Read Love in death Page 4

  It was a year later. Jaems was in the attic. He saw the old lady choking samyra but he couldn’t move. Suddenly the dolls started stabbing jaems. He fell down to the ground and looked at samyra’s dead body. It transformed into a girl. Jaems “ahh!” not again! That girl is going to screw my sleep forever. She’s worth it though. He went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. Nina sat down. Jaems “will you stop growing?” Nina “why so you can always beat me up?” jaems “not just that I can’t believe it sometimes” you were such a cute girl, now you’re a nasty old lady.

  Nina giggled. Nina “I’m still cute” dahla “that’s right dear” jaems “mom you just ruined it” Brian looked at jaems and they rolled their eyes. Dahla “oh I’m sorry” Nina laughed. I win! Brian “I can’t believe both of you guys growing up so fast” dahla “yes it felt like yesterday you guys were little rascals tearing each others rooms. Nina “I still do that” jaems “I’d like to see you try” Brian “how’s your cheerleading going?” jaems “yea how’s does it feel to cheer for douche bags?” Nina “their not all bad and I love it daddy!” Brian “that’s good”

  Jaems grunted. Dahla “now that you mentioned it dad was a jock” jaems “you are not my father!” Brian laughed. Brian “I did have a bunch of weird friends but I had to be because of football. A few of them were cool though. You can’t judge based on clothing. Nina “yes you cannot” jaems “tell that to the millions of people in my world” dahla “those people aren’t worth your time” Brian “yep” the people who are still with you in the end are your true friends. Nina “yea like that mason kid” he’s nice but he freaks me out sometimes with his attempts to get me.

  Jaems “yea he can be annoying sometimes but he’s still been with me since I was ten” Brian “he is quite the character” Nina “and then some” jaems left. Dahla “real nice Nina”

  Nina “ehh mason is probably used to it by now” Brian “still you don’t need to rub it in”

  Jaems was at the cafeteria with mason and samyra. Mason “where’s my girl?” it’s only been a year. Samyra “more you ask the longer you wait” mason “I should’ve asked the old lady out. A cute girl sat next to samyra. She had long red hair and brown eyes. Samyra “mason this is my friend Erin”

  Mason “hello” Erin “are you going to eat that” mason “of course” he gave her the food. Jaems patted his back. Erin “thank you no one has ever shared their food with me” I like guys like you. Mason eyes lit up. Mason “oh well it’s the least I can do” I like girls like you that can eat. Don’t choke. Erin laughed and food splattered everywhere.

  Mason “prefect samyra” samyra “I knew you would like her” jaems laughed. They shared the food. Samyra “so your big game is tonight huh?” jaems “don’t remind me” samyra “I think you will be the MVP!” jaems “wishful thinking” samyra “have more confidence” it will help. Plus I will be there in my ghost form. Jaems “don’t say that” I might miss a shot thinking you are one” samyra laughed. “I might just be one!” jaems “me too!” samyra “cool!” jaems laughed. Mason “so what’s your favorite subject” Erin “food” mason “no way” mine too. Erin “how can you not it’s something that you need to survive and it’s an easy class.

  Mason “we don’t need food to survive anymore, we just need love” Erin “aww how sweet” she ate another piece of food. Mason “it seems food is all you need” Erin “for the most part” love just completes it. Mason “I say that all the time!” samyra “I can’t wait to see your guy’s house” jaems “yea all made of food” it wouldn’t last long. Mason “that’s not a bad idea” Erin “were so doing that” samyra “real nice jaems” jaems “I didn’t think they would actually do it” samyra “you forgot who your talking to” jaems “apparently”

  Samyra “we have to go” mason “already?” samyra “don’t worry you’ll have more time to eat with her” Erin “I can’t wait” it better not be cheap either. She kissed jaems. Erin kisses mason on the cheek. They both said bye. Jaems “you okay there buddy?” you look a little flustered. Mason “my first kiss” he touched his cheek then his mouth. It even tastes good. Like hamburger. Jaems laughed. Jaems “only you” don’t eat her. Mason laughed. Mason “if I meet another girl I might” jaems “I heard red heads are very nutricous” mason “nice”

  Mason “I’m going to go to class now” jaems “same” later. Mason was in a trance and fell on a few girls. Jaems laughed. Girl “watch it!” mason “watch yourself!” jaems was playing basketball. He made the winning shot. As samyra ran to him she fainted. He tried to run to her but he wasn’t moving anywhere. The room became dark. Suddenly samyra got up. She walked to him. She looked at him with red eyes and smiled. She put her arms out and hugged him. Jaems woke up in a panic. Jaems “damn it” why are they so chilling.

