Read Paint My Heart the Color of Cherub Page 4

  She then proceeded explaining where John went: “There is a moon that orbits the planet Jupiter. In the future, centuries from now, it will be used as a prison colony. He is there, to endure his own corrupt kind forever, or until he repents. Childeric, please remember what you have seen, and treat the people as your equal, and there will never be a throne in France where your descendants do not sit on. Arturius, my ancestor will always be your ally in your time of need.”

  Anthony added: “We must take our leave of absents now.”

  Chapter 8 Fine Tune History

  We took our next trip to Jekyll Island In October of 1907, overlooking the Morgan estate. I asked Anthony, “shouldn't this had never happened?” Anthony replied: “The forces of evil are always at work. Today, we stop a meeting that will cause many wars for a century...funded by U.S. Taxpayers against their will. The United States were formed this time, not to leave English rule, but because Cynthia Barlow Castus decreed that every new English settlement must be independent from England. The gift of prophecy runs strong in Michelle's family. On May 4th, 1776, Benjamin Franklin, and all of the founders from your original history, requested to be an independent Nation. I was Benjamin Franklin, and Cynthia

  knew this. She immediately withdrew her troops, and told me that she needed to pray. I, being an angel, agreed. On July 3rd, 1776, Cynthia met with us all in Pennsylvania, as it was common for the Castus royalty to meet in person on their own shores, and on July 4th, 1776 she signed Our Declaration of Independents.

  The Castus family was known for keeping the banking cartels out of England, so they had to base all of their corporations in the middle east and Africa. Angered they could not penetrate the United States, They attempted to cause a civil war. England and France sent over some Scholars in the field of economics, and a compromise between the North and the South was reached. The South has a surplus of iron and copper ore, so they started putting all criminal convicts to work in mines, and in the fields working their crops, then since the labor was free, they were able to sell their crops and ores cheaper, but make a fortune. Abraham Lincoln never was murdered by John Wilkes Booth, and in fact, it was William Seward who suggested to John, that he speaks to England and France. Because of his heroic efforts, he became the 18th president of the United States. Angered that they had lost, they are having a meeting at the Morgan Estate to decide how to cause more chaos, so they may establish one of their corrupt banking systems in the United States. They shall fail, for Today

  they will cease to exist.”

  At that, a huge ball of ionized gas shot from the ship, and hit the residence. We all watched as the entire estate was vaporized right in front of us. There was no screaming, no noise, or commotion. All of those evil people just ceased to exist. Several prophets of god pleaded with them to repent, and they would not. Now they burn in Hell forever, never to hurt another mortal again. All of us stood silent far a fallen foe. Michelle broke the silence: “As a result of our actions today, many of the wars never happen. World War 1 and 2 are prevented. A short time before World War 1 originally happened DEC. 24th, 1911, England aided Germany in their finances. In those days, Margot Barlow Castus ruled England. She was kneeling in a church one morning, at the alter, when she received this instruction from angels of the lord: “Go send Germany several of our councilors to figure out where their greatest strength lies, then have them report to you what financial aid would be necessary to get them productive again. You are NOT to ask anything in return. This is a gift, not a loan.” Margot obediently fulfilled the task that was asked of her. She was better than her word. To this day, if a person says the word “generosity”, Margot's name always comes up. She lived a total of 118 years. At the age of 65, she turned over the crown to her son, Joseph in the year of 1932. She also funded A man named Adolf Hitler (At the promptings of two Angels of the Lord) to help him fulfill his dream of becoming an artist and poet. He even created several works of art for the Queen, which are hung in the south wing of the castle even today.

  Gerald Barlow Castus was bestowed the crown on his birthday in 1952. He ruled until October 20th 1983. That was the date I took the crown. It was my 18th birthday. I was known as the wisest and most gifted of my family. Gerald, My father, while holding hands with an American he married named Lena, (They were introduced by two Angels of the Lord) explained to me these things. I'll never forget what he told me:

  “Michelle, you have grown in wisdom beyond any of our family line. We have this letter. It was written by the first king in our family line, Arturius Castus. The letter reads as follows: 'On the date of October 20th, 1983 decree a lady in my line named Michelle Barlow Castus to be the final and last ruler of England and all of our territories. She will be the greatest, most powerful ruler in my line. Though she has a human birthright, she is an Angel of the living God. Her rein will be until the end. This decree can never be changed, or altered. On the day she takes the crown, she is to hold my sword, Excalibur, and announce that it is a symbol of peace. No mortal may touch my sword. This ends my decree.' They then led me up to a tower, which I had never been allowed in, we climbed the steps, and when we reached the top, I saw it had an opening in the roof. On a long pedestal laid his sword. Although the blade was made of carbonated steel, it had the appearance of gold. It was so beautiful to look at. It had remained untouched for centuries, and looked brand new, as if it had been forged just today. My father shook his head yes to me, and I approached the sword. I placed my hand close to the hilt, as I prayed that I would be found worthy. Sparks emanated from the handle, into my hands, and the sword pulled itself into my hand. Although appeared heavy, it had no weight. As I held it, I could feel something like static, and it flowed through me. We descended the stairs, walked outside where The people were awaiting my coronation. There were thousands of people gathered around, and the event was being televised, all over the world. That day, England had started constructing the worlds first vortex powered star ship, using technology borrowed from Extra-terrestrials that landed in England. They spoke of several countries their people (and others) had crashed, and wanted us to demand they be given to England. My father asked me what we should do. All of my siblings and I huddled together, and we brainstormed. Finally, My brother Michael said we should help them. The rest of us agreed, and we gave my father, the King, our answer. He also agreed, and the countries together gave us what had crashed, and the (altogether) 85 survivors. They were many species, and a lot of them looked human. They all requested to help us build a star ship, and our own vortex generator. I held up the sword, and I said “Behold, this sword Excalibur is an Immortal symbol (as am I) of an everlasting peace, as was Our ancestor (Arturius's) wish.” After saying this, I felt a stream of power flowing through me, and Excalibur, that shot up into the vacuum of space. This lighted up the entire heavens to the point of making our nights like day for a total of 72 hours. I and the people all over the world heard the voice of God, announcing the light is an everlasting covenant, to Michelle Barlow Kohlmayer, the last Queen of England.”

