Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 14

  Chapter 14: Death Still Comes for Immortals

  The Demon Lord Meibatsu stood within his castle’s throne room, contemplating whether or not to make use of the vampire girl’s portal. No, I shall wait until my fellow demon lords have diminished their protection forces and then I shall go there and once again become the Grim Reaper of Demons. The thought almost brought a smile to his humanoid face, while most demons chose to have grotesque forms of Earth’s first inhabitants, animals. During his first visit to Earth after humanity had evolved beyond a cave, he had met the man known as Jesus Christ. Contrary to popular belief Jesus was not the son of God, but rather a demon who was exiled to live among the humans until he eventually became one of them. Whilst Meibatsu had been there he had tried countless times to kill the ‘Son of God’ and had earned the titles Grim Reaper, and Lucifer, due to the heinous acts he committed during that time.

  The Demon Lord smiled in earnest as he remembered when he had revealed the identity of humanity’s so called ‘Saviour’ and he had been crucified. To this day people remember his titles and fear them. In the human realm he adopted a less conspicuous appearance, however in the demon world he truly resembled the fallen angel Lucifer, with his white hair, deathly pale thin skin, eyes so black that they seemed to absorb light, wings that could engulf the sun’s blinding light, and the enormous horns that protruded from his skull, and the fact that he was able to raze an entire city with ease didn’t hurt either.

  After remembering the last time he had visited Earth, during World War II, he decided to go immediately. He quickly flew through black, storm filled skies of the demon world and into the demon world.

  When he landed he was greeted by a deathly silence. They must have moved quickly, he thought as he surveyed the destroyed church grounds. I didn’t think that they would be quite so rowdy, but then again it has been more than a century since they had last come to Earth. He then saw two figures clashing almost a hundred miles away. I’ve got to see this he thought and took flight.

  The demons had come in waves of thousands. Connor moved quickly and destroyed most of their ranks, and much of the city too; however Jacob didn’t react as fast and was caught by large number of demons. They snapped at him and gibbered madly every time he cringed away from their disgusting breath.

  “Oh no you don’t.” He said and raised the Blade of Sonshitsu, a blast of crimson light burst forth from the blade and laid waste to their hideous ranks. He rose only to be tackled another large force of demons. There’s too many. He thought, and then said,

  “I’m going to die” He realised this and seemed to be resigned to his fate. No it’s not over yet. Said a voice he knew all too well, before he could reply he felt his body jerk and he saw the blade of Sonshitsu glow with a red light. The demons began to back away as he stood again. His face was lowered so that they couldn’t see his face, but they could see the intense aura of pure power that now radiated from him.

  He raised his head and smiled menacingly at the demons. He made his move, as they took a step back in unison, and carved an arc of destruction with his now blood drenched Blade of Sonshitsu. Once he was done he was panting slightly from the excitement of the battle, his new crimson eyes that were pierced by a single line of black glowing with bloodlust.

  “So you’ve become something of a berserker have you?” Connor asked walking towards him with the Letum resting on his shoulder.

  “Kill...” Jacob said quietly.


  “Kill... kill... kill, kill, kill, and kill.” Jacob began to chant these words as he turned to attack Connor, who barely dodged the attack.

  “Whoa dude calm down!” He said and took flight in order to stay of his reach; however he underestimated Jacob’s new abilities. When he reached two hundred feet he assumed that Jacob wouldn’t be able to reach him, so when he saw Jacob flying up to greet him he was shocked to say the least. What the hell happened to him?

  Meibatsu watched as the demon hybrid lost the upper hand when he literally lost his hands. The fight had destroyed almost the entire city, and now the demon lord stood on the churches burning roof transfixed by the macabre dance the two were performing in front of him. The one with wings once more took flight in an attempt to escape his opponent, but the other hybrid was quicker and hacked off the demon hybrid’s wings. Meibatsu laughed as he cried out in pain. The ocean of blood that spurted from where his wings once were was a sight of complete beauty. The demon hybrid would lose, that much was certain.

