Read One Night With the Prince Page 17

  He walked out with much more grace then I thought he was capable of. I saw through windows I was peeking at that he paid no mind to Cade as Cade’s eyes roamed Danny’s body. I turned to Missy who was blushing.

  “Go on! Make Dem’s jaw drop.” I grab her towel and yank it off of her while pushing her towards the door. She quietly yelps and walks through. She tried to keep the blush off her face and she’s succeeding for the most part. Dem was staring at her bug eyed and in a trance. I giggled to myself and drop my towel before heading out.

  I walk out with my head held high and ignore Zach’s gaze as much as I could and sat next to my mom. She chuckled at me lowering her big dark sunglasses,

  “The three of you did that on purpose didn’t you?” She smiled. I grinned and nodded.

  “Danny’s idea.” I shrugged. I noticed Zach’s eyes on me and it made me want to laugh. I decided to make an escape to the cave, as I wanted to see it anyways. I walked over to the deep end and dived in with more grace than I thought I was capable.

  Without coming back up I swam under the waterfall and into the darkly lit cave. It had dim pool lights in the ceiling of it and there was a built in couch made of stone carved out of one wall. It seemed peaceful in here and I let out a squeak in surprise when I felt warm large hands wrap around my waist.

  “You’re too tempting Rose.” He said behind me. I gulped and turned around to face him. I could feel his warm body on mine as his skin was making me feel flushed. I backed up a little to feel more comfortable. I loved him, but wasn’t ready to be that close yet. We haven’t been together that long. Plus my Mom was right outside!

  “I don’t see how.” I breathed out. Okay I think this cave is getting a little too small in here! He chuckled but stayed where he was, respecting my silent wishes. I gulped again, feeling quite nervous but in a good way. Which was weird, I mean how is feeling nervous good?

  “You’re amazing.” He breathed out. I felt a blush heat up my face as I looked down into the water. He always knew the sweetest things to say.

  “Anna, I-I…” He was trying to tell me something but was cut short by Cade.

  “Zachias! Get out here! Father is here with Lady Jasmine.” He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, before opening them again. We were both disappointed but I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, before swimming out of the cave. Danny whistled at me before winking.

  “You get ‘em girl!” I blushed and avoided my mom’s amused gaze. She knew nothing happened. I saw J there with Jasmine, and he addressed Zach.

  “Son. Lady Jasmine here has told me on what happened. And I agree with you, as she did abandon her invitation, so she cannot participate since there is a fifteenth girl.” He finished. I wanted to smile smugly at her.

  “But I will be staying here for a little while. Just a couple of weeks, since I have flown all the way out here.” She said, looking pointedly at me. I stuck my tongue out at her. She scowled but otherwise said nothing. Zach nodded.

  “Alright, I’ll have someone prepare your room.” He agreed. I swam over to Dem and everyone else.

  “If she tries anything then Operation: Take the giant down will be under way.” I muttered. Dem looked eager, as he always is when it comes to my plans. Danny looked like he had an idea and Missy looked indifferent. Mom couldn’t care less. She knew I would never hurt her, only if she tried to hurt me.

  She looked over at us and I could see the challenge in her eyes. I narrowed min at her as if to say,

  Let the games begin.

  Chapter twenty-four


  “Hey Red!” Sydney walked up to my friends and I. I just got done with my ‘homework’ and Zach was off doing his Prince thing. Whatever that means. Homework was easy. I just watched online what they taught in class and then committed it to memory, and did the work.

  “Hey Syd! How are you?” I asked, giving her a hug. She smiled at me, and I slapped my forehead.

  “Oh! Right! Guys this is Sydney, and Sydney this is Danny and Missy.” I introduced. They all said hi.

  “So I’m well, and I found out tonight’s my night with Prince Zachias. But that’s great for you because you know I won’t try anything.” I grinned at her and hugged her again.

  “Thanks Syd. This competition is getting to me, but don’t tell Zach I said that. I don’t want him to worry.” I asked. She nodded.

  “No problem, but you really shouldn’t worry. He’s absolutely bonkers about you!” She giggled. Danny cooed.

  “You’re just so cute! I want to just pick you up and take you home with me!” I sighed and slapped his arm. Syd looked a little lost.

  “Don’t mind him, he thinks anyone with an accent is, ‘cute’ and being that you’re short like me, it adds to the effect.” I explained. She was taller than me but only by a few inches. She was going to say something when the sound of clacking heels interrupted us.

  “Well isn’t it little miss thief!” We turned around to see Jasmine. I will never add the lady part because to me she’s no lady. I scoffed at her.

  “Thief? What makes me a thief?” I asked, not getting mad. I wasn’t going to waste my breath on her if I could help it. However she’s walking on thin ice here.

  “You stole my spot in this competition!” She growled. I rolled my eyes.

  “Listen here Jazzy-”

  “It’s Lady Jasmine to you!” She interrupted.

