Read Lovely Lies Page 25

  Chapter 25


  Kalil and I spend the night on his boat. We’re able to watch the sunset and then the sunrise the next morning. We didn’t intend to stay that long though, so we didn’t bring enough food. I’m starving by the time we leave. After we stop for breakfast we head home. He has to get KJ this afternoon. I’ve missed the little munchkin. I’m glad I was actually able to get some rest before seeing him. We’re almost home when my phone rings. I thought I turned it off. It’s Amber. She probably wants to fuss at me for not coming in yesterday. “It was beyond my control, it’s Kalil’s fault.” She’s quiet for a few seconds then says my name. Her voice is weird. It takes me a little while to realize she’s crying. “Amber, what’s wrong?”

  “Don’t be mad, okay?”

  “What happened?”

  “Marlon’s a jerk. He brought me here and just left me. I can’t do this by myself. He said he would stay with me and all he did was come inside while I checked in and then he just left me.”

  Didn’t they break up? “Left you where?”

  “Just promise me you won’t be mad and you’ll come get me?”

  I’m sure I’ll regret this later. “I promise. Just tell me where you are.”

  Lord please let my ears be playing tricks on me because it sounds like Amber just told me she’s at an abortion clinic. I laugh before asking her to repeat herself. She’s not laughing. Jesus, she’s serious. This has to be a joke, right? “Wait…Amber, are you being serious?”

  “Who would joke about something like this?!”

  “Oh my God, Amber! What the hell?!” I obviously yelled this at her.

  “You promised not to get mad!”

  I did. I also said I would regret it. I put my phone on mute and let out a frustrated yell before throwing it on the floor and hitting Kalil.

  The truck swerves and he asks, “What the hell was that for?”

  “Watch the damn road! Are you trying to kill us?”

  “Psycho, you just hit me while I’m driving. Are you trying to kill us?”

  I pound my fist on the glove compartment as angry tears begin to fall.

  “Can you stop beating on me and my truck and tell me what’s wrong?”

  When it comes to any other physical possessions, to include his other cars, he refers to them as ours, but when it comes to this truck it’s flat out his. I ignore him and pick the phone up from the floor. Amber is crying hysterically and yelling my name.

  “Amber stop it, I’m here. I’m sorry, I’m here.”

  She sounds as though she’s hyperventilating. “Makynzee, I need you. I’m scared.”

  “Okay, I’ll come you have to give me time though. I’m with Kalil so we have to go home for me to get the car.”

  “No you have to come now. Please! Just tell Kalil it’s an emergency.”

  I bite the knuckle on my index finger and close my eyes as I lean my head back. This shouldn’t be happening. Amber shouldn’t be calling me to tell me she’s at an abortion clinic. What screwed up part of her destiny is this? The part where she felt she was so in love with Marlon it made her do something stupid.

  “Please, Makynzee. Just tell him. He’ll do it for you.”

  I look over at Kalil, who’s frowning. Big surprise there. He’s watching the road though. I get the address to where Amber is and tell her we’re on our way. She tells me to hurry.

  When I hang up Kalil asks, “What’s wrong with her?”

  “She’s pregnant.”

  He says wow, dragging it out like it’s spelled with six W’s instead of two.

  “We have to go get her. Her boyfriend dropped her off and left her at an abortion clinic.”

  Saying it out loud makes it sound even worse than I originally perceived it. He doesn’t respond, just frowns.

  A few seconds later he asks, “We have an abortion clinic here?”

  I’m glad this is one thing he knows nothing about. When I give him the address he still doesn’t know where it’s at so we look up directions on the navigation system. When we get there he refuses to go inside with me. I don’t blame him. This goes against every fiber of my being. I shouldn’t be here. Marlon should be here. Her mom should be here. Hell, even Stanley should be here. Every woman has the right to make whatever decision they choose, but Amber isn’t a woman. She’s a child…carrying another child.

  When I ask the receptionist for information on Amber she smiles and tells me to follow her. She takes me in the back to a room where Amber is lying on a table. She’s wearing a hospital gown. Her feet are nestled into a pair of stirrups and a sheet is draped over her legs. I almost start crying again.

  “See, I told you your sister would come. That’s what big sisters do. Regardless of how she feels about it, you’re more important to her,” the receptionist says to Amber.

