Read One Night With the Prince Page 18

  “How’s little sister doing today mommy?” He asked and kissed her belly. Anna slowly bent down carefully and kissed Charlie’s nose.

  “She’s doing great little man.”

  I sat up with a start and I looked around to see I’m still in my study with a paper attached to my head. I grabbed it and set it back down on the desk. Sitting back, I thought about the dream. I didn’t want it to end. In that dream I knew Anna was mine and we had a beautiful little boy. He was naughty but cute and a baby girl on the way. A knock sounded at my door.

  “Come in.” I called out. A maid came in looking distressed.

  “Prince Zachias! Please come quick!” She said quickly. I stood up and followed her out fast. She led me towards the girls’ rooms, and I got increasingly worried something might have happened to Anna. But when I got there, even though I shouldn’t be there, I was shocked.

  Danny, Missy and Demetrius were all howling with laughter while Anna stood very close to Lady Jasmine. Who looked anything but a lady. She was covered in glitter, and some sort of white substance, while her hair has taken a greener color and she was wrapped in a towel looking furious at Anna.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked. They all looked at me and Lady Jasmine looked smugly at Anna for a moment before turning to me and bursting into tears. I probably would’ve believed her if I hadn’t seen that look she just gave to Anna a second ago.

  “Oh! Prince Zachias! This wretched girl here did this to me! She needs to be punished at once!” She cried stepping closer to me. I wanted to roll my eyes at her theatrics but kept my clam face, and turned to Anna.

  “Is this true Rose?” I asked her. She didn’t look the least bit sorry, and I wasn’t sure if I was more amused or irritated that I had to deal with Jasmine here.

  “Yes I did it.” Anna confessed. Jasmine pointed a finger at her.

  “See?! She needs to be dealt with!” She growled at her. By this time everyone has come to see what’s going on. That included my mother and father, and Anna’s mother. She took one look at the scene before her and knew Anna did it by the look on her face. I crossed my arms.

  “And what do you suppose we do?” I asked, humoring her. I gave Anna a look letting her know I wasn’t serious. Jasmine crossed her arms and tilted her nose up at her.

  “I would kick her out! She is a menace here and should not be tolerated!” She said loud enough for everyone to hear. I looked at her a little shocked even though I should have seen it coming. I went over to Anna and held her hand, turning back to Jasmine. She narrowed her eyes at our intertwined hands.

  “I can’t do that Lady Jasmine.” I said calmly. She looked beyond furious as her hands shook. I could tell by the look in her eyes if she could get away with it she’d kill Anna right where she stood.

  “The hell you can’t! She is a commoner! She is nothing but street trash! Why would you want her in your presence?!” She screeched. My blood was boiling at the things she said.

  “I will not kick her out!” I yelled. My parents stayed out of this, just watching to see what would happen and how I was handling this. Jasmine shook with rage, losing all control.

  “Why?!” She questioned furiously.

  Without thinking I blurted out, “Because I love her!”

  I heard some gasps but paid no mind to them except for Anna. I turned to her and saw her eyes wide as she stared at me. It was silent for a moment before she started to drag me away from everyone. Once we were out of hearing range she just looked at me.

  “W-What?” She asked, confused. I sighed and bent my knees to get down to her level and looked straight into her eyes and held both of her hands.

  “I love you Anna.” I spoke softly. Her lips parted as she looked at me. My heart was quickening as doubt began to seep in. Did she feel the same way? I’m such an idiot! I should have waited longer!

  “Listen Anna, I can wait-” She cut me off by kissing me urgently. My thoughts whirled as her lips made my thoughts turned into chaos. She gripped me closely and I held her to me, almost crushing her. She pulled away but only to put her forehead on mine.

  “I love you too.” She said gently. My heart took off and I’ve never been happier. I picked her up and spun her around, laughing the whole time. She was giggling and holding me tight. When I set her back down we turned to everyone.

  My parents were grinning along with Anna’s mom and friends. Demetrius was also smiling big time, but Lady Jasmine was scowling with such hatred that I was surprised flames weren’t on us right now.

  “This is ridiculous! She is not fit to be at your side!” She yelled gripping her towel close. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

  “Father, I think it’s time for Lady Jasmine to be escorted out.” I suggested.

  He nodded and Jasmine’s jaw dropped. She let out a frustrated screech and stomped her foot.

  “This is insane!” She yelled. A guard then escorted her to her room so she could get dressed and then pack up and leave. I looked over at my father and he was rubbing his chin, which meant that he was thinking.

  “You truly love her son?” He asked. I nodded instantly, not doubting my answer. Anna’s mom was tearing up but she stayed silent.

  “Well, the competition is still in play. However, I think I can bend the rules. No one else has to stay the night with you, but you still need to spend time with them out of courtesy and fairness.” He concluded nodding his head as to enforce how he liked that solution. I thought it over and liked it as well.

  Some girls looked mad but others were smiling softly at Anna and I. Anna’s mom walked up to us and looked at Anna for a moment before pulling her into her arms and hugging her tightly. When she let go she looked at me.

