Read Love in death Page 3

  Samyra “we should become ghost hunters!” jams “maybe in the future when I’m really old, say one hundred. Samyra laughed. Samyra “that would laugh at us while we croak away from them. Jaems “that would be funny though” samara “yea” she kissed him. Well I’ll see you later ghost master” jaems “yes I will princess ghost killer” samyra laughed and went into her house.

  Chapter five

  Another year went by and jaems was in his kitchen. Dahla “how is samyra?” Brian “yea I’m happy with you” you got good taste like me. Jaems “she is fine” dad mom looks much different than samyra. Brian “true but it’s not all about the physical features, it’s the personality that really matters. The beauty is just a bonus. Dahla “so you don’t think I’m pretty?!” Brian “look what you made me do!” of course I do honey!” dahla giggled. Dahla “I know” I just wanted to mess with you!” Brian “you got me” I can’t believe your already fifteen now. Dahla “yea and Nina is twelve now” where did the time go?”

  Jaems “yea now she’s almost to the point where I can’t beat her up anymore. Nina “all those times will come back to haunt you!” jaems “just remember as you get stronger so do I” Nina “your still the same kid you were two years ago!” jaems “you’ll see” Nina “we will see” jaems “well I’m off to samyra house” dahla “okay son have fun” dahla hit his head. Brian “don’t have to much fun” jaems “you’ll never know!” unless a camera has been implanted in my eyes. My eyes have felt weird since I met her. Brian laughed.

  Brian “you are almost a man now” it’s time we let him do what makes him happy” dahla “they are other things that make him happy” he doesn’t need that. Brian “it’s up to him to decide that but if he does we know he will do it right. Nina “what are you talking about?” dahla “I suppose” nothing Nina something you won’t do until your fifty. Brian “I say sixty. Nina “I hope it’s not really fun!” she went up stairs. Dahla “I cut you off for years and you still stuck with me. That’s what I was trying to say to him, that it isn’t everything.

  Brian “I agree but you had your reasons and I am surprised I did stick around. Dahla “what!?” Brian “I was getting sick of using another one” dahla got mad. Dahla “don’t tell me” Brian “it was just a doll” dahla hit him. Brian “I’m kidding!” I have more control that that!” dahla “I hope so” jaems arrived at samyras house. Samyra “come in” her house was like jaems but was blue instead of white. Inside it had a chandelier and nice pottery everywhere. Samyra “yes my mom is a pottery freak” jaems “at least they are cool” samyra “yea I like them too” samyra “I’ll be ready in a second” she ran upstairs.

  An older built man walked up to him. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. Man “you must be jaems” jaems shook. Jaems “yes?”

  Man “don’t be nervous. I am her father William. William “you’ve been together for a long time now huh?” you are her longest boyfriend by far and I don’t know what to think. Either you’re a rare breed or a huge mean kid but if you hurt her you will join the ones that did. Jaems gulped. A woman walked up to them. Woman “stop it William!” sorry for that dear, it’s just she has been through so many boyfriends and he’s not used to a good guy like you. I am her mother elana.

  She was thin with long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked like an older samyra.

  Samyra “I’m ready” ahh I see you met him. Elana “yes I see what you see in him.

  William “well see about that” samyra “oh dad” bye guys! They left the house.

  Samyra “did my dad threaten you?” jaems “just a little” I saw my life flash before my eyes. Samyra “ugh. I know he did that to all my exs. It still didn’t stop them from throwing me away. Jaems “I think it might help me” samyra laughed. Samyra “I want you to love me because you want to not because you have to”

  Jaems “imagine if were still together at ninety years old and you ask that question and I say thank your dad for that. Samyra laughed. Samyra “I would kill you before you can die naturally” jaems laughed. Jaems “good to know” jaems “my turn to show you one of my favorite places. Samyra “cool!” about time! Jaems “I know” they walked to a plateau with a tree on it. Samyra “this place is nice!” I love the view” jaems “that’s why I come here” you’ll see the sun from the best angle” samyra “I would say there are better angles but I’ll suffice for now.

