Read One Night With the Prince Page 19

  “First off, I’m sorry I went along with it. It seemed harmless at the time, but then again we didn’t know your history. I get it, you have trust issues, and I think Kia is finally starting to realize that. But don’t let this ruin what you guys have. Your father is stupid, and I wish I can punch him for you, but don’t let what he did prevent you from having something good, and real.” I looked at him and gave a breathless laugh.

  “I never knew you could be so deep Demmy. But I wasn’t going to toss in the towel on Zach and me. It was just overwhelming, and all those issues that I have buried so deep came back in full force.” I shrugged, taking the melting ice off my fingers, flexing them so they won’t be so sore later.

  “Now, you should know never to bury anything! Because it can come back to life like a zombie and eat you alive!” He joked. I laughed and pushed his side, but then gave him a hug shortly after.

  “You’re like the big brother I’ve always wanted.” I smiled against his white shirt. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

  “Yes, and you’re the annoying little sister!” I fake being hurt and push him off the bench. It was easy since he never saw it coming. He pouted and began to mock cry.

  “I’m telling Mummy!” He sobbed. I ‘awed’ and crouched down next to him as he buried his face in his hands.

  “How about we get you a cookie?” I cooed. He sniffed and looked up at me with wide eyes, before turning into a smirk. I gave him a questioning glance before he hopped up quickly and flipped me so I was on his back, and he started to give me a piggy back ride. I was laughing and hit the back of his head.

  “Put me down Dem!” He chuckled and began to jog, jostling me in the process. I didn’t know where we were going until he stopped in front of Zach’s study. He put me down and cracked open the door. I couldn’t see anything because he was in the way but he closed the door with a grimace.

  “Remind me to call a redecorator.”

  I made a pained face.

  “Is it bad?” I asked in a small guilty voice. He scratched the back of his neck.

  “No. I think he was trying the tornado look. I think he’s got that down to a tee. Let’s go find him because he wasn’t in there.” I nodded and felt a little sick. I felt bad for reacting so harshly. Even with my dad gone he has to ruin everything! We walked for a while before we get to Zach’s room. I tell Dem to go as we both heard someone was in there and I knew it was Zach. He nodded and gave me a hug of encouragement. With a deep breath I knocked.

  “Go away!” He yelled. I flinched at his hurt and angry voice. I walked in anyways and I see that the room is dark, and he is outside on his balcony. He must have heard the door open because his back was to me.

  “I said leave me alone!” He ordered. I ignore his demand and walked up beside him.

  “Zach?” I said in a quiet voice. He spins to face me looking shocked. I could see the relief and fear in his eyes. He was afraid I’d come to end things. I shook my head and hopped up on the thick railing, knowing he wouldn’t let me fall, and pulled him to me for a soft kiss.

  “I’m sorry I reacted so harshly. It really wasn’t you I was so angry at.” I said in almost a whisper, as both of us didn’t want to disturb the atmosphere. He pushed some hair out of my face.

  “No, I’m sorry for not telling you the truth from the beginning. It was selfish. But I’m curious, what caused you to be so angry, if it wasn’t me?” He asked. His eyes were full of relief knowing I wasn’t going anywhere and I still loved him. I sighed and made a gesture for him to back up. He did, and I got up to go sit in the chair and bring my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them.

  “My dad is what brought that anger on. I was always a huge daddy’s girl. Sure I love my mom to pieces but it was always my dad and I. He protected me and loved me. He would make sure there were no monsters in my room at night. He was everything to me. But then he started to go on all these ‘business’ trips. He was home less often, and it was becoming less and less frequent that we’d spend time with each other.” I stopped as I squeezed my eyes shut so I couldn’t cry. I was tired of crying today, and Zach wrapped an arm around me.

  “Every time he’d leave he’d tell me he loved me and kiss my cheek goodbye with a smile on his face. I’d call him every so often to see how his trip was going. He would tell me these stories and how he’s getting me a souvenir from wherever he was and was thinking of me constantly. But after a while he’d answer my calls less and less. Then one day after my dad has been gone for over a week, my mom and I got an envelope in the mail addressed from my dad. I eagerly ripped it open and I felt my world crumble around me.” Zach gave me a squeeze, encouraging me.

  “Inside there was a picture of him and a young blonde. They were smiling and there was just a small note. It said, ‘I’m sorry but I fell in love with someone else. I’m leaving.’ My mom was inconsolable for months because the letter arrived on their 12th anniversary. Most families get a feeling something like this would happen but my mom and I were completely blindsided. My father was the only man in my life I trusted one hundred percent. And he just tossed all that out the window without a second glance. He lied to the both of us for 6 months.”

  I finished, trying to block those memories out. Some traitor tears escaped and I hastily wiped them away, but Zach stopped my hand.

  “Don’t be afraid to cry. It’s not weakness; it shows that you’re willing to be vulnerable. I’m not going to think any less of you if you do.” He wiped away some tears with his thumb. I gave him a small smile and he gave me a gentle kiss in return. I lied down and pulled him with me so he was hovering over me. We just stayed like that looking at each other. I took my fingers and traced his face slowly, and he closed his eyes at me.