  “You hurt her, I’ll kick your face in.” She warned. I nodded, and she pulled me into a surprising hug. She was short like Anna so it felt like I was hugging a small child rather than a grown woman. She pulled back and wiped away a stray tear.

  “My stuff is packed. We need to go guys.” Sarah said to Danny and Missy. Anna’s shoulder sagged as she went out to hug each of them.

  “I’m going to miss you guys so much.”

  Anna started to cry and I made a move to comfort her but my mother shook her head no. I understood. She needed this time for goodbyes. Demetrius looked longingly at Missy and she got the picture as she let go of Anna and made her way to him, hugging him tightly.

  Caidius looked over at Danny and he mirrored Missy’s actions. Sarah went and hugged my mother as they built a strong friendship these last few days. Anna was holding it together but still letting a few tears escape.

  “Give Mr. Anderson hell for me.” She joked. Her friends laughed. In these last few days they had become friends of mine as well, so I said my goodbyes too and I left with Anna, Demetrius, and Caidius and walked them out. With one final wave they all piled into the limo and they drove off. Anna had her back to me so I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her setting my chin on her head.

  “I’m sorry they had to go.” I said quietly. She sighed and placed her hands on top of mine.

  “I know. It was nice to see them though. I’ll see them again in a little over a month.” She reasoned. My chest tightened a little at the thought of her leaving here.

  “You know I’m coming with you, along with Demetrius and Caidius right?” I spoke. She laughed and turned around to face me.

  “Yes, I know.” She laced her fingers on my neck and stood on her tiptoes so she could kiss me. But she still wasn’t reaching me so I bent down and helped her. She smiled against me and I couldn’t help but mimic her. She made me feel happy, like no one else could.

  “Okay, okay! Our significant other is gone, so tone down the lovey dovey stuff or I might get sick!” Demetrius gagged.

  Caidius laughed and went back inside, and Demetrius followed shortly after.

  “Say it again.” She asked. I pretended to not know what she was talking about and put a finger on my chin pretending to think.

/>   “Hmmm, I’m not sure if I know what you’re referring to. Can you give me a hint?” I teased. She narrowed her eyes at me but I could see she was fighting a smile. She leaned back up and kissed the corner of my mouth.

  “How about now?” She asked. I shook my head and she kissed the other corner.

  “Now?” I grinned and said no. She got so close that her lips were brushing against mine as she spoke.

  “Well it better be now if you ever want me closer than this.” I chuckled and kissed her hard. Too hard. Okay, not as romantic as the movies! We both broke away laughing as I rubbed my now hurting lips and teeth. She kissed my cheek with a giggle while I rolled my eyes.

  “I love you Anna Williams.” I said with a dopey smile. She griined up at me with her eyes slightly closed. She hugged my side, and started walking back inside.

  “I love you too. It’s so surreal right now.” She murmured when we walked into the lounging area. I sat down and set her in my lap.

  “How so?” I asked. She thought about it for a moment.

  “Me, coming here. Falling in love with you.” She answered. I pulled her against me as she laid her head down on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m glad you are here. Now come on, I’m sure Demetrius needs a hug right about now.” I joked. She laughed and got up with me, as we went to find our friend.

  Chapter twenty-six


  “So? How does it feel to probably be the next queen of this country?” Carol asked. I shrugged, popping a grape in my mouth as we lounge around the music room. Syd and Rachel were here as well.

  “I don’t feel anything.” They all gave me questioning glances and I elaborate, “I don’t feel anything because, I’m not thinking about that part.” Syd shook her head.

  “Why not? Sweetie it’s a very important part of all of this!” She argued. I rolled my eyes and sat up from the floor.

  “Every time I start to think about that I feel like crap. My palms start to sweat and I feel hot and flushed. To put it lightly it makes me scared like a little girl.” Carol giggles at me while Syd and Rachel just rolled their eyes.

  “Well you need to think about it, otherwise when the time does come it will hit you like a ton of bricks, and you won’t be able to manage it. Just take it slow. Ease into the idea. That way you’re not bombarded when it’s time.” Rachel suggested. I tossed another grape and caught it in my mouth before answering.

  “Yeah, I guess that’s a smart thing to do. I mean I love Zach, so I will think it over for him. But what about the media here? How are they going to take a girl no one really knows, and have them rule by Zach’s side?”

  I slightly shudder at the word ‘rule’. Having that much power does scare me to no end, but I knew Zach could help me through it.

  “Well it’s not like they don’t already know about this competition, so that won’t be a big deal. They will just have to get to know you.” I freeze at what Syd says. She saw my face and realized her mistake.

  “Oh my goodness! I completely forgot! I’m so sorry Anna!” I shook my head to stop her.

  “You mean, the media already knows about this competition?” I asked in a low slow voice. They all gulped and nodded. I stood up from the brown-carpeted floor and dusted myself off. I was angry, and a certain someone needed to explain things to me. Carol got up as well.

