Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 15

  Chapter 15: perfect weapon

  To say that Connor was having a bad day was an understatement: first he had awoken in a dungeon, and then he had been led to believe that his sword had been destroyed, and now he had a pair of horns protruding from his upper torso. He turned his head to see Meibatsu’s face, warped as it was, and covered in his blood that was still flowing from his body. As his heartbeat began to slow slightly the Letum seemed to pulse with every dying beat. It shouldn’t be this way… I should be able to kill this bastard. He thought as his eyes began to close. Then why not use my power. Connor’s eyes shot open as a power that he had never experienced flowed into him. Grunting he pulled himself off of Meibatsu’s horns and stood with a two holes in his chest, which began to heal, and soon there weren’t any signs that he had ever been skewered. The demons all stared in awe as his raven wings sprouted from his back in their full glory, and an aura of pure power covered his body.

  “Now,” He said and cracked his knuckles, “Why don’t we try that again?” The demons all roared and charged him with the force of a raging, demonic, rhino. Connor raised one hand and let a small percentage of his power loose; the demons were repelled by an invisible wall of power. They continued to throw themselves at the barrier, and continued to be knocked back by it. I think it’s about time to end this whole thing. He was about to unleash a terrifying attack, but was stopped by the sudden appearance of Jacob, and a woman, who he guessed to by in her early twenties, in his line of fire. He changed the direction of his attack just in time, however the explosions was causing a domino effect of cracks to begin spreading across the castle walls, soon the castle was crumbling around them. When a large chunk of stone fell from the ceiling and Jacob didn’t react, Connor moved as fast as he could and grabbed the two and jumped into the portal.

  After Connor had saved them, Jacob and Erufu were overwhelmed by the shock of it all. The sheer power that Connor had been emitting was unbelievable to say the least. Though shaken Jacob still had to make sure that none of the elves saw him, then he looked around and remembered that they entered the through the elder’s council.

  “That is the half demon?” The eldest one asked.

  “It must be, I sense the demon inside him.” Another said.

  “We destroy it before it destroys us!” One shouted and the rest all nodded. The army began to converge on them. Crap I’m still too weak to stop this many at once.

  “Step away from me...” Connor’s voice seemed to whisper through Jacob’s mind. Jacob turned and stepped back, as he watched his friend’s skin begin to glow like a fire.

  “What the hell?” Jacob said just as Connor moved faster than an elves eye could follow. Jacob looked around for him and saw the guards groaning on the floor, in middle of it all he could see Connor standing completely unharmed. Jacob was about to shout a warning as another hundred or so guards poured in through the doors, but it wasn’t necessary; when the guards reached Connor’s position he simply wasn’t there anymore. Instead he stood behind an elder and was about to drive his fangs into the elder’s throat when he stopped himself. Jacob sighed with relief, and then gasped in shock as all the elders fell forward, and ceased all movement. That’s not good...

  Erufu looked onward as Connor knocked out every guard. These guards were trained to be able to fight off several demons at once, and yet Connor defeated them like they were nothing. Connor stood in the middle of the writhing bodies, his hair was moving as though by a wind that wasn’t there, and his eyes didn’t just glow, but shone so bright that looking into them seemed to char her soul. The doors were suddenly opened and over a hundred guards stormed in. Erufu was frightened, not for herself but for the guards. Connor seemed to be out of control, and this was proven by what happened next; the elders were watching, expecting an easy victory with the amount of trained guards, but Connor took them all by surprise, when he moved behind the fattest elder and prepared to drain him of his blood, however he stopped at the last minute and stepped away. Erufu was about to release the breath she had been holding, when all of the elders slumped forward, showing no signs of life.

  “Meibatsu...” Connor said quietly. His voice was different to how it was before; the last time she had heard him he was filled with a sadistic joy, now he seemed to be sad as though he regretted ever being born. Shadows seemed to flood together until a humanoid shape took form.

  “Connor Tenshi Yami…” The voice seemed to brush against her skin sending a chill of dread up her spine.

  “You seem stronger.”