  Hooray for big sisters. I’m back to thinking I’m no good at being one. Amber tries to smile, but it turns into crying. I go to her and hug her. While I’m trying to console her a female doctor and two nurses walk in.

  “Oh good, you’re here. In this state one parent, or in this case legal guardian, has to be notified, so if you’ll give us the go ahead we’ll get started,” the doctor says.

  I glance down at Amber. She averts her eyes to the floor and whispers she’s sorry. This can’t be happening. I ask the doctor, “Can we just have a minute?”

  “Can you just tell her okay, please?” Amber pleads.

  I shouldn’t be here. I’m not her legal guardian. Her eyes beg me to tell them okay. I can’t speak so I just nod my head. I can’t believe I’m doing this. “If I didn’t come who would have told them okay?” I ask. She’s crying again, so I almost miss it when she says Marlon’s name. The doctor tells me I have to leave the room. I sign a few papers then go back to the truck with Kalil.

  “Where is she?” he asks.

  “Having an abortion.” It feels weird to even say it.

  “What, like right now?”

  I wonder if he realizes how loud he is. He’s just as shocked as I am. “Yeah, like right now.” Did he really just say like?

  “Is she going home with us?”

  I hadn’t thought of this. She can’t really go home to her mom…or her dad. “I guess…if you’re okay with that.” I feel a headache creeping in.

  “I’m cool with it,” he says.

  “What am I gonna tell her parents?” I’m a terrible liar. He knows this better than anyone.

  “Sleep over.”

  I take a deep breath and climb out of the truck. I go through my phone and find Stanley’s number. This sucks.


  My baby’s a natural born nurturer. She tends to Amber as though she’s her mom, goes to the studios, makes time for KJ, does her homework, and still finds time for me. I’ve been trying to keep KJ occupied so she’ll have more time for Amber or herself, but it’s not working out so well. He has a fit when he knows she’s home, but I tell him he can’t see her. She always ends up coming to see why he’s fussing which leads to her taking him with her to do whatever she’s doing anyway. Amber’s mom, she’s called Mak’s phone nonstop since Stanley told her Amber was here. She’s suspicious, which I can’t blame her for, but the way she talks to Mak is crazy. She says she just blocks it out because she feels sorry for her. Stanley chose her mom and now Amber is choosing her. So. When I walk into the kitchen She’s on her cell phone. I can actually hear Amber’s mom yelling and she’s on the other side of the kitchen.

  “She’s fine, normal people take naps when they’re tired,” Mak says.

  Amber’s mom is yelling again.

  “That’s ridiculous. No one’s trying to take Amber away from you,” she says before I take her phone and hang up.

  I expect her to protest, but she doesn’t. “She can call Stanley,” I say.

  “She’ll probably call back.”

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  She frowns as if thinking about it then says, “Maybe we could
just ignore her calls instead.”

  KJ runs into the kitchen and yells, “Um, ‘scuse me, Mommy. What time is it?”

  “You got somewhere to be?” I ask him. Why does he need to know the time?

  “It’s time for lunch,” he says.

  I know he ate lunch a few hours ago, so what is he talking about? Mak goes to the pantry and gets a pack of fruit snacks.

  “Not lunch time, snack time,” she says.

  “Oh, okay. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He comes to where I’m standing and says, “Hey Daddy, guess what?”

  I pick him up and ask, “What?”

  “I got a wee wee. You wanna see it?”

  Wow. How do you respond to that? I look at Mak. She’s looking at me. One of us should probably say something. He’s always had one, so does this mean he just discovered it?

  “KJ, you’re not supposed to show it to everyone,” Mak says.

  “Why?” he asks.

  “Because it’s private. You’re the only one who should see it, unless we’re giving you a bath or helping you potty,” she says.

  “Why?” he asks again.

  “And no one should touch it, but Mommy or Daddy or me, okay?” she adds.


  She walks away and says, “You are your father’s son.”

  I don’t ask why all the time. Do I? “Does it bother you when he calls you mommy?”

  She stops walking and looks back. KJ stuffs a fruit snack into my mouth. I’m glad he’s learning to share, but asking first would be nice.

