Read Kiss Page 8

  “So, missy when were you going to tell me about little Chester?”

  “Mom? Please. Not now,” she begged. Was it possible to combust? The particles in her body were going haywire.

  “Dear let’s give her a break. I’m sure you can have your girl time with her later.” Iris jumped for joy and bowed down before her magnificent King, her savior, her everything. She stopped midstride when a sinister look crossed his face and he smiled down indulgently at her.

  “I’m sure Chester and I will be having a talk real soon.”

  It wasn’t fair! Her revered King turned out to be a devil in disguise. A demon that sought out the dark souls in this world and feast on the blood of those who posed a threat to its treasure.

  “But daddy,” she whined.

  She stopped as the demon stalked through the eerily quiet forest. The moon was high and the monsters that lurked in the shadows came out to play. When he turned his gaze upon her she stilled. She gulped loudly and wished the best of luck to Chester before fleeing to her room.


  He was happy. He couldn’t wait to tell her the truth. He crept silently into the house. He didn’t feel like dealing with his father of the year at the moment. He just wanted to savior moment. She was a beautiful girl and she was quite different from the others.

  “Look, I don’t know how were going to afford this. I’m being buried in medical bills and Axel’s graduation is coming up. There’s no guarantee that he would get picked up by a school. They’ll want to take a closer look at him. I can’t have them finding out about his condition.”

  He lingered outside the den listening to his father conversation. What was he going to do about his mom?

  “I don’t know. We can’t afford a world class heart surgeon. I don’t want to pay for something and then have the procedure fail!” He looked up when he spotted his younger brother on the stairs. He moved towards him.

  “Jay what are you doing here?”

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” he said smirking at his little brother. They walked quietly to his room. Jay was taken by surprise when his brother launched himself into his arms.

  “I’m so glad that you’ve been around lately.”

  “No tears kid, I plan on sticking around this time.”

  They would get through this together.


  Falling for the Wrong Guy

  Iris sat in her room thinking. She wanted to save Jay, the only problem was…she didn’t know what she was rescuing him from. Her feelings were all mashed up. She knew she felt safe with Cheese but Jay was something different, foreign, an elusive piece of art. She had to have him. She was grateful for the reprieve she got from her parents. Confused she ran her fingers through her hair.

  Was she ready for the rest of the world to know about her and Cheese. She fought so hard to live as close to a normal life as possible. Would everyone turn their back on her if they found out she was rich and in some ways, a prodigy? She sighed at the daunting thought. Tonight, would be the night she discovered everything about Jay. She would find out why he prefers Jay over Axel. She rolled over reaching for her cellphone—it was Natasha.

  “Hey whatcha doing?”

  “Nothing. Reading.”

  “You want to hang out, see a movie or something. I’m trying to escape the little brat that’s clawing my leg.” Iris giggled hearing Natasha’s younger sister in the background.

  “I can’t I got plans.”

  “Do you have a hot date with Axel?”

  “No, I have one with Jay,” Iris answered. She smiled thinking of him. He was such a mystery.

  Natasha stared at the phone in her hand. It was impossible. Jay belonged to her. Did he forget? Did he forget their promises?

  “That’s great!” she said enthused. She didn’t know if she was doing this for Iris or for her own selfishness.

  “Look, Iris be careful. He dangerous.”

  “In what way? Everyone says that but I’m sick of it.”

  “Look I was just trying to help you out. My mom is his psychologist.” Natasha said into the phone. She realized her mistake a little too late. She slapped her hand over her mouth and hung up.

  “Mom!” Natasha screamed searching for her mother. She flew into her arms when she spotted her in the family room watching TV. “What’s the matter dear?”

  Natasha kept her face buried in her mother’s lap. She had held on to this secret for so long but she wanted him. He belonged to her. Why should she keep her promise when he broke his?


  Iris screamed into her pillow in frustration. Why would Natasha keep such important information from away from her? If it was such a big secret, why tell her now? Did something tragic happened to Axel? Was that the reasoning behind his need for a psychiatrist? Maybe, his mother’s illness was taking its toll on him? She was so confused. If Axel, err Jay as he preferred it was so dangerous, why wouldn’t anyone just come out and tell her why it was so detrimental to her health to be around him? He was so different from what she’d imagine. Iris groaned as her mother’s calls for her reached her.

  “Coming mom!” she thundered down the stairs aggravated. She wanted to know what the fuss was about. Cheese had gone to the studio and she was anxious about sneaking out to see Jay tonight. It wouldn’t be really sneaking out. She was a responsible young adult. She just didn’t want her parents all in her business, and she was still confused.

  She stopped on the last stair when she saw Jean-Pierre. What was he doing here? Her heart when into overdrive. She was supposed to be avoiding him. She didn’t want anything to do with him. Her heart was going to launch itself out of her chest and fly toward the heavens.

  “Where’s my mother?” she asked. She held her breath when he reached for her grabbing her around the wrist and leading her to the formal sitting area.

