Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 22

  Nate didn't look up as he read from the menu.

  "Order me fries, chicken burger with salad and a chocolate shake please." I asked him lowly so only he could hear.

  He nodded and smiles "I'll have two orders of fries, chicken burger with salad. One chocolate shake, a large Pepsi and can one of them orders have double fries." With an innocent smile he finally looked up from the menu and to Mel.

  Leaning in ridiculously more over the table to Nate who was seated in the corner with me beside him.

  She 'tried' to seductively run her fingers down his neck, making him cringe and me angry.

  "Is there 'ANYTHING' else?" she said suggestively.

  "The boss is out and there is an empty..."


  "The boss is out and there is an empty room in the back..." the dirty whore told me.

  I mean is she blind not only am had I sat next to Hope but I also STILL have my arm around her.

  Surely that should give the dumb whore a hint.

  "No thank you..." I began, only being polite because I'm just to kind.

  'Lol. OK maybe not'

  I just was trying to get rid of her as easy as possible.

  "...I have a girlfriend." I continued indicating to Hope and I kissed her nose. "But my brother and our friend there are both single and would love to I am sure." I smile telling her and try my best not to laugh at her ever-changing expressions.

  Annoyed but then happy when I told her about the other two and I few other expressions I couldn’t figure out.

  "Thank you." She said finally getting up and brushing herself down. "I will hand your orders to the chef and I will be back in a couple of minutes with your drinks." She smiled and looked one last time to Matt and Ricky who were to deep in thought to hear anything we said or even notice Mel.

  "Nice girl.” Hope says, I look at her with a ‘You can’t be serious?’ look and she starts laughing.

  “So that really happened?” Ricky asked again looking to me and Hope.

  I had to think for a second about what he was talking about.

  “The cow thing? Yes.” I smiled, remembering. "Quite a few funny things happened." I laughed to myself.

  "Like what?" Matt asked this time.

  We told them about the two Umpa Lumpas at the supermarket and as about the two brothers and the sex doll.

  "Oh god. I wish I could have been there." Matt laughed. "It sounds so funny."

  "Maybe next time." I answer him, smiling.

  "Don’t even think about it. If you think I am being left with him again..." This earned him a slap on the back of his head which even though he grimaced, he still laughed.

  "She's back." Hope whispered into my ear.

  As if on cue she arrived at the table with a tray with our drinks on.

  "Hey guys." She still smiled at me, but thankfully paid more attention to Matt and Ricky than me.

  She placed down mine and Hope's drinks before getting to the main event.

  Unlike the first time she came this time both men were paying attention to her as she leaned forwards more than needed and gave them their drinks.

  "Hey sexy." Matt looked at her lustfully, as did Ricky.

  She whispered something to the pair leaving them both wide eyed as she walked away with a smirk and a wink.

  "Oh my..." I heard Matt say from opposite me and then "What did she say?" I asked guessing already what she said.

  "Ricky looks like he's in shock and Matt is much better." Hope whispered into my ear.

  I looked at her and grinned. "I think we might need to get her to come back and tell us what she said." I said lowly but loud enough for the two opposite us to hear.

  Both their eyes snapped to us "No, no please don't." Ricky pleaded.

  "We'll tell you just don't get ..." he paused "...'Her' back here"

  "Alright. So what's she say?" I smirked.

  "Urm...What's her name?"

  "Mel." Hope told Matt.

  His expression changed from shock in to disgust surprising me, as I thought they both loved having 'flings' and then leaving never hearing or speaking to the woman in question again.

  "Mel asked me and Ricky if we wanted to go into the back room. She said her boss was out and so we would be safe..." Matt began but then seemed to trail off.

  Hope and I laughed. "Yeah, she said that to me too. Even though I had my arm around Hope..." I look at her and smile.

  "I told her I had a girlfriend, but you two were single and would be interested... But I don't understand why you are both acting so... urm weird... I mean normally you would jump at the chance of a no strings fling?" I question them.

  Both guys glare at me, only making me more confused.

  "When my dear brother normally I would be very thankfully to you, but that would be if she didn't also tell us..."


  Home Again


  Almost a week I have been laid up in this stupid bed, but it seems like forever.

  The past couple of days I have spent either sleeping, listening to my mum go on about random stuff (but I blank most of that out), Matt and Ricky visited.

  Matt sat in the corner whining about being bored while me and Ricky spoke about what we think my other brother and Hope are doing and why their day trip turned into a long weekend.