  “Yeah, whatever Jazzy. I didn’t take anything because it was you who decided to skip, so tough luck.” I shrugged, looking at my nails. She stomped her foot.

  “I don’t care! That spot was mine!” she screeched. I covered my ears.

  “Geez! Can you tone it down banshee?! I think you popped my eardrum!” I winced. Everyone snickered, and she was fuming and got down to my face.

  “You listen here hobbit! Prince Zachias is mine! And I will not go home without that title!” She threatened. I moved so I got even closer to her face showing her I wasn’t afraid. She looked startled for a moment but then composed herself.

  “No you listen Redwood! I don’t care! I’m not after anything with Zach! He’s my boyfriend, and to me he isn’t a prince so you can take your bean pole of a body and shove it up your butt!” I yelled, because no one calls me hobbit! She was speechless, and I turned and dragged Missy and Danny with me in each arm and Syd followed.

  “You better take your street trash with you!” She called out as to get the last word. I stopped mid-step down the hallway, turning rigid. Danny who was laughing stopped short. He knew how I am when people made fun of my friends.

  “Come on Red. It isn’t worth it.” Missy whispered frantically. I could feel myself shake I was so angry, but took a deep breath.

  “No. You’re right. I won’t fight her like I want to.” I said calmly and kept walking. They looked shocked.

  “Really?” Danny asked cautiously. I shook my head smiling.

  “Nope! I’m going to get her another way.” My smile turned into an evil one and Missy grimaced.

  “You’re going to prank her aren’t you?” She asked. I looked at her with a sly glance.

  “Whatever do you mean?” I asked in false innocent voice. Danny fist pumped the air.

  “Heck yeah!” He whooped. I saw Crawford walking down the hall with a silver tray in his hands.

  “Hey Ford! Do you think I could possibly get any Lifesavers? You know those colorful candies?” I asked nicely. He nodded slowly.

  “I’m sure there is a shop in the town somewhere here that carries them.” I grinned at him and gave him a side hug. He still wasn’t used to those, but accepted them anyways. Missy gave me a look.

  “Please don’t tell me what I think those are for.” She asked. I smirked at her.

  “You mean the shower trick? Then yes.” Danny snickered,

  “Oh, this will be rich! We need to distract her! Where is that hottie Demetrius?” He asked. Missy scowled at him.

  “We are not using my boyfriend!” She huffed. My eyes bugged out.<
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  “What?!” Danny and I said at the said time. She realized her mistake.

  “Hehe oops.” She shrugged sheepishly. I took a hold of her shoulders,

  “You better start talking or I will disown you.” I gave her ‘the look’. You know the look that shows you’re not messing around. She sighs and looked at the ground.

  “Last night. He asked me.” I smacked her on the shoulder.

  “And you didn’t tell us?!” I screamed. She cringed and held up her hands in defense.

  “Sorry! It was all so quick but I really care about him.” She rubbed her shoulder where I had hit it. I blew out a big breath then smiled wide.

  “Okay then! Now all we have to do is get Cade to ask you Danny boy!” I winked at him. He blushed slightly.

  “He’s still getting used to being, ‘out’. So I’m not going to hold my breath.” I hugged his side.

  “Don’t worry. He’d be insane if he doesn’t ask you.” I reassured him. He gave me a thankful smile and we hung out for a while before Crawford came by.

  “Here are your Lifesavers Red. Do I want to know why?” He asked with a small smile.

  “You’ll find out soon enough Ford.” I winked. He chuckled and walked away.

  “Let’s knock that giant down!” I fist pumped the air. “Ooo! And let’s go get some flour, dye, and honey and glitter!”

  We headed to the kitchen while giggling and laughing the entire way. Syd was very anxious in participating in her first ‘prank’. Danny got the flour while I got the honey and food dye. Syd knew where some glitter was and so when we had everything. We went to find Dem.

  “Where do you think he is Missy?” I asked. This place was far too big! She shrugged.

  “I think he said something about helping Zachias with something in the study.” We made a U-turn and head to Zach’s ‘working’ room. I knocked and we got the go ahead, but before we entered I remembered something.

  “Crap! Danny, you stay out here and stay with the stuff. I don’t want Zach seeing this stuff.” We all pushed our stuff into his arms and he stumbled back a bit. He mumbled to himself about not being a pack mule but I ignored that comment and strolled in.

  “Hey Red!” Dem greets with a big grin. Then he sees Missy and he smiles even larger and gives her a big hug. Aw! I walk over to Zach as he’s sitting in his office chair going over whatever princes need to go over.

  “Hey, Rose. What do you need?” He asked as he grabs me around the waist and sets me on his lap. He looks tired, and worn out. I leaned in and kiss him lightly. I feel him smile against me making me happy I was making him less tired.

  “Excuse me! You are scarring poor Missy over here!” We hear Dem call out. Then I hear a loud smack and I pull away from him to see Dem rubbing his arm and Missy stood there looking satisfied.

