Read Laura's Big Win Page 15

Chapter Fifteen - Full Bloom

  Monday morning brought the first new duty Laura would experience as heir apparent to Alice Hamilton. According to their earlier arrangement, Franz picked up Leslie Friend and family, bringing them to Windmere and Laura's office for the interview at about 9 AM. The first part of the employment interview consisted primarily of filling out the requisite forms for job application, withholding, prior experience and similar information. Leslie turned out to be in better spirits than at their first meeting, probably because she sensed a little relief from all she had endured the past few days, the rejection of her lover and of her family, and a new life to care for, a responsibility she had to undertake on her own. These Windmere people were interested less in her history than what she could contribute to their operations, and they seemed interested in her well being and that of her newborn. Forms completed, Laura took her into her office for the more verbal part of the process.

  "First of all, let me welcome you to Windmere. We're both undergoing a new experience here, you being interviewed and me doing the interviewing. It is quite a story but my responsibilities here seem to have suddenly grown to include staffing as well. At least I feel competent to do this, not because I think housekeeping is that easy but because I have done it, at least in my own house. You will find that Windmere seems much more like a residence than a business, at least on the surface, but underneath it is almost all business and has to be done to a very high standard. As you saw Saturday, we do have our moments of fun, and I don't want to give you the impression this is like working in a dungeon. If you are interested in progressing and openings occur, we will give you the opportunity. Truthfully, that's how I got here, and from the same place you're staying just now."

  Leslie was floored at the information she had heard for the second time. "I know you told me Saturday you stayed at the shelter, but I thought you were just trying to get next to me. Do you mean you lived at the shelter, just like me? But you're so?.I don't know how to say it?..I mean, you know, so professional, and you look great, and no one would believe you were there. Really?"

  "Yes, really. I was there, homeless with children, but didn't stay there overnight. I can't take the time just now to explain what happened that night, in fact, some days I'm not even sure I believe it, but here I am. Now, back to you. I know you told me a lot of things about yourself Saturday, but what I want to know now is two things: what do you expect to get out of working at Windmere, and what can you do that we need done. Okay?"

  "I think I understand. I was doing housekeeping work at night because my family didn't have money to pay my tuition at the JC and I wanted to learn to be an EMT. I think I did mention that Saturday. Anyway, I still want to do that, learn to be an EMT, and?.I'm sorry?..I just have to pick him up. He'll be okay. I'm sorry."

  "Feeding time? Go ahead. There's no one here but the two of us, and no one's going to come in while my door's closed. Besides, you know how to do the cover-up job so no one knows what's going on anyway. See? Problem solved. We understand you will need to stop work every so often and do this, and we'll make allowances. Really, it hasn't been that long ago I was doing the same thing myself?." Laura's mind made a sharp turn somewhere in mid sentence. She realized Ryan seemed to really like her own kids, but what if he wanted children of his own, could she do that, and what if he didn't want kids but something happened and she got pregnant, and this was all crazy to think about because all he had ever done was kissed her and that was wonderful but?..

  "Is something wrong Laura? Did I say something?"

  Laura snapped herself back into reality. "No, Leslie, you're fine. Sorry. I just sort of got caught up in my own thoughts for a minute there. I apologize for the lapse; my fault. Now, you were talking about the EMT program?"

  "Yes. I was taking the basic courses I needed before actually entering the program itself. I thought if I got all prepared, and saved up a little money, I'd be able to go full time and still work enough to keep things together. Then I got pregnant and here I am: no job, no school, no home, one hungry baby. I can do the work you need done; I've done all the different jobs, even carpet extraction, and I'm not afraid to get sweaty, or dirty, or whatever it takes. I just want to be on my feet again, and take care of my baby. I need to work out the childcare but will do whatever hours you need. Something I'd like to do is go back and do the EMT training, but I know I have to get things together first. So, that's about it. I sure need the job, and I know I can do a good one for you. What else can I say?"

  "I think you've explained yourself quite well, and I think we can work something out here. I understand we will have a full time day opening starting next week, and we would want you to actually start tomorrow to work with that person and learn her routine in the time she has left. Take a look at this rundown on the pay scale and benefits program while I make a phone call, then we'll see if we can come to an agreement. That will show you what we believe the job should pay starting out, and the increases that come with experience. I had the time this morning to work it all out ahead of time. It also details child care and how all that works out. We do not presently have accommodations that would allow you to live here; I'm sure Angie will take good care of you for the moment, and we are willing to help make arrangements to get you out of the shelter as soon as we can. Now, you read while I make the call; I apologize for the interruption but this call is really necessary just now."