  He heard a knock on the door. Jaems jumped up. He muttered hello. Voice it’s me Nina.

  He sighed. Jaems “what do you want?” Nina “I had a bad nightmare” jaems “so did I” get over it and go back to bed. Nina “but it was really weird and scary!” jaems “come in”

  She sat down next to him. Nina “it was unreal” I was trapped in my room. It was dark and no one could hear me scream. The door opened up and you stood there staring at me.

  You slowly walked to me. As the light showed you face, it was all black and your eyes were white. You then raised your hand with the stone you gave me and smashed my face as I woke up. Jaems “wow” his eyes opened wide. Nina “stop it!” jaems “he touched her face. Nina “what!?” jaems “I see the scars” Nina “you are lying!” jaems “not yet” he tackled her. Nina screamed. Jaems laughed. Jaems “I’m kidding!” hopefully you didn’t wake up the troubled adults. Nina smiled.

  Jaems “that has happened to me once” I had a dream of a girl screaming at me and blood came out my ears. The next morning my ears were bleeding a little. Nina put her hand over him mouth. Nina “that’s crazy!” jaems “yea and I’m not lying” I just had a dream where I was playing basketball and samyra turned into a ghost with red eyes. She hugged me so hard I felt like I was going to die. Nina “wow!” she touched his arms. Jaems “it won’t work on me sis” Nina “oh my god” I am not kidding. Look at your arms.

  He looked at his arms. There was a red line around them. He took of his shirt. It went around his whole body. Jaems “no way!” Nina “it’s like the dream is so powerful it shatters the barrier of reality” jaems “I guess so but this is getting really weird” Nina “either samyra really loves you or someone else does” jaems “maybe it’s smayra messing with me” I’ll talk to her. Jaems “remember that in the end you always survive so just think that next time your having a bad dream” Nina “your right” thanks!


  Chapter eight

  It was a year later. Everyone was seventeen. Jaems was practicing for his championship game. Samyra “I told you would make it!” jaems “yea but making it is only half the battle” samyra “with that attitude you’ll lose” jaems “that’s helpful” samyra “I’m trying to be helpful” just stay focused and you’ll do great. Jaems “you will be cheering me on?” samyra “for as long as I breathe I will cheer for you” jaems “that’s great but I like to sleep sometimes” samyra laughed. Samyra “you’ll have to get used to it” Brian “hey son!” glad you finally made it!” I knew you could. Dahla “I am so proud of you son!” you better win! Jaems “thanks guys” mason “you know I wouldn’t miss it for the world” jaems “thanks man” Nina “I’ll be cheering you on next to samyra!” jaems “I still can’t believe it” Nina “you shouldn’t. I’ll really be cheering for the other team. She smiled. Jaems “good sister Nina” Nina “I’m the best I know!” the game started. Jaems’s team, the “dezmond backs” was losing but not by far.

  It was the last minute and they were down by two. Jaems had the ball. Everything went in slow motion. He saw his parents cheering him on. He was his sister and mason screaming like crazy. A
s he saw samyra cheering him on he saw her disappear really quickly. She reappeared quickly. He shook his head and took the shot for three points. It rolled around the rim and went in. everyone jumped up and roared. Commentator “I can’t believe it!” the dezmond have won their first championship! This is history folks!

  The whole team hugged him. Brian “congratulations son!” dahla hugged him and kissed his cheek. She started to cry. Dahla “I knew you could win it all!” mason high fived him. Mason “all hail the basketball king! Samyra tackled him to the ground. Samyra “that’s my star!” this is only the beginning my young basket hopper! She kissed him. Jaems “it was because of you” samyra “I know i’m the best cheerleader ever” don’t tell you sister that. They laughed. Nina “yay big brother!” you did it! I mean darn it. She giggled.