  “What are you doing here?” she fired off another question. Her breath left her as his hand closed around her wrist and he silenced her with a kiss. This kiss was different from Chester and Jay. This kiss was punishing, hard and sensual. It was on another level and her body came alive like livewire. Iris didn’t understand this. She couldn’t fathom why her heart was racing in her chest or why he made her so nervous. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She didn’t want him. When his hands came down on her waist she realized things were getting dangerous. Breaking his kiss, she gasped out.

  “Jean I can’t. I’m sorry. No. No this is not happening.” She said backing away from him. She had enough troubles with Jay and Chester, she didn’t not need Jean-Pierre adding to the mix.

  “But it is! Stop ignoring me!” he roared at her. It’s been awhile since someone sent his blood boiling and this wisp of a seventeen-year-old girl managed to do so. He didn’t understand why he was drawn to her. This could only mean trouble for him. Why did the girl have the power to push him over the edge?

  “Oh hey, this is where you two are hiding,” Giselle said to her daughter. “Honey Jean-Pierre stopped by the house to get your measurements. I wanted him to design something for you.”

  “Mom, I have enough gowns.”

  “But I want you to have something original,” her mother pouted with those large beautiful brown eyes.

  “Fine, but hurry up.” She griped completely fed up with the both of them. “What’s with you? You going somewhere tonight?” her mother asked arching an eyebrow. Iris immediately froze. Her mother had hit the nail on the head and had no idea she did.

  “Of course not. You know how I am. I’m not a dress kind of her girl,” she sighed in relief as her mother left her alone. Iris hoped she and her father go find an event or something to go to. She felt like everyone’s been watching her lately. She was no longer a fly on the wall. She was a large centipede.

  “That’s clearly a lie,” Jean-Pierre said placing his hands on her waist. Iris squealed backing away from him. She’d forgotten he was in the room with her. She watched him as he sunk into one of the leather chaises.
“So where are you going?”

  “I don’t have to tell you a thing,” she said childishly sitting across from him. Didn’t he already have her measurements? What if this was just an excuse to feel her up. His obsidian black eyes stared into her own attempting to get her to divulge her secrets. She would never admit it to him, but he was such an exotic looking man. He wore simple wrangler jeans and a designer tee shirt. The shirt highlighted his muscular body. God, she shouldn’t be looking anyway. Why was he after her? She was nobody—no one important.

  “Look this isn’t going to get anywhere. You already have my measurements and I’m tired and ready for bed.” She stood up dismissing him. Her eyes couldn’t help but glance at the grandfather clock. She really needed to get dress and figure things out with Jay.

  Jean-Pierre watched her. He didn’t like the fact that a mere seventeen-year-old girl could pull on his heart strings so easily. It was stupid, ludicrous, and impossible; but in the end, it was true. Something happened, he felt a shift within her after she addressed Kimberly at the party. When he stared down into her honey brown colored eyes he thought she could be it. It was a silly thought coming from a man of twenty-four years but he was still young, and sought a partner who wouldn’t use him for publicity. Kimberly was an older woman, who took him under her wing and showed him the ropes. The moment his designs skyrocketed to stardom, she changed. She became vindictive, mean and spiteful. She wasn’t beautiful anymore, so the second an opportunity came along he fled and never looked back.

  The girl sitting in front of him was different. She’d yet to be corrupted by the industry although her family was part of a very prestigious circle. She was known among the elite because of her upbringing; however, she didn’t attend a lot of social events or parties. Regardless, she was up to something and he wanted in on the action. He’d been keeping an eye on her.

  “Very well. I’ll go but this isn’t the last time you’ll be seeing me,” he said blowing her a kiss. Iris held her breath and watched him leave. She couldn’t be bothered by Jean-Pierre despite the fact her erratic heart said otherwise. It was time to go meet Jay.


  Rendezvous at Midnight…It’s a Promise

  Iris didn’t know quite how to feel. She had made Ryan swear he would keep her visit with Jay a secret, and the only way he would keep her secret was if she promised to be back in an hour, that didn’t leave her much time. She shooed Ryan—her driver away as she sat on the library steps. She understood why he had some reservations. What decent young lady would be found sitting outside at night on the stairs of a library? This was not another teen movie. At least there was a beautiful crescent shape moon in the sky that provided additional light. She did feel a lot better knowing Ryan was close.

  “You came.”

  Iris looked up and she took flight into the sky, marveling at its limitless beauty. Jay was here. He stood in front of her like a phantom, and held his hand out to her. This was the magic moment in the fairytale she always dreamt of. Should she take it? The second she placed her hand in his, long fingers wrapped around her own providing her with warmth. She stared at their joined hands in wonder, it was such a simple gesture but intimate nonetheless.

  “You’re not going to faint on me, are you?”

  “No!” she said indignantly looking at his back as he led her to another place. Where would he get such an idea? Why would she faint? She wasn’t a pansy. There was a subtle grin on her face as he turned away and led her into the unknown. She thought about her feelings, wouldn’t most people be a little anxious about someone leading them to some unfamiliar destination at night? The wind ruffled his hair and her fingers itched to straighten it. This boy was something foreign—an alien species that she was curious to learn more about. A slight frown marred her face when they stop in front of an old cathedral church.

