Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 21

  "Yeah. I would invite the other two as well, but I'm not sure." I thought back to when we were children. "Matt and Dean have never been able to stay in a room with each other for too long because they get into petty fights."

  "I remember." She paused and sighed. "I think we need to find a thing them two can actually bond and do together some time."

  I agreed, but didn't hold out much hope. It would be nice though and I know my parents would love it.

  "I love you Hope. You are the most perfect girlfriend ever. I don't want anyone else if I can't have you" hang on a second - that sounds familiar, like I heard it somewhere before.

  Was it a song? Who knows... Who cares.

  We continue to lie in bed for a while longer, just hugging.

  Then after we got washed and dressed, we finally packed up our stuff ready to leave.

  Oh and just a little note for those of you who think I am evil for leaving my brother Dean so soon after his operation.

  I have been keeping in contact and calling everyday and text messaging.

  So I do care, even if he is a pain in the butt sometimes.

  Well back to the present.

  We took all of our stuff out of the room and packed them into the car before heading to the office to return the key.

  Stepping inside the office with my arm around Hope, I was both relieved and annoyed.

  Annoyed because the creeper who we met on our first day was here and relieved because his kinder younger brother Pawel was also here.

  "Hey guys." Pawel said cheerily.

  The other man (the creeper) next to him head shot up and a lecherous smirk appeared on his face.

  "Hello." He said. I felt Hope shiver with disgust as the man openly stared at her.

  She tried to stay behind me but that didn't stop the man.

  Glaring at his brother Pawel noticed this and grinned.

  "Wiktor go in the back you are creeping out the poor girl." He orders his brother.

  The man tried to say something but was cut off by his brother pushing him through the open door that lend to the back room.

  Hope breathe a sigh of relief and step out "Thanks" she said with a thankful smile.

  But I couldn't help but laugh "Is he always like that?" I ask.

  Pawel continues to with the smile that has never once left his face “Pretty much” He tells us.

  But then quickly adds "But you have no need to worry Wiktor is harmless..." he pauses as if thinking.

  "...Well he is unless you are a sex doll" Both Hope and me burst out laughing.

  I was about to ask him how he knew that, but lucky his brother came out yelling first.

  "Pawel, why did you tell them about Matilda?"

  Pawel most of seen our expressions because he quickly answered, "Matilda is his doll"

  "Pawel." The man whined dragging out his younger brother's name.

  But his brother pretended not to hear him and smirked.

  "He is just a bit lonely because he has never been with a real living female, because most find him...urm how did your last girl you ask out put it?" He turned for a second and asked his brother who part his head down in shame.

  Believe it or not I actually felt kind of sorry for the guy.

  Everyone deserves someone, even if like him are a bit off.

  "Oh yeah that's right. She said you were a creepy leach, who had about as much sexual appeal as a stampeding rhino." He laughed to himself.

  I laugh slightly too, but not surprisingly Hope didn't.

  "Aww that's so sad. I'm sure he isn't that bad." We couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

  Wiktor however took this as a sign that he had a chance and quickly went back to his previous way.

  "Well Honey, you can always..." he began, again looking at her lustfully.

  Pawel cut him off with a smack to the back of his head.

  "Ouch." He whined.

  "See what she means now?" The younger of the pair asked Hope.

  "Yep. I take it back. He isn't poor and he is everything she said.”

  We all continued to speak for a while, well except Wiktor, who just stood off to the side watching us all.

  Hope was really good and ignored all of the man's attempts at trying to get her attention.

  I handed back the key to the younger brother and thanked him for a great stay.

  "We should keep in touch." Hope said suddenly to the man.

  He nodded and smiles.

  "Yes, you are a funny guy." I agree.

  "Do you have Facebook?" Hope asks him.

  "Yes, why?"

  "Well you have Nate's name. Search for him and add him and I am in his friends list too, so add me too." She tells him.

  "Yeah and maybe we can all hang out sometime." I add.

  "Well maybe not your brother..." I hear Hope say so softly that only I heard her, making me smirk.

  "Yeah that would be good"

  We all said our good byes and in no time Hope and I were back on the road to home.

  Since we didn't stop for breakfast, we decided to eat some of the junk we have brought yesterday and then when we get closer to the diner which we stop in on the drive here we would stop and get a bite of real food to eat.

  "Can we go see Dean when we get back?" Hope asks breaking the comfortable silence, which took over the car.

