Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 6


  "Well ?. She won! And guess who I got to take with me to the concert and the meeting?"

  "OMG!!! No freaking way?? Don't tell me you're joking, it's not funny!" Elise exclaimed.

  "It's true! My two other friends who was supposed to come with us, is on vacation and I got asked to bring you."

  "Omg, I can't believe this. It's amazing! We're actually going to meet One Direction!"

  All the way home from the airport, we sat in the back seat discussing the concert that was tomorrow. I think my dad got kind of crazy over our constant screaming, but he just laughed of us. After I had gotten knowledge of One Direction he had gotten pretty much used to my constant talking about them.

  As we arrived at home, we took all our stuff into my room as I had put up two extra matrasses for them to sleep on. We sat up to midnight discussing One Direction, we decided we had to go to bed not too late, as we were taking the train into London early next morning. I had taken myself free from school the rest of the year (it was only five days left anyway), but Fatema and Synne had to be at school so they would be joining us later that day.

  Elise's POV

  We go up at 9 am next morning to get dressed and pack up our money for the trip into London. We decided to eat breakfast in London, and we took the train into London at 10 am. The travel took about 3 hours, and during the trip, we decided to drop in to Milkshake City first, and then go get some breakfast. We were all really hungry as we hadn't eaten all day. We arrived in London around 1 pm, the concert was apparently not starting until 6 pm, so we had four hours to hang out in London as we had to meet up one hour before the concert.

  "So, where are we going?"

  "Can't we go by topshop?" Anastasija proposed. It was her favorite shop and I quite liked it as well, so we decided to go by. After almost an hour in the shop, we all bought some clothes, and also went by Jack Willis which was nearby. When we finished all the shopping, the clock was already 3.30.

  "When are we meeting up with your friends?" I asked and looked over at Susann.

  "We're meeting Synne and Fatema on this Starbucks shop in an hour. Where do you guys want to go next?"

  "Mooore shopping!" Anastasija exclaimed cheerfully.

  "Noo, please.. Everything but shopping," I answered back.

  "Hmf ? fine."

  "What about taking a sightseeing trip around in London then? Should take about an hour!"

  "Yes, that sounds like a great idea! Right Anastasija?" I looked at and laughed.

  "Fine, I guess I have to agree it sound like a good idea. I probably doesn't have much more money left anyway."

  Susann's POV

  After we had gone on a sightseeing spree around London, we met up with Fatema and Synne on Starbucks. Luckily they went great together with my friends, and we had a good laugh all the way to the venue. As we reached the venue around five o'clock, there was already a long queue. I was lucky we had seats with numbers on, we wore on row 5, right next to the stage.

  In the queue we met five other girls who came all the way from France just to see them. We talked for more than half an hour, while standing in the queue. I got really good friends with two of them, Eirin and Fr?ya. They were really nice and had just recently gotten knowledge about One Direction, and just like me they had instantly fallen in love with them. There were also three other girls whom mostly talked with Synne, Fatema, Anastasija and Elise. Their names was Hannah, Marie and Karianne. They were all really nice, and Hannah and Marie had actually met the boys before aswell, on a book signing earlier this year. I wanted to tell them that I had met Harry aswell, but let it be. Just before the concert was going to start, we separated, as they were really lucky and had seats on the first row.

  Suddenly the music started playing and every single girl in the venue began screaming. After a few seconds, the boys jumped out on stage. The looked incredible, especially Harry. They opened the concert my singing One thing, continued by Moments which was one of my favorite songs by them.

  "How are you all doing to night?" Harry shouted out to the audience, and he got a screaming response.

  "Well, this next song I want to dedicate to a girl I met the other day!" For some weird reason, I felt like he was looking at me when he said it. But of course he wasn't, he didn't even know I was here. And he'd probably met hundreds of girls the last week. I threw the thought away as they began to sing What makes you beautiful which was my absolute favorite song on the album. Suddenly someone tapped me on my back. I turned around to see one of the security guards standing behind me.

