Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 13

  Chapter 13: Just kidding

  He continued to exist and at the same time he did not. His thoughts continued to try and come up with a name for the faces that continued to flash through his mind. Why? Why can’t I remember their names?

  Connor found a safe area and laid Jess’ body on the floor. I should have known she wouldn’t be able to control it, he thought. He quickly unfurled his wings and took flight. As he flew he searched for the gateway that the demons continued to flood through. Finally he located it, a church. Yuuku you truly are one evil bitch. When he was about to dive down to destroy it he felt an invisible hand smash him into the concrete below. Lifting his head he groaned, “Okay... that really hurt.” All around him he could feel, rather than hear, laughter that seemed to grip his soul in ice.

  “Ohhhh crap.” He groaned and willed the Letum into his grasp. As he rose from the ground he could see a faint outline of a humongous demon. He sighed and stabbed his blade into the ground and released a small percentage of his power. The demon became visible and Connor swore that no matter how long he existed, he would never battle a harder fight then that one.

  “You must be Connor Tenshi Yami, a name truly fitting a dark angel. There is one small problem though.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?”

  “Even an angel cannot defeat me!” The demon exclaimed and began to move towards Connor, who stood with a bored expression on his pale face. Using a large amount of power and a vivid imagination he formed a humanoid machine that he had seen in an anime once, it was called GUNDAM. He jumped up as a hatch in the Gundam’s chest opened and landed in the cockpit. Perfect exactly as I wanted it, he thought as he confirmed what switch, pedal, and button caused what action. Turning on the communication system he said,

  “Okay, I’m ready.”

  Okay what the hell is that? Yuki thought as a giant robot appeared out of nowhere. I think that he’s somehow brought that thing into existence, Yume answered, also you should probably focus on the hundred demons around you right now.

  “You’re right.” Yuki said aloud, Yume, you should take over the physical actions, I’ll deal with the mental. Closing her eyes the two personalities swapped places, she opened her eyes. The demons began to converge on her. I’ve always wanted to try this; she thought and picked two discarded handguns. Turning she brought the pistols up and began to fire in a circular fashion.

  “Well that was easy.” Yume said looking around in case any demons were still alive, none so much as moved. Satisfied she decided to go to where that giant robot had appeared.

  The GUNDAM was far more powerful then the demon had expected. The machine moved faster then its size let on. The strange and powerful machine drew a sword handle.

  “HA! And just what do you plan on doing with th-” The rest of the demon’s sentence was cut by blade of light protruding from the handle. Oh crap.

  Pushing down on the rear thrusters pedal, Connor simultaneously pulled out, and activated, the beam sabre. The GUNDAM flew forward, at an incredible speed, towards the enormous demon and pierced it through the heart with the beam sabre, there was no blood as he withdrew the futuristic weapon, then, with a deafening scream the demon fell and never got back up. After the demon had fallen Connor leapt down from the cockpit.

  “Connor!” A familiar voice yelled from behind him. He turned to see Yuki running towards him. He braced for the impact, which never came. From her chest was a clawed fist drenched in blood and holding Yuki’s heart. When the hand withdrew her body fell forward onto the ground revealing the person who had done the dreadful deed.

  “Wow that was a lot more blood then I expected.” Jess said as she studied her bloody forearm with a look of curiosity. She seemed unable to cope with the vampiric desires that now flowed through her system. As she was about to bring the blood to her lips a darkness seemed to spread across the world, a darkness so thick that the brightest light was swallowed by the evil. Connor stood motionless, except for his wings which began to glow with a dark light.

  “Jess... I am going to kill you now.” He said in a manner that made it seem like he was commenting on the weather.

  Jess had been unable to control her new desires. The all consuming thirst for blood was too strong for her to resist it. She walked through the streets of London, which now lay in ruin, preying upon any human, demon, or animal she came across, when she saw the enormous machine rise in the distance she knew it belonged to Connor. She began to head towards it.

  Once she had arrived there, she could see that the machine was slaughtering a demon of equal size. After the battle had been settled, with Connor emerging victorious, she began to head towards him. When she saw Yuki she couldn’t stop herself, it was as though something possessed her, before she could grasp what was happening she was standing behind Yuki with her arm submerged within her chest and holding her heart. When she was able to regain control of her body, she could see Connor’s wings pulsing with a darkness that made her shiver in fear.

  “C-Connor?” She said knowing that his demonic nature had taken hold of his body and soul.

  “Jess... I am going to kill you now.” He said, and, with a gust of wind, he was behind her. When she turned to throw a punch at him, her fist went through his face. It was then that she realised that he was moving so fast that he was leaving afterimages in his place. Oh god I’m going to die, she thought solemnly to herself as she saw his blade come towards her.

  He was still submerged in darkness. How do I break free? He thought when images came flooding into his conscious mind, and with them came the memories that he had been trying so hard to regain. He thought and with the coming of the name the darkness disappeared and he awoke.

  Hatred coursed through Connor’s entire being, turning his thoughts from mild malice into complete sadism. As Jess cried in pain, all he could feel was ecstasy, when he heard her bones crack it felt like he was in a state of bliss.

  “Tell me how does it feel? How does it feel to know you’re about to die, and by the hand of someone who used to be your friend?” He asked as he kicked her from the floor into the air. He reached out and caught her by her throat. Her eyes opened an infinitesimal amount; she glared at him through her tears of pain.

  “You are nothing Connor. You’re so weak if you let that power take control of you.” She spat the words at him.

  “Are those your final words?” He asked, not fazed at all by her insult.

  “No, they are not her final words.” Another familiar voice spoke. Jacob was perched on top the dead demon’s corpse, looking down upon the bloody and beaten Jess, and the sadistic Connor. Connor smiled cruelly and let go of Jess’ neck.

  “So glad you could make it, Jacob.”

  “Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t miss this for the world, literally.”

  “So you wouldn’t miss your death for the world?”

  During their back and forth Jess had tried to sneak up on Connor, but knocked a piece of concrete against his boot, it was the tiniest of touches, but it was enough to alert him. Turning he grabbed Jess by the neck and snapped it like a twig, he then tore her head clean off, he opened his mouth as blood spurted into the air.

  Jacob didn’t know why, but he was unable to move from that spot as Connor beheaded Jess.

  “No...No...No.” He repeated to himself as Connor stood in a shower of blood.

  “Now we’re even.” He said as he began to walk towards Jacob.

  “What do you-” He cut his sentence short when he saw Yuki’s lifeless body on the floor.

  “This world has become twisted, Jacob, and in order to survive in it we must become ruthless. There is no conceivable way to eliminate the legions of demons that have entered this world.” Connor explained as he walked slowly towards his still shocked friend.

  “No, you’re wrong. There is a way,” He said as he felt the Blade of Sonshitsu appear in his hand. Though the blade was damaged it still had almost all of its power, “We j
ust have to combine The Letum and the Blade of Sonshitsu, and then we can destroy them all.” Jacob said, primarily trying to convince himself. Connor shook his head and said,

  “That will not work you fool, there are demon lords entering this world now. I could take them in a one on one fight, but against a thousand,” He shook his head again, “Even I would die.”

  “What if we-” Jacob began when Connor cut him off.

  “They’re here.” He said and sure enough the church exploded and from the rising dust stood three enormous demons.