  Laura paused for a moment to look up the number, then called Cindy Jefferson at home in the hope it was her day off from the fire house. Cindy's bright cheerful voice soon answered, and Laura leaped into the conversation. "Hi, Cindy, it's Laura from Windmere. Remember me from the softball game?"

  "Remember? How could I forget, slugger. How's that big boy out there coming along; making any progress?"

  "Maybe a little, maybe more than a little, but that's not why I called. Can you talk to me about the EMT program at the JC? I have a former candidate I'd like to help out but I don't know where to start. She's had a tough time of things, but I think she's a good kid and needs a hand up. I can explain if you have a couple of minutes."

  "How about I come out there? It's my day off and I've sort of been looking for anything to do but clean this place. Sounds like an excuse to me. Work for you?"

  "It works for me. Tell you what: how about I buy lunch in our kitchen while we chit chat and give you a chance to see this girl before you get any farther involved. If you take a walk, I'll understand that was in your best judgment. But I'd like to see her at least get a chance. Deal?"

  "Deal! Be there in about half an hour. I'd at least like to be somewhat presentable. See you then. Say 'Hi' to the Big Guy from us girls!!"

  Laura turned her attention back to Leslie to see if there were any questions about what Windmere was offering. "Anything more I can tell you? Any questions?"

  "No, not really?..That's not true; I don't have any work clothes. I had to give them back to the company I was working for and I don't have much besides jeans and pullovers. I'm still carrying a little more weight than I normally do, and the jeans don't fit too good right now. Maybe I can borrow something."

  "Hang on a minute; let's see what we can do." Laura intercomed Cal's office with her question. "Cal, I have a potential housekeeper interviewing here to take Susan's place next week. Do we have any of that special fund left; you know, the one you used a few months back when I showed up here? I'm looking for a couple c-notes at the most to tide things over."

  Leslie couldn't hear the response from Cal on the other end, or she would have heard him laughing and referring to Laura as a hopeless do-gooder, but two minutes later a hand came through the door with a white envelope for Laura.

  "If we finalize things here today, and I think we will, we can advance you some cash for something a little closer to what we prefer our staff wear. Susan can tell you about that when we met her. Here's the name of the store to buy from; we have negotiated pricing there and I can assure you it is more than fair. One other thing: buy y
ourself something pretty, something you want but would feel guilty buying just now. Buy it anyway and enjoy it; words from someone who knows, who got that advice from someone else who knows. So, it looks like someone has finished lunch and gone fast asleep. Shall we adjourn to the kitchen for lunch, and to meet some people?"

  "You don't have to feed me too, after all you've done. I don't know what to say except that....I sure don't want you to take this the wrong way because I know we aren't really very far apart in's like getting a mother back," and the huge tears started down the cheeks unabated.

  "This place can to that to you now and then. All we ask is that you do the job we hire you to do; if you need help with it, see me or one of the other managers here. We aren't perfect by any means, but we do intend to do our best. Now, dry your eyes before people think I've been beating you; we save the beatings for regular employees. For now let's go see what Doris has in store today. By the way, eating in the kitchen is one of the benefits of working here, only it's pretty tough on the thighs and rear end. Trust me, saying no to Doris is nearly impossible."

  Laura never ceased to wonder how things worked out at Windmere, and how the timing always seemed to be right on cue. As she and Leslie entered the kitchen, Susan came in from one of the cottages and Cindy popped in through the side door. The ensuing conversation among the four of them opened several other doors for Leslie, not the least of which was being semi-adopted by the ever ebullient Cindy. But if there was a true highlight of the day, it happened when Dennis asked to see the soundly sleeping baby, and ended up with the child in his powerful arms; it was a whole new experience for him, something he had never done in his life, and the wonder lit up his face. The effect was not lost on the other staff members in the kitchen when the behemoth of a man held the tiny baby, and it clearly drove home the point of just how gentle this big man could be.