  Mason “hey Nina, I might be joining a college team and I would love for you to cheer me on” Nina rolled her eyes. Mason “I’m really good” Nina “sure you are” she walked away. Smayra “not that good apparently” jaems laughed. Jaems “what about Erin?” mason “it was great at first but she always ate everything in my house and always talked about food. She also made names for her food then ate them at the end of the day. Samyra and jaems laughed. Samyra “sorry mason I didn’t know she like food that much”

  Jaems “you should be more like her” samyra punched his chest. Samyra “why don’t you date her then?” jaems “I mean her eating” you barely eat. It makes me nervous sometimes. Samyra “ohh well I’ll try” jaems “you have been saying that for years now” samyra giggled. Samyra “I will eat a lot tonight!” I promise! Mason “speaking of food, want to go to the seaside palace? Samyra “yea let’s go! They arrived at the place. They sat down at a table. Samyra “ahh I love this place. No better place to eat.

  Mason “not me” when I look at the sand I think I’m eating it. Jaems “sanded pizza is good” samyra “if I could I would eat here all the time” mason “you should live here” under the sand. Be a sand woman and scare the jocks. Samyra “that sounds awesome”

  Jaems “it does sound cool but well have sandy kisses. Samyra “I guess” mason “you ruined it! I had a camera ready. Samyra “I’ll remember that mason!” mason “damn”

  Waiter “what can I get you guys?” jaems “I’ll get a. samyra interrupted him. Samyra “I’ll get everything on the menu time’s two” waiter “umm okay?” samyra “ohh and I’ll get three chocolate shakes. Mason “perfect way to down the fat feast” this should be fun. I knew I bring the camera for a reason! Jaems “I didn’t mean this much food samyra” samyra “I know. She giggled. I’ll get two burgers please. Jaems “you never finish one” samyra “just order” jaems “I’ll get the same as her. Mason “I’ll get an order of humiliation with a large cup of seagull poop. Waiter “that’s not on our menu” mason “I could’ve swore I saw it”

  Mason “I’ll get a pizza” after the waiter left they busted out laughing. Samyra “I thought I was trouble” mason “I’m going to reclaim my throne lady!” samyra “I don’t think so!”

  Jaems “you guys need to have a duel one day” mason and samyra “I’m in” jaems laughed. Jaems “not now” the food came. Samyra chugged her food down. Jaems “samyra “you ate faster than me” mason “you ate faster than the erinator” I’m impressed. Samyra “can’t beat me!” jaems “I’m proud of you” samyra “I don’t break my promises, especially to you”

  Jaems “you never do” samyra was choking. Mason put his arms around her and tried to get the food out. A piece of burger hit jaems eye. Jaems “ahh!” mason laughed. You okay? Samyra “yea thanks” I’m surprised you saved your worst enemy. Mason “your not so tough!” samyra “you caught me at a bad time” that’s’ all. Jaems “I’m glad you okay” you don’t have to eat anymore than you want if you’re going to engulf it like a vacuum. Mason vacuum queen is here. Samyra “shut up” I’ll eat more but slower next time.

  Mason “it’s all on camera” first story in school tomorrow! Samyra “give me that camera” mason “no can do lady. She ran after him. She tackled him into the sand. Samyra “whose tough now?” she got up with the camera. Mason “I wasn’t trying!” jaems laughed. Mason “you ruined the night I’m leaving. Later. Samyra “let’s walk on the sand” they walked near the coastline in the night. Samyra “what a night” jaems “u still can’t believe I won” samyra “I’m not” since I met you I knew you could be the best in anything you tried.

  I said he’s needs a crazy hyper girl to keep him on top. Jaems laughed. Jaems “I didn’t need you” samyra lifted her fist. Jaems “it was all you” since I met you my motivation went up, my true potential was opened. I couldn’t have done it without your bright cheering or your glisting eyes, always giving me strength to move on. Samyra “that is so sweet jaems” I didn’t know I was that important to you. Jaems “what can I do to make you know that?” samyra “you just made me realize I have a reason here” I am here for you and always will be.