  Chapter 9 Anthony Kohlmayer

  On the date of June 4th 1990, I met a man in my travels to The United States. He was constructing a Tesla planetary magnetic field re-generator. It re-boots the Earths magnetic field so we can utilize all of our para-physical gifts. My family had been funding him for a while. Occasionally, he would come to England to help us with the star ships. As the Queen, I had to check his progress. He was about to resonate a powerful magnetic field in a large chunk of Quartz. He had it all hooked up to a large toggle-switch, which he had his hand on preparing to pull it down. Their was a separate table close by with light items lying on it. There was, however one heavy item, an anvil. I wondered what the anvil was for. When he pulled the switch, I heard a continual crackling of high voltage current, which flowed through a giant chunk of natural crystal. Anthony then began to look at one of the light items on the table. It was a sowing needle
. I witnessed it rising, by means of an unseen force. Then it slowly dropped to the table again. I realized I was witnessing telekinesis, or moving objects by the force of the mind. He then focused on the anvil. Same results. He then placed his hand on the ground, concentrated, and stood back up. Looking at me, he turned the switch off. He then looked again at the anvil, and it began to rise again above 2 inches above the table. When he placed the anvil back on the table, he walked toward me and said: “Please, take my hands and close your eyes.” I did as Anthony bidded me, and kept my eyes shut until he told me to open them. I felt a peculiar feeling of suddenly being weightless, and when I finally opened my eyes, I saw that we were in space, looking down on the Earth, from above. I asked him how we are breathing, and he replied: “With my mind, I created a large bubble of air around us, so we could breath. You can do these things, also.” I concentrated, and let go of Anthony's hands. “I'M FLYING ON MY OWN!” I exclaimed. Anthony spoke again: “Check my molecular and cellular structure.” I looked at him, concentrated, and I saw Bromine in his DNA. I then looked at my hands. I too, had this. I thought, “Are we alike, you and I?” I heard Anthony's voice in my mind, “Yes, we are both Angels of the Living God.” Still floating in space, I turned to him, and our eyes locked gaze to each other. We reached out both hands, and we both placed them on the each others. At that point, I saw The entire history, the and every reality that exists. I knew we had to visit Asaaunaau in about a decade, so we can fulfill this new, good reality. Upon finishing this telepathic exchange of knowledge, we flew to his parents house, so I may make known my intentions to date their son. I could not help hoping that they deemed me worthy to be their daughter in law. Anthony looked at me and laughed, saying, “I heard that!” We both laughed. Upon arriving at his father's house, Anthony introduced me to his parents. All they could do is say, “Michelle Barlow Castus? The Queen of England? Oh Heavens, so it is.” Rudi hit Anthony on the shoulder, and winked, and said “Du Hund!” (German for “YOU DOG!”) Then we sat together on their back patio on a park table, and had a large dinner together. Rudi, a master chef from Germany, Prepared this with Gayle, his wife, proclaiming, “The Queen deserves the very best!” In this new reality, it was normal for royalty to be among the “common folk” so, no one asked any questions. We dated for 8 years, and on December 4th, 1998, We were married, and I retained my name, with Kohlmayer added with Anthony's blessing. In the year of 2016, we left Earth to go to Asaaunaau, so we could fulfill this new, good, wonderful history.” When Michelle finished telling us the changes in history, we took another portal to Asaaunaau.

  Chapter 10 Sherry's Knowledge

  When they returned to Asaaunaau they proceeded to the library and Anthony introduced Jessica to one of the attendants saying “This is my friend Kleeog. he is responsible for directing people in the area of history. This planet has a detailed history of every civilization in the universe.” Jessica asked the attendant “exactly how many civilizations are there?” Kleeog replied “let me show you” he then held out his hand in the air swept it in an arch from the right to the left, and a holographic screen appeared in front of them. It projected a map if the entire universe he pointed and said “here you will notice all of the planets with sentient life are highlighted in red.”