  Jaems “you are hard to please” you will always beat me at everything” samyra giggled. Samyra “what can I say” still there is still plenty of places o haven’t been to. Jaems “oh right you been everywhere besides space” you don’t like exploring. Samyra “oh yea you know it” jaems “I used to come here when I was mad, really from people putting me down. Samyra “I feel a nice feeling sitting here” it relaxes you. Could also be the setting sun and no people? Jaems “yea but it’s something else that I can only feel here.

  I always thought about jumping off but as I did I felt something from the tree stop me.

  Samyra “wow well the tree is the essence of life” least it can do is save us. Jaems “that is true” samyra walked up to the tree. I do feel a strong force in it. Jaems “you feel it too?” I can’t explain it. Samyra “it’s saying stop trying to kill yourself!” she tackled him to the ground. Jaems “I won’t have to if you kill me!” I could just lay here forever. Samyra “I would agree right now but probably in a few days I would have to explore” jaems “if only you got paid for exploring” samyra “well if I find ancient things I could make money” I also heard guys heads with the name jaems sell for a lot.

  Jaems “I would give you my head if you really needed it” samyra “aww how romantic” no matter how much I need it, it would be nothing without you. Jaems “I’ll see how much longer I have my head. I just need to be nice to you always. Samyra “so if I say I won’t kill you would be mean to me?” jaems “def.” abusing and screwing girls is the mark of a real man” samyra laughed. Samyra “in your sick mind it is!” jaems “I like getting abused. Samyra “oh course your with me” jaems “can you be gentle a little one time?”

  Samyra “I don’t know that seems impossible to me” jaems “it was worth a shot” she kissed him. They rolled down the hill together. Jaems “stop!” samyra was laughing. Samyra

  “well be fine!” it’s so much fun” they finally stopped at the bottom. Samyra “see we made it” jaems “you are too much trouble” samyra “maybe you can’t handle me”

  Jaems “no ghost or danger could ever stop me from holding you” samyra started crying.

  Jaems “what did I say?” are you hurt!?” samyra “no I just never had anyone say things like that to me”

  Jaems “I knew you loved being abused. Samyra giggled. Jaems wiped her tears. Samyra “I just can’t believe it” I am so thankful” jaems “I am thankful for you too” samyra “oh please. She hugged him. Samyra “think of me when you see this tree okay?” jaems “okay but what if I don’t every single time?” samyra “then you will die!” jaems “I don’t have a good memory!” samyra “not my fault” jaems “I will” don’t worry. She engraved their initials in the tree. Samyra “there!” now you won’t ever forget. Jaems “what does s stand for?” samyra “shut up”

  Chapter six

  It was a year later. Jaems was at the tree alone. He saw that the initials were faded and barely readable. Jaems “someone must of messed with them” they suddenly drew blood. Jaems “what!” he slowly walked back towards the cliff? Suddenly a girl came out from the tree and approached him. Jaems “who are you!?” stay back! The girl ran to him and pushed him off the cliff. When he hit the bottom he woke up in his house. Jaems “damn!” these nightmares are getting crazy. He went downstairs to the living room.

  Dahla “morning jaems” you don’t look so well. Jaems “I’m okay just had a nightmare” dahla “ahh I hate those” so scary but interesting. Jaems ??
?I guess” dahla “the worst one I had was I was running around the world looking for you guys. I went everywhere but all I heard was that you guys were dead. When I was back in the house your dad walked in and held me. As I looked at his face it was black and red eyes lit up. I woke up. Nina “wow that’s scary!” jaems “that is crazy” dahla “now every time I look at him the image appears in my mind.

  Brian “yea damn nightmares” now my true motives are known. Dahla laughed. Dahla “I know you would never hurt anyone. Brian “especially you” jaems laughed. Dahla “ohh I’m not that evil” sometimes. Brian laughed. Nina “my turn!” I was home and couldn’t find jaems. I looked in his room and he was standing at the window. He turned at me with glowing black eyes and then jumped out. I screamed so hard then woke up. Dahla “aww poor thing. That’s good though. Nina “good?” yea I wouldn’t mind any jaems. Jaems “I think I’m going to do that right now” Nina “no!” I m kidding. She hugged him.