  “Yes, I can’t explain it but this universe seems to intensify my power, shame the same cannot be said for you.” The shadowy form of Meibatsu said, noting Connor’s difficulty even breathing. It’s because of the purity of my world, Erufu thought, it is like poison to him, but why is it not affecting Meibatsu? The answer seemed to hit her in the face.

  “Welcome home, Larngren.” She said politely but her voice held deep resentment.

  “Who is he?” Jacob asked still in a defensive stance.

  “He is great warrior who was going to fight Connor should you have failed; when you succeeded he became enraged at losing the chance to fight a strong opponent. He then made a contract with the demon lord Meibatsu. The two combined bodies and gained the others power; however he was banished to the demon realm while they were still merging.”

  “Thanks for telling them about my history Erufu, but it won’t do much good, since they’re both about to die here.” The shadow said and its form changed, until it resembled an elf, albeit a vampiric one. It had oil black hair that fell past his waist, blood red eyes with slited pupils, and long fangs in place of teeth.

  “Not if I have something to say about it we won’t.” Connor said and flew at Larngren, who stood there completely still, until Connor was mere centimetres away, he moved and Connor flew into a marble pillar. His head was buried deep in the pillar. He pushed against it and gasped when he was able to breathe again.

  “Let’s try that again?” He said and didn’t notice the cracks running up the pillar, until the roof collapsed onto him.

  “Well that’s the last of him.” Larngren said and gasped in surprise when the block of marble was thrown off.

  “I’m back baby!” Connor said and cried out when the roof fell on top of him again.

  Jacob was frozen with fear. Connor had been radiating power and this guy was still so much stronger. What chance do I have? This guy’s more than just a demon lord, he is the devil himself. The demon elf smiled at him and a shiver of uncontrolled fear slithered through his body. I’ll grab Erufu and make a run for it. Wait what the hell am I thinking? I’ll do what I usually do;

  “And fight for the sheer f**k of it!” He shouted aloud momentarily confusing the demon lord. Jacob changed into his bipedal wolf form and charged. The demon lord raised a hand and stopped him in his tracks. No matter how much Jacob struggled he couldn’t break the telekinetic hold the demon had on his body. Jacob snarled and snapped at the demon who was smiling up at him in a strange way. Oh now that’s just perfect he has ultimate power and he plays for team penis!

  “Jacob!” Erufu shouted and tried to move towards him, but it was as though she were trying to move through solid rock. Just as Jacob was about to give up his eyes glowed with a red light; the glow spread across his entire body slowly shifting it from a bipedal wolf form to human, but they could all sense the level of power that seemed to fl0w freely. The psychic restraints were suddenly unable to hold him and broke.

  Erufu watched as Jacob broke free from the psychic chains. He body was tinged black and his face was distended from his face forming a half muzzle, but this didn’t make her quiver in fear; it was his eyes, they were colder then Pluto and seemed to freeze her blood. She suddenly felt a great cold come over the building and the source of it all seemed to be Jacob.

  “Jacob?” He looked in her direction but seemed unaware of her existence. His eyes drifted over where she stood before turning his gaze b
ack to Larngren. It may have been her imagination but the demon lord seemed to shake in fear.

  Jacob launched himself at his enemy, the female was too weak to be considered a threat, and the demon blocked his first punch but was unprepared for the quick arrival of the next.

  “Heh heh, I’m actually going to go all out now.” The demon said and returned the punch with increased force. Jacob flew back faster than the eye could follow, but Larngren was faster. He took hold of his head and smashed it into the incredibly hard floor, using so much force that it caused the entire continent to shudder.

  “Now what will you do lycan?” Larngren asked and cried in shock when Jacobs fangs sunk deep into the flesh of his wrist, biting through skin and bone. The demon pulled back and left his hand in Jacob’s mouth. Jacob began to chew his food, bones and all, and swallowed. His movement was so fast that for a second he left an afterimage, he moved behind Larngren and roundhouse kicked his head, the force was powerful enough that you could hear the crack of bones but the demon was still standing.

  “Not bad.” He grunted as Jacob pummelled his body, “I would even go as far as saying I under esti-” He stopped when Jacob’s hand shot into his chest, “Mated your abilities.” Jacob only growled and tried to grasp his heart but found that there was nothing in between his lungs. The demon pulled the blood soaked hand from his chest and threw the lycanthrope into the wall. Larngren strolled over to the Letum, which Connor had foolishly dropped, took hold of it. He grabbed Jacob’s throat and raised him high above his head.

