Read Kiss Page 6

  Iris climbed into the car.

  “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting Ryan. I didn’t think I would be long.”

  “You be careful miss. I didn’t like the look of his character.”

  “He’s as harmless as a fly. Nothing is wrong with him.” She said reassuring Ryan. She didn’t know if she was doing this for his sake or for her own. She smiled and finally got out of the car glad to be home. She raced into the house. “I’m home!”

  She looked at the note on the fridge from her parents. They’d gone to some formal dinner party. Yes! She was glad she wasn’t stuck attending. She left everything in the family room and rushed to see her horse before the sun completely set.

  “Don’t worry Blitz, Iri will be here in a minute and then we’ll both be happy.”

  Iris watched as he brushed her horse and tended to him. She giggled when he ate the apple greedily that Chester offered him.

  “Hey, how long have you been there?” Chester asked. He hoped she hadn’t heard all his secrets he’d been pouring out to the horse. It was enough to make him want to flee.

  “Not long,” she said running into his open arms. She sank into his embrace and took a whiff of him.

  “Are you smelling me?” he asked. Iris looked up into his smiling face and her face combusted. She broke away from his arms. “No!” She shouted embarrassed. Chester chuckled at the flaming red girl. He smiled as she backed away from him.

  “Where are you running to, little Iri?” he whispered. He watched as she bit her lip and shook her head from side to side. Why did she have to be so cute?

  “Eep!” she squealed before taking off. “Not so fast!” Chester shouted running after her. Her laughter floated behind her and spurred him on. He felt so carefree when he was with her. They raced through the house and he finally cornered her in the studio.

  “Cheese, I’m tired.” She puffed out. Chester snickered, he wasn’t going to let her get away so easy. “Nope. You owe me.”

  “Fine. You get one request.” Chester grinned at her as he followed her to the kitchen. He already knew what he wanted. He would be patient for now.

  He had a brandy and coke while he waited for the pizza to arrive.

  “You know you’re not supposed to be drinking,” she chastised him. “Those rules don’t apply to the rich and famous; I’m sure you’ve had a couple of drinks before. If I remember correctly you enjoy champagne, but your favorite is vodka.”

  She bit her lip. He had her there. “But there was always adult supervision.”

  “Well you know, I’m eighteen now and per state law I’m an adult.”

  “But you’re still in school.”

  “Currently no.”

  “Why not?” she exclaimed looking at him with wide eyes. Chester didn’t want to go back to school he was tired of people trying to use him to gain popularity. He was on break from his latest tour but not for very long. His manager had committed to some dates and he was going to have to leave soon. He wanted to spend as much time with her before he had to leave. Unfortunately for him, he was still stuck at best friend status.

  “It’s complicated,” he started when the doorbell rang. Chester was glad for the reprieve. He’d have to come clean sooner or later.



  He hated this place. The pendulum swung repetitiously drawing his attention reminding him of the ever presence of Lisa Covington. He disliked everything she stood for. How could she be so tranquil when he was raging on the inside? Yesterday had felt so different. He felt free and in control. Here he was merely an exhibit to gawk and poke at. There was no helping him. He learned early on to bury his desires.

  “Axel, do you know why you’re here?” she asked looking at him from under her specs. She would be hot if she’d loosen up, but she was ever the professional. Why bothered with the façade? He knew she was there for him just like she knew that he didn’t care what she had to say.

  “Why bother. You’re just going to tell me anyway,” he said finally flopping onto the chaise. What she needed in this office was a dart board. It was a great stress reliever. He wondered if the poor doctor even knew the truth probably not. Did he dare tell her? His mother’s face flashed in his mind and he discarded the thought. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  “Axel Rotterdam, are you listening.”

  “Hmm?” he looked at her surprise. It was the first time he felt comfortable in her office to lose focus. “What’s on your mind?” she asked tentatively. He wished his swan was here she wouldn’t be so timid. She called him a bastard and stormed away from him like a mad woman, the kiss they shared kept him up all night long. He couldn’t wait to see her again. He wondered what she’d do next. His phone rang interrupting their little meeting. He answered.

  “I need you at home.” No hello, how’s everything going? It was always the same. He sighed exhausted. He couldn’t understand why he felt so defeated. He smiled sadly at the doctor. “Everything you think you know is a complete lie.” He wiped the single tear that fell from his eye and turned away from the doctor who sat at a loss for words.


  “I’m sorry doctor, mommy needs me right now. I got to go. Bye!”

  Psychiatrist Lisa Covington stared after her latest patient. There was something fishy going on in the home and she was going to get to the bottom of it, that boy needed her help more than ever.


  He entered his home and avoid making eye contact with anybody. He quickly went to his room and sat his things down. He needed to talk to his father to see where mother was.

  “Glad you’re finally home boy. How’d it go?” his father asked him while having a glass of whiskey.

  “I didn’t finish because mommy needed me.” He watched his father slam his glass down on the counter.