  Dahla “aww I meant it’s good because it means you love him. Brian “yes dreams are reflections of the heart” Nina “I guess I do” jaems “I feel honored” you couldn’t dream of a nice one like me winning a basketball trophy?” Nina “now your asking too much” jaems “yea well I will win it!” dahla “yes you will” Brian “I say next year you will” you are getting better every day. Jaems “cool!” Nina “I think worse” jaems nudged her head. Jaems “I’m off to practice” dahla “okay have fun”

  He was in the school basketball court practicing. A person’s hand went around his eyes. Voice “I missed you” jaems smiled. Jaems “I missed you too” he turned around to see it was mason. Jaems threw him off. Mason laughed. Mason “you don’t like me?” I thought after all these years. Jaems “ugh” samyra “I knew you were cheating on me but with him?!” mason “yea your just jealous” samyra “sure I am” she kissed jaems. I think I feel hair from mason on your lips. Jaems “oh great” when I’m sleeping dude?” mason “calm down. I’m not that desperate.

  Samyra “you’re doing really good” mason “compared to an old lady” samyra raised her fist to mason. Mason “okay!” I was kidding! Jaems “ahh I love my girlfriend” samyra “you better!” samyra “I want to visit a place later and I want both of you to come” mason “another ghost crusade?” count me out. Jaems “yea I agree” the more I come with you to these places the worse my nightmares become. Samyra “same thing with me!” If you come I’ll tell you mine!” mason “that’s enough reason. Not. Samyra “if jaems goes you have to or else”

  Mason “I really hate being a guy sometimes” samyra “you couldn’t beat me even if you wanted to” mason “your probably right” jaems laughed. Samyra jumped on him. So what do you say?” you know you want too!” jaems “okay” samyra jumped up in joy. Jaems “let me get this last shot” if I get it in it means well be okay if not then nice knowing you guys. It went around the hoop and then in. mason “I hope this dumb thing is true” jaems “me too”

  It was night time and they were in front of an abandoned house. Mason “I should’ve known” samyra “I love haunted houses!” I heard the old lady that lived here kills anything that come in. they say she hated kids too. mason “can we come back in a few years?” samyra “you can if you want” jaems “do you have a death wish?” samyra “you have to live life a little” mason “that’s hard when you have no life” samyra “let’s go”

  They entered the house. It had spider webs everywhere and dust.

  Samyra “this place isn’t so bad” jaems “let’s stay the night” mason “I feel real safe in here” samyra “oh guys” she sat on an old couch. Over here! Mason “you go first” he pushed jaems. They both sat down next to her very slowly. Samyra “ahh the smell of horror” mason “you have ghost problems” I hear they have ghost anonymous” samyra laughed. I hear they have whiny kid anonymous. Mason “I will keep that in mind” samyra “I might have to go in a few years” jaems “I’ll join you” samyra “that’s my boyfriend!”

  Samyra “oh my nightmare funny because I was in a house much like this” Mason “good start” samyra “I was in a house alone and suddenly a girl with bleeding eyes came up to me. She said “I wish I could be you” she tore her skin and showed her heart bleeding onto the floor. She looked at me and started crying. I woke up. Jaems “pretty intense” mason “I can’t wait to see it happen here”

  Mason “whoa!” did you see that chair move. Samyra “it’s not moving” jaems “I just saw it move too!” samyra “oh wow” it moved back and forth faster and faster. Mason and jaems jumped behind the couch. Samyra walked up to it and put her hand on it stopping it. Samyra “it’s okay guys” probably just the wind. She screamed. Jaems and mason jumped up and yelled samyra! She was sitting in the chair. Mason “that is no funny!” jaems started to laugh. It kind of is. Samyra laughed.

