Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 23

  A few minutes later and Hope had gone for her shower. But not before she had passed me all her clothes, including the ones she was wearing through a small gap in the door.

  I gave her my robe so she wouldn't have to walk around naked in front of me. Whilst she was showering I opened the washer and threw the clothing inside and then set to wash and dry cycle, giving her plenty of time to shower.

  Some people might ask 'Why didn't she go home and get some fresh clothes?' the answer to that is because I at least had an ulterior motive, as I am sure does she.

  No, nothing dirty. We simply want to spend as much time together before returning to college and if we go to hers Kira will kidnap her, asking her a hundred and one questions.


  Washed and dried, I reentered Nate's bedroom dressed in the robe he had given me.

  It was big for my body, but it was better than hanging around naked. I'm not ready for that yet.

  As soon as I enter the room a notice a very clean Nate on the bed, in fresh clothes.

  "Good shower?" He asked, noticing me.

  "Yes. Did you have one too? Because if you did you could have used yours and I would have used another." I rambled sitting on the edge of the large bed.

  "It's alright Hope. Don't stress." He chuckled at my ramblings.

  "I love you so much Sweet pea." He said leaning up and pecking on my lips.

  "And I am not just saying it," more kisses "I truly mean it"

  "I love you too Nate." My voice comes out shy.

  "You know it is funny time to get shy now." He chuckles and pulls me down, so I am now laid with him.

  "Nate." I gasp in surprise.

  He laughs again so I hit his arm and push him away or at least try. Instead of moving away, he moves on top of me and straddles my waist.

  "What are you doing?" I ask, noticing the mischievous glint in his eye.

  "I was just wondering if you are still ticklish?"

  Before I had a chance to react his fingers were digging inside my sides.

  I laughed hysterically and tried to move from beneath him.

  "Nate..." I tried to speak but it was hard to breath.

  "Please Nate..." I tried again, but by this point I'm not sure who was laughing more.

  I tried to push him again. "Nate please? I can't breathe." I was still laughing, breathless and almost silently.

  Reluctantly after a minute or so of this he finally stopped and fell down beside me.

  "Oh god." He exclaimed. "I don't think I have ever laughed so much." He continued to chuckle to himself for a moment whilst we both go our breaths back.

  Looking up at the clock he whistled “Wow. We were ages.” I looked up and noticed the time.

  “Your clothes should definitely be ready. Let’s go down and get them.” He took my hand and led me downstairs.

  We headed towards the kitchen where you have to go through to get to the washer room.

  We had just entered the kitchen went a voice stopped us.

  “You sounded like you were having a lot of fun upstairs."

  All I could think is 'I guess we weren't so alone in the house...'


  Baby baby


  We had been sat at the hospital an hour already when Ricky's phone began to ring.

  After speaking to whoever was calling he hung up and looked at me with a huge grin.

  "What's with the grin?" I asked him sounding slightly ominous.

  "She's having the baby" I exclaimed happily.


  "Of course who else." He said, rolling his eyes.

  We spoke for another minute before he tried more than several times to call Hope and let her know.

  I even called Nate, but neither was answering.

  I told Ricky that I would go back to his and see if she had gone home for a nap or shower or something.

  He agreed and told me he would wait at the hospital for news.

  I left shortly afterwards. I decided to take the route that went past my house just in case.

  When I noticed the car in the drive I knew straight away I had made a good choice and pulled the car straight into the drive and bringing it to a stop.

  As soon as I stepped into the house I heard it and couldn't help but laugh to myself and wait for them to finish and come back down.

  Sometime later the sound of footsteps snapped my attention from my phone that I had been playing on while I waited.

  Walking out of the front room, I saw the pair in question enter the kitchen.

  Nate dressed, but Hope guiltily wearing his robe. This only made me smirk more.

  "You sounded like you were having a lot of fun upstairs. " I said walking up behind them with a smirk.

  Nate and Hope turned to face me.


  "Go get your clothes Sweet pea. I’ll see what he wants." Nate told me, kissing my nose and I turned and shuffled off towards the washer room to grab my now clean clothes. As I walked away I heard Nate in an annoyed tone asking his brother "What are you even doing here?"

  I didn't hear anymore after that because I closed the door to the washroom and pulled on my clean clothes wanting to get dressed ASAP now Matt was here. Thankfully the room had no windows only a few vents to let out heat from the washer and fresh air in.

  I had just finished pulling on my last item of clothing when I heard the door open to thankfully reveal only Nate.

  He gave me a sheepish grin. "You know you didn't have to get dressed in here." He tells me.

