Read One Direction - It's Gotta Be You Page 8

but are you girls still coming with us to Nandos?"

  "Yes! If you still want us to?"

  "Of course, why wouldn't we?" He said and gave me a cheeky smile, I could not believe how he could be that gorgeous. He probably didn't even know it himself either, but that's why girls all over the world loved him, including me.

  "Are you ready to leave in like?." He checked his watch and looked over at the others. "How about if we leave in twenty minutes then? I'll just get Paul to drive us. Can you go talk to the others?" Paul was the boys guard whom followed them everywhere because of, mostly, all the girls screaming and literally jumping on them.

  "Okay, I'll let them know!" I told him and walked over to the other and told them to meet us around the main backdoor of the arena in twenty minutes?

  DEL 18

  Elise's POV

  After talking to Susann, we all decided to meet outside in twenty minutes. I had just met the only one from Niall's family who was visiting tonight, his big brother Greg. Niall's family lived in Ireland, so obviously they couldn't come down every single concert. He was really nice and had a personality just like Niall's, whom I absolutely adored. Niall and I had gotten on surprisingly well, we both had the same childish humor and loved food. As we were wrapping up our stuff, we said goodbye to Greg and went towards the backdoor where everyone was waiting, but Zayn and Fatema.

  "Where are Fatema and Zayn?"

  "We're not sure, I thought they were coming with you?" Louis answered me. The other nodded and didn't seem to know where they were either. Suddenly Anastasija pointed out behind us.

  "There's Fatema, but I can't see Zayn with her?"

  "Hey Fatema, do you know where Zayn is?" Liam asked and looked over towards Fatema for answer.

  "Well, I don't exactly know what happened, but apparently there was something really important he had to do so he left with his family. He said he might come by Nandos is he got time, but unfortunately he didn't believe he'd make it." I looked over at Fatema and could see she was a little disappointed. I understood her really well, I know I would have been if Niall had to leave.

  "I'll just text him and find out if everything is ok." Louis disappeared behind some scene curtains, and we decided to go outside to wait in the car. Luckily, another car had driven earlier to make it look like the boys had left, so there were no fans waiting outside. We entered the van, which surprisingly managed to fit all of us in it. I went to sit with Niall, Liam and Anastasija in the back, and Susann, Harry and Fatema and Synne took place in the middle. We waited only a few minutes before Louis came back out, he didn't look sad or anything, so it probably wasn't anything serious. I could see Fatema got a little happier as well. As we started driving, me and Niall began randomly chatting about food.

  "So, have you ever been to Nandos before?" I asked him, of course knowing that it was his absolute favorite restaurant.

  "Are you kidding? Of course I have, they've got the best food in the entire world!" I suddenly got really excited and I couldn't help but laugh of him. His obsession with food was seriously funny, but in another way, very cute.

  "So, what do you recommend I order then?"

  "Definitively chicken, their chicken is incredible!"

  "Well, chicken it is then!" I said and smiled to him as the car stopped. I looked out the window to see that we were already at Nandos. I looked at my phone to check the time, it was nearly 9:30, and it was getting pretty late. We walked in to find that there were luckily not too many people in the restaurant. We found ourselves a huge table in the corner and sat down. After what seemed ages, everyone had finally decided their food and the boys went to order?

  DEL 19

  Fatema's POV

  As soon as the boys had left to order, the girls began to gossip about the evening so far. Apparently Louis and Synne had really found their tone, and then there was Anastasija who could not stop talking about how perfect Liam was. Niall and Elise had also become a pretty good match, they all seemed extremely happy about the day, and I could not blame them. We'd only thought that it would be a normal concert and a short meeting, and now we were sitting at Nandos with the boys, it was pretty surreal. I noticed Susann hadn't really said much since we came here, and I jumped over to the seat next to her.

  "Hey, is something wrong?" I asked as I sat down.

  "What? Oh, no I was just thinking."

  "About what?"

  "Well, earlier when I met Harry's friends and family, I met this girl named Catherine. Apparently she's Harry's best friend and it's just that she didn't really seem to like me too much." She looked down.