  “No, not really. I just know how it would make me feel if I were in Jasmine’s shoes.”

  She walks away before I can respond which means she doesn’t want to go into details.

  Saturday morning we head to Mak’s mom’s house to take Amber back to Stanley. She seems fine, but distant. She told Mak to tell me that if I see Marlon to kick his ass for her. I know two Marlon’s. They’re both too old for her…right? Mak said no. Seriously?! The ones I know are both my age, maybe a few years younger. She said the doctor let her give consent because Amber told them she was her legal guardian. This whole situation is fucked up. I’ve never been happier to be going to her mom’s house. We have enough drama of our own. We don’t need anybody else’s. When we pull in the driveway Amber volunteers to get KJ out. Mak and I head inside.


  “My stomach feels funny,” I say as we walk to the porch.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  That’s his answer for everything lately. I stub my toe, I’m pregnant. I get a paper cut, I’m pregnant. Aren’t hints supposed to be subtle?

  “It’s probably your nerves for whatever reason,” he says.

  I’ll take that. It just feels different from any other time I’m nervous. It’s like something’s wrong. Stanley opens the door after we knock a second time. He looks surprised to see us. He knew we were coming.

  “Hey, I didn’t think you guys would get here this early,” he says.

  I look down at my watch. “We’re actually late.”

  He laughs a little then looks at the truck. I follow his eyes. Amber and KJ are still inside. I look back at Stanley. Why are we still standing outside?

  “Where’s my mom?” I ask.

  “Oh, she’s uh…” he looks behind him then back to us and lets out a nervous chuckle. “She’s still upstairs. She got a late start this morning.”

  “Is that why you haven’t let us in yet?” Kalil asks.

  His tone is off. I look over and see that he’s frowning. Stanley stares at him for a few seconds then lets out another chuckle.

  “No. Of course not. I was just waiting to see if she came down or not.”

  “Is that right?” Kalil asks.

  He doesn’t wait for Stanley to let us in. He pushes the door open and tells Amber to keep KJ in the truck. She’s finally out the truck and starting to unbuckle KJ, but climbs back in with no questions. I follow Kalil into the house. What am I missing? I hate when I’m a bird - brain and don’t see what others see. Kalil sees everything though. The only other person I know who’s better at it is Kaeden, so I don’t feel too bad. Kalil goes to the stairs and calls my mom Mrs. Gloria. He never uses her first name. He always calls her Mrs. Mitchell, even after she married Stanley. She doesn’t answer him.

  Stanley drapes an arm around my shoulders and says, “She’ll be down in a little bit. I hope Amber didn’t give you guys any trouble?”

  Kalil is still waiting for my mom to answer him. When he looks at us he frowns at Stanley’s arm around me and begins to makes his way to where we’re standing. I force a smile and move Stanley’s arm away before he gets to us. I don’t know what has him suddenly on edge, but I’ll do what I can to prevent it from going any further.

  “No trouble at all,” I say.

  There’s a book on the floor. It looks as though someone was reading it and dropped it suddenly. I squat to pick it up and notice a glass under the couch. A piece of the rim is chipped off and whatever liquid was in it is surrounding it. “What’s all this?” I ask Stanley.

  He grabs my arm and pulls me up to him before saying, “Nothing to worry about.”

  Kalil is behind me so I’m not sure if he’s reacting off of the fact that Stanley grabbed me or if he can actually see me frowning because Stanley’s hurting me. He grabs Stanley’s arm and asks, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  For some reason Stanley doesn’t let me go. He tightens his grip and in that instant I see Nyeem. “Stanley, let go of me, your nails.”

  Kalil isn’t as patient as I am. He doesn’t give Stanley time to let me go. He doesn’t even say anything. It happens so fast my brain doesn’t register it until after I hear popping sounds. Stanley screams out in pain and Kalil pulls me back to him. Did he just break Stanley’s fingers?!

  “Get away from my baby, Stanley,” my mom says.

  She’s coming down the stairs and has a gun pointed in our direction. Her hair is disheveled. I’ve had my hair pulled enough to know the look. She’s crying. She stops on the bottom step. What is it with the women in my family and guns? Am I the only one who’s scared of them?

  “Now Stanley, move!”