  I almost gave up on life before meeting you. I was so in love with my ex boyfriend. I couldn’t get over it. No matter how hard I tried. He was like you, handsome, funny, loving everything a girl could want. He just let me down in the end. What do I do wrong? She ran to the water. Jaems walked to her. She started to cry. Samyra “I’m afraid you’re going to do the same to me” I think about it every night. I could never live on if that happened. Jaems “I can’t promise you forever but I can promise to protect you forever”

  Samyra “we can never know our fate but please say you won’t leave me” just let me hear it. Jaems “I will never leave you” I promise. He caught her tears.

  Samyra “thank you for everything jaems” I didn’t know who I was until I met you. Jaems put his hand around her waist. Jaems “look at the moon” it reminds me of you. Samyra “am I really that big inside” jaems “you are much bigger than the biggest moon and brighter than the brightest star. You shine me with your never ending beauty. You grace me with your magnificent presence. There is no other like you. Samyra cried. Samyra “ohh jaems” think of me when you see the stars. Jaems “you have my word”

  Jaems “I will keep the stars burning for you” samyra “you are my shooting star”

  No matter how far we become you will always be in my heart. They kissed.

  Jaems was at the shore where they kissed but was alone. He felt the moon was staring at him. The moon suddenly had red eyes. He saw something falling from it. It was samyra. She was yelling for jaems. He swam the hardest he could for miles till he saw her. When he picked her up she was dead. Jaems woke up. “I’m never looking at the moon again”

  He got a call from samyra. Samyra “hey can you meet me at crone hospital?” jaems “are you okay?!” samyra “yea I just want to show you something” jaems “be right there”

  He drove his dad’s SUV to the hospital. He walked in. he saw samyra sitting in the waiting room. Jaems “hey” samyra “hey!” they kissed. Samyra “follow me” they entered one of the patients rooms. Samyra walked up to the woman patient. Samyra “hello mother”

  Elana “hello dear” she was sick looking. Elana “hello jaems” jaems “hi”

  Samyra “sorry I didn’t tell you sooner” she got diagnosed with cancer two years ago and it’s incurable. Jaems “I’m glad you didn’t tell me” less worrying. That is terrible. Elana “don’t worry about me, I always find my way over the toughest enemies. She coughed.

  Samyra “oh mother, I can’t lose you” elana “you won’t” I still have a lot of life in me.

  Seeing your face gives me strength. Samyra started to cry. She hugged jaems. Jaems “its okay” she doesn’t want you to be sad. Elana “that is right” be strong like him. She coughed.

  Samyra “I suppose so” she stopped crying. Elana “that’s my daughter” samyra “were leaving okay?” elana “okay dear” have fun guys. Jaems “get better” elana “thank you” o plan on it. They left the hospital. Samyra “I’m sorry but I have to be alone for now” she kissed him an
d drove off. Jaems got home. Brian “hey son” since your turning eighteen in a month how would you like to work for me?” jaems “I need to think about it” Brian “take your time” don’t feel pressured. Jaems went to his room. Jaems “I hope she’s okay”

  Chapter nine

  It was a year later. Jaems was working with his dad. Brian “I am glad you decided to work with me” jaems “why not?” good pay and I get to work with you. Brian smiled. Brian “you are a great person jaems” jaems “I learned from you dad” Brian “thanks son”

  Jaems walked to mason’s house. Mason opened the door. Mason “hey buddy!” come in.

  He walked in. they went to his room. Mason “how you been man?” jaems “okay” working with my dad is pretty good so far. Mason “your lucky” if I worked with my dad I would be dead” he’s already crazy. Jaems “he’s a contractor right?” mason “yep”

  Mason “I start college this year” going for pschycology. Jaems “what?” you? Mason “I know it’s unexpected but I find the way we think interesting. Jaems “are you on any psychic drugs?” mason laughed. Mason “not yet” hopefully I’ll get to try them. Jaems “great” I thought you would’ve went to be a chef. Mason “that’s my second course” just in case I fail at the first one. Jaems “I know you’re not the usual guy going for that but I know you won’t fail. Mason “thanks.” I hope. Mason “so where’s samyra?”