  The rest of the day was spent on more mundane matters, but Laura felt good about having handled her first interview, although she also realized it was on a pretty basic position. Others might be much more difficult and time consuming, but she was learning. She also realized she had referred to herself as "management", something that had not occurred to her previously. Taking the baton handed her by Alice was much more than a token showing; it meant Alice believed in her and trusted her. It also meant she was in closer proximity to the man she was sure she was growing to love more each day. If only she knew where she stood with him; he seemed so interested, and certainly when they were together the passion seemed evident, but still he seemed to be holding back, As frustrating as it might be to her, she also knew this man did not do things on the spur of a moment, at least not things that really mattered long term, and the admonitions to be patient echoed in her ears. She would wait, certain that the prize was worth the wait.

  Tuesday morning, about mid-morning, Leslie stopped by Laura's office for a brief moment to thank her again. Dressed in her new work clothes she was very much presentable, and seemed downright happy to be alive. "I still can't believe all this has happened to me. And, get this: Cindy made me come home with her. She said the shelter is no place to raise a baby and she had extra room and besides she told me she loves to take care of babies and wants someone in her house when she's on 24 hour duty. We had such a good time last night, but even better, her younger brother Jason was there doing some wiring for her in the afternoon; I know I just had a really bad time with a man and all, but Jase is my age and he's not afraid of the baby like some guys."

  "The question is this: did you buy something for yourself yesterday?"

  "Yes, I did as instructed, and I know this sounds crazy, but it's a front carrier I really wanted but couldn't afford. They're kind of expensive but I know they're much more comfortable for babies to be in. That way I can take him with me to class; Cindy called somebody and I'm going to night school all of a sudden, and on some scholarship program she knew about. So, anyway, I just really wanted to say thank you again?"

  Laura laughed at the suggestion, but realized how serious the title was to this woman-child. "Okay, but only when we're alone. My own kids will wonder if they're being replaced. Now, get your tail back out there and earn your keep."

  "Yes, ma'am. Oh, that Alice I met? She told me who your boyfriend is and pointed him out while we were in the kitchen. Wow, what a hunk. No wonder you smile a lot. Gotta go now. Thanks again. See you?.mom." And she was off in a flash before Laura could even explain the boyfriend part of her life. It was enough, she thought, that others knew that she and Ryan were slowly drawing together.

  The rest of the week turned out to be routine for the most part, with the usual small problems to be ironed out. There were the kids minor problems to deal with at home in the cottage, new clients to bring on line, the standard Ryan neck massage every morning followed by some close clinches that were growing in intensity, plus a little studying to learn enough about the upcoming merger meeting so she would have a reasonable grasp on what they were doing. The Friday meeting was fairly routine in nature, and Laura had been through both mergers and dissolutions before, so Ryan was right in his estimation she would be little more than a baby sitter. Her primary task was to represent Windmere in case the clients needed some special services they had not anticipated. The morning session had gone well, and Doris had done her usual magic for the buffet luncheon, but the afternoon was starting out with little bumps here and there. The two company lawyers were doing most of the negotiating, flanked by their respective CEO's, and there were frequent pauses while hushed asides between the men took place. Laura had pretty much dreamed through the morning and did busy work on her laptop, but picked up her attention a bit as things seemed to deteriorate.

  The problem, it seemed, was that neither side was willing to concede a sale to the other. The sticking point was when one chain did not have a part which was available at the other chain. Rather than make the referral, the initiating store would order out the part, or maybe even lose the sale. The discussion continued for a couple of hours, with the lawyers trying to find a way around the impasse. Most of the problem was that both CEO's had come up through the ranks and had worked hard to achieve their present success. It seemed purely unreasonable to them to refer a sale to someone else, although they both knew they needed the merger to compete with other even larger chains in the cities they served. Laura was starting to see that the entire deal was in jeopardy as the discussion became more heated. The crazy thing, she realized, was that each of them would lose a sale rather than act for the good of the joint venture. Why, she wondered, couldn't they see a way for both of them to gain rather than for both of them to lose. Someone had to do something; it was not good for Windmere to allow failure of any sort on their own grounds, even if it was not their fault. Working her phone discretely, Laura called Doris in the kitchen for a little help, and was assured it could be delivered in fifteen minutes or less. Ten minutes later, Doris sent a short text message "Cavalry is mounted and riding", and which point Laura stood up and broke into the heated debate.