  The gun goes off. Kalil quickly pushes me behind him. The vase on the end table to the left of us shatters. I’m not sure if that was intentional or not.

  “I’m not even near her, Gloria!”

  That doesn’t stop him from taking a few more steps away from me though.

  “Put the gun down, Ms. Gloria. You could accidentally hurt me or Mak,” Kalil says.

  She smiles at him. Jesus it’s Riley all over again.

  “Kalil, baby, as you can see, I’m not the best shot, so you and Mak should move to this side of the house.”

  He pulls me by my hand and we stand to her left. Why does it feel like my legs aren’t working?

  “You know I don’t talk to him. I would never do anything to hurt Makynzee. I only said it to get under your skin,” Stanley says. His breathing is labored. He’s holding his hand against his chest and leaning against the fireplace.

  “I don’t know anything except what you told me. You can do whatever you want to me, but I won’t let you or anyone else hurt my baby,” she says.

  “Gloria, I didn’t mean it. I need your help. I think he broke my fingers.”

  He nods his head to Kalil and my mom smiles again. Riley.

  “Good job, baby,” she says.

  “What the hell is going on right now? Ma, put the gun down and tell us what’s wrong.”

  She shakes her head from left to right. “I couldn’t protect you from your dad but I’ll protect you from him.”

  She jerks her head in Stanley’s direction. Fuck my life. Of all the things for her to say right now? Really?! What the hell does that even mean? She turns towards us and the robe she’s wearing opens slightly. She has a bruise on her chest. I try to go to her, but Kalil doesn’t let my hand go.

sp; “Ma, I’m fine. Nobody’s gonna hurt me, just put the gun down.”

  “He’s a bad man, Makky. He’s not who I thought he was. He needs to die, too,” she says as she begins to cry again.

  I’m guessing that “too” is referring to my dad. “No one needs to die. We can just make him leave.”

  “I told him I would call the cops if he hit me again. He said he’d go find Nyeem and help him get to you. He really does need to die.” She’s extremely sure of this.

  “Either she shoots his ass or I will,” Kalil says.

  He sounds just as sure as my mom. I don’t think he does, but I say a silent prayer for him not to have a gun on him right now. I pull my hand free from his and go to my mom.

  “I didn’t mean it, Gloria. You know I love Makynzee just as much as Amber.”

  I hug my mom and say, “Put it down, Ma. He’s not worth it.” She hesitates, but finally lowers it.

  “Leave,” Kalil says.

  “I didn’t mean it. I don’t even talk to him!”

  The front door opens and Amber walks in holding KJ’s hand. She looks at her dad then Kalil then my mom and I.

  “Daddy, what’s going on? It sounded like a gunshot and the cops just rode by.”

  KJ runs to Kalil. My mom slips the gun behind her back to keep Amber and KJ from seeing it.

  “Nothing, baby. I just fell.”

  She looks like she doesn’t believe him. “I’m going to call my mom and tell her to come get me.”

  “No, don’t do that. I’ll take you to her.”

  “I’ll call her. You look like you need to go to the hospital anyway.”

  He grabs her jacket and pushes her away from the phone. “I said I’ll take you!”

  She looks shocked, hurt. I find it hard to believe that this is the first time he’s done anything like this to her, but her look says otherwise.

  He pushes her again and yells, “You’re getting too grown for your own good.”

  She’s caught off guard and loses her balance when she stumbles back. Somehow Kalil manages to catch her. He’s holding KJ who looks confused.

  “Take KJ and go by Mak,” Kalil tells her.

  KJ clings to Kalil and turns away from Amber even though she doesn’t try to take him. I go to them and say, “Come to me KJ.”

  He doesn’t object. Amber is still in shock and hasn’t moved. I grab her hand and pull her back to where my mom is standing. Kalil opens the door and looks at Stanley.

  “My son is here. I’m trying to be nice.”

  He broke his fingers, how is that being nice? Stanley looks at my mom.

  “Gloria, you’re just going to let him put me out of my own house?”

  “This isn’t your house Stanley.”

  He takes his time looking at all of us and finally leaves.

  “What the hell just happened here?” Amber asks.

  I tell her to call her mom and watch her mouth. She doesn’t protest. My mom goes back upstairs. Kalil is at the window. It’s as if nothing just happened.