  “Goodbye lycan.”

  Through the darkness Connor felt the Letum. He could feel it like he could feel the one hand that wasn’t under the block of marble. The power pulsed like a human’s heartbeat. Connor needed to take hold of it, but knew this was impossible in his current state. Rise up... the voice ordered, rise and fight you pathetic excuse for a demon.

  “What did you call me?”

  “I said that you’re a worthless demon who’s about to lose his life because he’s too weak to fight.”

  “I’ll show you who’s weak!” The thought raced through his mind and he was about to push the block off of him when he felt someone else touch his sword. Nobody touches my sword but me!

  Everyone stopped any action. The tails of dark energy being emitted from beneath the roof had caught everyone’s attention.

  “Get your filthy demon hand off of my sword!” The shout seemed to shatter the wind itself. Connor stood in the middle of the block, his raven wings fully extended and eyes filled with bloodlust.

  “And what do you plan on doing if I don’t?” The demon enquired, trying to sound confident but it was obvious he was scared of the demonic power being manifested before him.

  “How about this?” Connor raised his hand and tendrils of darkness snaked around it. Moving so fast that Larngren could not see him, Connor impaled his hand deep inside the demons stomach and pulled out his intestines. The tails of darkness were still inside keeping the wound from closing. Blood continued to flow in a flood from its body; and Connor watched as he tried to pull the tendrils out but received an electric shock that had enough power to blow every single circuit on Earth. He took the Letum out of his grasp and held it at his throat.

  “Any last words?”

  “Yeah... You will die not by my hand, but by your lovers.”

  “What do you mean?” He put more pressure on his throat drawing a small trail of blood.

  “Look behind you.” The demon said and laughed once more before his throat was torn out. Connor turned and almost allowed a tear to escape his eye; there standing in little more than underwear was Yuki.

  Erufu was beginning to feel ignored. First Jacob had overlooked her very existence, and now Connor was staring intently at a demon girl. She mentally shook herself; Jacob is my fated one, not Connor. Yet the more she tried to deny it the more her heart began to throb. Her mind began to go through all of Connor’s and Jacob’s personalities: while Jacob seemed to be warm and gentle, if a little short tempered, Connor seemed cold and outright sadistic, and yet the attraction seemed to get stronger the longer looked at him. Erufu saw the demon girl in the corner of her eye but paid no heed to her until she raised her arm and the ceiling began to collapse onto her. She looked up and terror gripped her heart as she curled up into a ball and closed her eyes in anticipation of the end. Just when she had come to terms with the fact that she was going to die, the end didn’t come. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw Connor standing not three inches away and holding the block up as though it were only a pebble.

  “Y-you saved me?” She gasped in surprise and gratitude.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t let you die.”


  “Because something about you makes me feel like less of a demon, also you’re Jacob’s friend so you’re my friend as well.” Connor explained smiling down at her. Erufu once again felt a strange longing for him, however the feeling was short lived, because just as she was about to get up, half a dozen daggers pierced through Connor’s chest.

  “You might want to move.” He choked out; she did as she was told and scampered away. He dropped the marble block and turned just in time to see a bullet fly at him, it hit him right between the eyes.

  “NO!” Erufu screamed as he fell to the floor. The blood flew everywhere, a splatter even landed on her cheek.

  “Hahahahahaha!” I may have missed with the daggers but there’s no way even he could survive a shot to the head.” An insane voice said. Erufu looked up and saw the demon girl walking towards her, an insane grin plastered onto her face.

  “I thought you were his lover.”

  “I used to be, but I’ve finally realised something.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “That he’s a demon through and through.”

  “You’re wrong.” Erufu barely whispered.


  “I said you’re wrong!” Erufu screamed and a dark light seemed to flow from every single pore in her skin. The sight made Yume step back. Erufu crawled back to Connor’s limb form, the blood still flowed and she could practically smell it.