  He watched as Jacob once again came at him and slashed his hands off. He tried to fly, but he lost his wings to the crazed Jacob. Give in. The voice whispered through his mind, and he could feel its raw power, but he wouldn’t stoop to the level of having to request someone for their help. Give in. The voice repeated once more. No! He thought as he continued to fight a losing battle. Connor, give in now or you will die here. He felt the warmth that flooded trough him as the voice spoke to him, and he could feel something touch his shoulder, but when he turned to look he could only see a faint apparition of his mother. A single tear escaped his eye, and then all hell broke loose.

  Where am I? Connor wondered as he drifted through nothingness. How did I get here? It was at that moment that he saw Yuki, in a glowing white form. The brightness was torture to his vampire senses, yet he couldn’t bring himself to look away.

  “Connor Tenshi Yami, you are not meant to die here, nor your friend.”

  “But how do I fight him now? He has taken my wings and my hands, I cannot defeat him.”

  “Yes you can, as a demon of shadows within shadows, darkness inside darkness, a hell in hell, you are far more powerful then you realise. Take our strength.”

  ‘Our strength’ what do you mean by ‘our strength’?” At that moment he could see them, every single werewolf and vampire who had been at the K.O.E. They all displayed glowing black wings and began to converge on him.

  Back in reality Jacob had skewered Connor with his large sword, and was about to repeat this action, when Connor opened his eyes and saw the sword going straight for his heart. Reacting on instinct he grabbed the sword, un-caring about the fact that it was cutting deeply into his palm, or the fact that he had hands again. He pulled the sword from Jacob’s grasp and kept him at bay with his single hand. How did this happen? He wondered in his own storm filled mind, I can see his movements as though he were a human, I can restrain him with the simplest effort, and I do not feel any pain. These thoughts flowed around his head like a hurricane, all the while he kept his friend at bay, in the way an adult would restrain a small child. Jacob continued to struggle against Connor’s over powering grasp, but found that, no matter how much his struggled, he couldn’t make Connor release his grip.

  “Jacob,” His friend snarled in response, “If you do not return to your senses I will not be held responsible for whatever actions I take against you.” More snarls. He sighed and through away the Blade of Sonshitsu, then he held out his hand; in a second the Letum had appeared within his grasp. At the sight of the blade Jacob struggled more forcefully. My blade and his are complete opposites. Connor thought; mine was made to destroy while his was made to protect. He laughed once and drove his weapon into Jacob’s abdomen. He heard his friend’s screams and felt the part of him that enjoyed the suffering of others; begin to resurface, but something held it back. Yuki, he thought and smiled at the fact that she was still with him in a way.

  “C-Connor,” Jacob began then changed his mind and said, “Behind you dumb ass.” And, for reasons beyond his comprehension his body turned to dust and flew away into the wind, after watching the dust disappear into the setting sun Connor turned and saw it then. The demon lord that had been watching their fight was clapping his hands and laughing.

  “Splendid, simply splendid.” He said and floated towards Connor, “That was an amazing battle my friend, now how about you try me?” The demon said and beckoned him.

  “Sure.” Connor said sounding very up
beat, almost like it was a request to play a sport or something.

  The sword entered his gut and he knew it was a fatal wound. Great, now I’m going to die. Jacob thought and saw it then. What the hell is that? Every fibre of his being cringed at the sheer power.

  “C-Connor,” He managed to cough out his friend’s name, “Behind you dumb ass.” And then he lost conscious, but not before he saw the demon begin to converge on Connor.

  Connor blocked another of the demon lord’s attacks. He tried to find an opening to attack, but the demon lord was too fast and left no openings. I don’t want to, but at this rate I might have no other option. He jumped away from the demon and the two stood facing each other.

  “You have held your own surprisingly well.” The demon lord acknowledged.