  “Jay, I don’t understand. What are we doing here?” It was so hard to follow his thought process and it intrigued her endlessly. She looked down at their intertwined hands. His fingers were long and they wrapped around hers cocooning them—she shook it away, the image of a more masculine hand wrapping around her dainty one.

  “This is the perfect place for me to reveal it all,” he said looking her in the eye. It was such an intimate moment—staring into someone’s eyes. Her heart raced in her chest and her palms became sweaty. This was completely different from staring into Chester’s violet eyes. It made her nervous, Iris wasn’t certain if that was a good thing or a bad thing. The wind howl in the night almost like an ominous warning, tendrils of hair escaped her ponytail and danced in the wind tickling her face. She tucked them behind her ear and waited for Jay to reveal his secret.

  She unconsciously held her breath while gazing at him with stars in her eyes.

  “I’m sick Iris,” he said turning serious. She froze. Sick what did he mean he was sick? He wasn’t dying, was he? Her young heart was working double time in her chest and she thought it would exploded from her chest. She feared the unknown for him; she briefly wondered if there was anything her mother could do to fix him.

  “Wait? What’s wrong with you? Can’t they fix it?” she asked desperation clinging to her voice.

  “Axel isn’t real.” Wait a minute…what did he mean Axel wasn’t real. She was looking at him. She watched as he paced back and forth like a cage animal. Iris was in tunnel, the sounds echoed around her. She moved towards the light—the end of the tunnel where she knew Jay waited for her, but the tunnel continued to expand and extend making it impossible to reach him.

  “He let them believe that Axel is real. He’s not! He’s a lie to keep my family happy…to keep him happy. But my mom is sick. She’s not getting any better because he’s too worried about my college tuition.” He said grabbing Iris by the arms. Her eyes grew round. He held her tightly. She started to get anxious, was there a little bit of madness in his eye? Was this what everyone was warning her about? Suddenly, she wasn’t so sure about reaching the end of the tunnel. She stopped. When she looked up it was too late, she was already at the end staring at Jay. He held his hand out waiting for her to take it.

  “Maybe, my mom could help,” she mumbled deep in thought. When Jay shook her, she looked up.

  “How can she help?” he asked. Iris hadn’t realized he heard her. This was the time to reveal her status in society. She wasn’t even sure her mother could help Jay’s. There had to be a reason she hadn’t had the procedure done yet, right? It couldn’t only be about money. She broke free of his grasped. “Sorry,” he grumbled.

  “It’s okay.”

  But was it really?

  She wasn’t quite sure. He’d been holding her too tightly. She was anxious now, they’d never even got around to talking about what was wrong with him.

  “Do you want me to go away?” What? Why would he ask that? They had walked toward the back of the church where he sat looking dejectedly. She supposed she paused too long before she knew it he’d closed his eyes and laid down on the parking lot.

  What was going on?

  “Iris, what are we doing here?” he asked suddenly sitting up. Iris was getting scared now. She wasn’t so sure she wanted to solve this mystery; maybe she should head home. “Jay, I –thi,” she started out.

  “I’m not Jay! I’m Axel,” he said looking at her. Natasha’s words came back to haunt her.

  He’s dangerous. Be careful. My mom is his therapist.

  “Axel, everything is fine,” she said backing away from him slowly.

  “Of course everything is fine. What are you talking about? What’s got you so spooked?”

  “Nothing,” she squeaked as her eyes darted around them. Damn. They were completely out of sight. She’d rather face Jean-Pierre. At least the moon was still shining providing some light. How long had they been out here? Ryan should come looking for her soon. Well she hoped he would come and look for her. “Did he do something to hurt you?” Axel asked worriedly.

  Iris only concern was getting away from him, but s
he quickly disregarded it when he asked about her wellbeing. Was Axel aware of Jay? It was like he was two entities, no three she thought, recalling the shy one from earlier all mixed together in one body. It was strange. She wondered what drove him to this madness. What caused him to be this way?

  Girl get a grip. You’re dealing with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!

  “No, no one hurt me,” she muttered pushing her hair behind her ear. “Axel what’s going on?”

  Axel looked at the beautiful girl he’d grown so attached to. She was unlike anyone he’d ever know. She was a goddess bathed in the moonlight. He wondered how such a person could exist. She was taken out of a fable and placed before him. “Honestly, I don’t know myself. I just know sometimes I wake up with missing parts of my day. My life at home is rough. I mean my dad tries his best you know. It’s just things got harder when mom got sick. No one wants to take the chance with this new procedure. There’s only two surgeons in the world who could do it. My dad is worried about college education. I just recently found out we’re drowning in medical bills. He doesn’t want to pay for a procedure that’s bound to fail. But I love my mother!” he said pulling at his hair. “I rather know we’ve done everything we can to save her.” A lump formed in Iris throat. She threw her arms around the despairing boy. She’d do everything in her power to help.

  “I will help you. I promise,” she said crying for him. Axel’s own whimpers soon joined hers. “I know why I’m crying, but why are you?” he asked wiping his face and stepping away from her.