Read Kiss Page 7

  “How did you know?” she stuttered out. Iris felt as if she were in a labyrinth its complex structure of passages muddled her already addled brains. She sought to find the key and free herself. She was so close to obtaining her goal when the door to her room opened.

  “Hey kids, dinner will be ready soon. Iris there’s an event this weekend and I want you to attend. Tootles.” Iris groaned as her mother closed the door. She didn’t want to go anywhere this weekend.

  “Hey, it comes along with being part of an elite crowd. You really should just accept it.”

  “Not you too Cheese. C’mon I’m hungry let’s see what’s for dinner.”


  Iris stood grumpily next to her parents as she cursed Chester. He was able to skip out on this little party. Tables were covered in beautiful cloth, succulent dishes thrived in the light begging to be tasted and there was an abundant of alcohol. She wore an off the shoulder black dress that hugged her curves with metallic pumps to match. The tear drop diamond necklace her parents got her sparkled in the light. Iris felt naked with all her hair piled on her head.

  “Iris! Hey darling, glad you could make it.” Iris wanted to roll her eyes as Jean-Pierre approached. She was starting to think her mother was trying to set them up. It was just like her, she would love to have a fashion designer in the house.


  “Don’t be that way, especially when I’m about to do you a favor.”

  “What is that?” she huffed out.

  “Show you some real fun,” he said smiling deviously at her. Iris heart thumped in her chest. What was up with her and bad boys. Don’t let the perv get you. Not the perv. Nope. Not happening.

  “What are you doing?” he asked quizzically. Iris opened her eyes and glanced at him. She hadn’t realized she sought the altar of the gods, offering them her prayers, hopes and dreams only to be mocked and dragged back to reality by this man. It seemed Hades was the only person who came to answer her call.

  “Fine,” she said and her shoulders sagged as Jean-Pierre dragged her to her doom.


  Love Square?

  Iris followed behind Jean-Pierre and didn’t understand why she did it. She wanted to know his story, he was a mystery just like everyone else. It wasn’t very often that she came across someone with Latin Descent with a name like Jean-Pierre. It was usually Juan, Luis, or Mario.

  “Why Jean-Pierre?” she asked as he led them to another entertaining area. He froze and glanced back her. “My mother is French and my father is from Honduras.” He briskly turned around and she followed him. Was it a sore subject for him? Did she offend him? Was he angry? She should return to the front; before she could voice her opinions, they stopped. They were in another opulent room. People sat around on premium leather furniture. There were people cuddled up a little too close and a little too touchy for her taste. She didn’t think Jean-Pierre would take her to such a place. She fought back the need to close her eyes and run away, as a woman shoved her hands down the pants of her male companion. Iris remained transfixed by the expression on his face. He sat with his legs spread and the woman next to him. His head rested on the back of the couch and the look of euphoria, pleasure on his face made her want to capture it. She blanched when he opened his eyes and connected with her. Damn. She’d been caught. Jean-Pierre took her hand into his and smiled interrupting the battle of wills between her and the unknown man.

  “Rest assured, I would never bring you to such a place. I’m grabbing a jacket. I don’t want you to catch a cold. Wait here and don’t move.” Iris nodded as she watched as he disappeared quickly from view. She was glad that he wouldn’t stoop so low.

  “Hmm, you’re not his type.” Iris eyes flickered toward the brunette who watched her with dark eyes and a dark pixie cut. It was edgy and sleek.


  I’m turning into a regular sailor. It’s a good thing people can’t read minds.

  “Look there isn’t—,”

  “Iris!” She smiled relieved as he rushed quickly to her side. Taking her into his arms she wanted to rebuff the woman, but there was something weird going on. She held in the blush that threaten to rise when both his hands came down on her hips as he pulled her into body. It was the first-time Iris had been pressed flushed against a man. She didn’t know how to feel, only that her breathing hitched when Jean-Pierre lips grazed her ear.

  “Relax,” he whispered. Immediately, Iris felt all the tension leave her body as she sunk into the embrace.

  “Jean, I miss you.” The woman pouted watching her. Iris felt Jean-Pierre’s hands tighten reflexively on her waist. This woman did something to hurt him. It opened her eyes a little; it explained a lot of things about him.

  “Kimberly. I can’t say it was a pleasure. Iris come.” Iris heart—a humming bird who flitted around wildly, singing its tune, weaving its song caused her brain to scramble.

  “Don’t be that way Tig,” she said reaching for Jean-Pierre. Iris heard his sharp intake and fury rushed savagely through her veins. She would not allow this woman to bullying him or dismiss her. She slapped her hand away from him.

  “Don’t touch him! He belongs to me. You’re nothing but a relic from the past. Jean has moved on. It’s not very becoming of you to continue pursue him and display yourself in this manner.”

  Wait! Huh? What?! What the hell am I doing?! He’s not mine! I don’t know why I’m doing this. Or why I get sick pleasure in seeing hurt flash in that woman’s eyes. That’s it. I’ve lost it.