  Heather even brought her new boyfriend to meet me.

  I was quite surprised at how down to earth he was. From what I have heard about him and his friends I expected some jerk jock type with his head up his backside. But he is actually really friendly and genuinely seems to care for my sister.

  Right now I was spending another fun filled day with my mum... Note the sarcasm.

  "Mum I'm bored. When can I go home?"

  She looked up at me with sympathy and smiled. "We'll see what the doctor says on his next check on you, alright?" she said sadly.

  "Thanks mum. Is Ricky or Matt coming today?" I ask, I mean Ricky is better than no one.

  "I'm not sure. They drove out to meet your brother and Hope..."

  I blanked the rest of what she said out.

  I may have been sick when I went through my little stalking phase.

  But I do still really like and care for her and the moment my brother splits or messes things up with her I will be right by her side looking after her and waiting until she is ready to date again, then we will be together... Or at least I hope we will.

  But right now she and Nate both seem very happy together.

  And as much as I like Hope I love my brother and am happy to finally see him in a good relationship. He even seems to of changed a bit, but in a good way.

  Now we just have to get my other brother a girlfriend, but I think that will be a little harder because he is more of a player than Nate ever was and not to mention an irritating pain in my backside.

  But then again even so I still love him and I know he cares for me too otherwise he wouldn't of worried so much when I went into hospital or visited me so much even if he was made too.


  I paused and tried to think of the right words to tell them.

  "... She told us we could have a threesome, but still that wasn't the bad part. I wouldn't have minded a threesome as long as there was no 'crossing swords'." Ricky nods in agreement.

  Nate let out a short chuckle, whilst Hope just sat waiting to hear what we had said.

  It was actually kind of cute. I can see why both my brothers are taken with her, but I am not even going to get in to that, it is already messy enough without me getting into it too.

  "So? What else did she say?" Hope said, breaking my thoughts.

  I frown as remember what the waitress said.

  Before I had a chance to tell them the devil returned with food in hand.

  Thankfully she didn't say much as she gave each of us our food.

  But before she left she made sure to tell us she would be waiting for us to finish our food so we could join her in the back room.
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  Nate and Hope both heard this too and both laughed after Mel left.

  "Come on tell us already." Nate told me as he dug into his food, as did Hope.

  "Alright but finish your food first because I don't need you showering me in spit and food. Though I wouldn't mind Hope getting spit on something of mine." I wink at her she blushes. Nate glares at me and Ricky punches my arm.

  "Ouch" I laughed and rub my arm.

  Once we had finished eating, after a few more glares from my brother and a kick under the table and a promise from me that I was only joking, Nate was happy again. But I still felt a couple of glares from him whenever I innocently glanced up and looked at Hope.

  Thankfully she just from the whole thing amusing, not taking anything I said to her seriously.

  "Come on tell us finally what she said before I call her over to tell her you are ready for her." Nate threatened.

  "OK ok ok. Just don't call her..." I took a deep breath before continuing.

  "She said she didn't mind if me and Ricky were gay and wanted to do stuff with each other too, because she was different from other women so it was ok"

  I felt like laughing at the thought, 'Me and Ricky gay? As if.’

  "What do you mean different?" Nate asked with an uncertain look.

  "I don't get it." Hope said shortly after him.

  Ricky spoke this time, for the first time since before we ate.

  "She is a she-male." He said bluntly.

  Both Nate's and Hope's mouths dropped open.

  "You mean...?" my brother asked lowly.

  I nod. "Yes a chick with a dick"

  "Really? I mean did she say that?" Hope asks this time.

  "Yes. She told us she was a woman now, but still had her man so we could take it in turns slip roasting each other." I tell them feeling a bit sick at the thought.

  Hope and Nate look at each other, exchanges a look, and then burst out laughing.

  "That is so funny" Nate exclaimed between laughs.

  "I don't know which part is more funny...ha ha ha... the he-she or the taking turns part." He laughed harder earning a constant glare from both Ricky and me.

  "Ricky, you know in all seriousness no matter what is true gay or not I will still love you and you will always be me big bro." She grinned and Nate laughed more.

  Ricky glares at his sister "Thanks for that sis, but I am not gay." He turns his glare at my annoying twin.

  "And you... it wasn't funny and if you continue to laugh whether you are my friend or my little sister boyfriend, I will knock your teeth down the back of your throat." There was a loud bang followed by Ricky exclaiming "Ouch." he began rubbing his leg.