  “It’s you! Speak up!” He rolled his neck to get rid of the confusion.

  “You know how it is dad. I just sit and listen while she talks. I rather be at football practice.”

  “We can get you into a good school. You just keep it up. The scouts will be out soon. You’ve already made a name for yourself. No distractions and one day you could be playing in the national football league son.”

  “That’s the goal.”

  “Good. Now I’m going out. I need you to keep an eye on your mother and your bother. I have no idea what he’s been up to. There may be a doctor who can help your mother, but she’s costly. We might have to hold off for a while. I have to make sure we have your college tuition covered.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good boy. See you later son.”

  “Bye dad.” Axel watched his father leave. He was just glad he was in a good mood. All he had to do was follow the plan and everything would be okay.

  “Hey what are you doing?” Axel jumped when he heard James. His nine-year-old brother looked at him with hard eyes.

  “Nothing, I’m going to check on mom.”

  “Oh, it’s you,” he sneered. Axel glanced at his little brother. He had sapphire eyes and raven colored hair. They were very similar in appearances except for the eyes, Axel had a lighter shade.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He watched his brother frown. “Are you going to help him kill her too?” What kind of question was that? He would never do such a thing. It was insane. He shook his head to clear his mind as things blurred for a second.

  “Look kid. Don’t worry about things, that’s my job.” He smiled when James launched himself into his arms. “Wipe those tears, everything is going to be fine. I got a plan.”

  “But Jay, what are we going to do. I don’t think we can afford college and mom’s medical bills. I heard dad talking and things are apparently worse than what they seem. He was talking about life insurance policies and stuff.”

  Life insurance? Why would dad be talking about that? “You don’t worry. I told you I got it covered. Now I have to go check on mom.”

  “Alright doofus.”

  Iris was early to class and no, she was not sitting here thinking about Axel or waiting for him to show up. She just wanted to have a good lesson today.

  “So how did it go with Axel yesterday?” Natasha asked her. Iris didn’t know how much she should tell Natasha. She didn’t need a lecture and was tired of everyone telling her how dangerous he was. He had a little rebellion going on, but it was nothing out of hand.

  “It was cool. I was just trying to get some clarification about what happen with Brad. I keep forgetting to give him my number.”

  “Smooth,” Natasha chuckled. “How do you know him anyway?”

  Natasha blanched but it was briefly. “My mom is a doctor.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Iris exclaimed, maybe she could tell Natasha about her life. “I know Axel’s mom is really sick.”

  “Yeah, it’s really sad. He doesn’t let anyone know about it. How’d you find out?”

  “She had an episode when we were leaving the grocery store. I haven’t said a word. I wouldn’t even have told you if you hadn’t said your mom was a doctor. I’m assuming she’s treating his mother.” Natasha didn’t get a chance to reply. The professor walked in ready to start class when Axel walked in behind him.

  Iris pretended that she wasn’t frolicking in a fantastical forest in utter happiness because he was there. She glanced at Natasha when she cleared her throat. Natasha gestured toward the broken pencil in her hand and Iris flushed, so she was a little excited she couldn’t help herself.


  “Hi Axel,” she muttered looking down. When she continued to feel his presence, she glanced up and gazed into his startling eyes. They were clouded and confused. She wondered what was on his mind. Her finger twitched from her need to reach up and smooth the crease between his brows. She was stupid. She didn’t even know why she bothered with him. He was such a douchebag last night. She didn’t know what to expect from him. It was oddly disconcerting.

  Axel sat in his seat once class started, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off Iris. If his dad knew he was focusing on a girl instead of his studies, he would get an earful. The scouts were going to be at the school soon and he needed to be playing in tip top form. He excelled in his studies because his dad wanted to make sure they had everything covered, when they came to draft him. But Iris had the prettiest colored eyes he’d ever seen. She was so different from the other girls, soon his eyes drifted over towards Natasha her friend. Whenever he looked at her his head hurt. He clasped it in his hands. Maybe he should get it check out. He’s been having an awful lot of headaches lately.

  “You alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he grunted returning his focusing toward the teacher.


  Axel was glad the day was over. He’d been feeling strange since seeing Iris and he was afraid that something happened, but he couldn’t remember. School had let out a while ago, the students glad to be released from the confines of the classrooms. If it were only that simple for him. Things were a little tense on the football team. Axel was the starting quarter back and Brad had been his tight end. The plays wouldn’t work if they weren’t in sync and it was obscenely obvious at today’s practice.

  “I don’t care what happened. Leave it in the damn locker room!” the coach yelled at the two once practice was over. Axel hung his head in shame. He hated to disappoint people and he could tell he’d let his coach down. He needed to go for a run to release some pent-up frustration. Axel began to strip in the locker room. He groaned when Brad approached him.

  “Didn’t know you were that kind of person. You should have told me you were seeing the girl. I thought I was your bro,” Brad said angrily.

  “Dude, I’m sorry. I just…I don’t know. I lost it.”