  "I know but I wasn't comfortable wandering around your house in only a robe after what just happened." I am embarrassed just at the thought.

  I brush it off and hug him "Why is he here and not with Ricky anyway?" I ask still hugging him.

  "About that..." I pulled away to see Nate rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

  "What is it?" I ask firmly.

  "When we were in the shower we missed a few calls and Matt was sent to get you..." I raised my eyebrow "Okay... Why?"

  "Apparently Kira is having the baby" He said, not looking at me.

  "Really? Now?" He nods. "Quick we have to go" I drag him out of the house and to the car where Matt is already waiting with a smirk.

  Ignoring him the best I could I jumped into the passenger side of the car, Nate in the driver’s and Matt got in Nate’s car instead of his.

  Thankfully Matt said nothing during the drive, but did smirk the whole time.

  I held Nate's hand and again pulled him along with me when we reached the hospital.

  Matt laughed from behind us. I turned and glared at him before we came to a stop at the front desk where they directed us to the mother and baby unit.

  On reaching the unit we all saw Ricky sat in the main sitting area tapping his fingers nervously.

  "Ricky." I called making his head snap up towards me.

  "Hope." He jumped up and pulled me out of Nate's arms "Where the hell have you been?"

  "I just went for a shower and to get changed before I came here." Matt let out a muffled laughing earning another punch from his brother.

  Ricky raised his eyebrow and looked between the twins "What was that about?" he asked curiously.

  "Nothing he is just a perv. You know what he's like when he hears anything to do with being naked and he starts giggling like a little girl." Nate lied and Matt's smirk dropped and turned into a glare.

  "Actually..." Matt began smirking again, but Nate cut him off.

  "Come on Matt let’s leave Hope and Ricky to have some brother-sister time, you can take me to Dean to check how he's doing." He said quickly kissing my cheek and whispering, "Sorry" in my ear, before dragging Matt away.

  But not before Matt turned around once more before exiting the room "See you Hope." He said with a smirk and a wink.

  "Idiot." I mumbled turning back to Ricky who was giving me a strange look.

  "What about Kira? Has she had the baby yet?" I quickly changed the s

  He sighed. "Not yet. I'm waiting for news. It's been ages." He pulled me to sit back down beside him. "Why does it take so long?" he groaned dropping his head in his hands making me laugh.

  "Do you really want me to explain?" I asked teasingly.

  He looked up and rolled his eyes. "Shut up." He mumbled.

  The next one and a half hour was I spent text messaging Nate, playing Candy Crush and I even messaged our parents telling them about Kira.

  To my surprise they actually replied, but not surprisingly it was one of their normal generic message back 'Send our best wishes' in reality I knew it was just a brush off. Ricky just shrugged it off when I told him. "I don't know why you even bother." He grumbled, not really feeling anything for them either way.

  Another ten minutes of boredom and a nurse finally came to speak to us.

  "Are you waiting to hear about baby 'Hayley'[2]?"

  "Yes. Has she had it yet?" Ricky jumped up.

  The nurse laughed at his eagerness and nodded "Yes. She had a cute little boy. Would you like to go see them?"

  "Yes please." I pipe in first standing up beside Ricky.

  "Alright." she smiles "But it will have to be short because she needs rest." She explains.

  She leads us to a small single room off to the side and stopped outside. "Remember not long." She reminds, we agree and head inside.

  "Oh my god" I stared in awe at my sister. Robbie and their new baby boy all cuddled together on the hospital bed. "You all look so cute together." I walked closer. "Can I see him?"

  Kira and Robbie shared a smile.

  They are such a perfect couple; they love each other so much.

  I really hope Nate and I will be like them and still love each other as much in ten years.

  "Would you like to hold him?" Kira asked.

  "Can I?" I asked wide-eyed making both Kira and Robbie laugh.


  I held out my arms as Robbie took the baby from Kira's arms and stood up.

  "Sit in the chair and I'll pass him to you" He told me, smiling down at his baby.

  I sat and he pushed me the baby. Ricky sat on the arm of the chair and looked down at him.

  "Has he got a name?" he asked.

  "Auron." Kira smiled. "Auron Hayden Hayley"

  "Aww hello Auron" I grinned. "I'm your Auntie Hope" I brush his cheek with the back of my fingers.

  "He is really cute." Ricky says lowly from beside me.

  I mumble in agreement.

  The rest of the visit consisted of me handing baby Auron to his Uncle Ricky to hold.

  I swear his expression was so funny. For the first few minutes he wore a look of panic and kept saying

  "But what if I drop him?" Over and over again.

