Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 7

walked further into the room?

  DEL 16

  Suddenly, a huge black door opened in front of us and we stepped inside. The first thing that caught my eye, was five indescribable gorgeous boys looking straight at us as we walked further into the room?

  Susann's POV

  We walked into the room and were greeted with a huge smile from the boys. I caught Harry's eyes as his met mine. He looked relay surprised about seeing me, but then put on his cheeky smile. Harry instantly walked over to me, and I think the girls and boys looked a little curious over at us, until Niall exclaimed..

  "Hey, you're Susann right? I remember you from the shop!"

  "Yes, you remembered my name?!" I looked surprised over at him. I would have never thought they'd actually remember my name, as I had only met them in a few minutes.

  "Of course, Harry talks about you all the time!" He said with the cheekiest smile. Harry looked over at him with a killer-look and the boys started laughing. I could see Harry getting a little red, as the boys kept embarrassing him.

  "Have you two met before?!" Anastasija wondered as she looked pretty shocked, just like the other girls.

  "Yes, we've met twice. I told the girls, but they didn't believe me.." Synne and Fatema looked at each other before getting a little embarrassed.

  "Well, how are you? I tried to talk to you when we went off stage earlier, but I didn't get the chance. You have no idea how great it is to see you backstage!"

  "I'm good! And I guess I can thank Fatema for that, she was the one who won the tickets." I looked around to see the girls chatting with the other boys. It pretty much looked like they'd all found their favorite, and I can't say their "matches" came as a big surprise. Synne was standing in the other end of the room talking to Louis, suddenly they both busted out in laughter and everyone in the room turned to them, but they just looked weird back at us and continued their conversation. And then it was Zayn and Fatema who was sitting in the couch across Niall and Elise. Right beside us was Anastasija and Liam. We all had such a great time getting to know the boys, and the time flew faster than we could imagine.

  "So, what did you think of the concert then?" Harry asked me during our conversation. We had gotten better friends in just less than the ten minutes that had gone since we came in. He was just amazing, his personality, his looks, the way he acted when he was around fans..

  "It was amazing!"

  "And what did you think of my solo then?" He chuckled lightly. My heart started beating faster as he kept moving in closer and closer.

  "It was beautiful," it wasn't anything else to say that could describe how I felt when he sung it to me. But I didn't want to sound like a crazy fangirl either, so I kept it like that.

  "So you didn't think it sounded false?"

  "What, are you joking with me?! It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," I suddenly said without thinking, and instantly stopped talking. I could feel myself getting more and more red. I guess that comment impressed him a lot, but he just started laughing calmly.

  "I really like you, you know that?" My heart started beating faster as he said that, but I didn't want to embarrass myself again, and continued acting like what he said hadn't just nearly killed me.

  "What? Why? There's nothing much to like about me .. I mean, you probably say that to all your fans.." I looked away but he grabbed my hand which forced me to look at him again.

  "No, I don't. Not like that. I mean, I really like you. There's just something different about you but I just can't figure out why. I just ? really like you." He didn't look embarrassed at all when he said that, which made me believe even more that he actually meant what he said.

  "Visit is over guys, it's time to go! Oh, and your friends and family just arrived in the greenroom area," a man entered the room and interrupted us.

  "Can't we stay a little longer?" Louis looked over at the man who was talking, I guessed it was their management.

  "No, I'm sorry but the meeting is over," he said and walked out of the room.

  "I guess I have to go then," I looked over at him a little disappointed that the meeting was already over.

  "Wait! Are you staying in London tonight?"

  "Yes, it's too far to travel home now, so we're staying at this hotel around Oxford Street."

  "Good. Well, um ? I was wondering if you and the rest of the girls might want to go out tonight, we're thinking of going to Nandos to get some food and then head over to our apartment."

  "Um, sure. I guess .. if you've got time? Aren't your family here tonight?"

  "Yes, but they're with us on the rest of the tour as well. You, I might only be able to see tonight." I smiled at Harry, and before I got to give him my final answer, he went over to talk to the other boys. He said something to them which I didn't hear and then they all nodded.