  "Yeah, that's a good idea. I think I’d like that" just then my phone starting ringing.

  "Pick that up for me please and put it on speaker phone?" I ask Hope politely.

  She nodded and reached into my pocket and dug out my phone.

  Is it bad that that actually kind of turned me on?


  She swiped the answer button and press speakerphone.

  "Hello?" I said to whoever was calling.

  "Hi man." I recognized the voice straight away as my brother Matt's.

  I couldn't help but wonder why he was calling.


  The Come On


  'Where are you?' Matt voice echoed throughout the car.

  Hope and I exchanged suspicious looks.

  “On the road back. Why?” I said the last part drawn out.

  ‘Where are they?’ I heard a voice I recognized straight away in the background.

  “Shh man. I am just finding out.” Matt grumbled back.

  Hope tried to muffle her laugh, but didn't do so well.

  At least I somehow managed to keep driving and speaking on the phone without laughing.

  My expression on the other hand, to other drivers I most of looked like I really loved driving.

  Matt sighed deeply. ‘As you probably heard Ricky is eager to know the whereabouts of you and his sister.’

  I couldn't help but laugh this time and was forced to pull over at the side of the road.

  ‘It's not funny Nate. He has been like this since you first left and when he found out it was an overnight stay he has only got worse and worse over time. It got so bad that even Kara had enough and he was made to stay at ours last night. Meaning no sleep for me.’ He complained only making us laugh harder.

  Ricky continues to mumble obscenities in the background but I couldn't make most of them out.

  “Tell Ricky I am fine and we will see him later.” Hope speaks for the first time.

  ‘I'll try. But I don't think it'll do much good.’ He said the last part lowly.

  “We will be back on the road when we finished on the phone with you.

  When we get to that diner you and I went to on the drive from college to home we will stop and get a bite to eat and then we'll head straight home.” I tell him.

  ‘Do you know when that will be?’ He asked.

  “We will be at the diner in about two and a half...maybe three hours. So we will be home in about four hours if all things go well.” I tell him, hoping it is enough to get the pair off our backs.

  ‘Ok man. See you then.’ Before I had a chance to say anything, he had alrea
dy hung up.

  We were soon back on the road again.

  "Ricky is crazy." Hope laughed.

  "Yeah, I'm glad I wasn't the one stuck with him." I laugh thinking about how mad he must be after these last couple of days.

  "But if that was the case, then I would of been on this trip with Matt and I'm not sure it would of been so fun..." she says interrupting my thoughts.

  "But then again..." I heard her say.

  "Hey!" I exclaimed.

  "What?" she said innocently.

  "What?! So that's what it's like? You had your fun with me and now you’re moving on to my brother." I mumble in mock hurt.

  Hope burst out laughing "Yeah that's my plan." she laughed more.

  "I'll have to warn him then won't I..." I smirk.

  The next couple of hours were spent mostly in silence, Hope mainly speaking when she saw something interesting out of the window.

  Like the time when she saw a man at the side of the road sat on the top of a cow.

  When I first heard her, I thought I had misheard her.

  "A cow?" I asked and she pointed out of the side window.

  Thankfully at the time we were stuck in a small traffic jam, so we had plenty of time to take pictures and a short video before moving on.

  We were both still laughing not believing what we saw when we arrived at the diner we had eaten at on our first trip.

  "Let's go feed my sweet angel." I coo, unbuckling my seatbelt and kissing her sweet lips.

  We soon were deep in kiss and our hands were both wandering as if they had a mind of their own.

  We both pulled away after a couple of minutes, both breathless resting my forehead against hers.

  "I think we should finally head inside." I tease her and blush creeps onto her cheeks.

  I brush my fingers across her blush and kiss her nose.

  "You are so beautiful." I place another kiss. "I love you."

  "I love you too." She kisses my nose, making me raise my eyebrow in amusement.

  "What? You can do it but I can't?" she teases.

  I just laugh. "Come on Sweet pea." I unbuckle her. "Lets go." We both get out of the car and walk towards the diner hand in hand.

  I held the door for her and she walked inside and I followed, still holding her hand.

  I am not going to deny the fact that I wasn't paying attention to where we were walking.

  I was too busy watching and following, but she seemed to watching unlike me and led us to an empty booth.

  "HOPE." A familiar voice yelled across the room, breaking me from my thoughts.

  "What the hell?" Hope and I both exclaimed.