  She suddenly jumped up. Mason “oh no” I know your tricks.” Samyra ran to jaems. Samyra “I felt a hand on my hand” jaems “you serious?” mason “don’t believe her! Samyra “I am not joking!” the chair stopped rocking. Mason “can we go?” samyra “not until I get a real scare” mason “oh brother” samyra “I want to check out the attic” let’s go jaems. She grabbed his hand and ran upstairs. Mason “you are not leaving me here alone!” samyra “if you check out the basement I will hook you up with one of my cute friends! Mason “I can only imagine your image of cute but fine!”

  Samyra and jaems went into the attic. It had old dolls everywhere. Samyra “these dolls feel alive” jaems “yea I feel that one starting at me” samyra “yea that little girl one with long black hair” look another rocking chair. She sat in it. Suddenly an old woman appeared behind her and was choking her. Samyra screamed. Help jaems! Jaems freaked and found an old hammer on the floor. He went to hit the old lady but she disappeared with a laugh. Samyra hugged jaems. Jaems “are you okay!” samyra “I think so!” let us get out of here!

  Mason slowly went downstairs. Mason “this chick better be worth it” the basement was dark. Mason “I am asking for someone to come out and kill me” just think chick. Chick. Suddenly he heard a girl laugh. Mason “who’s there!” he slowly walked to the laugh.

  He felt a hand on his hip. He looked down and saw a girl with white eyes staring at him. Mason screamed and tripped into a couch trying to get to the stairs.

  Mason “comes on!” he got up the stairs to see samyra and jaems running down the stairs. Samyra “run!” mason “thought you would never say that!” the door slammed shut. Mason “oh no way!” the windows are locked too! Samyra held jaems. Samyra “I’m scared!” mason “finally!” jaems “okay mason” let’s charge at the door at the same time. They didn’t nudge the door. Samyra “harder!” mason “it’s not use. Samyra screamed. Look! The old lady was in the rocking chair. She turned her head at them. Old lady “why should I let you live?”

  Samyra “I don’t care about my life just let them live!” mason “I haven’t met a girl yet!”

  Jaems “you shouldn’t let us live!” mason “what?” jaems “no we knew the chance when we came in” mason “are you one of them too?” old lady “you kids are very special indeed” I wish my kids were like you instead they were killers. The door opened. Old lady “thank you for making me realize that all kids aren’t rotten. I can now rest in peace. She disappeared. They ran out. Samyra “wow what a night huh?!” mason “I hope you enjoyed it!” samyra “at least we set her free!” jaems “our first successful ghost save”

  Samyra “yea!” let’s go to another house!” mason “no this scare was supposed to prevent you from looking for evil ghost killers. Damn. Jaems “I wished it too mason but it was fun” samyra “I know another house!” jaems laughed. Jaems “let us call it a night” well have nothing for later anyway. Samyra “that’s true” mason “your the man” samyra hit mason. Mason “oww” samyra “bring your back bone next time” mason “hey I went to the basement and hugged a girl with white eyes so where’s my chick!?” samyra “I’ll set you up soon enough. Maso
n “all right” jaems laughed. The old lady seemed to like you. Samyra “yea she was mainly looking at you the whole time”

  Mason “hmm” I’ll be back” they laughed. Samyra “maybe because she sensed the fear in you” mason “you weren’t scared either screamer?” jaems “not as much as you pig squealer” samyra laughed. Mason “hey I can’t help that” they walked mason home. As he walked inside his house his mailbox flag dropped and he jumped. Jaems and samyra laughed. Jaems “watch out!” it’s the flag ghost. Mason ran inside. Samyra “I thought he was the tougher one” jaems “so did I” samyra “I think it’s because your actually interested in ghosts” jaems “that is true” samyra “thank you for coming with me and almost saving me” jaems “I will save you one day!” samyra laughed. Samyra “you already did the day we met” jaems “same but you saved me in different ways and I will repay you” samyra “your so great jaems” she hugged him. Jaems “I had no choice though” samyra giggled.

  Samyra “you do have a choice” you just choose the smart one. Jaems laughed. I guess I did.


  Chapter seven