  "That's a wonderful idea babe!" Louis nearly shouted and gave Harry a hug.

  "What's so wonderful?" Elise asked back as she looked at us for answers.

  "We were wondering if you might want to hang out with us tonight? We're heading over to Nandos after talking to our family and the crew. You wanna come?" We looked at each other, and the girls seemed too excited.

  "Of course we'll come!" Anastasija said as she headed over towards Liam again.

  The boys waved us over and we all walked out of the room and in to what I believed was some sort of "backstage green-room". When we entered the room, I spotted about thirty to forty other people already in the room. Harry instantly walked over towards his mom, whom I recognized from pictures I had seen. She was really beautiful, I could see where Harry got that from. Beside her was Gemma, his big sister, and then there was another girl whom I didn't recognize. Harry gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I could already feel myself getting a little jealous, although I'd only talked to Harry for less than half an hour.

  "Hey everyone, this is Susann!" Harry brought me over to shortly meet them.

  "Susann, this is my mom Anne, my sister Gemma and my best friend from home Cathrine." They all smiled and welcomed me, although Cathrine gave me a slightly uncertain look, like she didn't trust me or something. I tried to forget about it, but for some reason I just couldn't. As Harry continued chatting with them and telling them how we first met, I surprisingly got a really good connection with Gemma as well. She was the sweetest person ever, and we talked literarily about everything. She started talking about Harry as a little kid, when he broke in and interrupted us. Through the conversation, Cathrine had basically been really quiet, although she had come with a few comments while talking to Harry. As Gemma suddenly got a phonecall, I walked over to Anastasija and Liam, to give Harry some space. By the second I left, Cathrine seemed to get out of her "shell". She laughed, talked and joked around with Harry. I was positive she didn't like me at all, I just couldn't figure out why?

  DEL 17

  Synne's POV

  After spending about half an hour with Louis' family, having a nice chat with his mom, whom was extremely nice, fangirling over the fact that we were actually heading out to Nandos with the boys and the concert, I went over to Susann who looked a little alone as she was standing in the corner of the room.

  "Hey, what are you doing alone? I thought you would stick with Harry all evening." I looked over to her, but she didn't seem too "awake" if I could call it that. She kept looking over in Harry's direction and I spotted a girl with long, red hair hanging with Harry.

  "Who's that?" I asked Susann and pointed over at the girl.

  "Oh, that's Catherine, she's one of Harry's best friends from before they got famous." She looked back at me again.

  "Then why aren't you over there with her and Harry?"

  "I thought I'd give them some space, they probably like haven't seen each other in a long time," she answered and kept looking back at them. They were laughing and seemed to have a really good time together.

  "I know you, and therefore I know that's not the case! You can trust me, tell me what's wrong."

  "Well, it's probably nothing to worry about, but I don't think Catherine likes me.."

  "What?! Is that what you're worried about?" I looked at her, and unfortunately it seemed like I had guessed right. But she seriously shouldn't care about her opinion, I mean ? who does she think she is?

  "She's one of Harry's best friends, of course I want her to like me aswell!"

  "Of course she will, just give her some time. Everyone who meets you will adore you, seriously. We just met a few weeks ago and I feel like we've known each other for years already!" I hadn't really thought of it like that earlier, but now I couldn't really imagine not knowing her. Everyone who got to know her would find her amazing, she was just that kind of person that everyone loved.

  "Now walk over there!" I literarily pushed her over and went back to Louis who was now talking to Stan, one of his closest friends. We had gotten a really good connection already, and he was even funnier in reality!

  Susann's POV

  I walked back over to Harry and Catherine, didn't really want to interrupt them as they seemed to have a good time. I was about to turn around and walk in the other direction when Harry shouted at me.

  "Hey, where did you go?"

  "I was just ... talking to Synne. It looked like you were busy so I let you have some time to talk," I said and smiled to both of them. Catherine was back to her "normal" again as soon as I came over, although she didn't look quite that angry, if I could call it that, anymore.

  "Okay then,