Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 9

really happy to see you!"

  "Me too, I can't believe I missed you those few hours I was away." When he said that, I totally melted inside. We'd only just met and he already missed me, maybe he actually did like me as well.

  "Well, I missed you too." I could see a smile form in his face as I told him.

  "What are you doing out here anyway?"

  "It was kind of awkward inside as when everyone basically sat in pairs talking with each other and I just sat there quiet."

  "Oh, well I'm here now! Can I join you for a walk then?"

  "Of course you can," I said and smiled at him when we continued down the road. After a while of talking and a lot of laughing, it had managed to get even colder. Suddenly I felt his hand in mine. I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back and caught me by a big surprise when he leant forward and kissed me. He pulled out and looked at me.

  "I'm sorry, is it too early?" I leant in to kiss him back as my answer to his question. Suddenly I felt drops on my head and we both looked up. It had finally started to snow! We grabbed each other's hand and began on our way back to the restaurant.

  Elise's POV

  As I sat talking with Niall about the tour, I noticed Fatema was missing. I looked around to see if I could spot her anywhere, when she and Zayn suddenly came in the entrance and in hand. I guess they weren't the only "lovebirds" tonight as I was thinking about Liam and Anastasija earlier. We all welcomed him back, and I could see especially Fatema was happy to see him again. She had probably felt a little left out as she mostly had been alone for the last hours, but now she had gotten her smile back. They went over to get some food for Zayn, as he hadn't eaten anything since before the concert. I looked back at Niall whom was still eating on the huge menu he had ordered earlier. I laughed a little at him, he was just too cute. I couldn't believe I had finally met someone just like me, and he actually seemed to like me being myself as well.

  "So, when's the last concert before Christmas?"

  "It's the 23 December in Manchester."

  "Are you going home to see your family then?"

  "Yes, I'm leaving for Ireland late on 24th. That way I'll have one day with the boys and some days with my family. What are you doing for Christmas, are you going back to Norway again?"

  "No, I'm staying here until 3 January. I'm staying at Nathalie's house along with Anastasija!"

  "Really? Well, we're having sort of a party on the 24th, back in our apartment. Maybe you'd like to come along with the other girls?"

  "Yes, I'd love to. I'll just talk with the other girls later."

  "Great!" We both smiled at each other, I could not believe he had actually just asked me over to his apartment. I mean, it's Niall from One Direction for God's sake, I didn't really think of him like that after spending a few hours with him though. I grabbed my phone in my pocket and looked at the time. It was already past eleven, I knew we had missed our train. The last one went in only twenty minutes so we had to hurry up or else we would miss this one as well.

  "Girls!" I said to get their attention.

  "The last train leaves in less than twenty minutes! I'm sorry but we'll have to leave now." I think everyone got a little depressed that the night was already over, including me. I would love to spend more time with Niall, he was just the best thing that had happened to me in a long time and I just didn't want to let him go this fast. When the bill arrived, we all wanted to share, but the boys protested. They insisted on paying all of it, no matter how much we tried to convince them otherwise. Five minutes later, we were all packed up and ready to go. I noticed that it had started snowing and I loved it, finally it seemed like it would be a white Christmas. As the girls had their goodbyes with the others, I said goodbye to Niall. We exchanged numbers and I agreed to text him as soon I knew if I could attend the party or not. As I gave him a last hug and turned around to leave with the others, Niall grabbed my hand and turned me around. He placed his lips on mine and we shared a passionately goodnight kiss. We wore soon interrupted by the others shouting from the car.

  "I'm coming!" I shouted back. I kissed Niall one last time, told him goodnight and went towards the car. We didn't say much on our way to the train station as everyone was pretty much in their own thoughts. When we arrived at the station the train was just about to leave when we came running down the pavilion. We got on and sat down. Most of us fell asleep during the long trip, only me and Susann was awake. We talked during the entire trip, and when we finally got home around 2.30 am, we all went to sleep. I took a last look at my phone, only to notice one last message had come in.

  "Goodnight babe, hope to see you next week! xx Niall"?