  "Hope." He whined, "Why did you do that?"

  "Because you threatened my boyfriend." I couldn't help but laugh.


  I couldn't help but feel pride at Hope sticking up for me against her brother.

  "I love you so much Sweet pea." I whisper into her ear, placing a kiss just behind it.

  "And I you." She said back and kissed my cheek.

  Ricky continued to glare at me while Matt just smirked.

  "If you two don't want to 'Play' with Mel’ I would get going now before she notices you have finished and comes to collect the pair of you." I smirk. "Don't worry I will pay the bill and we'll see you at home in a while. We are going to visit Dean so we will probably go there first." I tell them.

  "Alright. Thank you. We will go quickly now and you can tell us the rest about your trip later." Matt grins.

  "We will meet you at the hospital." Ricky says and gets up to go but not before hugging his sister and telling her to be careful.

  The pair quickly exits the diner and drive away.

  "I swear he thinks I am going to rape you or something, the way he warns you." I only half-joke.

  "What he doesn't know is that you wouldn't have to rape me." She grins and winks.

  "Come on let’s go, before I take you right here." I warn.

  Mel soon returns and is disappointed to see the other two gone.

  But I made sure to tell her that it isn't anything against her.

  They are just very in love with each other and can't bear to have anyone else to join them.

  She thought this was sweet and told me to send her best wishes and tell them if they ever change their minds she will be waiting.

  Hope and I were surprised at how sweet she could actually be.

  Man, woman or whatever she was, she was still a nice person.

  We both left shortly afterwards.

  Hope even got a hug from Mel before we left, as did I.

  We were soon back on the road home.

  "You know that Mel hugged me before we left?" she asked.

  "Yes..." I didn't take my eyes off the road.

  "She whispered something into my ear..." She paused and chuckled. "She said even though she likes men, she likes women too and maybe me and you would like to join her another time or even just me" she laughed more.

  But I was more than shocked.

  "Really? That is so funny" I couldn't help but laugh too.

  But then I had a thought and stopped, but kept my eyes on the road "You are not going to take her... him whatever up on the offer are you? After all she is still technically a man." I tried not to sound serious even though I was.

  "That depends?" Her voice was nonchalant.

  "Depends on what?" I say shocked looking quickly back and forth between Hope and the road.

  "You know she would never love you so much I do..." and with that I started to ramble.

  I have no idea why I was so worried, I knew deep down Hope would never do that to me.

  "Nate Baby..." she leaned over and kissed my cheek "I was only messing. I just wanted to see what you would say."

  "You are mean." I pout in playfully hurt.

  "But I do like when you call me Baby." I drop the pout and smile instead.

  We both continued to tease each other until we reached my house.

  "I thought we were going to see Dean first?" Hope asks only noticing when the car stops where we were.

  "I just told Ricky that to get him out of our hair." I grin and look at Hope beside me "I thought we could maybe freshen up first and go and see him afterwards." I add.

  "Is anyone home?" She asks with an unknown look in her eyes.

  I look around and see no cars in the driveway or any open windows, meaning no one was in.

  "No, why?" I drag the last word out.

  "Well is it alright if we put my clothes in your washer/dryer and I use your shower?" She asked, unsure.

  "Hope, you don't even have to ask. My parents see you as a second daughter even before we started dating."

  "Yes, but I don't want to take advantage. It is still your house after all."

  "Is your room still the same one you used to have when you were younger?" She asks, double-checking.

  I nod but notice she isn't looking. "Yep same one" I answer after a few seconds.

  "Good, that has a huge shower" she says lowly.

  "And you would know this how?" I asked knowing I have never let her in there before.

  She reached into the shower and turned the water on to heat up before getting in.

  "Urm... When I used to stay over I may or may not use your shower when you were away or at college" she said nervously playing with her hair.

  "And what would you of done if I decided to make a surprise trip home one day and caught you in here?" I tease just as we reach the shower.

  She stopped just outside the shower and turned to face me whilst tapping her chin as if thinking.

  "I am not sure. But I am sure you probably would of just continued to watch me and not tell me until I got out." She smirks knowing.

  I opened my mouth to say no, but instead said, "I want to say no, but I can't. You are probably right" I pull my shirt over my head and walk closer to her.

  "You are just too damn sexy." I place my hands on her hips and pull her c
loser to me before capturing her lips with mine.