  Iris turned and stared into Jean-Pierre eyes. She didn’t know what made her do it. It was such an intimate gesture, but she reached up and caressed his face. He grabbed her hand and held it in place. Iris had a knack for solving mysteries, but right now she just wanted to protect him. She didn’t notice the woman storming off. She cleared her throat as the blush finally tore through her. What was she doing here? She had enough boy troubles. She didn’t need to be adding anymore to the mix. He released her. Iris was afraid to be alone with him. She didn’t want to get to know him. He was supposed to be some sleazy perverted guy.

  “I think I should get you back to your parents.” She glanced him but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. Iris didn’t like this feeling, she wanted to take him into her arms and tell him everything will be okay; but she was afraid. She needed to get away. Clear her mind and return to her safety net.


  The moon was high in the sky, and the tempo of his heart matched the pace he ran as his feet repeatedly pounded the pavement. This was the only time he could be free, the only time he could be himself. He was running and hadn’t figured out what he was running from. There was something they had in common. They wanted her. They wanted Iris McDerman.

  Iris was glad to be back home. She searched for Chester but he wasn’t there. Whatever happened between her and Jean-Pierre scared her. She wanted nothing to do with it. All she wanted was Chester. She would have to tell her mother that she couldn’t hang around Jean-Pierre anymore. She wasn’t being a coward; everyone was entitled to make choices and she chose to not hang around him.


  “Eep!” she squealed. “Baby are you okay.” Iris sat at the counter having a cup of tea. Her mother caught her off guard.

  “I’m fine mom. Thanks for asking.” Her mother sat next to her. Iris glanced at her from her peripherals. Her mom was so beautiful. “I want you to know that I’m here for you. I know you take after your father, but I’m here. When you need me, I will always be here waiting.”

  Iris felt her heart freeze in its tracks, she nodded slowly at her mother’s words. She was so emotional and all over the place, she didn’t even understand what was happening. Her mother left her to her tea. Iris had to appreciate her mom even though she drove her crazy with all the dresses and whatnot, her mother always knew when to push and not to. She was grateful to her. She finished her cup of tea ready to turn in for the night. It had been a long one. She climbed the stairs showered and
dressed in a thin silk night gown in hopes of cooling her overheated body.

  She stretched slowly waking. It was Sunday.

  Guess, I better enjoy the day before I have to return to the boxed building and deal with all the misery and woe that comes with it.

  She ran her hand through her blonde hair when the door swung open. It was Chester. What’s wrong with him? He stood staring at her like a fish out of water. She combusted as she remembering she wore nothing but a thin silk gown. She opened her mouth to scream when he moved. He covered her mouth with his own kissing her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered staring into her eyes. He quickly pecked her on the lips and ran his eyes down her body. She had all the curves in the right places. He groaned releasing her.

  “I’ll let you get dress.” Iris simply nodded as he left the room. This was the closest anyone came to ever seeing her in the nude. She swore steam was pouring out of ears right now. She hiccupped and ran to the bathroom. She didn’t want her friendship with Chester to change but secretly, she was glad she was the center of his attention. She only had to figure out Axel and just stay away from Jean-Pierre.

  Easy as stubbing my big toe on the corner table.

  In the end, Iris ended up at the library. Chester had to go the studio. When did he sleep? Ah, the price of fame. People didn’t understand why she spent so much time in the library with all the technology out there, but she loved the feel of books in her hands. Most people would just by an eBook, it was faster and more efficient. Don’t get her wrong she has a tablet to read all her various collections, but she loved the smell of books and enjoyed hunting for old stories. It was here she stumbled into him.



  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

  The typhoon swept through the library obliterating everything in its path; it raged on drowning her in its mist and silencing anything that may have been spoken. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her beating heart as it attempted to lodge itself out of her chest. She wondered if their hearts beat in tune, harmonized in only a song they could comprehend.

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” Iris fought the painter with great strength as he planned to paint her cheeks a creamy red and expose all her secret desires. She cursed him as he danced away in glee satisfied that her cheeks matched the color he desired. She shook away her rampant thoughts. “How did you know I would be here?” she asked biting her lip nervously. He behaved so strangely the last time and she never got around to asking him about Brad.

  “Let’s call it a lucky guess,” he said sauntering closer towards her. Iris took a reflexive step back. She was a little lamb trapped looking at a pack of wolves snarling hungrily at her, licking their chops and imagining her savory favor in their bellies. She turned her back on him and clutched the book to her chest. What was going on? He confused her so, but she still loved staring into those startling azure eyes. She made the biggest mistake of her life by turning her back on him.


  His arms wrapped around her pulling her back into his chest. This was wrong, only Cheese had ever held her in such a manner.

  Why does he feel so good against me? He’s not Chester, this shouldn’t be happening!

  She detonated; blasting everything a part causing mayhem and chaos. Why was the organ in her chest careening through her body, bullying the other organs so only the sound of its beat could be heard? She stood still. She shouldn’t be here. A gasp escaped her when he placed his left hand on her forehead pulling her closer to him.