  DEL 21

  Susann's POV

  The sun shined bright through the window as someone shoves the curtains aside. I slowly open my eyes to see Elise up fully clothed and ready to go out.

  "What is going on? Why are you up so early?"

  "Don't you remember what day it is?" I just looked stupidly at her and she took my point.

  "It's Friday 23'rd, remember? We're meeting the boys tonight! And by the way, it's not that early, it's already passed ten." I began to come to myself as I slowly woke up.

  "Right, I remember now. But I still don't get why we're up already?"

  "You promised we'd go shopping before our "date" with the boys, you remember that?" I stood up and spotted Anastasija slowly waking up as well.

  "What's going on Elise?!" Anastasija said, as she hadn't quite gotten the message yet. We'd stayed up pretty late last night, as none of us managed to sleep on the thought of meeting the boys again today. It had been more than a week since last time we saw them, and everyone was really excited for later. We had been texting and calling the boys all week and had decided we were all meeting up with them after their concert in Manchester tonight. We were going out on this very nice restaurant, and everyone instantly decided they had to go buy a nice dress for the evening. We both got up and got dressed simple, as we would just change later anyway. We went downstairs to get some breakfast, called Synne and Fatema and told them to meet us at the mall in thirty minutes.

  Half an hour later we were gathered at the mall, desperately trying to decide what shop we would go to first. Synne and Elise disappeared in one direction, while Fatema, Anastasija and I went in the other. After less than two hours, we had all found dresses to use and we went home to my place to get ready. We were meeting the boys at seven, my dad was driving us as it was only a fifty minutes' drive away from Cheshire.

  Two and a half hours later, we were all ready to go. Synne had put on a beautiful, short, turquoise dress with a bow in the middle and black heels. Fatema had a short, black dress with gold accessories and golden heels. Elise had a white dress with brown roman sandals. Anastasija had a red dress with ruffles and black heels. I had bought a dark purple, sequin dress with black heels. They all looked incredibly gorgeous. We went downstairs and took our places in dad's car. After about an hour, we had found our way to the restaurant, only ten minutes late. We gathered our jackets and purses, and walked out of the car to find the boys?

  DEL 22

  Harry's POV:

  It was ten minutes past time and for some reason, the boys had already started worrying that the girls wouldn't show. I went outside to check again, and noticed a black car coming around the corner. I recognized the girl sitting in the front seat, it was Susann. I smiled and turned around to get the boys outside. As they walked out of the car, I could see the other boys widening their eyes as well. The girls looked stunning, especially Susann. We walked over to welcome them and led them inside to find our table.

  "You look stunning tonight!" I looked over at Susann while telling her.

  "Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself, "she said back with a bit of banter. I loved girls with a bit of banter, playing hard to get. I looked at her again, I couldn't get over how beautiful she looked tonight.

  "This place is amazing!"

  "I know, it's incredible. Our friend Paul recommended it to
us." We found our table and took our places, I sat in between Louis and Susann. The waitress came with our menus, she seemed a little too over exited as she asked us what we wanted to drink. She had obviously noticed that we were "One Direction" and tried desperately to hide it without success. I had to laugh a little, and Susann looked over at me. I nodded towards the waitress and she put on a smile as well. After a whole fifteen minutes, we had managed to decide what to eat and the waitress instantly came over to take our order.

  "So, you are coming tomorrow right?" I asked Susann.


  "The party?"

  "Yes, I think so. I don't know if dad will be able to drive us down here though, he might me busy."

  "Oh, can't you just stay here in town for the night then?"

  "Well, we don't exactly have much money with us and I don't believe we would find any hotels this late either."

  "Right, but you're free to stay in our apartment. We've got lots of space you know!"

  "Really? Are you sure that's okay with the others?"

  "By the way things are looking, I don't believe that would be a problem," I answered and looked around the table. All of the boys seemed to have found an interest in each of the girls. Especially since I already knew Liam, Zayn and Niall had started "going out" with Anastasija, Fatema and Elise. As I shared apartment with Louis, I had also noticed he had been chatting and talking with Synne all week, so