  “Awww, did Missy abuse you?” I cooed. He stuck his tongue out at me, and I snorted. Real mature! Of course I had no room to talk. I turned back to Zach.

  “We need to borrow Dem for a little bit.” I asked. He gave me a questioning look.

  “Can I ask why?” He asked. I shook my head and stood up quickly dragging Dem by the arm out of the office.

  “Nope!” I grinned and shut the door. I hear him chuckle and I’m sure he’s shaking his head at me. Oh well! Dem stopped and saw Danny standing there with all the stuff and raises an eyebrow.

  “What’s going on?” He asks slowly. I grin at him.

  “How would you feel in playing as a distraction?” I asked. He slowly smirked.

  “Distraction meaning trouble and excitement? Sure!” He grinned. Missy shook his head at him.

  “You better not go too far with the distraction buddy.” She warned. His smile wavered.

  “Wait, what am I doing?” He asked slowly. I gave him a sly grin.

  “You my dear friend are going to make sure ‘lady’ Jasmine won’t be in her room for a little while.” I then explained what we’re doing and by the end of it he’s cracking up.

  “No way! Seriously!? That’s awesome!” He said excitedly. I pushed him down the hall.

  “Now, go! She’s in the lobby of the girl’s sleeping quarters, so you need to get her out of there and keep her away until you see one of us giving you a thumbs up.” I instructed. He nodded and ran ahead to distract the giant.

  We looked around the corner to see Dem working his magic in charming her. I looked over and I saw that Missy didn’t look happy.

  “Don’t worry Missy. He’s a kid at heart but he’s no idiot.” I encouraged. She gave me a small smile and nods. After a moment or two he gets her to leave with him, and we make our move.

  “Go, go, go!” I whispered frantically and we ran up the marble steps. Danny slipped up the steps and I smacked his back.

  “Move your butt!” I whisper. He stuck his tongue out at me.

  “Are you okay Danny? Oh yeah I’m great!” He grumbled. I rolled my eyes at him and we ran down the corridor to her room. Syd opened the door and we pile in. Her room just has white walls with a red accent. Her bed was as huge like the norm here, and I made my way to her attached bathroom.

  “Why do you need Lifesavers?” Syd whispered. I told her to follow me and I went in the shower and start to unscrew the showerhead.

  “You just unscrew the showerhead, and place one or two Lifesavers up in there then screw it back on. When she takes a shower she’ll feel fine until she’s dry and then she gets all sticky. She’ll take more showers not realizing that the water is what’s making her sticky!” I explained after I screw back on the head of it.

  “That’s amazing!” She giggled. I wiggled my eyebrows.

  “I know!” We headed back into the bedroom to see Danny pouring glitter and flour on her ceiling fan blades so when she turns it on it will cover her. I grab the honey and dye and pour it into the shampoo and conditioner bottles. The color choice? Green, because she is the green giant. Lucky for us her shampoo was already green because it was cucumber.

  “Okay let’s go! We need to get Dem away from that nasty girl!”

  We gathered our containers and wrappers and ran back down the corridor. We threw the trash away quickly and went to find Dem. After a few minutes we find the both of them in the library with her flirting with Dem heavily.

  “Hey Dem!” I grinned. Jasmine’s smile faded and her eyes narrowed at me. Dem quickly left her and hugged Missy into his side. I grabbed them both and we got out of hearing range.

  “So you guys did it?” Dem asked excitedly. I laughed and nodded.

  “Now all we have to do is wait.” I grinned evilly.

  Chapter twenty-five


  I looked over to my right to see Anna standing there smiling at me. I grinned back at her and took her hand up to my lips to kiss it. Though, she snatched it back playfully and smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow challengingly.

  “Are we being difficult?” I asked with a smile in my voice. She crossed her arms and walked up closely to me before reaching up and taking my neck to bend my head down to kiss her softly.

  “Only for you.” She said in a quiet voice her lips brushing against mine. My arms wrapped around her and I was going to lean back in when,

  “Mommy!” I heard a squeal and we both looked down the large corridor to see little feet running down the hall. A little boy was running towards us. He had my hair and the closer he got, I could see he had eyes like Anna.

  I squatted down as he ran into my arms. He looked to be around four years old, and he was covered in snot.

  “What did you do this time Charlie?” I asked accusingly. Suddenly we see a middle aged woman stalking down the hallway looking pointedly at Charlie.

  “This young man let the pigs loose from their pen!” She scowled at him. Charlie pouted.

  “It’s not my fault! The piggies told me to let them free!” He defended, puffing out his chest. The lady was going to say something when Anna interrupted.

  “Charlie, honey? Good job!” She high-fived him.
The lady’s jaw dropped and then she shook her head exasperated.

  “I should have known he’d be like his mother.” She turned and walked away. I shook my head at her and set our son down. Charlie stood by Anna petting her belly, which was now like a round ball.