  “Your… not… so bad… yourself.” Connor panted in reply.

  “Do you mind if I ask you for your name?”

  “Of course not, my name is Connor Tenshi Yami.”

  “And my name is Meibatsu, it’s a pleasure to meet you Connor, but may I ask you a favour?”


  “Please die now?”

  Meibatsu raised his hand and from his open palm black lightning began to spark.

  “Sorry I don’t do those kind of favours, but I’d be happy to kill you.” Connor replied and allowed his demon blood to flow freely throughout his body, all the while holding onto the warm glow that helped him to keep a hold on his humanity. His black wings glowed with a dark light and his burn marks seemed to move before Meibatsu’s eyes,

  “Now,” He paused for effect and raised a hand and beckoned Meibatsu to him, “Shall we dance?”

  The fight lasted far longer then Meibatsu had anticipated, and he could see his opponent had no signs of fatigue. He laughed despite his current situation. Connor looked at him and tilted his head to the side, almost as though he had no concept of the emotion that the demon was displaying.

  “What is so amusing?”

  “I do not know, but I will continue to laugh until my last breath has been taken.”

  “Then that shall be y-” He was abruptly cut off by the sword that now protruded from his chest. Meibatsu stared in astonishment as his foe, who he had been losing to just moments before, fell to his knees.

  “I’m back.” Said a voice that the demon lord recognised belonged to the vampire girl who had opened the portal.

  After Connor had purged her from Jacob’s body Yuuku had been a bodiless entity, a ghost in simple terms, until the girl Connor had taken a liking to had died and her soul had merged with Connor’s. Her heart had been torn out, but that was trivial for an original vampire. After she had occupied the body it was a simple matter to re-grow the heart and the other organs that had been damaged. She could then hear the ferocious battle that was taking place and proceeded to the battlefield.

  Upon arrival she could see a demon and black winged man fighting each other. Interesting, she thought, this should be very entertaining, she began to make her way to them. The area was a desolate wasteland, filled with ruins of what had once been London. The sun that had lit the sky before was now hidden behind clouds of dust and the air was still heated up with the sheer power of the demons battle. She sighed; I should have known they would’ve done this, but that is what happens when you try to make a deal with demons. Just then she heard a sound like thunder coming from the direction of the ferocious battle. Oh I mustn’t miss this.

  Meibatsu was relieved to say the least, he had been saved by this vampire when he was on the verge of death and now he was standing over the dead body of Connor. He laughed a little at how close to death he had come for the first time in his long existence.

  “So you’re the great demon lord Meibatsu?” The vampire girl asked.

  “Yes I am, and you must be Yuuku, it is a pleasure to meet you.” You disgusting vampire bitch.

  “Likewise, now onto a more pressing matter,” She paused and moved closer to the body that now lay still on the cold earth, “How many demons remain aside from you?” She asked.

  “Our numbers are not easily measured, but a rough estimate would say that almost half a million of my kind are still alive.” He replied. That many? Damn, there goes killing them all by myself, I’ll probably need someone else to assist me, but who? After thinking for several minutes she realised that there was no one she could ask for help. Crap what have I done?

  He groaned internally and tried to move a little, but found that his body wouldn’t respond to his commands. Well that’s just great. Slowly, but surely, however he soon began to heal, first the hole in his chest where the sword had gone through. God this really hurts.

  “-the great demon lord Meibatsu?” That voice, it was so familiar to him, no, no it can’t be…Yuuku?

  “Yes I am, and you must be Yuuku, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Meibatsu, god damn it, why the hell couldn’t she have stabbed me a few minutes later?

  “Likewise, now onto a more pressing matter,” She took a step closer to him, “How many demons remain aside from you?”