  "Excuse me, gentlemen. Could I have a moment of your time please?" She timed the interruption for a moment when the two lawyers were doing asides with their clients, catching both sides unprepared to respond. And, the tone and authority in her voice clearly implied she did not need their agreement to continue; she was only being polite before doing so. "Thank you, I hear by your silence that it is all right to continue. There seems to be a mounting problem here that I believe I may be of some assistance in resolving. But first, the amenities. Mrs. Cook, who you see coming in the door and who provided you with that most excellent luncheon buffet, is bringing in a batch of cinnamon sticky buns fresh from the oven. There will not be coffee this afternoon gentlemen; coffee is a morning drink. There will be instead, hot tea, from a rather large and somewhat exotic collection we have made available this afternoon. You will find all the proper instruments and ingredients for a delicious repast. In return, I want the services of the top IT person from eac
h organization for about thirty minutes, in my office. Thank you for your cooperation. Gentlemen, please follow me; I'm sure Ms Cook will reserve some refreshments for you since you will be missing that opportunity."

  With that Laura started for her office, only glancing back long enough to see that indeed there were two persons following her like the herd follows the Judas goat, at the direction of their respective CEO's. Taking a deep breath, she realized she was into it now, but at the same time, felt the confidence rising in her that she knew how to do this and had the situation well in hand and under control. Once in her office, she opened the wall screen that ran wireless from her desktop, and started into her solution. The two IT persons had remained speechless thus far, wondering that they had been dragged into this and how they were going to save themselves. Both took seats and waited for the play to begin.

  "Gentlemen, first of all, let me say this is going to work whether you like it or not. Not only that, but you can be the shining stars coming out of this if you throw in with me and solve this thing, or I will solve it by myself, do the presentation, and sink your ships. What will it be? In or out?"

  Neither man had any idea where this was going, but they were in it, and clearly this woman was not threatened by them, or evidently anything else. Both agreed to follow her lead.

  "Okay, here's what we are going to do. We are going to build, in thirty minutes, a system of cross referral between these two companies that will not only wrap up a sale but make things as easy for the customer as we can. We will need to access your files giving us the geographic location of each store, we will build an access path between your inventories, and we will show your bosses how they can both make money. And don't look at me that way; I do this sort of thing all the time. Windmere clears thousands of orders through hundreds of vendors on a daily basis, providing the quickest or most economical service, and usually both at the same time. Hold on to your seats gentlemen. Marcia is here with your laptops; they're wireless but communicate only to the network here at Windmere and are encryption secure. Our server is more than powerful enough to hold your files. Please access the files we need and load them into our server while I work on the merging part of the software. We can do this. And by the way, Doris, Mrs. Cook, always holds some sticky buns in reserve in the kitchen, although you may need a drink more than food by the time we're done. Start your engines."

  Both gentlemen were awed at the data intake speed of the Windmere server. Although their company systems were modern in all respects, they did not have Laura's connections in the computer world and had only what was available to the public. The server at Windmere was a loaner, not on the market yet, still somewhat experimental, an absolute voracious demon at crunching numbers, and able to suck in data like an oceangoing whirlpool. The two companies information bases were accessed and poured in data while Laura constructed the information bridge. The finer details needed some additional input from the IT persons that was easier to extract from their brains than the gigabites of stored information. Laura was well into the programming by the time the data transfer had been completed.

  "Okay gentlemen. I need to know a little something. First of all, do you use a consistent markup on everything you sell, or are there at least groups of things to which different markup's are applied."

  Mr. Green Shirt replied first: "Categories, groups of things. We sell some really big ticket items we don't mark up very much, and a lot of little things we simply double the price on because the traffic will stand it. We may get two dollars for a blister pack of license plate fasteners we paid $.37 for from the supplier, but we can't mark up a $2500 rebuilt transmission like that or it would cost over eight grand. So, yes, but the pricing isn't random; it's done in five categories."

  Mr. Blue Shirt agreed, and confirmed they used a very similar strategy at their company. Both men agreed the mark-up's were comparable and little would be lost if the two schedules were averaged across the board.

  "Okay. So we plug that in. Now, one of you check his inventory in the data bank for something you don't have in stock, anything at all, except that it does have to be in stock at the other company and in reasonable proximity. Okay? I'll give you a moment to do that, and make it good, That's going to be your selling point."

