Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 5

Fatema said frightened.

  "Yes, what's wrong?" I asked curiously, as I was 100% sure it had something to do with me as well.

  "You are not going to believe what mom just told me! I mean, it's just the worst thing that could happen."

  "Then what is it??" The tension built up as she began to speak about what her mom had just told her. As she finished talking, I just stood there not knowing what to say. I could not believe they would plan this now, even after I told my mom how much all of this meant to me.

  "Did you talk to her about the concert?"

  "Yes, I nearly begged on my knees but she refused to change her mind."

  "I can not believe this! How the hell could they plan a freakin skiing vacation on the exact week of the concert? This was a once in a life time opportunity, and we're travelling away on a freaking skitrip!! I had to change her mind ? NOW!

  "I'm calling mum!!"

  I ran back to find my phone and dialed the number to my mom. As soon as I heard her pick it up in the other end I practically screamed to her;

  "How can you do this to me?!!!"

  DEL 12

  Det er onsdag morgen. Susann sitter i bilen p? vei til flyplassen for ? m?te venninnene sine fra Norge. Hun forteller tilbake i fortid om Malin og Alette som m?tte dra p? hyttetur, og de dro i g?r (mandag). Fatema hadde derfor ingen andre ? ta med siden vi var liksom hennes bestevenner. Derfor spurte jeg om jeg kanskje kunne ta med mine venninner fra Norge, hun syns det var en fantastisk ide. Susann ringte til vennene (Anastasija og Elise) og spurte om de ville ta en tur innom London i jula. Etter mye "krangling og diskutering" med foreldrene, fikk de lov og de hadde snakket mye om det p? telefon. Fatema og Alette hadde ogs? v?rt veldig spente. Tilbake i n?tid s? m?ter hun de p? flyplassen. L?per mot dem og roper "Anastasija og Elise".

  Susann's POV

  I looked out the car window as the landscape flew by. It was so beautiful here outside London, huge fields reaching out in the distance and small lakes in-between. Even though it was nearly in the middle of December, the snow had unfortunately not arrived yet. I sort of missed Norway in that part cause it used to be snow all December there. I remembered all the snowball fights me and my friends used to have, I really hope the snow will arrive soon. I turned to my dad, who was driving the car today, to ask how far away we wore. "We'll be there in twenty minutes," he answered back. I turned back to my thoughts again, happy that we weren't far away, I always got carsick when we drove to far.

  It was Tuesday 13 December today, tomorrow was the One Direction concert and I had just gotten more and more excited through the last few days. I nearly felt like a part of the "One Direction Family" already, cause the girls had showed me every single interview and played every one of their songs and performances at least twice these last days. I had to admit it, I never thought I'd actually like them this much. Although they were all amazing, it was something about Harry that really amazed me. His personality just shined through him, and his eyes were just gorgeous. I know some of the other girls felt the exact same way, they also had their favorites. Fatema absolutely adored Zayn, I can't really blame her. They seemed to fit perfect for each other. And then there were Synne who liked Louis, and I really get why, they were like two drops of water. They both had the same awkward, but still hilarious humor.

  As I sat in the car I thought back on last Friday's events. The big shock came when Alette received the call from her mom telling her that her family had planned a ski-vacation with Malin's family through the rest of December. No matter how hard they tried to convince their parents to let them stay here, but there was no way out of it. When they left yesterday, we all promised them we'd say hello from the boys, but I could still see they were hugely disappointed to miss this chance. I know both me and the girl really wanted them to be here, but when they had to pull out of it, we still had two tickets left. Then I suddenly got up with the idea that I could invite my two best friends from Norway to come down and celebrate Christmas with us and come to the concert. I was a little nervous that Fatema might think it was a bad idea, I mean, it was her tickets and she didn't even know my friends. But when I mentioned it she agreed instantly. It was therefore decided that they would come down Tuesday, and finally the day had arrived. It had been a hard time convincing their parents to let them stay with us, but we had finally come to an agreement. They were really excited as well, and the best part? I hadn't even told them about the concert, it was my Christmas present to them and I had a slightly idea they would love it!