  “Our numbers are not easily measured, but a rough estimate would say that almost half a million of my kind are still alive.” The demon lord replied; Yuuku remained silent. He felt control of his sword arm return to him, I’m only gonna get one shot at this, he thought and, as silently as possible, he raised his sword that had remained in his grasp, and swung at Yuuku. However he made the mistake of opening his eyes, and saw not Yuuku but Yuki standing beside him, and stopped his sword mid-swing.

  “Y-Yuki?” He managed to choke out before Meibatsu stomped on his face, sending him back into the darkness.

  He regained consciousness sometime later, but the only reason he could tell that it was later, was because his entire body was completely healed.

  “Wake up.” A voice commanded. He moaned weakly in response, “I said wake up!” He opened his eyes a fraction and saw Yuki’s black eyes staring at him. She’s not Yuki though. Instead of asking the standard question ‘Where am I?’ he asked,

  “Where’s my mp3?” He grinned a little when a moment of shock crossed her features and then fury. He could see the madness that was so easily identified as Yuuku’s within her eyes, but deep within he could see someone else, but who?

  “Hello again Connor,” She said with forced politeness, “Do you know where you are right now?” He shook his head, “You are in Meibatsu’s castle dungeons, and do you know what? It’s located inside the demon world.” He opened his mouth to reply and Yuuku leaned forward to hear it,

  “You do realise that if it weren’t for that face you have I would kill you, don’t you?”

  “Such insolence, do you have any idea how degrading it was to plead with that demon to let you live? Do you understand the fact that if it weren’t for me you would be dead by now? Or that if it weren’t for me you would not be seeing your beloved’s face again?” She threw the questions at him as though they meant anything to him.

  “Do you not understand that if it weren’t for you Jacob and I would have never had to go through all this shit? Or that he wouldn’t have to die, along with so many others?” Connor replied in a cold distant tone, as though she were not important enough to require his full attention.

  “I’d watch what I say if I were you-”

  “Well it’s a good thing I’m not you am I?”

  “As I was saying,” She said clearly agitated by his interruption, “This castle is filled with demons, enough so that even you wouldn’t be able to break out.”He laughed once and replied,

  “Then let’s test that theory shall we?”

  Meibatsu was sat in a room with the other twelve remaining demon lords, who were all, listening to the exchange that was currently happening in the dungeon. When they heard him speak they could practically feel his tremendous strength. After the first word was spoken they ceased listening and began the debate as to whether they should let him live and brainwash him, or if it would be safer to kill hi
m now and be done with him. The argument was short lived; the demons were all against letting him live after seeing the devastation he had caused in the human world.

  “So it is decided, he,” Meibatsu pointed to the image of Connor, “shall die.” At that moment an explosion shook the very foundations of the building.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “-ke up sleepy head.” A voice spoke through the darkness. Aw come on, just five more minutes, he thought, but quickly remembered what had happened. He instantly sat up, but soon fell back onto the soft pillows. Wait soft pillows, and I seem to be alive, oh crap, I must have died.

  “You shouldn’t sit up so quickly Jacob, even for you that wound will take a while to heal.”

  “Wh-where a-am I?” He croaked and instinctively tried to raise a hand to his dry throat, this small action caused him to gasp in pain, which, in turn, made his throat hurt even worse.

  “You’re in Yasuragi.” She replied.

  “How did I get here?” He asked more strongly than before.

  “That’s the thing, no one, not even our eldest elf can answer that question.”

  “Last question, who are you?” In response she smacked around the face, “What the hell was that for?” He cried out and immediately regretted the pain it caused him, but at least now he was wide awake and soon realised who it was.

  “Erufu Otome?” He asked, completely astonished by the woman who sat next to him.

  “Of course I am.”

  “But you look older than when I last saw you.” He said and remembered the cute teenager he had met when he had first come there, although, truth be told, she didn’t look that different, a little taller, a larger bust and buttocks, and much longer hair.

  “Time goes much faster here than in your universe,” She explained, “A few days to you is like years for us.”

