that reflected in the room was flames from the fire.

  He stared down at Caroline and smiled, “Your wish is my command.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Matthew drove to the lodge in the morning to share breakfast with Justina. On the way, he called to have it delivered to her suite.

  Upon arriving at her suite, he saw the waiter with the cart coming from the other direction. Matthew tipped the waiter, took the food cart from him, and knocked on the door, displaying a wide grin.

  Justina laughed when she saw him standing there. “Now, this is what I call special delivery. I promise I’m a very good tipper.”

  Matthew walked in, pushing the cart past her.

  As they sat down to share the meal, Justina said cheerfully, “Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.”

  Matthew smiled as he sipped his coffee. “I’m thrilled to have my housekeeper; she makes sure Kate and I get breakfast every morning.”

  Justina poured herself a third cup of coffee. “I always eat a hearty breakfast, Elizabeth made sure of that. I eat big breakfast even now. That’s the only nutritious meal I get each day.”

  Matthew paused and watched as Justina drank the coffee down. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow at her.” Just exactly how many cups of coffee do you drink a day?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  Matthew scrunched his lips and chuckled, “That’s your third within just an hour. No wonder you’re so wired up.”

  “I am a coffee fool, so I’d have to confess I drink too many, that’s for sure.”

  Matthew recalled the coffee beans in her kitchen. “You also prefer fresh ground, too.”

  “You are correct. I order it from various roasters from around the world.”

  Matthew laughed, “Give me some of your favorite flavors and where they are produced.”

  “I like Ethiopian, Caribbean, South African, Jamaican, Columbian, and Mexican just to name a few.”

  “You really are a coffee lover.”

  They both laughed as Matthew placed the plates onto the cart.

  He turned and gave her an awkward look, but said nothing.

  “Matthew, I know you have something to say about Nick, so say it.”

  “Are you going to call Nick today?” his expression clearly shown concern.

  Justina looked down at her cup and shook her head. “I don’t know. I’m not sure what to do; he was acting so crazy last night and I was afraid of him.”

  “I can’t tell you what to do, Justina, but I can give you my opinion if you want it.”


  “Don’t agree to meet him in a private place; only agree to meet him in public. I would rather you not meet him anywhere at all.”

  “I’m not going to reconcile with him.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about, sweetheart. I’m worried because the guy is crazy and he’s capable of so much more than you are aware.”

  Justina frowned, “I’m very much aware of what he’s capable of Matthew, believe me.”

  “What do you mean? Did he do something to you before last night?”

  Justina realized she had said too much and she tried to brush it off. “I just meant last night was a real eye opener.”

  “Oh, no, you’re hiding something and I wish you would tell me.”

  “Please, don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine. I don’t think he’ll bother me again.”

  Matthew gave Justina a concerned look. “Will you call me if he does come around again? I just don’t think it’s over.”

  “Yes,” Justina said as he approached her.

  He led her to the sofa and sat down next to her. “I’m going to have to be going soon, but thanks for breakfast.”

  Justina gave him a soft smile, “You brought it to me, thank you.”

  Matthew leaned over and kissed her softly. “I enjoyed the company.” He pulled her into a deep, intimate kiss. He then stood and helped her to her feet, took hold of her hand and led her to the door. “I’ll call you soon.” He kissed her tenderly once before he left her room.


  The next morning Matthew was actually the first one in the office. He smiled at Katie and whispered, “Can you turn the classroom lights on for me?”

  Katie was overjoyed that it was the last day of home school, at least for three months. She hurried to the classroom to turn the lights on and feed the gold fish.

  Matthew stepped into his office, laid the box of doughnuts on the table, and began brewing coffee. He soon heard the office front door open and heard Kalien calling out for Kate, who called back just as loud. He heard the two girls running to meet in the hall and Caroline yelling at them to quiet down.

  Roger and Jim walked in and each took a doughnut and a cup of coffee.

  Matthew gave Roger a concerned look. “How’s Charlie doing?”

  “He’s still in a coma, but he’ll live.”

  Matthew let out a breath of relief. “Good, good.”

  “I don’t think you should go to L.A. or New York,” Roger said, changing the subject.

  “Roger is right, Matthew. We don’t want to take you away from your girlfriend.”

  Matthew shook his head as Roger and Jim burst into laughter.

  “She’s not my girlfriend. We enjoy each other’s company and we are getting to know each other. We’re taking things slow; in fact, I have a date with Kim Coleman this week.”

  Roger and Jim could not hide their surprise.

  “You two looked real cozy Saturday evening,” Jim commented.

  “We are not anywhere near exclusive,” Matthew grumbled at them.

  “You two resembled a couple,” Roger observed.

  “We’ve had dinner, but I’ve been out with other women, too. We have an agreement.” Matthew gave his friends a stern look, “You two just take care of your own women and I’ll handle my affairs all on my own.”

  Roger and Jim laughed at Matthew as he stood and
walked to his desk to fetch some paperwork. Matthew returned and handed some files to them.

  They began looking them over.

  “I’m not going to fly out. Let’s just see what pans out here.”

  “We should just give the D.A. the information we have on the Elizabeth Carr case and let him prosecute,” Roger suggested.

  “I think Roger is right. We will take Robert down now. The way I look at it is at least we’ll have one of them out of the way,” Jim agreed.

  Matthew did not like the plan. He felt it was too soon to expose their ace card, but he reluctantly agreed.

  “I just hope they’ll want to reopen the case and take it to trial,” Roger voiced concern.

  “They will have to do just that after they are confronted with voices from the grave,” Jim said.

  The men let out small chuckles.

  “Are we going to leave Mikey alone for now?” Roger asked. “I really see no benefit in turning that part of the info in to the feds.”

  “I agree, let’s hold off on the Mikey thing for now,” Jim stated. “We may yet turn some more stones over in that deal, too.”

  The men stood and ended their meeting as Roger picked his briefcase up. “I’m going to take this evidence to the D.A. right now. I’ll call you as soon as I’m through meeting with him.”

  “I’m going to check on our witness tonight, make sure he’s not too bored,” Jim chimed in.

  Matthew shook his head, frowning. “Justina is going to be shocked by the surprise witness.”

  “Oh, I think that she’ll be fine,” Jim patted his friend on the back. “I’m sure you’ll be there ready and willing to lend a tender shoulder for her to lean on.”

  Roger and Jim burst out laughing as Matthew shook his head.

  As they walked to the door, Matthew commented with a big smile, “Ah, let the fireworks began.”


  Matthew was on his way home with Katie when she looked up at him and asked, “Can Justina come to eat with us tonight?”

  Matthew gave his daughter a smile, “Do you like Justina?”

  “Yes, and you do too, Daddy,” Katie giggled as she flashed a smile that melted him.

  “All right, I’ll give her a call and see if she can come over,” Matthew picked up his cell phone.

  Justina heard her cell phone ringing as she put her groceries in her car. She shuffled through her purse until she found it. “Hello, Justina Lindsey here.”

  “Hi, Justina, it’s Matthew. Katie wanted to know if you’d have dinner with us, tonight.”