  "Are we there soon?" I started getting impatient, and to be honest, a little sick.

  "Yes, it's just around the corner." As I looked up in the sky I could see an airplane saying "Norwegian" getting closer and closer to the ground before it disappeared behind all the trees.

  We drove into the parking lot and I ran to the main entrance and over to the place where they would come out as soon as they had gotten their luggage. I bumped into a few people on the way, and as I got to the entrance I could see two familiar faces in-between the crowdy amount of people walking through the corridor. They spotted me and started running towards me and I ran towards them while shouting their names. I didn't care who heard it, I was just so happy to see them again?

  DEL 13

  Anastasija's POV

  As we walked out of the luggage check-in, I spotted Susann standing in the crowd. We started running towards her, that exited wore we about this vacation. I hadn't seen her in weeks, and now we were spending Christmas holiday together, how much better could it possibly get?

  "Anastasija!! Elise!!" Susann shouted as she came towards us. We all met in a group hug, shouting and talking loudly which probably caused a lot of attention. But who cared, we were all together again. The three best friends!

  Susann's POV

  As we got together and started walking towards the car, Elise and Anastasija began describing and talking about every single small detail and happenings that had occurred while I was gone. As we reached the car that was parked right outside the entrance, we all decided to sit in the back of the car, my dad had this huge van so we could all fit together easily. It felt really good just hanging out with them again, it had felt like a small part of me was missing. This was going to be the best Christmas ever! And the best part? I hadn't even told them about the biggest surprise yet, the fact that they were actually, not only going to attend a One Direction concert, but meet them afterwards aswell. I was actually a bit worried honestly, I mean, what if none of the remembered me at all? What if he didn't remember me?

  "So how is it to live here in England? I mean, it must be a dream come true?" I laughed a little, it wasn't exactly how I saw it but I know Anastasija had always wanted to study in England and was a bit jealous of me.

  "It's great! At first I didn't really think I was going to make it at all. New town, new friends, new language, you name it? But now that I've been here for a few weeks, it's amazing!"

  "How's your new friends then?" Elise asked me curiously, and Anastasija added "Are they cooler than us?" We all laughed together, I knew that I had really missed these times.

  "Of course not, no-one can beat your swag!"

  "I knew it!" She said with a quite satisfying smile. Elise looked at me and asked me again about my friends, whom I had already forgotten to answer.

  "Well, they're really cool. They're actually not too different from you guys."

  "Really? Tell!"

  "Well, we've got Synne, who's pretty much like you Anastasija. She loves to joke around and have a laugh all the time, but is also quite emotional at times. And then there's Fatema who is quite similar to Elise, you both love to have a joke, but you also like a challenge. She's a real smarty, just like you." I got a serious look back, she hated me when I called her smarty, but I knew she didn't really care cause I'd always called her that. All the way from sixth grade when she first started on our school.

  "And there is also Malin and Alette, but you probably won't meet them while you're here, as they're on
a skiing vacation!"

  "Cool! Then, what have you planned for the next days? Shopping?" Anastasija looked at me with a hopeful face, she absolutely adores shopping and fashion, and I couldn't blame her. I loved it as well, and especially her in London with all my favorite stores.

  "Well, I guess we've got some time for shopping!" A huge grin spread on her face, I could see she was really excited. She had probably promised to do all the Christmas shopping here.

  "Have you met One Direction?!" Elise suddenly busted out. Anastasija looked curiously at me as well.

  "I mean, you're in England, right?"

  "Oh, wait! That reminded me of the big surprise I told you about one the phone!"

  "Omg, I had totally forgot. What is it? Did you win in lotto or something?"

  "Haha, I wish. But no, there's something even better." I smiled which got them even more curious.

  "Just tell us! Please!!"

  "Well, you see my friend Fatema entered this competition where we could win 5 tickets to see One Direction in a concert + meet them backstage. And guess what!?"

  DEL 14

  "Well, you see my friend Fatema entered this competition where we could win 5 tickets to see One Direction in a concert + meet them backstage. And guess what!?"

  Susann's POV

  They looked at me in excitement as I was to tell them the biggest surprise they could ever