  “Connor.” She whispered and lowered her lips to his blood. As soon as the blood touched her tongue a powerful yearning came over her and she drank it in earnest.

  Yume watched the elf girl as she drank Connor’s blood, the change that began was both terrifying and interesting; her silver hair transitioned into a colour so dark that it could hardly be described as black, her eyes turned from a oak green to dark crimson, her skin became ghostly white, and her already pointed ears lengthened, once the transformation she was like a demon in human skin.

  “Hehe, you think that you have a chance against me?” Yume said and snapped her fingers, almost a thousand gibbering demons crowded in.

  “You’re such a hypocrite.”

  “And why do you think that?”

  “You say that you hate Connor because of the demon blood in his vein, and yet,” She chuckled, “You surround yourself with the things that you claim to hate!” Yume opened her mouth to reply, but Erufu never gave her the chance.

  Erufu felt like killing more then the thousand demons she could see, but for now they would have to do. Using her incredible new speed she had gained, she slaughtered them all. The blood that flew through the air, the screams as they died, and the crunch of bone, she couldn’t seem to get enough of it. Blood splattered her body from every angle.

  “What’s wrong you bitch? You were of so very confident a few seconds ago, but then I tore your army apart.” Erufu said as she tore through demon after demon.

  “But… I… you… what the fuck?” Yume screamed.

  “What’s wrong? Just summon more demons, raise your fists, hit me, fight me… give me a hug?”

  “R-really?” Yume said hopefully; Erufu grinned maliciously, and leaped at her.

  “Oh god no!” Yume shrieked. Erufu tore her arms off, followed by twin torrents of blood that
rained down upon Erufu, and covered one of the stumps with her lips, draining the blood from her. Yume tried to kick her off, but it was no use, she had lost too much blood. The torrents of blood started to lessen. I can’t believe it I’m going to die again.

  When Yuuku’s mind had been destroyed Yume had taken control of the body. It took a while to adjust to the mortal realm; since she had spent most of her time floating around Yuuku’s subconscious. Once she had readjusted herself she wondered around the castle, and everywhere she went were blood soaked bodies on the floor and massive holes in the roof. She continued to make her way through it, grabbing whatever supplies she could find. A sudden shudder ran through the entirety of the building and she could see a bright light shining through a pair of large oak doors. Yume moved closer and closer and the light seemed to brighten until it hurt her eyes. When she couldn’t take anymore the light abruptly disappeared. Pushing the doors apart she saw several moaning demons. I could kill them, but I need to know what’s happened here, she thought and decided to let one live while the rest she murdered in a gory fashion; blood flew high in the air and landed on her cheeks and in her mouth. She relished the scent and taste of the blood, bitter as it was. She peeled the flesh off one and used it to tie up the remaining one. Several minutes later the demon came to.

  “Now you’re going to answer every single one of my questions.”

  “Go fuck yourself!” It said and spat at her face.

  “Oh my, it seems you have yet to realise your position, but that’s alright I’ll show you.” She said and tore one of its left arms off and shoved down its throat.

  “Now I’ll say it again, you will answer and my questions.” She said and this time the demon seemed to beg, she took its arm out and threw across the room, hitting a stray demon bat in the process.

  “Alright, alright, just don’t kill me!” It cried.

  “Then tell me,” She lifted its disgusting face so it looked deep into her eyes, “Where’s the demon hybrid, where’s Conn0r!?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Wrong answer!” She said while tearing its pathetic excuse for a penis off. The screams that it emitted were music to her ears.

  “He went through a portal to Yasuragi.” It screamed she leaned closer to it and said,

  “You will open a portal there, unless you don’t value your life.” The demon whimpered in response and tried to tell her that it was impossible but remembered the fact that she would kill it.

  “I’ll try.”

  Two hours later and a small portal was opened, without hesitation Yume jumped through it. That was when she realised her mistake by doing so; the hatred that filled the portal entered her mind, corrupting and warping it. When she finally arrived on Yasuragi she was filled with a blinding rage, a rage directed at Connor Tenshi Yami.

  No, no… no it cannot end this way. Yume continued to think as Erufu continued to drain her blood, I never got to tell him… I love him. Then the darkness swallowed her entire conscious.