  “I like this side of you. The blush it’s cute.” Speaking was tough, she’d been trapped on a desert island for so long with only salt water. She longed for fresh water to quench her thirst. “You know what I’ll like better,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Axel—I” her words had been silenced by the storms his eyes became. There was rage, self-loath, pity and desire in them. She took shelter as the power shook her.

  No. I can’t keep doing this. There’s something going on. Why all the self-loath? What did those expressive eyes mean? I want to know the reasoning behind his pain.

  No more running. She reached for him, but was stunned when he slapped her hand away. “Stay away from me.” Ignoring the sting in her hand, she couldn’t help but question him.

  “Jay what’s wrong?” she asked thunderstruck. She kept her hands behind her back. His frame was slightly hunched and his beautiful black hair a mess. He looked lost like no one wanted him. She would fix him.

  “How’d you know?” he asked her. “How’d you know it was me? Tell me!” Iris didn’t speak. She pulled him into her arms. She’d known, she did the right thing when she felt the wet tears on her neck. Tiny streams flowed across her skin searching for the crevice to hold their sorrow until they formed a great lake overflowing full of pain.

  He held onto the girl tightly. He was losing himself and fast. “Iris won’t you stay with me?” He held her closely. He didn’t want her to slip away. He was just happy that someone finally knew the truth. He wouldn’t let her leave him. She must stay. She smelt of summer and sunflowers; she seemed safe. He could trust her. Releasing her, he gazed into her golden eyes. He was afraid of what he would find there, but he relaxed when he realized she didn’t pity him. Grabbing her hand, he led her to the couch and they sat.

  “There’s so much I want to tell you; but I want to show you something first. Meet me here tonight,” he whispered kissing her on the cheek before leaving. She was on an adventure, a journey of discovering mysteries and devouring their untold secrets. Soft as a butterfly’s wings was the kiss Jay left behind. She touched her cheek reminiscing. She couldn’t meet him tonight. She was going to be with Cheese. It still didn’t stop the waves from roaring in her ears when she thought about it; but she longed to free the prince in the tower. He was gone. What was she going to tell her family? He didn’t even specify a time. She wouldn’t tell them a thing. She would steal into the night like star crossed lovers rebelling against their family wishes.

  Wait a minute…they weren’t star crossed lovers. She had Cheese and he had her. She didn’t know what they were yet but they were something. She cursed her thoughts as an image of Jean-Pierre briefly flashed through her mind. Why were boys so complicated? Although, she couldn’t call Jean-Pierre a boy. He was a man. He was twenty-four years old. Iris ran screeching through the library as she remembered his hands on her waist that night, they were hypnotic and their imprints had been seared in her skin.

  I’m such a whore! Lusting after all these men. Please someone help. This girl needs to cool her libido. I’m starting to think someone casted a sex spell on me. Why else would I be slowing drowning under all these hot males?

  “Iris what’s got you acting so erratic?” her mother asked. Iris couldn’t help that her heart was racing in her chest and her adventures were just beginning. She would not allow the fireworks to ignite and give away her feelings. Her mother smiled.

  Damn you fireworks!

  “Is it a boy?” her mother asked squealing. Iris stood doe eyed looking at her mother. She’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, and the chocolate and crumbs were still around her mouth giving her away. “Tell me!” her mother asked hugging her. “Oh Iris! It’s about time. I was worried for so long!”

  “Mom, your smothering me.” She did not want to be crushed in between the valley of her mother’s breasts. “I’ll tell you! Just let me go woman!” she shouted breaking free of her claws.

  “What’s going on in here?” her dad asked. “Iris has a crush!” her mother answered. Surely there was a brief case hiding in some obscured corner with a bomb in it that would detonate in a minute and save her from her impending doom.

  “Who is the lucky guy?” her dad asked with a gleam in his eyes. Iris backed away from both parents. They were both crazy. She hoped craziness skipped a generation because she wanted no part in it. Shaking her head, she backed away from her parents as they closed in on her. Her dad
had an evil glint in his eye and her mom, the clown smile stretched across her face, reminded her why she hated them so much. She backed right into another problem.

  “You all are noisy tonight. What’s going on?” Chester asked as Iris’s back connected with his chest. She immediately relaxed. Chester always made her feel better.

  “Iris I want to know who the lucky guy is?” her mother whined stomping her foot while her father chuckled at her antics. This was all becoming too much for one girl to handle. She felt like she was out of her element.

  And what was her element…fire?!

  “Why I’m the lucky guy!” Chester said grinning at her parents and wrapping his arms around her.


  The chemicals reacted and the planets aligned, their vividness apparent to all who happened to witness their beauty. Her body trembled at his nearness. She remembered their earlier time together when he kissed her. She turned to putty and was a pile of nothingness on the floor. Cheese chuckled at her and planted a kiss on her forehead before leaving. Iris hiccupped.

  Don’t go. Please don’t leave me with these people!