  Jessica exclaimed, BUT HOW MANY ARE THERE?! No sooner than she finished the last word, a large blue number appeared in the picture showing the actual numbers. Upon seeing this she said that is A LOT of people! Kleeog responded with yes, you cannot count all the zeros, because the numbers would be too high. At this statement Jessica replied ohhh, I understand. After that, Anthony, Michelle, Michael, Jessica and Sherrie exited the library. Anthony said to his fellow travelers, would you like to see some of our parks?

  They shook their heads yes as they were taking in the scenery around them. Huge star ships were floating above the city, motionless in the sky. They must be high up, because some buildings were hundreds of miles high. Some buildings shapes were like pawns from a chess board, and appeared to be composed of gold, silver and diamond. There was a huge round structure in the center of the city, floating in the air, in a shape of a torus. A passing alien perceived their thoughts and remarked: “That is the gathering place of the Nomads (or Cherubs) known as the Great Council.” At that, they were ready to go.

  A vortex opened and they proceeded through it, to a beautiful large waterfall. Jessica looked down, noting that she could not see a bottom to it. Then her attention was turned to the sky, of the gaseous giant planet, and the moons. She then realized they were on the same world, only a different location.

  Anthony knew her thoughts and announced proudly: “Very good, Jessica, you were able to figure out what planet we are on by the appearance of the sky. It is a gift that is shared by all my descendants. Soon you will learn to fine tune them, and eventually be able to tell your location by the position of the stars and constellations.” Jessica looked at her father and said: “Dad, It's like you have every star and planet named and numbered.” He put his hand lightly on her shoulder. Jessica could somehow feel every particle in the universe vibrating and other motions too. She perceived the revolutions of the planets, stars, moons and galaxies, around their respective centers of gravity. For a short period, time became meaningless, and she suddenly realized she just was given a glimpse into eternity. Sherrie stated, in a matter-of-factually tone, “I still am not used to being able to feel all things in the universe.” Anthony answered, “You will get accustomed in time, my child.” Sherrie did not hear, her deep thoughts were immersed, extensively in the past.

  She was thinking of the day that changed her life forever. Her and her husband, Travis, were preparing lunch. She was off work that day, and her, Travis (also off work) and Bradly were trying to have family time. They thought it was an ordinary day, perfect weather to grill out. Everything was still and quite, and the sun was giving it's light generously to the residence on the Earth below. It had been a week since her mother and fathers death, in the explosion of one of Anthony's projects. Somehow, Sherrie knew that sooner or later her fathers experiments would get them killed, and now she was two parents less than before. She thought she'd never get over the loss. They left her a substantial inheritance, so getting by was easier than before. She walked outside to smoke. Before she get outside the door, her cell phone rang, and although he normally didn't, Bradly answered the phone, saying, “Hi, Moms house!” Sherrie just watched. Right before her eyes, for the first time in a week, a huge smile broke out on his face and he joyfully exclaimed, “GRAMPA!” He then calmly (While smirking) handed the phone to Sherrie, and said, “It's for you.” Sherrie took the phone and prepared to give the caller a screaming for playing such a cruel prank. Before she could begin her discourse, a familiar voice said “Angels here on Earth. It's really me....Grasshopper.” She, for the first time in her life could only mumble the single word “OK.” the voice on the line then made a request: “May we enter through a door?” Again Sherry could only say “OK”. No sooner than she finished, a light more luminescent and intense than anything she ever beheld brightened the inside of her living room, A light in the shape of a triangle. She dropped her phone, and used her arms to shield her eyes. As swift as is came, the light was gone, and in it's place were two human figures Sherries eyes were straining to make out. When everyone eyes were adjusted, there sitting comfortably on her sofa were Anthony and Michelle, as if nothing was wrong. “Please, everyone take a seat.” Michelle said, inviting Sherry to sit on her own couch. “Turn on the TV, please, an important story is about to be covered by the news.”

  Silently, Sherrie pressed the power button on her remote and the TV flickered on. A story was being covered by every station on cable. Videos that were taken by 300 plus people, from different phones were being played of a hotel where the bilderberg conference was being held. Sherrie was about to say in aloud voice, “SO WHAT!” but before she could, the slow motion video revealed a sphere of ionized pl
asma hitting the hotel, and suddenly, the building and the people inside vanished. Soberly, Sherrie took a breath and said, “That was you, wasn't it?”

  “Yes” came the reply. “The most powerful of the corrupt, gone forever” Anthony continued. “Everywhere on this planet, the corrupt are meeting the same fate. Now, take heed, come and follow us.” Immediately, the bright light came again, and all five of them proceeded through it.

  They emerged in Blanchester Ohio close to the shop owned by a close friend. As they approached, there was blinding lights flashing inside. “There, our current destination.” Anthony pointed and proclaimed. Obediently, the three followed Michelle and Anthony into the shop. Anthony continued, “Hold hands and pray.” Sherry blurted, “OH MY GOD, THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!” She saw a large demon, shooting fire at Eliza Penny. She then began following Anthony's instructions. Anthony and Michelle were already standing between the Demon and Eliza. Anthony then says, boldly, “This mortal is under the protection of Jesus Christ, and us.”