  "Would you please follow after me?"

  "What? But?"

  He waved me over and I had no option but to follow him. What was happening? What had I done now?

  DEL 15

  Suddenly someone tapped me on my back. I turned around to see one of the security guards standing behind me.

  "Would you please follow after me?"

  "What? But?"

  He waved me over and I had no option but to follow him. What was happening? What had I done now?

  Susann's POV

  As i followed the security guard, none of my friends seemed to notice. They were too busy shouting and screaming over One Direction. The guard grabbed my arm as I was just standing there in full confusion. Suddenly I heard the boys beginning on the what makes you beautiful chorus for the second time in the song, and of course everyone knew what part would be next. Suddenly the guard turned me around and I found myself standing next to the stage. I looked confused around me as I slightly realized what might be happening. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand, and I found myself looking into Harry Styles' beautiful green eyes yet again. He followed me up on stage and I finally got to myself again, standing in the middle of the stage in front of more than 10?000 people. I suddenly felt terrified, but then I looked back into Harry's eyes as he began to sing the most beautiful lines I had ever heard..

  "Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell?."

  I nearly fainted while standing there, it was to be the most amazing moment of my life. Suddenly the song was over, and I heard standing applause, of course, as the boys finished by shouting random stuff out to the fans. Harry followed me off stage again, and seemingly tried to communicate with me, but at soon as we got off stage, our hand got separated and he was pushed back up there. I found my way back to the girls and they were screaming and shouting at me so loudly I couldn't even here they boys' voices anymore.

  "OMG, you were just on stage with Harry Styles!" Fatema shouted.

  "I can't believe it, you're soo lucky!" Anastasija added as the almost ran me over.

  "How was it?! Tell me! How was it?" Elise and Synne begged me.

  "I'll do it later, after the concert," I nearly had to scream myself to prevent my voice from drowning in the music.

  We continued enjoying the concert as the boys played More than this, I want, Up all night, Everything about you, Another world and surprisingly they ended the concert singing Forever young to everyone's excitement.

  After the concert, we found our way back to the security guard that had grabbed my arm earlier, and showed him the backstage passes. He directed us the right way, and before we knew it, we were standing in a room with seven other girls whom had also won a meet up with the boys. As we came in last, we obviously were to meet the boys last as well. I noticed some of the girls were a little younger than us, as well as some of them were around our age.

  It was finally announced that the boys would be in the room in about twenty minutes, after doing some important backstage filming. We all sat down to wait, and I got to know all the girls a little better as we began to discuss One Direction. There were Amalie, Tonje, Elisabeth and Marita from Wolverhampton, they had won their tickets through a radio contest. I got in really good touch with Marita as we sat down talking about literally everything. I found out she was originally from Norway as well, so we pretty m
uch communicated in our own language. Then it was Zara, Sandra and Bea who came all the way from Ireland. They had gotten their tickets from the same radio contest as Fatema, and I could see especially Bea and Fatema had a really good connection. As the guards announced that One Direction would be here in three minutes, me and Marita quickly exchanged numbers, and suddenly the management came into the room and called on Amalie, Tonje, Elisabeth and Marita. We said goodbye, as we probably wouldn't meet again right after the meeting with the boys. And then it was Zara, Sandra and Bea's turn.

  After fifteen more minutes, it was nearly our turn. I could feel myself getting all nervous about meeting them, although I didn't quite understand why. I mean, I had met most of them before anyway.

  "The rest of you can now enter to meet the boys," one of the men suddenly said. I looked nervously over at the girls, but they just seemed over exited and I didn't really get any sensible contact with them.

  Anastasija's POV

  As the guard announced it was our turn to see the boys, I started to get all fanatic. What would I say? What if I just totally blacked out? I tried to throw the thoughts away and looked over at Susann. She looked even more nervous than me, but it looked different in a way. I just couldn't out my finger on it. Suddenly, a huge black door opened in front of us and we stepped inside. The first thing that caught my eye, was five indescribable gorgeous boys looking straight at us as we