  It was only then when I looked up that I noticed how full the diner was, mainly of teenagers, but I few older people too.

  But that wasn't the thing that surprised me.

  It was Hope being pulled out of the booth and into a strong pair of arms that got my attention.

  "Ricky?" I questioned and then looked to the side to see Matt walk after him laughing.


  We had just sat down in the diner, when we heard a voice that sounded a lot like my brother's yell my name.

  Both Nate and I looked around, but all I saw was dozens of teenagers, a lot of them were girls and for some reason one group was glaring at me.

  I just shrugged it off and went back to find the owner of the voice.

  But before I had a chance I was pulled out of my seat and enveloped in a pair of arms and pulled tightly into a familiar chest.

  The scent of peppermint hit my nose "Ricky?" I questioned, but my words were muffled because he was holding me to tight.

  Why peppermint you ask?

  Well that is because Ricky has a very unhealthily obsession with polo mints.

  The amount he eats I am surprised his teeth aren't black or fallen out and not the perfect pearly white they are.

  I heard laughing followed by, "Ricky I think you are suffocating her. She needs to breathe you know" the amused voice said.

  I was released to see Ricky and Matt now sat in the booth I was before and grinning.

  "Sorry I..." Ricky said sheepishly as we all sat down.

  Me beside Nate and Ricky opposite me, sitting beside Matt.

  I cut him off. "What are you doing here?" I asked with a vexed expression.

  Ricky went to answer, but Matt spoke first.

  "I had to bring him here. He has been such a pain these couple of days.

  I was ready to kill him if he didn't shut up pissing and moaning like some little pussy."

  This earned him a slap around the back of the head from my brother.

  Nate laughs beside me and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, earning him a glare from Ricky.

  "Calm down Ricky." I tell him.

  He mumbled something incoherent and huffed.

  "Dean wasn't much better!" Ricky said defending himself.

  "What does that mean?" Nate asked.

  "Well you know Dean is still in the hospital. He is getting better, but is starting to get very annoyed and restless being confided to a bed all day. So me and Ricky have been visiting him and spending time with him to try and cheer him up..."

  Nate gave his brother a surprised look.

  Matt rolled his eyes and said "Yes, so it's no secret I find and always have found him to be a pain in the backside but he is my brother and it doesn't mean I don't still care for him."

  Ricky interrupts him "Plus your dad made him"

  Matt glared at him before continuing "But I would of gone anyway...eventually, he is my brother after all. Anyway while we were there Ricky and Dean bonded and spent all their time moaning and whining. Ricky's went something along the lines of Nate best not touch Hope or get any funny ideas..."

  Nate and I looked at each other out of the corner of our eyes and gave a secret smile, but luckily Ricky didn't notice, but Matt did and smirked.

  "...And Dean was whining about being in hospital and not having his 'Best-friend' to visit him because his stupid brother had kidnapped her. Ricky agreed and only made Dean worse. But at least Dean had an excuse, he was doped up on meds, Ricky is just..." He didn't finish because he saw the death glare Ricky was sending him and his lips snapped shut.

  "So good trip was it?" Matt asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.

  "Yeah. It was great. Nate took me to Lake Lure, you know where 'Dirty dancing' was filmed and we saw a hillbilly riding a cow." I laughed as I said the last part.

  "Oh Heather will be..." Matt started but then paused and looked to Ricky, they shared a look and both exclaimed while turning to us "A cow?"

  "Yeah." Nate says through laughs. "A few miles from here." He continues as I pull out my phone to show the two the video I made of the man riding the dairy cow like a horse.

  "Oh my god...Is this really?" Matt asks shocked as a young waitress comes to take our order.

  "Hiya there. My name is Mel and can I take your orders?" she asked paying a little too much attention to the boys and none to me.

  "Hiya Mel" Matt smirked knowingly "I'll have another coffee and a plate of fries with a rare steak"

  The waitress cooed and told him what a good choice it was.

  "I'll have the same." Ricky said but not paying too much attention to her as he was since in awe over the whole cow thing and repeatedly watched the video and laughed.

  Matt soon joined him much to her displeasure.

  It was so funny watching her huff and frown when that happened.

  But all too soon she realized there was still another male at the table.

  I guess I was invisible.

  "And what can I get for you sexy?" She purred leaning over a little too far to expose her chest.

  I averted my eyes before seeing anything and luckily no one else was looking anyway.

  'Ha! Ruined your plan Bitch' I thought to myself.