  “Please don’t be angry Anna!” She pleaded. I sent her a smile but I knew I still had anger in my eyes.

  “Believe me I’m not mad at you.” And with that I stalked off to find a certain lying prince. How could he?! One thing I couldn’t stand were liars and he lied to me! And not just him, the King, Queen, even Dem?! I bet the whole castle knew! Son of a biscuit! I feel so played right now! Why did he have to lie to me!?

  I mean the King was the one to say it, but I have a feeling Zach was behind it. Liars are the worst! The only time I ever lie is when I’m doing a surprise for friends, or doing pranks, but I make it blatantly obvious that I did it! Everyone here was lying to me!

  It made me angry to think about it! My dad lied to my mom and me so many times with his affair! Dang it Zach! Why did you do this?! You could’ve just told me the truth by now! I marched towards his office and didn’t bother knocking as I just barged in.

  “Anna!” Zach shouted in surprise. But when he saw my livid face and his smile was wiped clean. Dem gave me a confused face, and I pointed to him.

  “You. Out. But we are talking later!” I warned. He looked a little scared and zoomed out of there closing the door behind him. Zach stood up from his chair and was coming around to me, but I held up my hand to stop him.

  “You lied to me.” I stated, but I could hear the raw hurt in my voice. He looked confused so I explained a bit more, “About the media not knowing about all this!” I yelled. He flinched at my loud voice as I hardly ever screamed like this. He walked closer to me but I backed up.

  “Please, please understand. I know I shouldn’t have lied but I didn’t want you to just leave!” He defended. I crossed my arms shaking my head.

  “You should’ve told me! That’s no excuse! You at least should have told me when I got used to the idea! Anything would’ve been better! But you just had everyone lie to me! If you really cared about me you wouldn’t have done that!” Angry tears began to fill my eyes. My dad lied to my mother and I all the time.

  “It’s already hard for me to trust guys, and I opened myself up to you and you just lied to my face! I had to hear it from someone else!” I waved my hands in the air. He trapped me against the wall and I tried to struggle but he held me steadily.

  “I forgot! Okay? I know that’s no excuse, but Anna, I knew out of all the girls that came here, you were the one for me! And then I hear you’re not meant to be here! It was selfish, but I couldn’t let you go! I admit that I made the most selfish decision ever, and I’m sorrier than you can ever know.” He finished sounding defeated. I pushed him gently away and this time he allowed it.

  “Just give me a moment alone. I need to think.” I walked out not waiting for him to respond. I heard a crash when I was outside from his study but paid no mind. You might think I was overreacting but lying was a sensitive issue for me.

  I walked outside with hot tears threatening to spill over. Flashes of my father’s face attacked my mind, assaulting my emotions. It made me shake with anger and sadness. How many times he had smiled at me, kissing my cheek goodbye as he leaves to go on a ‘business’ trip.

  I made my way to the training yard. I headed under a tent that had punching bags, ignoring the onlookers. I didn’t put on any gloves as I start kicking the crap out of the bag with angry tears blurring my vision. The bag turns into my dad and I punch and kick with everything I have in me. My breathing starts to strain, but I don’t stop.

  After a while my dad turns into Zach and I stop mid punch, making it go back to a punching bag. I realized I’m not that angry with Zach. I’m frustrated and a bit mad but not angry with him. Just having him lie to me like that made everything that I have so carefully hid how I really feel about my dad leaving, come back to me.

  “Someone is one ticked off red head.” I hear behind me. I spun around and see Dem there with his arms crossed. I wiped away some tears and sniff.

  “What do you want?” I croaked as I nursed my now red knuckles. He shrugged himself off the pole of the tent and walked over to me and grabbed my hand gingerly, as he led me over to where there was water and ice. He grabbed a towel and poured some ice into it and gently placed it on my now throbbing hands. He sat us down and stared out into the sun filled training yard.

  “I know that wasn’t just from Zach lying to you, if it was at all.” He said after a long period of silence. I sighed and closed my eyes begging myself to drown the feelings that were resurfacing.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I murmured, staring down at my lap. He lifted my face to his, and I would have jerked away but all of this has left me feeling drained.

bsp; “Looks like you need to. It will help.” He tried to encourage me. I shook my head slowly.

  “You’re right. I’m not that mad at Zach. frustrated, yes, but not mad. He should have told me. I would have understood eventually. But when I found out he lied to me, it just brought all these feelings back to me.” I looked at him for a moment before turning my gaze out to the horizon.

  “My dad left my mom and I. He left us for some cheap young girl who could be my older sister. But that wasn’t what hurt the most. It was all those times I look back and knew he was lying straight to my face. And he did so with a smile on. Lying is a very intense subject for me, because it’s hard enough for me to trust any guys Dem, add into the fact that the guy I love and trusted lied to me, well, I felt shattered.” I sniffed, feeling like the biggest cry baby ever, but can’t help when I feel that sting of betrayal. I heard him sigh and he wraps an arm around me.