  He bent his face and kissed my eyelids then moved sluggishly to the corners of my mouth up to my ear and he stopped,

  “I love you so much Anna. I will never again lie to you.” He promised.

  “I love you too, and I’ll hold you to that.” I smiled and closed the short distance, but then heard a knock at the door in his room. I giggled at his face,

  “Come back in a little while!” He called out. I let out a surprised laugh when he made a lunge at me. I rolled to my side and jumped off the large chair running around so he wouldn’t catch me. He was laughing at my futile attempts as he backed me up against the far corner,

  “Now you’ve made me angry.” He said in a low voice, but I could see the laughter in his eyes. I heard a gagging noise,

  “And you’ve made me sick!”

  I peeked out from under Zach’s arms as they were on either side of my head up against the wall.

  “Hey Dem!” I smiled. He grinned and waved. Zach hung his head and closed his eyes in frustration,

  “Did you have to interrupt?” Zach asked turning around to face his ‘best friend.’ Dem smirked at him,

  “Of course I did. Now come on love sick puppies, it’s nearly dinner and I’m starved!” He grabbed my wrists and dragged me with him leaving Zach to trail behind us in amusement.

  Chapter twenty-seven


  I was dragging Anna behind me as I all but ran to dinner. I. Was. Hungry! She laughed at my determination, but I paid no mind. Seriously! I felt like I haven’t eaten in ages! Her laugh reminds me of Missy’s. I missed her so much! Ooo! I miss Missy! Ha! That was pretty funny. Better save that for later.

  “Come on Kia! Stop being so slow!” I said behind my shoulder. He chuckled and shook his head at my childishness. Meh! Who cares, you only live once. Anna was taking too long and I was practically dragging her so I flipped her up over my shoulder.

  “Ah! Dem! Put me down!” She yelled. Just to annoy her I sped up causing her to bounce slightly against my shoulders.

  “No can do Red! There is food ahead and your short legs were not making enough progress!” I said seriously. She’s cute being that short and all, but you can only walk so fast with those legs! She growled at me and I laughed.

; “Are we playing animals today? If you’re a tiger can I be a turtle?” I asked. She snorted, “Oh so now you’re a pig? Make up your mind Red, it’s not fair you get to keep choosing whenever.” I tisked her. She hit my back.

  “I’m not a freakin animal! Put me down or so help me I will make sure you can’t walk for a week!” She threatened. I would say those threats were funny because she’s so small and looks so unthreatening, but I have met the floor because of her, and I do not wish to meet her again, considering the floor is a cold-hearted woman! So I set her down.

  “Thanks.” She said stiffly. We were already at the dining hall so I just took both her and Kia’s hand and dragged them to our seats. I grinned at the King and the lovely Queen, and they chuckled and shook their head at me. Once everyone was here they brought the food and I dived right in!

  “Slow down Dem! You’ll hurt yourself!” Anna scolded. I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m a man. We eat like this.” I said. She gave a short laugh and pounded her chest with her fist.

  “I am woman, hear me roar!” She said in a caveman like quality. I made a funny face at her and she giggled. I loved Anna to pieces, but only as a brother. She’s like the little sister I’ve always wanted!

  “So Anna, how are you feeling since your family has left a few days ago?” The King asked. She shrugged.

  “I’m okay. I miss them like crazy. Zach’s lending me his laptop tonight so I can Skype Missy. Danny’s busy, and my mom’s working.” She explained. My ears perked up.

  “I can see Missy tonight?” I asked in a small voice. She laughed and patted my head, making my ears burn a little.

  “Yes Demmy, you can see her tonight. But give me some time with her.” She grinned. I nodded, suddenly feeling happier. I munched on some carrots as I think. Missy means so much to me, and she’s my first girlfriend since Adrina. I didn’t want to get into those memories right now though. Basically she broke my heart when I was 14. I found her making out with a stable boy here. Not the greatest sight to see.

  “Why the frowny face Dem?” I heard Anna ask quietly so she didn’t draw attention. I popped some potatoes in my mouth and grinned at her.

  “Nothing Red.” I tried to say convincingly. She rolled her eyes.

  “Yeah, okay.” She said in heavy sarcasm. I chuckled as she could always call anyone on his or her bull. She made me feel better already, and I locked that part of my life away for now. I just sat back and started thinking about Missy.

  Her long dark hair that I loved to touch. And I don’t care if that sounds creepy! She had the cutest dimples when she smiled. Or the way she laughed or giggled, that always put a smile on my face. She was just so innocent, that it was endearing. I missed her so much it hurt! But I am happy I can see and speak to her tonight thanks to Skype!

  “There’s the smile I love Dem.” Anna whispered in my ear. I looked down at her and winked.

  “Thanks to thinking about a certain friend of yours.” I smirked. She gasped like she was shocked.

  “Dem! You shouldn’t be thinking of Danny like that!” I could see the playfulness in her eyes. I fake pouted.

  “But he’s so hot!” I groaned. She tried to hold in her laughing, and her face was turning red in the process. So I kicked it up.