  Both men fell to the task and quickly came up with an expensive engine overhaul kit worth nearly $1200 because of the high performance parts it contained. Both companies carried it, but only one had it in stock. The final price with markup was calculated, and the profit margin noted.

  "Okay, gentlemen, here's how this is going to work. Watch well because you get to do it next and we're down to five minutes." And with that Laura quickly ran through the program she had developed, sent it back to the mainframe for storage, and herded them back into the great room, their reluctance fading as they realized they had a good product to sell their bosses.

  Once back in the great room, Laura found things to be more congenial, at least on the surface. The sugar and tea had done their work, and the competitors retook their seats for the show. The lawyers, skilled at deal making, could not believe this person had solved this problem in thirty minutes. Laura fired up the flat screen and called for the main frame to send the video stream there so all could see, then pointed to the two IT reps and twirled her finger in the air, the traditional signal to "get on with it". Armed with their wireless laptops, the two reps traded taking the lead, using the transmission rebuild kit as an example of how things would work. The key element Laura had added was the ability for each vendor to get something out of the deal, based on a percentage of the profit level. Windmere played its usual strange effect on the two reps, and before long, they were adding to the program as they went along. One came up with the idea of the supplying store meeting the customer on the curb with their parts in hand, where it was reasonable to do so, sort of a reward to the customer for having stayed with them and making the extra drive. The other suggested that if they did not use this system and let the customer drive down the road uncommitted, they might well drive into a competitors store, and both partners would lose the sale. In return, his counterpart pointed out that getting the customer to commit in the form of cash was as good as any other sale, even if the part wasn't really there. Strange to say, the positive atmosphere spilled over into the room, and as the screen flashed the progress of the presentation through all the numbers involved, others joined the commentary with even more ideas on how things could be done together. Half an hour later, when the two CEO's rose and shook hands over a done deal, spontaneous applause broke out. Laura was relieved that what she had started had worked out so well, and not in the least concerned that the two IT men were, in general, getting the credit. Windmere would profit in the long run; she was so elated she squeezed down hard on the hand holding hers, and with a start realized her hand was indeed in someone else's very familiar feeling hand. Ryan had come into the room as things were picking up speed but had stayed more behind her than alongside so he didn't disturb the drama; once it was done, he had simply touched her hand and she slid hers into his as though it had always belonged there, without even knowing she had done so. In fact, Laura was so excited at that moment she wondered later why that event felt so great, yet some other acts that should have been greater, were not.

  "I think you won today. How does it feel to know you can take on the world and beat it out of the starting gate, around the track, and cross the finish line without even being out of breath?"

  "Oh, I'm out of breath alright; I was more than a little scared when this started out. These guys just needed to think outside their own narrow corners a bit, and you probably saw what happened; once they got started with a good idea, they jumped on big time, and the others had to come along or be left out entirely. It worked, and even if it hadn't, at least they were talking again."

  "I think it's a special day. You stood up, and were not only counted, you did the counting. You do realized we may have to pay you more, now that our competition will be cal
ling. No, don't look at me like that. This is a cutthroat business; once the word gets out how great you are, not to mention how great you look and your killer body, hell, we'll have to beat them off with a stick."

  "Stop already. You know I'm not going anywhere, but I do feel like celebrating. Suggestions?"

  "Yes. See if the kids can do a sleepover with Marie's kids tonight. It's early enough to arrange that if you can work it out. You know, just in case we get in late; wouldn't want to wake them unnecessarily. If you do that, I'll see if there's any place we can get some franks and beans for supper, maybe find something entertaining for later. Yell when ready; I need to clean up just a bit. Say we head out about six; the afternoon is pretty well gone already. We could drop the kids on our way to the hamburger stand. Okay?"

  "Okay by me. I'll make the call. If they can't stay there, Alice loves to have them over and maybe I can prevail on her in her romantic reverie. I do hope that guy shows up for her. See you at six."

  And so another business week closed out, but not all the surprises had been revealed. For Laura, life was still unfolding. She hurried to the cottage to let the kids know what was taking place, and to tidy herself up a bit before the evening's activities. Tidy up may not have been accurate considering the lengths she went to in getting ready, but after all, this was her man whether he knew it or not, and she had decided to go after him make or break. After all, she thought, I'm already in my thirties; time is going to run out on me. Little did she know the most important part of her day was just beginning.