  “So that means that even if I were to stay here for a year...” He trailed off so she finished for him,

  “Only a day or so would’ve passed on earth... Isn’t that wonderful?” She said excitedly and hugged him to her chest gently,

  “Yeah, “He said as she squeezed him tighter, “it certainly is.”

  He strolled through the hall carrying Yuuku’s unconscious form. He whistled the tune to Enter Sandman, as he slaughtered demon after demon. After he came across a room labelled armoury, he entered. When he didn’t see the Letum he searched for the nearest demon, upon finding said demon he questioned about where the Letum was, the demon said that it was destroyed by Meibatsu. Connor closed his eyes in concentration then grinned, the demon whimpered slightly, Connor let it go and, as it ran as fast it could. Connor blocked its escape,

  “Where do you think you’re going?” The demon tried to run the other way, but Connor moved with such speed that in every direction he left an afterimage, that blocked the demons path.

  “Come on scream, otherwise how will I have any fun?” He said and when the demon refused to scream Connor killed it. Yuuku began to stir, well it’s about time.

  Meibatsu watched as Connor made his way to his throne room. The other demon lords all looked from one to the other, until their eyes all rested upon Meibatsu.

  “All right, all right, I’m going.” He said and left the room to try and end the existence of that miserable half demon. He quickly made his way to his throne room, where the Letum resided. He smirked as he remembered Connor’s expression when the demon said that the sword had been destroyed. But it wasn’t destroyed; however it now serves me, so bring it on Connor Tenshi Yami.


  Weeks passed and Jacob had steadily regained his strength. Erufu had been making sure that his needs were taken care of, all his needs. Slowly he began to see what he could do. Walking was still impossible, but talking and moving his arms was more or less painless now. He didn’t quite understand why his entire body hurt, since Connor stabbed him in the chest and missed his spine, so he assumed that it was because of how he had arrived. Erufu told him that she had been out in the garden and she saw dust begin to swirl in the shape of a human body, as she had watched she saw Jacob’s body begin to form. And then she had taken his unconscious body inside and tended to his wounds, then he woke up. He didn’t know what had become of Connor, but he felt uneasy, as though something was wrong. He stood in the garden watching as the clouds floated through the sky. The peace he felt was intoxicating, but he knew deep in his soul that He couldn’t stay here for long.

  “There you are?” Erufu said as she came up beside him, “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “Really? What for?” He asked.

  “It’s your friend Connor.” Even if she hadn’t continued he could guess that something bad had happened, “He’s fighting almost a dozen demon lords, in Ritsuzen.” Oh crap.

  “So Yuuku, do you feel like telling me where I might find Meibatsu?” Connor asked her the second she awoke. She glared at him defiantly and spat in his face.

  “Now, now, I don’t want to have to kill you,” He tried to say, but laughed, “Okay that’s a lie I wanna kill you, but your have yet to outlive your usefulness. Now,” He knelt down so that his eyes were level to hers, “You’re going to tell me everything I want to know.”

  “And what if I refuse?” She challenged, he grinned; she screamed in complete terror.

  Connor sighed after he was through with her.

  “I didn’t want to do that, but she left me no choice, oh well.” He said and shrugged. The ‘that’ he was referring to was an ability which he hadn’t used until now, by looking into someone’s eyes (be they human, vampire, werewolf, or demon) he could search their innermost thoughts until he found their fears, then, by tapping into that part of their subconscious, he could place them into an illusion where their worst fears came to life. Yuuku now laid on the stone floor, a look of pure terror etched into her once childish features, now you would never guess that she could once smile. Connor sighed again. I honestly didn’t want to do that, he thought and walked away.

  Meibatsu felt the demon hybrid approach his throne room. Just wait until you get here half-breed, I’ll make you regret ever being born. No sooner had he finished the thought, the enormous doors, which weighed well over two tonnes each, were knocked off their hinges and flew across the room.