  "Really? Was it the girl with the long red hair sitting next to Harry? She seemed nice enough?"

  "Yeah, it's not that. I just got a feeling that she didn't really like me being with Harry."

  "And? What's the problem? It's not like you're going out or anything, right?"

  "I know I'm just being stupid. Don't worry about it," she said and smiled. I could see that she still thought about it, I just couldn't figure out why that girl's opinion was that important to her. The weird part was that Susann never seemed to care about anyone else's opinions about her, but this time seemed like an exception.

  Anastasija's POV

  Finally the boys came back after ordering our food. Liam sat down beside me, and we instantly got on with our conversation. I didn't know why, but I liked talking to him. I sort of felt safe around him, and I had never felt this way about a guy before. And I had only met him today, and of course I was positive he didn't feel the same way. He probably goes out with a lot of fans, I guess I'm just another one in the line. The thought got me a little depressed and apparently Liam instantly noticed.

  "What's on your mind?" I didn't know if I should tell him or not. What if he would laugh of me for actually thinking that he liked me? What if he did not feel the same way at all and I would just make a joke of myself. I guess I didn't want to admit it, but it had happened a few times before. I had told boys that I liked them, and they had either made fun of me or simply ran away. I don't know if I could handle that again.

  "Nothing.." I answered and looked down at the table.

  "Stop denying it, I can see that something is bothering you." He looked me in the eyes and I literarily felt that he could see through me and into my deepest thoughts.

  "I just ? it's nothing really."

  "Are you sure? You wanna go for a walk? I bet the food won't be here in another fifteen minutes." I nodded back at him. He took my hand and we walked outside, it was a little cold but it didn't bother me too much.

  "So, can you now tell me what's wrong?" He said as we walked down the road. It was already dark outside and only the light from the street lights lit up the small road.

  "Well, okay. Don't say anything, and I know you probably don't feel the same way, but I need to get it out." He nodded as we continued walking towards a small park nearby.

  "I know that we just met today and that I probably sound really desperate when I say this, but somehow I feel really comfortable and safe when I'm with you. It's like nothing can tear me apart anymore. I know we've only known each other for a few hours, but somehow you've made me feel more alive than anyone else that I've ever known. I hope you don't think I'm silly for saying all of this, but it's true and?." I didn't get to say more before I suddenly felt his lips towards mine, and the best feeling I've ever had spread through my body. The perfect kiss ended, he looked me in the eyes and smiled. We didn't say much more after that as we walked back to the restaurant, hand in hand?

  DEL 20

  Fatema's POV

  After being away for about ten minutes, Liam and Anastasija came walking into the restaurant again, holding hands. It was obvious that something had happened outside, and it wasn't hard to guess what. As she they sat down, the food arrived and we began to eat. The food tasted amazing, something told me it wasn't the last time I was visiting this restaurant. I looked around and saw all the other girls chatting away with "their boys", while I sat here qui
etly and ate my food. I didn't really want to interrupt their conversations either, I just wished Zayn could have been here. We got on really well after meeting earlier, I really liked him and had a small feeling that he might like me a little as well. After finishing my food, the others were still talking and having a good time. I decided I wanted to take a trip outside instead of just sitting down doing nothing. I got up and Anastasija asked me where I was going. I told her I was just going for a short walk. She looked a little worried but continued along on her conversation with Liam. I turned towards the entrance, and continued outside.

  It had gotten colder since we arrived and I was freezing a little although I didn't really mind. It felt good just to get out of all the awkwardness inside of Nandos. I walked down the road, through the Nandos parking lot. Suddenly I felt two hands around my waist and quickly turned around, facing Zayn. I instantly got happier and gave him a hug.

  "Hey, you scared me! What are you doing here? I didn't think you would make it."

  "Me neither, but it took a lot shorter time than I thought it would," he told me and smiled. I was really happy to see him again, it had felt a little lonely since he'd left us earlier.

  "What were you doing anyway?"

  "Nothing big really. Since it's almost Christmas I thought I'd finish the Christmas shopping now that my family was visiting and everything."

  "I see, well at least you're here now. I'm