  “That’s all you can say. Dude, you bloody me up. I wasn’t expecting that from someone who’s back I’m always covering. Don’t worry about it. I’ve already warned her.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Brad?” Axel could feel his hands trembling and the world became distorted.

  “Dude calm down,” Brad said backing away with his hands up. “I’m just looking out for her. There’s something wrong with you Axel or Rex. Whichever one you prefer.”

  Brad realized he’d bitten off more than he could chew when he saw the fury in Axel’s eyes. He didn’t know why he always pushed the guy’s buttons. It wasn’t his fault, he made it so easy. He would never admit that it was his fear for his classmate that made him mean.

  “What’s going on in here?” the coach asked.

  “I was leaving,” Axel said moving past them.


  Kisses and Fireworks

  “I’m paying you a lot of money to fix him!” he thundered.

  “Mr. Rotterdam, it is unnecessary to use that tone or language in this office, and I can’t do anything until he opens up more.”

  “I don’t have the time. The scouts are coming and I refuse to see a chance of a lifetime for him go down the drain. Now if I don’t see some results I will take my business somewhere else.”

  “But sir, you can’t. Dissociative Identity—”

  “I don’t want to hear it! Fix it!” he roared as he stormed out of the psychiatrist’s office. Lisa sighed, she had no idea how she was going to help him when his father wouldn’t even acknowledge Axel had a problem. She looked down at her diagnosis while massaging her temples.

  Dissociative identity disorder is a severe form of dissociation, a mental process which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. Dissociative identity disorder is thought to stem from trauma experienced by the person with the disorder. The dissociative aspect is thought to be a coping mechanism -- the person literally dissociates himself from a situation or experience that's too violent, traumatic, or painful to assimilate with his conscious self.

  Lisa Covington was beautiful woman. She had creamy caramel colored skin and bright almond eyes to match. Her eyes were distant when her daughter entered and the confusion in them eluded to the complexities of her thoughts.


  “Hi sweetie. How was school today?”

  “It was good. I’m worried about my friend Iris. I think something happened with her and Axel.”

  “Why would you think that sweetie?”

  “I don’t know they seemed weird.”

  “Well darling you know I can’t talking to you about Axel. Confidentiality, HIPAA laws prevents me from doing so and mom wants to keep her job.”

  “I know but.”

  “No buts. Now are you still crushing on little Axel after all the years?”

  “Bye mom!” Natasha squealed before making a beeline towards the door. Her mother chuckled at her antics, how was her little girl going to get home if she had the keys.


  Iris sighed when she got home. School was going fine but she felt like everyone was keeping something from her, and Axel was just well a mystery. She launched herself into Chester’s arms, smiling into his beautiful violet eyes. He always made her heart race. She wondered if he remembered he stole her fist kiss, it was something she’d never forgot; without her knowledge, her eyes locked onto his lips. They were so smooth and he had the most beautiful smile she’d ever seen. She licked her lips reflexively.

  “Iris?” she glanced at him surprised. She was a nice bun warming in the oven and the temperature had risen to four hundred degrees. Shoving Chester away from her she fled to her room. Once she reached the safety of her room she closed the door and buried her face into the pillow. Why did she have to like boys?!

  Oh, no! He saw me staring at his lips like they were James Dean’s leather jacket! He knows! I’ve ruined everything.

  Thump! Thump!

  Her heart beat painfully in her chest and she held her breath as Chester entered the room. She was a complete mess. She was the sun having a solar flare. She was ablaze, the high energy radiated from her skin eluding to the c
haos that took place inside of her. Was it possible for a person to erupt?

  “Iri?” She heard the question in his tone, but she kept her face buried in the pillow. After all these years, he was going to find out she’d been crushing on him, not only was she confused by Axel’s presence, a certain someone else plagued her thoughts. She grunted as Chester covered her body with his own and ignored the feeling burning in the pit of her stomach. His hands wrapped around her wrists. She buried her face further into the pillow, as his lips grazed her ear.

  “Iri. It’s okay. No more running.” What was he talking about? She wasn’t running. She was regrouping preparing for the battle that laid ahead. “Cheese what are you doing?” she gasped out as he flipped her over and stared into her eyes.

  “Stop running from me Iris,” he panted out heavily. This was the moment he’d been waiting for. He wanted to profess his feelings for her but wasn’t sure how she’d respond until today.

  “I wasn’t running. I was…” her sentence was cut off by a kiss. Iris gasped into his mouth and was blown away by the fireworks that rocketed into the realms. The brilliance of colors dazed her, and left her speechless by their intensity. She’d been blinded, and left at a loss for words staring into the brightest pair of violet eyes she’d ever seen. They were so unique.

  “Wow,” she whispered touching her lips. His snickers filled the silent room bringing heat to her face once again.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.” He gave her a chaste kiss before releasing her. She sat up and looked at Chester with wide eyes; her face was bound to liquefy at this point.