  “I’m heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee…” Connor drew out the one word for as long as possible, “Yeah,” He panted, “I’m here.”

  “Well that was odd.” Meibatsu said completely perplexed by Connor’s entrance, he shook his head to regain his composure, “SO you’ve come?”

  “That’s too personal to share; the fact is I’m h-”

  “No I think we both know that you’re here. Now how about we get down to business?”

  “Certainly, but one thing first?”


  “Could I use your bathroom?” Meibatsu stared at the half demon teenager in complete and utter shock.

  “Sure, down the hall, first door on your left.”

  “Thanks man.” He said and ran for the bathroom, a few minutes later he returned. “God I really needed that. Anyway you were saying?” Meibatsu merely growled and leapt at Connor trying to grab him with his claws, the Letum lay completely forgotten by his throne.

  Connor dodged the swipes with ease, and noticed that Meibatsu was completely consumed with rage. What on earth for? I mean I did kill a few dozen of his subjects, but this is a bit of an over reaction, he pondered this in his head while stepping out of the demon lords clumsy charges. It wasn’t until Meibatsu had taken his fifth swipe at the demon hybrid, that Connor noticed the Letum. He smiled, flashing his sharp as daggers canines. He grabbed Meibatsu’s arm mid-swing and threw the demon lord out of the throne room. He then walked at leisurely pace towards the Letum. But before he could take hold of it, all hell broke loose. From the ceiling several giant demons dropped around him.

  “Oh crap.” he groaned and ducked as one swung its bulky arm at him. There were seven in total, and each one ugli
er then the other. One would be a suitable look for Cthulhu, another is like a mixture of rabbits, horses, toads, and a cockroach and the rest were so horrible that no one could describe them effectively. “Now ladies…” He dodged another swing, “We can talk about this,” They all roared in reply, “Okay maybe not.” He said, elbowing the closest one in the stomach he grabbed it and began swinging it in a circle effectively knocking out the others in the process. He dropped his make shift weapon. “Well that was easier than I had expected.” As soon as he finished the sentence a deafening roar filled the room.

  Jacob and Erufu ran towards the new council building. Upon their arrival they were stopped by the guards stationed outside.

  “Halt!” One of them shouted; they didn’t stop running. “Stop or we will be forced to detain you!” The guards warned, they still continued. When the guards began to move in to intercept the two, Jacob drop kicked one in his face, while Erufu knocked several off their feet. Once the path was clear they burst into the council meeting chambers.

  “Who dares to interrupt our meeting?” One of the elders boomed.

  “It is I…” Everyone looked at him, “You know… Lycanthrope… I am Jacob Varg!” He shouted and got no response. “Okay why is it that none of you know my name?”

  “Well Jacob the thing is that everyone who knew you, except me, are kind of dead.”

  “How the hell did that happen?” Jacob asked, absentmindedly punching a guard that was trying to pull off a sneak attack.

  “Well,” She began and round-house kicked another guard, “There was a strange disease that ravaged my people; it wiped out nearly three quarters of our population.” She explained. Jacob looked down at the intricate symbols carved into the floor and processed the information.

  “Then I’m just gonna have to do this by force.” He said sounding unhappy about doing so; however the smile on his face said that he would enjoy it. Before Erufu could ask him what he meant, he moved, with astounding speed, in front of the elders.

  “Now are you gonna listen to me, or do I have to force you to?” The elders jumped at how sudden he had moved in front of them; however they quickly regained their composure.

  “Why would we listen to you?” The elf elder in front of Jacob snapped his fingers and said, “When you’re surrounded by our thirteen elite-” Jacob quickly knocked them all out, “-dead guards… Okay we will now listen too what you have to say.” The elder sat down, looking visibly shaken by Jacob’s display of power. After Jacob had explained everything to them, they quickly agreed to send him to Ritsuzen.

  “I’m coming too, and nothing you say will change my mind.” She said. Jacob only nodded and waited for the portal to appear.