  Kira asked me about my trip, I told her the same as I told Ricky.

  But by the end she and Robbie both were looking at me with a strange glint in their eyes.

  I thought it was strange but just brushed it off.

  Soon after that the nurse returned to do her rounds, checking both mother was all right and baby too.

  Kira started to yawn and before the nurse could say anything Ricky stood up as he no longer had the baby and said, "Yes. I know you don't have to tell us again." He grumbled making me and the nurse laugh, while Kira and Robbie wore confused expressions.

  "We are going to go now, let you two or should I say three rest. We'll see you again later." I said, giving both of them a hug and a kiss.

  Then finally giving now sleeping Auron a peck on his head before leaving the room.

  Ricky gave Kira and Auron a hug and kiss, but to all of our surprise pulled Robbie into a man hug and told him he was glad he was his sister husband.

  I swear I saw tears in the married couple’s eyes at this.

  Robbie returned the hug and said "thank you" because I think he was still too stunned to say anything else.

  After that I decided to finally go and visit Dean like I had originally planned.

  "I'll come with you." Ricky said, but I knew he just wanted to make sure I didn't get up to anything while he was gone.

  "Hello." I said knocking on the door to his hospital room and walking inside follow closely by Ricky.

  "Hope" Dean grins.

  "Hiya Sweet pea." Nate smiled getting up from his seat and hugging me, then kissing my nose.

  I swear that boy has some kind of nose fetish... Only joking... Maybe.

  "Hello Doll...Ricky" Matt smirked from the corner looking like he had just woken up.

  "Doll?" I question and he shrugs.

  "I didn't notice you there." Nate rubbed the back of his neck pulling away.

  Ricky rolled his eyes and mumbled "Whatever." Earning a few chuckles from everyone. He was soon sitting in an empty chair beside Matt.

  I sat on the bed beside Dean and hugged him.

  "So how you been? Your brain alright now?" I asked. Matt almost spat out the drink he was drinking.

  "Hope." Ricky scolded, but Dean just laughed.

  "It's ok." He told my older brother, while his two brothers just grinned.

  "I and my brain are good now, thank you Hope. You don't have to worry about me stalking or talking to steal you from my brother anymore... unless you want me too?" He grinned, further earning him a glare from Nate.

  "He is only messing Nate." I tell him off and turn back to Dean "Weren't you?" I mock glare, which he replies with a fake pout.

  "Yes... Well until he messes up again and I get a chance right?" He smirks and gives me a playful wink, and I look out of the corner of my eye at Nate who sat grinding his teeth still glaring at Dean.

  I look back to Dean who gave me a cheeky grin as if to say 'Come on, let’s mess with him'.

  I nod "Sure." I returned his grin. "If he messes up again..." I don't get to finish my sentence.

  "Okay. That's enough chatting with Dean" Nate said with jealously, picking me off the bed and sitting me on his lap on the chair.

  Matt continued to smirk almost creepily, while Ricky looked ready to pounce at any minute.

  "So mean" I heard Dean mumble. "Never let me have fun with my friends." He made me laugh.

  "It's ok Dean. We'll hang out another time." I reassure him.

  "You know there is a spare chair over there" Ricky said to me but was looking at Nate.

  I shrugged and went to get up already knowing Nate wouldn't let me.

  Nate pulled me back on his lap and told Ricky "It's all right she likes it here" Ignoring the glares he was getting.

  I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Dean. "So you think you'll be out in a few days?" I ask him.

  "Of course" he waved his hand "I can't miss my best friend’s birthday party can I?" I smiled.

  "You remembered?"

  It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Hope, I have known you since we were tiny and most of the years you have spent your birthday at my house or me and Heather would end up at yours. So why would I forget now?"

  "I guess not." I say lowly and then add, "But remember it is prince and princess style clothes and masquerade." I remind everyone and hear a couple of groans.

  "I know. It sounds fun" Dean forever smiling.

  "Are you sure you’re not gay?" Matt spoke for the first time in a while.

  "No. Shut up. You are just jealous because I look better in a tux than you. Plus I know how to be a gentleman."

  "Yes right." Matt laughs "Because stalking, talking pictures of sleeping women and trying to kidnap a woman is the way every gentleman act." He says sarcastically.

  "Well at least I have an excuse for why I was a dick. What's yours?" he growled back.

  "What the hell is that meant to mean?" Matt snapped back, his smirk finally gone.

  Dean laughed. "Let me do a bit of role playing to show the group your idea of how to be the perfect gentlemen." He said then cleared his throat.