  “I mean with that body of his, how can you blame me for thinking sinful thoughts about him?!” I asked, appalled by the idea. That did it as she started to bust up laughing. Everyone looked questioningly at her and I sighed dramatically.

  “It’s finally happened. She’s lost it.” I shook my head in fake despair. She was still laughing and hit my arm.

  “Shut up! I have not lost it!” She defended, chuckling still. I nudged her playfully and she rolled her eyes and ate the rest of her food. I looked over towards the kitchen doors and saw a man standing there looking intently at Anna. I gave him an inquisitive look, and he turned away abruptly. Huh.

  Dinner was soon over and I hung around Anna since I wanted to be there when she talked to Missy. Anna laughed at my eagerness and shoved me.

  “Dem! Okay fine! We can both talk to her, but I warn you next time it’s me got it?” She warned. I clapped my hands together smiling goofily, and she laughed at me. Zachias was studying with the King right now. I feel for him. He hates it but knows it has to be done. Anna dragged me into her room and I jumped in the air to land on her bed with a big bounce.

  “You’re such a kid Dem.” Anna shook her head. I shrugged not feeling ashamed. I say you only live once, why not make it fun? She got out Kia’s laptop, and quickly signed on to Skype. After a few moments I saw Missy sign on. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. Yes I know corny, but true.

  “Missy!” I exclaimed, pushing Anna out of the way. She fell backwards on the bed with a huff. Missy was laughing at us, and I couldn’t help it and neither could Anna because we all began laughing. After we caught our breath I sighed and looked at my girlfriend.

  “Hey, how are you?” I asked. She blushed slightly and I wish I could reach out and touch the warmth but I couldn’t.

  “I’m okay. I miss you though.” She said quietly. Anna popped up.

  “Hey! What about me?! Your sister?!” She crossed her arms with a huff. Missy chuckled to herself.

  “Of course I do silly. But I miss you in a different way than I do Demetrius.” She answered. That was a good way to explain things. I knew Anna was only joking though. She knew this is a new relationship for the both of us. Anna fell back so she was lying down, closing her eyes. I took that as my time to talk to Missy.

  “I can’t wait to see you. Have you talked to your mother about staying here for the summer?” That was the plan for her and Danny. After they all graduated they were going to spend summer here, or longer. I hope for the latter. Missy shook her head.

  “I haven’t got the chance yet. I have all these finals that I’m studying for. Once I catch a breather I’ll ask her. Shouldn’t be a problem though. I am 18 after all.” She told me. I grinned at the thought of her being here with me. I looked over at Anna for a moment and noticed she looked pale.

  “Anna?” I asked concerned. She didn’t respond.

  “Is she okay?” Missy asked concerned as well.

  “I don’t know.”

  I shook Anna to wake her, but she didn’t respond and her skin felt cold. There was a slight sheen to her forehead indicating she was sweating slightly. I began to feel scared so I grabbed my phone and called the doctor quick.

  “Hey Doc! Please get to Anna’s room quickly! I don’t know what’s wrong! She feels cold and she is sweating slightly and she’s not responding!” I said hurriedly. I heard Missy gasp and I saw her tear up.

  “I’m on my way. Check to see if she’s breathing.” Doc instructed. I leaned in to look and listen to see if she was. Thankfully she was but it was a bit labored.

  “It’s labored.” I said. He told me to hang in there and he’ll be here soon. Missy was crying and I wish I could console her but Anna needed me more. I bent over her to take a closer look. Her eyelids were a blue, purplish color that made her look paler.

  Her breathing was shallow and then her face contorted in pain and she whimpered. My heart broke at the sight and I shifted her so I was holding her upper half in my lap. I stroked her cold face feeling helpless as I covered her in a blanket hoping it would warm her up.

  “What’s going on?!” Missy asked. I forgot she was there for a moment.

  “Missy I don’t know. Anna is sick, I will let you know when I know something.” I said goodbye and logged off. She understood, but demanded that I call her with news. The door burst open and Zach stood there out of breath. How did he know? He saw Anna in my arms and his face broke.

  “Did you call the doctor?” He asked brokenly. I nodded silently and he took my place. Anna was groaning every so often in pain and every time it twisted my heart. She really was like a sister to me.

  “How did you know?” I asked. His hand went to his pocket and handed me a crumpled note.
Curiously I opened it.

  Your girl should not be here. Consider this a warning if you continue with this foolishness. Next time I will not be so considerate. Get rid of her or I’ll do it for you, although I doubt it’s a way you would like. I’d go and see what I mean.

  Anger coursed through me as I re-read the note. How can someone do this to Anna?! She was so sweet and funny, and all around a good girl when she wasn’t trying to embarrass you. The doctor came in quickly with a nurse. He ran over to us and did a look over.

  “I believe she was poisoned Doctor.” Zachias murmured stroking Anna’s hair. Doc nodded.

  “It seems you may be right. I’ll need to take a quick blood sample to see what we’re dealing with. More than likely she’ll need to ride it out. I’ll give her some Penicillin to help her ward it off better.” He took out a shot and stuck it in her arm. She was shivering and Zachias held her tighter. I was so worried right now that I felt a little sick. The Doc took a blood sample and stood up.